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Фантастика » Научная фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 21576—21600 из 24208.
  • Exiled from Earth
  • Бова Бен
  • Computer engineer Lou Christopher’s life falls apart when the World Government decrees that the project he is working on is too dangerous to continue. Thus, he and thousands of other scientists and their families are sentenced to permanent exile from Earth on a space station. But Lou and several others decide to escape—by converting the space station into a starship setting off for the interstellar journey.

  • Exiles at the Well of Souls
  • Chalker Jack
  • Antor Trellig, head of a ruthless interstellar syndicate, had seized a super computer with godlike powers, which could make him omnipotent. The Council offered master criminal Mavra Chang any reward if she stopped Trellig—and horrible, lingering death if she failed. But neither Trellig nor Mavra had taken the Well World into consideration. Built by the ancient Markovians, the Well World controlled the design of the cosmos. When the opponents were drawn across space to the mysterious planet, they found themselves in new alien bodies, and in the middle of a battle where strange races fought desperately, with the control of all the Universe as the prize.

  • Existence
  • Brin David
  • Billions of planets may be ripe for life, even intelligence. So where is Everybody? Do civilizations make the same fatal mistakes, over and over? Might we be the first to cross the mine-field, evading every trap to learn the secret of Existence?Astronaut Gerald Livingstone grabs a crystal lump of floating space debris. Little does he suspect it's an alien artifact, sent across the vast, interstellar gulf, bearing a message."Join us!" – it proclaims. What does the enticing invitation mean? To enroll in a great federation of free races?Only then, what of rumors that this ...

  • Exponential Apocalypse
  • Gumeny Eirik
  • There had been twenty-two apocalypses to date. There were now four distinct variations of humanity roaming the earth — six, if you counted the undead. It had been suggested that there really should have been a new word to describe “the end of everything forever,” but most people had stopped noticing, much less caring, after the tally hit double digits. Not to mention the failure of “forever” in living up to its potential. The last apocalypse wasn’t even considered a cataclysm by most major governments. It was just a Thursday. is the tender, heart-stirring tale of crappy jobs, a slacker cult, an alcoholic Aztec god, reconstituted world leaders, werewolves, robots, and the shenanigans of multiple persons living after the twentieth-aught end of the world. Fast-paced, frenetic, funny, and frequently fond of other f-words, is the only book that will have you looking forward to the end of the world.

  • Eще раз о XXI веке
  • Стругацкий Борис
  • "Общественное мнение навязало писателям-фантастам образ этаких пророков, якобы знающих будущее. С одной стороны, это меня всегда раздражало, ибо такой подход сужает реальные возможности фантастики, искажает ее суть и вдобавок как бы обязывает ее заниматься тем, на что она вовсе не способна. Но, с другой стороны, такое мнение о фантастах не лишено известных оснований, потому что вряд ли в мире есть еще люди, которые с таким удовольствием, так систематически и, главное, почти профессионально размышляют о будущем..." Борис Стругацкий

  • Face aux feux du Soleil
  • Asimov Isaac
  • Nous connaissons d?j? Elijah Baley et Daneel R. Olivaw qui men?rent une difficile enqu?te dans .C’est d?sormais sur la lointaine plan?te Solaria qu’ils vont devoir exercer leur talent. Sur ce monde, les hommes n’acceptent plus de se rencontrer physiquement mais se « visionnent » gr?ce ? des projections t?l?vis?es.Or, un meurtre a ?t? commis, un meurtre apparemment impossible puisque aucun Solarien n’aurait eu la force nerveuse suffisante pour s’approcher d’un de ses compatriotes. Qui plus est, un robot semble impliqu?, ce qui est absurde, puisque les lois de la robotique interdisent ? ces ?tres de m?tal de causer le moindre tort aux hommes.

  • Factor de Humanidad
  • Sawyer Robert
  • En el a?o 2007 se detecta una se?al procedente del espacio profundo. Misteriosos e ininteligibles flujos de datos son recibidos durante diez a?os. Entonces la se?al se detiene.Heather Davis, profesora de la Universidad de Toronto, ha dedicado toda su carrera a descifrar el mensaje. Mientras, su vida personal ha sucumbido: una hija suicida, un matrimonio destrozado. Pero es ella quien finalmente descifra el mensaje. Descubre una sorprendente tecnolog?a nueva que puede abrirse paso a trav?s de las barreras del espacio y el tiempo, con la promesa de una nueva etapa en la ...

  • Factoring Humanity
  • Sawyer Robert
  • It’s the personal implications of first contact that Sawyer (Illegal Alien) dramatizes in his disturbing and uneven new novel. Set in Canada, circa 2017, the story focuses on Heather and her computer-scientist husband, Kyle, who have separated following the suicide of their daughter Mary. When younger daughter Rebecca confronts her parents and accuses her father of molesting her, the family starts to shake apart. Redemption comes in the unlikely form of alien altruism: the messages from Alpha Centauri that psychologist Heather has studied for years prove to be blueprints for a "psychospace" device that enables her to see into ...

  • Fantastisk? s?ga
  • HARIJS HARISONSFantastisk? s?gaIZDEVNIEC?BA «ZIN?TNE» R?GA 1973J. Brandiss. Harijs Harisons, k?du m?s vi?u paz?stam M?mais Miltons…Robots, kas grib?ja visu zin?tГ. Гаррисонфантастическая сагаИздательство «Зинатнс> На латышском языке«Fantastisk? s?ga» ir izcil? amerik??u m?sdienu fan­tasta Harija Harisona pirmais st?stu kr?jums latvie?u valod?. Blakus piedz?vojumu fantastikai taj? iek?auti darbi, kuros izvirz?tas svar?gas filozofiskas probl?mas, spilgti un aspr?t?gi atmaskotas ASV ?sten?bas ?nas puses. St?sti tulkoti ...

  • Fanteria dello spazio
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Dalle prime invasioni di H. G. Wells, il tema della guerra contro i «mostri» di mondi lontani ? stato spesso trattato dagli scrittori di fantascienza. Ma crediamo che questo romanzo sia senza precedenti e meriti di essere segnalato particolarmente ai lettori. Si tratta a nostro parere di una delle opere pi? riuscite e originali nella vastissima produzione di Robert Heinlein. La storia ? raccontata in prima persona e in un linguaggio secco e pittoresco da un soldato dell’esercito terrestre, un ragazzo che scappa di casa per arruolarsi nella fanteria dello spazio (regina, a quanto pare, anche delle battaglie cosmiche), partecipa ...