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Книги 22426—22450 из 24208.

  • Major Operation
  • White James
  • Major Operation is a 1971 science fiction book by author James White and is the third volume in the Sector General series. The book collects together a series of five short stories, all of which were originally published in magazine.“Invader” — A series of clumsy accidents at the hospital lead Conway to suspect an alien presence.“Vertigo” (1968) — a spinning ship (from the planet later nicknamed 'Meatball') is 'rescued' and brought to the hospital.“Blood Brother” (1969) — Meatball's natural doctors are discovered.“Meatball” (1966) — Additional investigation reveals more about Meatball’s doctors.“Major Operation” (1971) — A gigantic patient on Meatball fights medical treatment.

  • Makers
  • Doctorow Cory
  • In this tour de force, Doctorow () uses the contradictions of two overused SF themes—the decline and fall of America and the boundless optimism of open source/hacker culture—to draw one of the most brilliant reimaginings of the near future since cyberpunk wore out its mirror shades. Perry Gibbons and Lester Banks, typical brilliant geeks in a garage, are trash-hackers who find inspiration in the growing pile of technical junk. Attracting the attention of suits and smart reporter Suzanne Church, the duo soon get involved with cheap and easy 3D printing, a cure for obesity and crowd-sourced theme parks. The result is bitingly realistic and miraculously avoids clich? or predictability. While dates and details occasionally contradict one another, Doctorow's combination of business strategy, brilliant product ideas and laugh-out-loud moments of insight will keep readers powering through this quick-moving tale.1.0 — создание файла

  • Man Plus
  • Pohl Frederik
  • Ill luck made Roger Torraway the subject of the Man Plus Programe, but it was deliberate biological engineering which turned him into a monster — a machine perfectly adapted to survive on Mars. For according to computer predictions, Mars is humankind's only alternative to extinction. But beneath his monstrous exterior, Torraway still carries a man's capacity for suffering. Won Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1976.Nominated for Hugo, Locus, and Campbell awards in 1977.

  • Marina
  • Zafon Carlos
  • Oscar Drai se march? huyendo de sus recuerdos, pensando ingenuamente que, si pon?a suficiente distancia, las voces de su pasado se acallar?an para siempre. Ahora ha regresado a su ciudad, Barcelona, para conjurar sus fantasmas y enfrentarse a su memoria. La macabra aventura que le marc? en su juventud, el terror y la locura rodearon, curiosamente, la m?s bella historia de amor.

  • Marionnettes humaines
  • Heinlein Robert
  • L’ann?e 2007, dans l’histoire des Etats-Unis a ?t? l’ann?e de l’invasion. D’une invasion comme on n’en a jamais vu jusqu’alors. Les ennemis, innombrables, se pr?sentent sous un aspect stup?fiant : des boules g?latineuses, anim?es de mouvements amibo?des. Ils arrivent par astronef de la plan?te Titan.Leur tactique est la plus simple : ils se collent sur la nuque des hommes et ceux-ci deviennent imm?diatement des esclaves, des marionnettes soumises compl?tement ? la volont? de ces choses innommables, de ces « ma?tres » ? la fois malfaisants, despotiques et diaboliquement habiles.Il faudra une v?ritable guerre pour venir ? bout de cette menace qui p?se sur le genre humain tout entier. Mais l’homme vaincra encore une fois les puissances mauvaises, gr?ce ? un brillant agent des Services Secrets, Elis?e Nivens, sa ravissante femme Mary, et son p?re, le fameux « Patron ».

  • Mariposa
  • Bear Greg
  • In an America driven to near bankruptcy with crushing foreign debt, the Talos Corporation stands out as a major success story – training soldiers and security forces from around the world and providing logistics and troops for nearly all branches of the United States government. But Talos has another plan in mind – the destruction of the federal system and constitutional law.Three FBI agents are all that stands between Talos's CEO Axel Price and the subversion of our nation. Fouad Al-Husam is working undercover in Lion City, Texas, on the Talos Campus – but he may have just overplayed his ...

  • Marsianischer Zeitsturz
  • Dick Philip
  • Mit gro?em Enthusiasmus und Pioniergeist haben die Menschen den Mars besiedelt. Doch nun, Jahre sp?ter, ?hnelt das Leben dort auf erschreckende Weise dem Alltagstreiben auf der Erde. Und auch die politischen Grabenk?mpfe setzen sich nahtlos fort: Arnie Kott ist bereits der m?chtigste Mann auf dem Mars, aber das ist ihm nicht genug. Mittels eines geistesgest?rten Jungen, f?r den die Schranken der Zeit nicht existieren, will er seinen Feinden eine endg?ltige Niederlage beibringen. Doch der Junge ist nicht nur in der Lage, vorw?rts und r?ckw?rts durch die ...

  • Marte rojo
  • Робинсон Ким
  • Siglo XXI. Durante eones, las tormentas de arena han barrido el est?ril y desolado paisaje del planeta rojo. Ahora, en el a?o 2026, cien colonos, cincuenta mujeres y cincuenta hombres, viajan a Marte para dominar ese clima hostil. Tienen como misi?n la terraformaci?n de Marte, y como lema: “Si el hombre no se puede adaptar a Marte, hay que adaptar Marte al hombre”. Espejos en ?rbita reflejar?n la luz sobre la superficie del planeta. En las capas polares se esparcir? un polvo negro que fundir? el hielo. Y grandes t?neles, de kil?metros de profundidad, atravesar?n el manto marciano para dar salida a gases calientes. En este escenario ?pico, habr? amores y amistades y rivalidades, pues algunos luchar?n hasta la muerte para evitar que el planeta rojo cambie.