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Любовные романы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 13626—13650 из 14144.

  • She’s Got Balls
  • Watts Mia
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • What do you do with a "wife" who is more man than you can handle?The FBI and local law enforcement are attempting a mutually beneficial crime stopping partnership. Rookie Agent Chris Tarpington and Detective Vin Pilk team up to prototype the new alliance. How better to bust a ring of drug dealing suburban house wives than to go undercover-way undercover, as a married couple.Though Chris reluctantly gets in touch with his feminine side, he quickly finds ways of making his sexy partner squirm. And Vin is definitely squirming, but will he run toward or away from his faux wife? As the investigation heats up, inter-agency cooperation takes on a whole new meaning.

  • Sherbrooke Twins
  • Coulter Catherine
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • When the family ghost, the Virgin Bride, warns Alexandra Sherbrooke that her husband is in danger, Douglas takes the prediction with a grain of salt. But when he is shot and wounded and then is warned by the Duke of Wellington himself that someone from his past is bent on revenge, everyone, including twin sons James and Jason, gets into the act. A pair of identical twins worthy of the Sherbrooke legacy (The Bride of Sherbrooke); a plucky, outspoken, but charmingly na ve heroine who leads James on a merry chase; and a plot with more than one unexpected twist result in the kind of lively, sensual, danger-filled adventure that fans of Coulter's historicals have come to expect. The best-selling author of both historical romance and contemporary romantic suspense, Coulter lives in the San Francisco area.

  • Shooting Starr
  • Creighton Kathleen
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • The gun trained on his chest left him with no choice… Turning Caitlyn in to the police was the right thing to do, the law-abiding thing. So why did it have to hurt so bad…and cost her so much?Caitlyn Brown had never expected C. J. Starr to walk back into her life after all they'd endured. Never imagined she'd draw strength from his voice, the memory of his smile, the gentle touch of his hand. She could allow him to protect her from a danger she could no longer see, but she could never forget that he'd sworn to uphold the law, and – as long as there were innocent victims in need of her help – that she had vowed to break it.

  • Shopaholic and Baby
  • Kinsella Sophie
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Becky’s life is blooming! She's working at London’s newest fashion store, The Look, house-hunting with husband Luke (her secret wish is a Shoe Room)… and she’s pregnant! She couldn’t be more overjoyed — especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery… to the latest, coolest pram… to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician. But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke’s glamorous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky’s perfect world starts to crumble. She’s shopping for two… but are there three in her marriage?

  • Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
  • Kinsella Sophie
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • “This expensive, glossy world is where I’ve been headed all along. Limos and flowers; waxed eyebrows and designer clothes from Barneys. These are my people; this is where I'm meant to be.” — Becky BloomwoodUniversally beloved by readers, Sophie Kinsella’s national bestseller, Confessions of a Shopaholic, introduced the irrepressible one-woman shopping phenomenon, Becky Bloomwood. Now, in this hilarious follow-up, Becky and her credit cards are headed across the Atlantic….With her shopping excesses (somewhat) in check and her career as a TV financial guru thriving, Becky’s biggest problem seems to be tearing her entrepreneur ...

  • Shopaholic ties the knot
  • Kinsella Sophie
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Rebecca Bloomwood has the dream job. She's a personal shopper, so is able to spend other people’s money all day instead of her own. And she gets paid for doing it. The perfect job, the perfect man — gorgeous Luke Brandon — and now… the perfect wedding. Yes, Luke has proposed and wedding bells are in sight. No excuses are needed to start the shopping trip of all time. And Becky’s parents are just assuming that the wedding will be at home — a marquee in the garden and Becky in her mum’s wedding dress, which she’s been saving specially for the occasion. But Luke’s mother has very different ideas — a huge affair in New York in a forest glade setting — or perhaps a Venetian Ball, or a fin de siecle extravagance? Now Becky’s getting confused. She doesn't want to say ‘no’ to anyone. The plans are going ahead, and soon it will be too late to turn back — from either wedding…

  • Siempre te Esperar?
  • Mallery Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Ella hab?a encontrado el trabajo perfecto para ?l… convertirse en el pap? de su futuro hijo…Despu?s de una desastrosa relaci?n que la hab?a dejado embarazada y sola, Hannah Bingham supo que deb?a regresar a Merlyn County; aunque eso significara tener que enfrentarse a su familia y explicar los errores que hab?a cometido. Con lo que no hab?a contado era con la presencia de Eric Mendoza, su amor de juventud, que se hab?a convertido en un hombre peligrosamente guapo… y entregado a su carrera. Por mucho que dijera que su profesi?n lo era todo para ?l, Hannah sab?a que deseaba tener un hogar y una familia…

  • Simon dice: M?a
  • Sinclair Cherise
  • Жанр: Эротика
  • Rona McGregor es mayor, inteligente, independiente… y una dulce sumisa.Reci?n divorciada, quiere liberarse, decide que es hora de explorar las fantas?as que ha alimentado a trav?s de un matrimonio largo y tedioso con un hombre cuya idea de sexo escandaloso era dejar las luces encendidas. En la parte superior de su lista de fantas?as est? conocer Dark Haven, el club de BDSM[1], pero ella no est? preparada para el poderoso efecto de un Dom[2].Cuando el Maestro Simon, uno de los m?s populares en Dark Haven, toma el control y le ...

  • Simplemente perfecto
  • Mallery Susan
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Cuando la mejor amiga de Pia O’Brian muri?, ?sta esperaba heredar a su querido gato, pero, en lugar de eso, Crystal le dej? tres embriones congelados. Pia no cre?a que estuviera preparada para la maternidad. Sin embargo, dispuesta a cumplir el sue?o de su amiga, decidi? convertirse en madre soltera… y ese mismo d?a conoci? a un hombre guap?simo y sexy.Ra?l Moreno, un famoso ex jugador de f?tbol americano que se hab?a criado en una casa de acogida, era ahora m?s rico de lo que podr?a haber imaginado nunca y dirig?a un campamento para los ni?os necesitados de Fool’s Gold. Aunque despu?s de su ?ltima relaci?n hab?a decidido olvidarse de las mujeres, no pod?a sacarse de la cabeza a la dulce y sexy Pia… y le propuso un descabellado plan.