En la memoria de Mario Conde todav?a brilla el recuerdo de su visita a Coj?mar de la mano de su abuelo. Aquella tarde de 1960, en el peque?o pueblo de pescadores, el ni?o tuvo la ocasi?n de ver a Hemingway en persona y, movido por una extra?a fascinaci?n, se atrevi? a saludarlo.Cuarenta a?os m?s tarde, abandonado su cargo de teniente investigador en la polic?a de La Habana y dedicado a vender libros de segunda mano, Mario Conde se ve empujado a regresar a Finca Vig?a, la casa ...
Молодежный роман. Будни подмосковных тинейджеров: путь от легкого хулиганства до настоящего преступления.Динамичное и яркое повествование, поднимающее «чернуху» до уровня трагедии. Две сюжетные линии, создающие полноценный стереоэффект. «Про мальчиков» и «про девочек», про жажду приключений и про поиски любви, про кражи в супермаркете и про свидания вслепую.
A stunning novel by the widest-read Arab writer currently published in the U.S. The age of Nasser has ushered in enormous social change, and most of the middle-aged and middle-class sons and daughters of the old bourgeoisie find themselves trying to recreate the cozy, enchanted world they so dearly miss. One night, however, art and reality collide — with unforeseen circumstances.
OVER the course of her five previous novels, Alice McDermott has staked an impressive claim on a subject matter and a turf – Irish-American Catholic families congregated, for the most part, in New York City and its suburbs on Long Island. The Irish have, of course, long been a significant presence in American fiction, appearing well before the mass immigration of the late 19th century (think of "Huckleberry Finn"), and the novels, notably, of William Kennedy attest to the subject's continuing strength. McDermott adds her own luster to this seemingly familiar community through her skill at evoking small, memorable incidents ...
From Publishers WeeklyHarsh, unflinching and powerful, Coetzee's (Waiting for the Barbarians) new novel is a cry of moral outrage at the legacy that apartheid has created in South Africa. In scenes of stunning ferocity, he depicts the unequal warfare waging between the two races, a conflict in which the balance of power is slowly shifting. An elderly woman's letters to her daughter in America make up the narrative. Near death from rapidly advancing cancer, Cape Town resident Mrs. Curren is a retired university professor and political liberal who has always considered herself a "good person" in deploring ...
Todos hemos querido cambiar de vida, todos hemos querido huir alguna vez.Cuando el joven Jacob pierde todo, su familia y su futuro, y el mundo entero parece al borde del abismo en los dif?ciles a?os treinta, se aventura en un circo ambulante para trabajar como veterinario. Transcurren a?os de penuria y crueldad, pero tambi?n de ensue?o y plenitud, pues Jacob encuentra en el deslumbrante espect?culo de los hermanos Banzini la amistad, al amor de su vida y a la traviesa elefanta Rosie.Han transcurrido ya muchos a?os, pero Jacob no se resigna a la postraci?n que el destino le depara. Con renovada valent?a nos revelar? un secreto impactante y decidir? emprender nuevas andanzas, cueste lo que cueste.Sara Gruen, con un estilo apasionado y vibrante, ha escrito una novela aclamada por millones de libreros y lectores. Romance, lucha, asesinato, tragedia y humor integran el cartel de esta gran funci?n que conmueve y asombra por igual.
Las historias de Agua pesada son mundos en miniatura que contienen, en dosis altamente concentradas, la acidez, el cinismo y el profundo cuestionamiento de las bases de nuestra sociedad que caracterizan las grandes novelas de Martin Amis. As?, en uno de los cuentos, la sociedad es mayoritariamente gay, y los heterosexuales son una minor?a perseguida, en otro, un sarc?stico robot marciano nos trae extra?as noticias sobre la vida en el sistema solar, y en el relato ‘Agua pesada’, Amis retrata sin piedad el malestar y la fatiga de la cultura de la clase trabajadora.
'Geoff Ryman's new novel is swift, smart and convincing. Air is a wonderful and frightening examination of old and new, and survival on the interface between'. – Greg Bear'This is a liminal book: its characters are on the threshold of something new; their village is on the brink of change; the world is launching into a new way to connect; humanity, at the end of the novel, is on the cusp of evolution… its plot is exciting and suspenseful, its characters gripping, its wisdom lightly and gracefully offered, its language clear and beautiful. Like The Child Garden, Air ...
Twelve-year-old Sunny lives in Nigeria, but she was born American. Her features are African, but she's albino. She's a terrific athlete, but can't go out into the sun to play soccer. There seems to be no place where she fits. And then she discovers something amazing – she is a "free agent," with latent magical power. Soon she's part of a quartet of magic students, studying the visible and invisible, learning to change reality. But will it be enough to help them when they are asked to catch a career criminal who knows magic too?
From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and author of the Cairo trilogy, comes Akhenaten, a fascinating work of fiction about the most infamous pharaoh of ancient Egypt.In this beguiling new novel, originally published in 1985 and now appearing for the first time in the United States, Mahfouz tells with extraordinary insight the story of the "heretic pharaoh," or "sun king,"-and the first known monotheistic ruler-whose iconoclastic and controversial reign during the 18th Dynasty (1540-1307 B.C.) has uncanny resonance with modern sensibilities. Narrating the novel is a young man with a passion for the ...
Publisher Comments:Re-creating the lives of two of the most intriguing rulers in history, Shan Sa brings us a novel filled with the sound of hooves, the whistle of arrows, blood, passion, and betrayal. The familiar figure of Alexander the Great comes to new life in this richly imagined tale, which entwines his historical legacy with a fantastic love affair set in a wartime between Western and Eastern civilizations.Abused by his father, King Philip, who loved and hated his beauty; shadowed by his mother, the mystical and overbearing Queen Olympias; educated by Aristotle who wanted him ...
Es una ma?ana como otra cualquiera. Jonas despierta. Desayuna un caf?. El peri?dico no est? delante de la puerta de su casa. Cuando no logra sintonizar la radio, ni la televisi?n, ni puede entrar en Internet, comienza a enfadarse. Su novia no contesta al tel?fono. Jonas sale a la calle. No hay nadie. ?Puede vivir una persona cuando todas las dem?s han desaparecido? Han quedado el mundo y las cosas: carreteras, supermercados, estaciones de tren, pero todo est? vac?o. Jonas vaga por Viena, por las calles de siempre, por las viviendas que conoce, pero nada responde a sus preguntas. ?Es el ?nico superviviente de una cat?strofe? ?Se han ido todos a otra ciudad? ?Hay otros, o son s?lo imaginaciones suyas?
Llevado al cine (como ATRAPADO SIN SALIDA en algunos pa?ses) por Milos Forman, protagonizada por Jack Nicholson en una de las actuaciones que lo convirtieron en una marca, con Louise Fletcher como la enfermera m?s repugnante de la historia del cine, y una reflexi?n temiblemente perdurable sobre las mec?nicas del poder.1975: 5 Oscar: mejor pel?cula, director, actor (Jack Nicholson), actriz (Louise Fletcher), gui?n adaptado / Drama.Randle McMurphy cumple una larga condena en una granja-prisi?n y se las ingenia para ser trasladado a una instituci?n psiqui?trica. Una vez all?, avisado ...
Am Vorabend der Russischen Revolution verlieben sich der temperamentvolle Muslim Ali und die sch?ne Christin Nino ineinander. Eine Verbindung scheint unm?glich, denn Religion und Sitte verbieten es. Mit Hilfe eines Vermittlers, der bei den Eltern vorspricht, r?ckt die von beiden so ersehnte Hochzeit in greifbare N?he. Doch dann wird Nino entf?hrt und Ali mu? nach islamischem Gesetz den Nebenbuhler und seine Braut, Prinzessin Nino, t?ten. Mit dem pr?chtigsten Pferd aus Karabagh verfolgt Ali die in einem modernen Automobil Fl?chtenden. Sein Zorn ist gro?, aber seine Liebe ist ?berw?ltigend. erschien erstmals 1937 ...
1982 yilda Coelho hech bir ta?sirga ega bo?lmagan o?zining birinchi asari, «Hell Archives»'ni («Do?zax arxivlari») yaratdi. 1985 yilda u keyinchalik «yomon sifati» uchun ommadan qaytarib olishga harakat qilgan «Practical Manual of Vampirism»'ga («Vampirizm bo?yicha amaliy qo?llanma») hissa qo?shdi. 1988 yilda Coelho Borges’ning «Ikki hayolparast ertagi»(«Tale of Two Dreamers»)ga asoslangan «Alchemist» asarini nashrdan chiqardi. Dastlabki sekin sur’atlardagi asar sotuvi nashriyotni asarni qaytarishiga olib keldi, lekin aynan ushbu asar Braziliyaning eng ko?p sotilgan asari bo?ldi. U 11 milliondan ortiq nusxada sotilib, dunyoning 41 tiliga tarjima qilindi. Ushbu asar asosida Coelho asarlarini ... На турецком языке
All the King's Men portrays the dramatic political ascent and governorship of Willie Stark, a driven, cynical populist in the American South during the 1930s. The novel is narrated by Jack Burden, a political reporter who comes to work as Governor Stark's right-hand man. The trajectory of Stark's career is interwoven with Jack Burden's life story and philosophical reflections: "the story of Willie Stark and the story of Jack Burden are, in one sense, one story."
Senhor Jos? is a low-grade clerk in the city's Central Registry, where the living and the dead share the same shelf space. A middle-aged bachelor, he has no interest in anything beyond the certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, and death that are his daily preoccupations. In the evenings, and on weekends, he works on bringing up to date his clipping file of the famous, the rising stars, the notorious. But when one day he comes across the birth certificate of an anonymous young woman, he decides that this cannot have been mere chance, he has to discover more about ...
In All the Pretty Horses, Cormac McCarthy begins his Border Trilogy with a coming of age tale that is a departure from the bizarre richness and mysterious violence of his early novels, yet in many ways preserves the mystery and the richness in a more understated form. Like Blood Meridian, this novel follows a young man's journey to the regions of the unknown. John Grady Cole, more heroic than the protagonists of McCarthy's earlier novels, confronts the evil that is an inescapable part of the universe as well as the evil that grows out of his own ignorance and ...
Zuerst die gute Nachricht: Emmi und Leo sind wieder da! Und jetzt die schlechte Nachricht: Es sieht so aus, als w?re ihre zauberhafte Geschichte mit diesem Band zu einem endg?ltigen Ende gebracht. Obwohl — man wei? ja nie…Aber der Reihe nach: 2006 ver?ffentlichte Daniel Glattauer jenen ungew?hnlichen Liebesroman , der einschlug wie eine Bombe: Die Geschichte einer Liebe zwischen einem Mann und einer Frau, die in zuf?lligen E-Mail-Kontakt geraten und dann von dem, was der jeweils andere schreibt, so eingenommen sind, dass sie voneinander nicht mehr lassen k?nnen (und das, ohne sich je zu ...
En las sombras de la noche en Caldwell, Nueva York, se libra una guerra letal entre los vampiros y sus asesinos. Pero tambi?n existe una Hermandad secreta que no se puede comparar a ninguna otra que haya existido -seis guerreros vampiros, protegiendo a su raza. De todos ellos, Zsadist es el miembro m?s atemorizante de la Hermandad de la Daga Negra.Zsadist, que durante siglos fue un esclavo de sangre, a?n porta las cicatrices de un pasado forjado a base de sufrimiento y humillaciones. C?lebre por su insaciable furia y siniestras haza?as, es ...
Dentro de la Hermandad, Rhage es el vampiro m?s voraz, el mejor luchador, actuando siempre a trav?s de sus instintos m?s primarios… y el amante m?s salvaje -porque en su interior arde una feroz maldici?n lanzada por la Virgen Escriba. Pose?do por este lado oscuro, Rhage teme el momento en que el drag?n que lleva dentro sea liberado, convirti?ndole en un peligro para quienes le rodean.Mary Luce, una mujer que ha conseguido sobrevivir a una vida llena de penurias, es introducida de manera involuntaria al mundo de los vampiros. ...