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Книги 22476—22500 из 24208.

  • Miasto i miasto
  • Mieville China
  • China Mi?ville stworzy? sw? najdoskonalsz? dot?d powie?? — egzystencjalny thriller rozgrywaj?cy si? w mie?cie najniezwyklejszym ze wszystkich, realnych czy wyimaginowanych…Gdy w ponurym, chyl?cym si? ku upadkowi mie?cie Bes?el po?o?onym gdzie? na skraju Europy znaleziono cia?o zamordowanej kobiety, wydawa?o si?, ?e inspektora Tyadora Borl? z Brygady Najpowa?niejszych Zbrodni czeka kolejna rutynowa sprawa. W miar? post?p?w ?ledztwa Borl? odkrywa jednak dowody wskazuj?ce na spiski znacznie dziwniejsze i gro?niejsze ni? wszystko, co m?g?by sobie wyobrazi?. Wkr?tce inspektorowi i bliskim mu ludziom zaczyna grozi? niebezpieczeostwo. Borl? musi przekroczy? granic? niepodobn? do ?adnej innej i wyruszy? do jedynego miasta na Ziemi, kt?re jest r?wnie dziwne jak to, w kt?rym mieszka…Powie?? nagrodzona „Arthur C. Clarke Award 2010” oraz „Hugo Award 2010”.

  • Miasto z?udze?
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • Trzeci tom trylogii hai?skiej, kt?rego akcja rozgrywa si? jednak ca?e stulecia po wypadkach opisanych w „?wiecie Rocannona” i „Planecie wygnania”.Obejmuj?ca niegdy? tysi?ce planet Liga Wszystkich ?wiat?w rozpad?a si?, a zamieszka?a przez nieliczne ludzkie plemiona Ziemia prze?ywa nawr?t barbarzy?stwa. S? tacy, kt?rzy wini? za to przyby?ych z kosmosu obcych przybysz?w, chocia? owi Shinga nie pos?uguj? si? przemoc?, a fizycznie niczym nie r??ni? si? od ludzi. Znaleziony przez le?nych osadnik?w Falk, cz?owiek z wytart? pami?ci?, wyrusza do miast Es Toch, by pozna? swoj? przesz?o?? i swe przeznaczenie. Jednak w Mie?cie Z?udze? staje wobec nowych zagadek. Kim w istocie jest on sam: Ziemianinem czy przybyszem z odleg?ego ?wiata? I kim s? ci, kt?rzy mieni? si? dobroczy?cami ludzi i spadkobiercami ich wspania?ej cywilizacji? Od odpowiedzi na te pytania mo?e zale?e? los ca?ej ludzko?ci…

  • Midnight at the Well of Souls
  • Chalker Jack
  • Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways—built by a race lost in the clouds of time—the planet its dwellers called the Well World turned beings of every kind into something else. There spacefarer Nathan Brazil found himself companioned by a batman, an amorous female centaur and a mermaid—all once as human as he.Yet Nathan Brazil’s metamorphosis was more terrifying than any of those… and his memory was coming back, bringing with it the secret of the Well World.For at the heart of the bizarre planet lay the goal of every being that had ever lived—and Nathan Brazil and his comrades were… lucky?… enough to find it!

  • Milenio
  • Бова Бен
  • El tema de esta novela es el aterrador mundo del futuro: la gente y la pol?tica mundial en el a?o 1999. La poblaci?n de la tierra ha llegado a ocho mil millones de seres humanos. La escasez creciente de recursos naturales ha conducido a.las dos grandes potencias al borde del conflicto nuclear.A pocos cientos de kil?metros sobre la superficie terrestre, en sus respectivas colonias lunares, los Estados Unidos y la Uni?n Sovi?tica luchan afiebradamente por completar sus propias redes de sat?lites que los proteger?n de un ataque at?mico.

  • Milion nowych dni
  • Shaw Bob
  • „Milion nowych dni” to powie??, kt?rej akcja rozgrywa si? dwa wieki p??niej, i w kt?rej pewien wierny ma??onek zostaje uwik?any w biologiczny eksperyment zwi?zany z konsekwencjami nie?miertelno?ci. Powie?? ciekawie napisana, niemal sensacyjna, ale wartka akcja to nie jest jej jedyny walor. Ciekawe jest r?wnie? t?o, w kt?rym rzecz si? dzieje. Autor wykazuje si? wieloma nowymi, ?wie?ymi pomys?ami na temat, jak mo?e wygl?da? codzienne ?ycie za dwie?cie lat. Taki np. klucz hotelowy wysy?aj?cy impulsy dzia?aj?ce na fluoryzuj?ce pod ich wp?ywem strza?ki na ?cianach korytarzy, i w ten spos?b wskazuj?ce drog? do w?asnego pokoju, m?g?by by? stosowany ju? dzi?.

  • Milliarden Jahre vor dem Weltuntergang
  • Strugazki Arkadi
  • „Ohne Umschweife erkl?rte der rothaarige Gnom dem Biologen Waingarten, da? eine gewisse au?erirdische Zivilisation schon seit langem besorgt seine Experimente verfolge und da? er bevollm?chtigt sei, ihm und noch einigen Wissenschaftlern den sofortigen Abbruch der Arbeiten und die Vernichtung s?mtlichen Materials anzuempfehlen.„Warum wir das fordern, hat Sie nicht zu interessieren, erkl?rte der Kupferrote. Sobald Sie unserer Forderung nach kommen, werden wir alle Ihre W?nsche erf?llen. Sie erhalten drei Tage Bedenkzeit. Danach wird sich besagte Zivilisation befugt sehen, mit Ma?nahmen der Stufe drei durchzugreifen.““ Wie soll man sich entscheiden, wenn ...

  • Mimozem??an? v Guslaru
  • Bulycov Kir
  • Je to sb?rka krat??ch i del??ch, sv??e napsan?ch pov?dek, kter? poj? n?kolik prvk?: odehr?vaj? se v Guslaru Velik?m, provin?n?m m?ste?ku p?r hodin j?zdy od Vologdy, ?st?edn? postavou b?v? vedouc? m?stn?ho stavebn?ho ??adu Udalov a t?m?? ve v?ech se aspo? na chv?li mihne mimozem?tan.Autor se nebere nikterak v??n? a jeho pov?dky jsou hlavn? sranda. I kdy? se v nich (notn? neot?el?m zp?sobem) ?e?? ud?losti doslova kosmick?ho v?znamu. Krom? toho jsou i skv?lou sondou do ?ivota sov?tsk?ho malom?sta. Kdo tu dobu neza?il, asi nepochop?. Co? je mo?n? dob?e.

  • Mind Changer
  • White James
  • Mind Changer is a 1998 science fiction book by author James White and is part of the Sector General series. described as “White’s finest performance, replete with wit, originality, medical expertise and sheer decency” and commented that the series shows no signs of aging, and Booklist described the book as an “enjoyable, witty resum?” of Chief Psychologist O’Mara’s career. Todd Richmond wrote that the Sector General series declined after (1985), hitting a low point with (1996), and that the later books tended to stretch a short story’s worth of content to the length of a novel. However he thought that (1998) represented an improvement.

  • Mindscan
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Jake Sullivan watched his father, suffering from a rare condition, collapse and linger in a vegetative state, and he's incredibly paranoid because he inherited that condition. When mindscanning technology becomes available, he has himself scanned, which involves dispatching his biological body to the moon and assuming an android body. In possession of everything the biological Jake Sullivan had on Earth, android Jake finds love with Karen, who has also been mindscanned. Meanwhile, biological Jake discovers there is finally another, brand-new cure for his condition. Moreover, Karen's son sues her, declaring that his mother is dead, and android Karen has ...

  • Mindswap
  • Sheckley Robert
  • In the future, interstellar travel to alien worlds will be too expensive for most ordinary people. It certainly is for Marvin, a college student who wants to take a really good vacation. And so he signs up for what he can afford, a mindswap, in which your consciousness is swapped into the body of an alien lifeform. But Marvin is unlucky, and finds himself in the body of an interstellar criminal, a body that he has to vacate fast. But that criminal consciousness has stolen Marvin’s earthly body, and Marvin has to find a body on the black market. Travel from world to world with Marvin, each one crazier than the last, as he keeps finding far from ideal bodies in awful situations, just to stay alive.

  • Mirror Dance
  • Bujold Lois
  • Not everyone would envy young Lord Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, even though he had formed his own mercenary fleet before attending the naval academy, and even though his mother was the beautiful Cordelia, the ship captain who has taught the Lords of Barrayar much about the perils of sexism. Even the fact that Miles is the third in line to the throne and personally owns a major chunk of his home planet would not tempt any normal person to change places with him.When assassins came to rid the world of his father, his mother, pregnant with Miles, was in the line of fire, and Miles was but an egg for the omelet in an all too literal sense. Thanks to heroic medical intervention, Miles survived his near fatal brush with war gas—as a pain-filled dwarf with bones as weak and brittle as some malign composite of chalk and glass. Miles is often mistaken for a mutant by his mutant-loathing countrymen.