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Книги 22501—22525 из 24208.

  • Misi?n de gravedad
  • Clement Hal
  • El planeta Mesklin es grande y muy denso. La gravedad en su superficie var?a enormemente desde 3 g en el ecuador hasta 700 g en los polos. Los oc?anos son de metano l?quido y la nieve es amoniaco congelado. En estas condiciones de pesadilla viven los mesklinitas, quienes han desarrollado una cultura y una sociedad perfectamente acorde con las condiciones de su entorno. Barlemann, un osado marinero mesklinita, acepta emprender un viaje imposible para salvar una costosa sonda terrestre averiada en el polo del planeta. Para los mesklinitas el viaje constituye una maravillosa oportunidad de descubrir la ciencia y avanzar en el camino del conocimiento, fuerza motr?z que les gu?a a trav?s de numerosas aventuras.

  • Missile Gap
  • Stross Charles
  • In this weird little alternative history novella, acclaimed futurist Charles Stross takes the familiar clashes of the Cold War and stretches and warps them to fit a flattened Earth where the emergence of new continents incites competitive colonization efforts from the Americans and Soviets. When the colonists encounter 1,000-year-old radioactive ruins and poisonous termite-like creatures that exhibit eerie degrees of intelligence, the true nature of their changed world slowly becomes clear. The result is a blend of 1900s H.G. Wells and 1970s propaganda, updated for the 21st century in the clear, chilly and fashionably cynical style that lets Stross get away with premises that would be absurdly cheesy in anyone else’s hands.

  • Mission Gravit?
  • Clement Hal
  • La plan?te Mesklin est r?ellement singuli?re. Sa forme et sa taille sont singuli?res, la gravit? y est ?norme et irr?guli?re. Elle tourne autour d'une ?toile naine, ? une vitesse consid?rable, le jour ? sa surface ne dure que dix huit minutes.Et c'est sur cette plan?te que les hommes ont voulu faire atterrir une sonde tr?s co?teuse, au p?le m?me o? la gravit? y est de neuf cents atmosph?res. La sonde ne red?collera pas.La solution est donc de contacter le capitaine d'un ?quipage de la population locale et d'aller r?cup?rer l'appareil l? o? l'homme ne peut d?cemment survivre …

  • Mission to Minerva
  • Hogan James
  • In Hogan's intriguing fifth SF novel in the series that began with Inherit the Stars (1978), Earth has reestablished contact with the Ganymeans, an alien race that manipulated proto-humans into homo sapiens on Minerva, a planet that once occupied the region of the present asteroid belt. After the Ganymeans migrated to the Giants' Star 20 light-years from Earth, a war on Minerva caused by intelligences from an alternate reality-one of an infinite number suggested by the Multiverse hypothesis-led to the planet's destruction. Now, several decades into the 21st century, people on Earth have developed a means of exploring these realities, including ...

  • Misspent Youth
  • Hamilton Peter
  • Readers have learned to expect the unexpected from Peter F. Hamilton. Now the master of space opera focuses on near-future Earth and one most unusual family. The result is a coming-of-age tale like no other. By turns comic, erotic, and tragic, Misspent Youth is a profound and timely exploration of all that divides and unites fathers and sons, men and women, the young and the old.2040. After decades of concentrated research and experimentation in the field of genetic engineering, scientists of the European Union believe they have at last conquered humankind’s most pernicious foe: old age. For ...

  • Mjese?ev moljac
  • Vance Jack
  • Simboli?ni dodaci koji se koriste radi pro?irivanja svih vidova ljudske li?nosti su naravno brojni. Odje?a sa?injava najva?niju vrst tih simbola i ponekad je zabavno promatrati, neprimjetno po mogu?nosti, odjevne predmete nasumce sakupljene grupe ljudi.Zamislite da je svaki od tih predmeta izabran s primjernom brigom i isklju?ivom ?eljom da izazove neki to?no odre?en efekt.Usprkos simboli?noj snazi odje?e, mu?karce i ?ene se u principu ocjenjuje prema okolnostima koje je mnogo te?e kontrolirati: dr?anju, naglasku, boji glasa, obliku i boji njihova tijela, i ?...

  • Mlhovina v Andromed?
  • Jefremov Ivan
  • V rom?nu jsou d?je od n?s vzd?leny p?ed?lem stalet?. Nikoli v?ak nazp?t — ale kup?edu, do obdob? nazvan?ho ?rou Velik?ho Okruhu. To se ji? spojily obydlen? planety na?? Galaxie, ?lov?k se vypravil ke vzd?len?m hv?zd?m. Nov? a rozumn? je uspo??d?na spole?nost, lidsk? z?jmy i osudy se z?sadn? zm?nily. P?itom v?ak Jefremovi nejde o to, aby l??il p?ludn? a r??ov? utopie. D?v? se do budoucnosti jako v?dec i um?lec z?rove? a obez?etn? posuzuje, zda to, co p??e je re?ln? ?i nikoli. Mohutn?, udivuj?c? je jeho vynal?zavost i d?slednost, s n?? se sna?? vytvo?it nikoli jen d?l??, ale ?plnou p?edstavu soustroj? budouc?ho ??du.

  • Mockingbird
  • Tevis Walter
  • The future is a grim place in which the declining human population wanders, drugged and lulled by electronic bliss. It’s a world without art, reading and children, a world where people would rather burn themselves alive than endure. Even Spofforth, the most perfect machine ever created, cannot bear it and seeks only that which he cannot have—to cease to be. But there is hope for the future in the passion and joy that a man and woman discover in love and in books, hope even for Spofforth. A haunting novel, reverberating with anguish but also celebrating love ...

  • Monade 116
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Anno 2381: nell’esistenza umana l’utopia ? diventata realt?. Guerre, fame, contrasti sociali, criminalit? e controllo delle nascite sono ormai un semplice ricordo del passato. L’esistenza si svolge tranquilla e ordinata all’interno di giganteschi grattacieli alti centinaia di piani. In una specie di ciclo chiuso, gli esseri umani nascono, studiano, lavorano, mettono al mondo figli, muoiono, senza mai uscirne. I figli sono considerati la massima benedizione di dio e il solo pensiero di porre un limite al loro numero ? un’eresia. La libert? sessuale ? totale: agli uomini — e alle donne — ? permesso cambiare letto ogni notte e giacere con ...

  • Moonrise
  • Smith Mitchell
  • The World is FrozenCivilization survives in pockets of warmth, most notably in the vast, Mississippi-based Middle Kingdom of North America and in glacier-covered Boston. Boston, where high technology that borders on magic is used to create the "moonrisen," people with the genes of animals. Boston, which looks at the growing strength of Middle Kingdom, united under the brilliant King and Commander, Sam Monroe, and sees a time when Boston will not rule.A coup destroys Middle Kingdom's royal family, save for young Prince Bajazet. With Boston's minions in pursuit, before long Baj is Prince no longer, just a man on the run. His saviours are three of the moon's children, who are conspiring with the surviving northern Tribes to overthrow Boston. Baj has no choice-he must side with the rebels or die.

  • More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Commander Pirx, who drives space vehicles for a living in the galaxy of the future, here faces a new series of intriguing adventures in which robots demonstrate some alarmingly human characteristics.Five more tales featuring Pirx — a bumbling rookie in the original (1979), now a seasoned and level-headed (but coolly cerebral) space jockey. The first three pieces are short, ironic, and somewhat thin on ideas: Pirx fails to intercept a drifting alien hulk thanks to a shipboard comedy of errors; he searches for a robot that has inexplicably cut loose to go mountain climbing; and he survives a close ...