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Книги 21601—21625 из 24208.

  • Farewell Horizontal
  • Jeter K
  • 'The Cylinder is a massive structure rising miles above the surface of an unknown future Earth. Axxter, the hero of Farewell Horizontal, has forsaken the dull, nine-to-five life of Cylinder's Horizontal levels to go where the action is – the Vertical, where freelancers, warring tribes and other nomadic types live along the slings and cables of Cylinder's outer edge. His dream is to be a successful graffex artist, designing armour and ikons for the various tribes – and, like all citizens, he is linked by a microchip in his brain to the complex computer system that runs the economy. But when Axxter accepts a really big job – creating all-new military imagery for one of Cylinder's most powerful tribes – he begins a dangerous journey that will take him to the far side of Cylinder – and beyond.

  • Federation World
  • White James
  • While James White is best known for the Sector General series, he has written many more science fiction novels. This is one of his best, easily equal to any of the Sector general series. The book is set in a near future after humanity’s contact with aliens. The aliens offer to relocate all of mankind who qualifies to the Federation World, a Dyson sphere near the center of the galaxy. The principal characters are not accepted for citizenship, instead qualifying for positions on the Federation staff. Their job is to make contact with new species and to invite them to join the Federation if they qualify. White’s writing is remarkably clear and easy to read.

  • Federations
  • Adams John
  • From Star Trek to Star Wars, from Dune to Foundation, science fiction has a rich history of exploring the idea of vast intergalactic societies, and the challenges facing those living in or trying to manage such societies. The stories in Federations will continue that tradition. What are the social/religious/environmental/technological implications of living in such a vast society? What happens when expansionist tendencies on a galactic scale come into conflict with the indigenous peoples of other planets, of other races? And what of the issue of communicating across such distances, or the problems caused by relativistic travel? These are just some of the questions and issues that the stories in Federations will take on.

  • Felaheen
  • Grimwood Jon
  • The third instalment in Jon Courtenay Grimwood's critically acclaimed series of Ashraf Bey mysteries Detective. Diplomat. Uncle. Killer. Ashraf Bey has been many things since arriving in El Iskandryia from Seattle. One thing he hasn't been, as yet, is a son to Moncef, Emir of Tunis - the father Raf has still to meet. Of course, Raf doesn't believe the Emir is his father anyway. (Given his mother's insistence that he's the son of a Swedish hitch hiker). And now it may be too late, since the rumours that don't have Emir Moncef escaping assassination have him hovering on the edge of death. Despite refusing a plea for help from the Emir's chief of security, Raf still finds himself being drawn towards Tunis. It seems he has his own part in an unfolding political crisis that began decades earlier with US anti-globalisation riots and the Emir's refusal to ratify the 2005 UN Accord on Biotechnology.

  • Fenomen Kosmosu
  • Chruszczewski Czes?aw
  • Dziesi?ta era kosmiczna Ziemi. Od kilkudziesi?ciu lat trwaj? prace nad budow? gwiazdolot?w, kt?re wezm? udzia? w wielkiej wyprawie mi?dzygalaktycznej. Si?? nap?dow? tych pojazd?w b?dzie energia Kosmosu, energia gwiazd, promieniowanie kosmiczne, si?y grawitacyjne innych uk?ad?w s?onecznych. Te niewyczerpane ?r?d?a energii pozwol? gwiazdolotom na rozwini?cie szybko?ci bliskiej pr?dko?ci ?wiat?a.Zadanie ekspedycji — nawi?za? kontakt z innymi cywilizacjami i zbada? kszta?t Kosmosu.

  • Fiasko
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Mit „Fiasko“ kn?pft Lem an jene Phase seines literarischen Schaffens an, die mit Romanen wie „Der Unbesiegbare“ (1967) und „Solaris“ (1972) seine bisher gr??ten erz?hlerischen Erfolge aufwies. „Fiasko“, ein Buch von grandiosem pessimistischem Zuschnitt, nimmt eine Idee auf, die die intellektuelle Science-fiction bislang gemieden hat: die M?glichkeit der Selbstzerst?rung unseres Planeten. Den Ausgangspunkt der Geschichte, die Lem ins 22. Jahrhundert datiert, bildet der Versuch eines Raumfahrtkommandos, mit einer au?erirdischen Zivilisation Kontakt aufzunehmen, doch kristallisiert sich als das eigentliche Thema des Romans bald der fatale Zustand jener fremden Zivilisation heraus. Im Verlauf eines hundertj?hrigen kalten Krieges ...

  • Fifty Degrees Below
  • Робинсон Ким
  • The second of three linked novels set in the strife-torn world of big science, operating out of the corrupt political heart of the developed world. In the interface between big science and big business lies the potential for the absolute destruction or salvation of our world, as new discoveries open ever more remarkable doorways into the future. And while good intentions may underlie the science that leads to these discoveries, human greed, on an individual, political or corporate basis, will always seek a way to exploit each and every new development. Combining superb narrative and beautiful writing, these will ...

  • Figlio del mattino
  • Dozois Gardner
  • Premio Nebula per il miglior racconto apparso nel 1984, questo «Figlio del Mattino» ? un’ulteriore riprova della bravura di Gardner Dozois.La tecnologia avanza molto pi? rapidamente del solito in tempo di guerra e quindi, nonostante le nostre aspettative, la Terza Guerra Mondiale, se mai dovesse scoppiare, probabilmente ci sorprenderebbe con armi imprevedibili e fantastiche come quella che Dozois ci presenta in questo piccolo e toccante capolavoro.

  • Filmowy wehiku? czasu
  • Harrison Harry
  • Tylko cud albo szerokoekranowa superprodukcja mo?e ocali? wytw?rni? filmow? Climatic Studios przed bankructwem. Ratunkiem okazuje si? jednak Vremiatron — maszyna czasu profesora Hewetta. Przedsi?biorczy menad?er, Barney Hendrickson, przenosi si? z ca?? ekip? w jedenastowieczny ?wiat Wiking?w, by tam, bez kosztownych wydatk?w i k?opot?w z dekoracjami, statystami i zwi?zkami zawodowymi nakr?ci? przygodow? sag? z ?ycia krwio?erczych barbarzy?c?w. Pomys? jest znakomity, ale ?redniowieczna Europa szykuje Amerykanom wiele niespodzianek…Jedna z najlepszych powie?ci o podr??ach w czasie, dowcipna, wci?gajaca, znakomicie napisana.

  • Fin
  • Monteagudo David
  • Fin, sin llegar a instituirse del todo en novela social, utiliza por ejemplo, el protagonismo colectivo, la narraci?n alterna en tercera persona y un predominio del di?logo sobre la descripci?n, elementos todos caracter?sticos de gran parte de la narrativa espa?ola de los a?os 50.Sorprende la habilidad con la que Monteagudo se bate tanto en el terreno conceptual como en el narrativo. Sutilmente, suma peque?os cap?tulos narrativos, escenas y di?logos concretos con los que va hilvanando ambas tramas, la psicol?gica y la fant?stica, colocando siempre el acento en ...

  • Final Diagnosis
  • White James
  • Final Diagnosis is a 1997 science fiction novel by author James White and is part of the Sector General series.A man suffering from multiple mysterious illnesses and allergic reactions is labelled a hypochondriac. Finally he is sent to Sector General as a last resort. He befriends his fellow alien patients, telling them his life history. Rather than dismissing his complaints, the attentive hospital doctors develop a theory, and bring him back to his home planet. At the scene of a childhood accident that seems to have started it all, explanations are found.

  • Fiori per Algernon
  • Keyes Daniel
  • Algernon ? un topo, ma non ? un topo qualunque. Con un’audace operazione, uno scienziato ha triplicato il suo QI, rendendolo forse pi? intelligente di alcuni esseri umani. Di certo pi? di Charlie Gordon che, fino all’et? di trentadue anni, ha vissuto nella dolorosa consapevolezza di non essere molto… sveglio. Ma cosa succede quando quella stessa operazione viene effettuata su Charlie?Vincitore del premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo in 1966.Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1967.

  • Fire Ice
  • Cussler Clive
  • In his novels Serpent and Blue Gold, #1 bestselling author Clive Cussler introduced a hero for the new millennium: Kurt Austin, the leader of NUMA's Special Assignment Team, and an instant hit with critics and fans. Tulsa World said, "As always, Cussler twists fact and fiction into a rope of tension that will leave you dangling until the last page." Now Kurt Austin returns to tackle his most dangerous mission to date… In the heart of the old Soviet Union, a mining tycoon is determined to overthrow the Russian government-distracting the U.S. with a man-made natural disaster using a notoriously unstable compound known as "fire ice." Detonation of this compound could create a tidal wave big enough to destroy a major city. But Kurt Austin and his Special Assignment Team are about to make a few waves of their own…