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Книги 24126—24150 из 24208.

  • Wojna
  • Williams Walter
  • Straszliwe imperium tyran?w Shaa przesta?o istnie?, wszech?wiat znalaz? si? na ?asce bezlitosnych, spragnionych w?adzy gadopodobnych Naksyd?w. Wsz?dzie zapanowa? krwawy chaos. Jednak dalecy potomkowie Terry ceni? sobie wolno??, a ich bohaterscy wojownicy nie poddaj? si?. Lord Gareth Martinez i tajemnicza Caroline Sula, kt?ra prowadzi walk? w podziemiu, oddzieleni s? latami ?wietlnymi, ale d??? w?asnymi drogami do decyduj?cej bitwy o przysz?o??, gdy? nowy porz?dek mo?e si? okaza? jeszcze bardziej przera?aj?cy od starego. Jedyna nadzieja w tym, ?e powiedzie si? ostatni desperacki plan, kt?ry scali rozbit? galaktyk?.

  • Wojna o Ksi??yc
  • Бова Бен
  • Sze?ciokrotny laureat Nagrody Hugo prezentuje wspania?y cykl powie?ci o eksploracji przez cz?owieka Uk?adu S?onecznego, o pionierskiej walce z przeciwno?ciami losu, eksperymentaln? technologi? i groz? pustki kosmicznej. Baza Ksi??ycowa nie mo?e si? obej?c bez nanotechnologii — dzi?ki niej rozrasta si?, otrzymuje tlen, wod? i diament, z kt?rego budowane s? rakietowe klipry. Ale nanotechnologia zostaje zakazana przez Ziemi? i ruch bigot?w, zwany Now? Moralno?ci?. Sterowana przez nich ONZ postanawia wys?a? na Ksi??yc si?y „pokojowe”, celem zamkni?cia Bazy. Lunonauci odpowiadaj? og?oszeniem niepodleg?o?ci.

  • Woken Furies
  • Морган Ричард
  • This is high action, ideas driven noir SF of the highest order. Morgan has already established himself as an SF author of global significance. Takeshi Kovacs has come home. Home to Harlan's World. An ocean planet with only 5 per cent of its landmass poking above the dangerous and unpredictable seas. Try and get above the weather in anything more sophisticated than a helicopter and the Martian orbital platforms will burn you out of the sky. And death doesn't just wait for you in the seas and the skies. On land, from the tropical beaches and swamps of ...

  • Wolf and Iron
  • Dickson Gordon
  • The U.S. has been devastated by worldwide financial collapse. Civilization as readers know it has disappeared. Marauding bands are terrorizing the countryside, killing and looting. Jeremy Bellamy Walthers’ goal is to cross 2,000 miles of ravaged countryside to reach the security of his brother’s Montana ranch. En route he befriends a wolf who becomes a partner and companion via verbal and nonverbal communication. The story deals with Jeremy’s interaction with the wolf and the other human survivors of the economic collapse. Dickson has created another superior novel; it’s colorful, well written, and peopled with well-developed, multidimensional characters. The wolf is especially fascinating. YAs who have cut their teeth on such works as George’s (Harper, 1972) or Mowatt’s (Little, 1963) will enjoy this survival story in sci/fi clothing.

  • Wonder
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Webmind—the vast consciousness that spontaneously emerged from the infrastructure of the World Wide Web—has proven its worth to humanity by aiding in everything from curing cancer to easing international tensions. But the brass at the Pentagon see Webmind as a threat that needs to be eliminated.Caitlin Decter—the once-blind sixteen-year-old math genius who discovered, and bonded with, Webmind—wants desperately to protect her friend. And if she doesn't act, everything—Webmind included-may come crashing down.

  • World War Z
  • Brooks Max
  • Brooks, the author of the determinedly straight-faced parody (2003), returns in all seriousness to the zombie theme for his second outing, a future history in the style of Theodore Judson’s . Brooks tells the story of the world’s desperate battle against the zombie threat with a series of first-person accounts “as told to the author” by various characters around the world. A Chinese doctor encounters one of the earliest zombie cases at a time when the Chinese government is ruthlessly suppressing any information about the outbreak that will soon spread across the globe. The tale then follows the outbreak via testimony of smugglers, intelligence officials, military personnel and many others who struggle to defeat the zombie menace. Despite its implausible premise and choppy delivery, the novel is surprisingly hard to put down. The subtle, and not so subtle, jabs at various contemporary politicians and policies are an added bonus.

  • Worldwired
  • Bear Elizabeth
  • Give Canada’s Master Warrant Officer Jenny Casey an inch and she’ll take a galaxy. That’s just the kind of person a world on the brink of destruction needs. The year is 2063, and Earth has been brutalized. An asteroid flung at Toronto by the PanChinese government has killed tens of millions and left the equivalent of a nuclear explosion in its wake. Humanity must find another option….Perched above the devastation in the starship Montreal, Jenny is still in the thick of the fray. Plugged into the worldwire, connected to a brilliant AI, her mind can be everywhere and anywhere at once. But it’s focused on the mysterious alien beings right outside her ship. Are they there to help — or destroy? With Earth a breeding ground for treason and betrayal as governments struggle to assign blame, Jenny holds the fate of humankind in her artificially reconstructed hand….