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Книги 31926—31950 из 33968.

  • King Stachs Wild Hunt
  • Короткевич Владимир
  • Жанр: Повесть
  • On a late rainy evening a young scientist, folklorist Andrey Belaretsky finds himself lodging overnight in a mysterious castle belonging to the Yanovskys, an old noble family. There he meets the hostess of the house, Nadzezhda Yanovsky, a neurotic young thing and the last descendant of her family. Fears and terrible premonitions, for which she believes to have substantial grounds, overpower her. The act of betrayal by her far ancestor Roman Yanovsky the Old brought the curse on the family for twenty generations to come, and has since claimed lives of all the young noble’s relatives under bizarre ...

  • Kings of Albion
  • Rathbone Julian
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • 'There are moments in this novel when one could be watching an episode of Blackadder. Frivolity abounds… Hut beneath the gags,.I serious historical novel is lurking. Julian Rathbone has had the excellent idea of viewing the Wars of the Roses from the perspective of some visitors from India. Their reactions to what they see. ranging from disgust to bemusement, shed unexpected light on fifteenth-century England' Sally Cousins, Sunday Telegraph'Set in 1460, this hugely enjoyable romp is narrated by Mah-Lo from Mandalay – a wink at Joseph Conrad and the sort of sly joke with which the book abounds. ...

  • Kochaj albo rzu?
  • Mularczyk Andrzej
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Trzecia i ostatnia cz??? sagi o Pawlaku i Kargulu.Tym razem Kargul i Pawlak wraz z wnuczk? Ani? odbywaj? dalek? podr??- a? do Chicago. Jad? tam na zaproszenie brata Pawlaka, Johna. Niestety, na miejscu okazuje si?, ?e Ja? niedawno zmar?. Nasi ulubie?cy dowiaduj? si? tak?e, ?e mia? nie?lubn? c?rk?. Shirley… jest Mulatk?. Ania szybko si? z ni? zaprzyja?nia, natomiast jej dziadkowie d?ugo nie mog? pozby? si? uprzedze?… Znakomita komedia, m?odym ludziom powinna przypa?? do gustu najbardziej w?a?nie ta cz??? trylogii o przesiedle?cach zza Buga.

  • Krew Niewinnych
  • Navarro Julia
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Nowy bestseller autorki „Bractwa ?wi?tego Ca?unu”, z krwawym konfliktem mi?dzy ?wiatami Wschodu i Zachodu w tle.Muzu?ma?ski fundamentalista, jezuita specjalizuj?cy si? w herezjach i m?oda nieustraszona agentka s?u?b antyterrorystycznych… Troje bohater?w „Krwi niewinnych” – mrocznej opowie?ci o zdradzie i zem?cie, kt?rej akcja rozgrywa si? w Jerozolimie, Rzymie i Istambule na przestrzeni siedmiu stuleci: od XII wieku po czasy wsp??czesne.„Jestem szpiegiem i boj? si?. Boj? si? Boga, w jego imieniu dopu?ci?em si? bowiem czyn?w potwornych…” Tak rozpoczyna si? spisana w XIII wieku przez dominikanina brata Juliana, sekretarza ?wi?tej Inkwizycji, kronika o krwawym obl??eniu twierdzy Montsegur, w kt?rym ponios?o ?mier? pi?ciuset katar?w.Wiele wiek?w p??niej pewien mediewista wyrusza do hitlerowskiego Berlina, by odszuka? zaginion? ?on? – ?yd?wk?.

  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • KRIETNAIS KAREIVIS ?VEIKS KRIEVU G?ST?KARELS VANEKSBra?? ?ehu kareivja jautri un b?d?gi piedz?vojumiAPG?DS «ARKA-R?GA» 1993Kop? 50. un 80. gadu izdevumiem latvie?u las?t?jiem viena no visinteresant?kaj?m p?ckara gados tulkotaj?m gr?mat?m ir bijis Jaroslava Ha?eka rom?nu cikls par bra?o kareivi Jozefu ?veiku, kur? pat visdr?m?kajos apst?k?os prot jokot, paironiz?t, smiet par cilv?ku v?j?b?m, aprobe?ot?bu, aizspriedumain?bu un augstpr?t?bu.Diem??l visus p?ckara gadus tika noklus?ts, ka p?c J. Ha?eka n?ves rom?nu turpin?jis vi?a draugs rakstnieks K. Vaneks, kur? uz­rakst?jis v?l divas da?as. T?s abas 20.—30. gadu mij? tika public?tas ?urn?l? «Atp?ta», un p?c ?? tulkojuma ir sagatavots ar? jaunais krietn? kareivja ?veika d?ku, piedz?vojumu un p?rdz?vojumu tur­pin?jums.

  • Krik? Krak!
  • Danticat Edwidge
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A collection of storiesWhen Haitians tell a story, they say "Krik?" and the eager listeners answer "Krak!" In Krik? Krak! In her second novel, Edwidge Danticat establishes herself as the latest heir to that narrative tradition with nine stories that encompass both the cruelties and the high ideals of Haitian life. They tell of women who continue loving behind prison walls and in the face of unfathomable loss; of a people who resist the brutality of their rulers through the powers of imagination. The result is a collection that outrages, saddens, and transports the reader with its sheer beauty.