Lisboa, 1938. La opresiva dictadura de Salazar, el furor de la guerra civil espa?ola llamando a la puerta, al fondo el fascismo italiano. En esta Europa recorrida por el virulento fantasma de los totalitarismos, Pereira, un periodista dedicado durante toda su vida a la secci?n de sucesos, recibe el encargo de dirigir la p?gina cultural de un mediocre peri?dico, el Lisboa.
"Soul Mountain is one of those singular literary creations that seem impossible to compare with anything but themselves… In the writing of Gao Xingjian literature is born anew from the struggle of the individual to survive the history of the masses."– from the citation of the Nobel Prize committee of the Swedish AcademyWhen this year's Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Chinese expatriate novelist and playwright Gao Xingjian, few in the English-speaking West were familiar with his work. Gao's masterpiece, SOUL MOUNTAIN (PerfectBound, an e-book from HarperCollins; February 20, 2001; $19.95), is a dazzling kaleidoscope of fiction, philosophy, ...
Oates's latest collection explores certain favorite Oatesian themes, primary among them violence, loss, and privilege. Three of the stories feature white, upper-class, educated widows whose sheltered married lives have left them unprepared for life alone. In «Pumpkin-Head» and «Sourland», the widows-Hadley in the first story, Sophie in the second-encounter a class of Oatesian male: predatory, needy lurkers just out of prosperity's reach. In the first story, our lurker is Anton Kruppe, a Central European immigrant and vague acquaintance of Hadley whose frustrations boil over in a disastrous way. In the second story, Sophie is contacted by Jeremiah, an old ...
Philip Roth od lat diagnozuje Ameryk?, wykazuj?c krucho?? jej rzekomo fundamentalnej tolerancyjno?ci i demokracji. W swojej wielkiej ameryka?skiej trylogii – „Ameryka?ska sielanka”, „Po?lubi?am komunist?”, „Ludzka skaza” – odmalowuje wielokulturowego molocha spo?ecznego, podatnego na autodestruktywne fobie i mody ideologiczne: lewacki anarchizm, prawicowy despotyzm, rasizm.„Spisek przeciwko Ameryce” wpisuje si? w?a?nie w ten najlepszy nurt pisarstwa wielokrotnego kandydata do literackiego Nobla, godnego nast?pcy wielkich mistrz?w prozy zza oceanu. W tej powie?ci Roth poddaje Ameryk? eksperymentowi historii alternatywnej: co by by?o gdyby w roku 1940, u szczytu szalej?cej za Altantykiem ...
Now that the present has caught up with William Gibson's vision of the future, which made him the most influential science fiction writer of the past quarter century, he has started writing about a time-our time-in which everyday life feels like science fiction. With his previous novel, , the challenge of writing about the present-day world drove him to create perhaps his best novel yet, and in he remains at the top of his game. It's a stripped-down thriller that reads like the best DeLillo (or the best Gibson), with the lives of a half-dozen evocative characters connected by a tightly converging plot and by the general senses of unease and wonder in our networked, post-9/11 time.
A collection of storiesFeaturing David Sedaris's unique blend of hilarity and heart, this new collection of keen-eyed animal-themed tales is an utter delight. Though the characters may not be human, the situations in these stories bear an uncanny resemblance to the insanity of everyday life.In "The Toad, the Turtle, and the Duck," three strangers commiserate about animal bureaucracy while waiting in a complaint line. In "Hello Kitty," a cynical feline struggles to sit through his prison-mandated AA meetings. In "The Squirrel and the Chipmunk," a pair of star-crossed lovers is separated by prejudiced family members.
…Вот зеркало. Оно терпеть тебя не может, потому и говорит: уходи, лучше тебе на меня не смотреть. Вот люди. Они терпеть тебя не могут, потому и говорят: уходи, лучше тебе не портить пейзаж. Вот человек. Он знать тебя не знает, потому и не говорит с тобой. А если бы знал, то поступил бы так же, как зеркало. Как люди, в чьих пейзажах тебе не место.Но есть другие зеркала. И другие люди. И другой человек. Они непременно увидели бы главное в тебе. И это главное прекрасно. Это главное — редкий дар. Осталось лишь найти их, и это совсем не так сложно, как кажется на первый взгляд…
Right in the middle of everywhere, which could be anywhere. WWII has ended and the joyous transitions to peace are being — mostly — embraced. This book portrays characters ranging from Bobby Smith, the son of the well-known radio hostess Neighbour Dorothy, to the phenomena known as the Sunset Club, Dinner on the Ground and the Funeral King.
A day like any other for security chief Tracy Waterhouse, until she makes a purchase she hadn't bargained for. One moment of madness is all it takes for Tracy 's humdrum world to be turned upside down, the tedium of everyday life replaced by fear and danger at every turn.Witnesses to Tracy 's Faustian exchange in the Merrion Centre in Leeds are Tilly, an elderly actress teetering on the brink of her own disaster, and Jackson Brodie, who has returned to his home county in search of someone else's roots. All three characters learn that the past is never history and that no good deed goes unpunished.Kate Atkinson dovetails and counterpoints her plots with Dickensian brilliance in a tale peopled with unlikely heroes and villains. Started Early, Took My Dog is freighted with wit, wisdom and a fierce moral intelligence. It confirms Kate Atkinson’s position as one of the great writers of our time.
Pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Marina Singh sets off into the Amazon jungle to find the remains and effects of a colleague who recently died under somewhat mysterious circumstances. But first she must locate Dr. Anneck Swenson, a renowned gynecologist who has spent years looking at the reproductive habits of a local tribe where women can conceive well into their middle ages and beyond. Eccentric and notoriously tough, Swenson is paid to find the key to this longstanding childbearing ability by the same company for which Dr. Singh works. Yet that isn’t their only connection: both have an overlapping professional ...
Tytu? powie?ci (oczywi?cie uk?on w stron? niezr?wnanej Jane Austen) sugeruje dwie bohaterki, i tak jest rzeczywi?cie: s? dwie, maj? dosy? r??ne charaktery i r??ne prowadz? ?ycie jedna jest kustoszk? w muzeum, druga luksusow? narzeczon? biznesmena. Ten, niestety, okazuje si? gangsterem, w dodatku pechowym: idzie siedzie?, a narzeczona zostaje na lodzie. Wraz z przyjaci??k? i przyjaci??mi przyjaci??ki rozpoczyna wi?c nowe ?ycie daleko od rodzinnego miasta, w podupadaj?cym o?rodku je?dzieckim, kt?ry zamierzaj? przekszta?ci? w kwitn?ce gospodarstwo agroturystyczne. ?adne z nich nie ma co prawda ...
The Carter House girls are divided when two of them go after the same guy. Rhiannon and Taylor are at serious odds, and before it’s over several girls get hurt.
Off the coast of Maine, Ruth Thomas is born into a feud fought for generations by two groups of local lobstermen over fishing rights for the waters that lie between their respective islands. At eighteen, she has returned from boarding school – smart as a whip, feisty, and irredeemably unromantic – determined to throw over her education and join the 'stern men' working the lobster boats. Gilbert utterly captures the American spirit through an unforgettable heroine who is destined for greatness – and love – despite herself.
Ekaterina Sedia resides in the Pinelands of New Jersey. Her new novel, The Secret History of Moscow, was published by Prime Books in November 2007. Her next one, The Alchemy of Stone, will be published in June 2008. Her short stories have sold to Analog, Baen's Universe, Fantasy Magazine, and Dark Wisdom, as well as the Japanese Dreams (Prime Books) and Magic in the Mirrorstone (Mirrorstone Books) anthologies. Visit her at
Безумная атмосфера рок-движения середины 70-х насквозь пронизывает этот роман. Даже его название («Stories We Could Tell») в точности повторяет название хита Тома Петти, звезды рок-музыки того времени. Истории, которые рассказывает нам автор, продолжаются всего один день, 16 августа 1977 года. Но для трех героев романа, работающих в музыкальном журнале, это не просто день. В этот день умер Элвис Пресли, король рок-н-ролла. Для одних это означает конец эпохи, лозунгом которой было знаменитое «Секс, наркотики, рок-н-ролл». Для других это всего лишь этап быстротечной и изменчивой жизни, один из многих…
From Paulette Jiles, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Enemy Women, comes a poignant and unforgettable story of hardship, sacrifice, and strength in a tragic time-and of a desperate dream born of an undying faith in the arrival of a better day.Oil is king of East Texas during the darkest years of the Great Depression. The Stoddard girls-responsible Mayme, whip-smart tomboy Jeanine, and bookish Bea-know no life but an itinerant one, trailing their father from town to town as he searches for work on the pipelines and derricks; that is, when he's not spending his ...
The 11 fantasies in this first collection from rising star Link are so quirky and exuberantly imagined that one is easily distracted from their surprisingly serious underpinnings of private pain and emotional estrangement. In "Water Off a Black Dog's Back," a na‹ve young man who has never known personal loss finds that the only way he can curry favor with his lover's physically afflicted family is to suffer a bizarre amputation. The protagonist in "Travels with the Snow Queen" reconsiders her fairy-tale romance when she deconstructs the clich‚s of traditional fairy tales and realizes that their heroines inevitably ...
Grand prix du roman de l'Acad?mie fran?aiseAm?lie, une jeune femme belge, vient de terminer ses ?tudes universitaires. Sa connaissance parfaite du japonais, langue qu'elle ma?trise pour y avoir v?cu dans son enfance, lui permet de d?crocher un contrat d'un an dans une prestigieuse entreprise de l'empire du soleil levant, la compagnie Yumimoto. Am?lie esp?re r?ussir dans ce pays qui la fascine tant. Fascin?e par la hi?rarchie d'entreprise japonaise, pr?cise et m?thodique, la jeune femme l'est d'autant plus par sa sup?rieure directe, l'intrigante et ...
Akcja powie?ci "Stworzenie ?wiata" toczy si? na prze?omie VI i V w.p.n.e. Narratorem i bohaterem jest Cyrus Spitama, wnuk Zoroastra, p??-Grek po matce, wychowany na dworze perskim za panowania Dariusza, przyjaciel jego nast?pcy, Kserksesa. Jako pose? perski podr??owa? po Indiach i Kr?lestwie ?rodka, Chinach, pod koniec ?ycia wys?any zosta? przez kolejnego w?adc?, Artakserksesa, do Aten, gdzie podyktowa? m?odemu krewnemu, Demokrytowi, dzieje swojego ?ycia. Z relacji tej poznamy intrygi i knowania haremowe w Suzie, walki kr?l?w w Indiach, wojny o hegemoni? w Chinach, poznamy te? Zoroastra, ...
Андрей Филатов работает копирайтером в столичном рекламном агентстве и хорошо знаком с кухней рекламного бизнеса изнутри. Впрочем, книга его не об этом. Вернее, не совсем об этом. Герой романа – пиар-директор и автор рейтинговой программы одной московской FM-станции – обижен плутоватым начальником по кличке Фернандель и «кидает» станцию на довольно крупные деньги. Его, конечно, пытаются найти и наказать подключают «пацанов», но в последний момент герою удается улизнуть на Остров свободы – Кубу. И вот тут начинается совершенно необычайная история, потому что на Кубе необычайно все.
is the final novel in Nobel Prize-winner Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent Cairo Trilogy, an epic family saga of colonial Egypt that is considered his masterwork.The novels of the Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. brings Mahfouz’s vivid tapestry of an evolving Egypt to a dramatic climax as the aging patriarch sees one grandson become a Communist, one a Muslim fundamentalist, and one the lover of a powerful politician. Filled with compelling drama, earthy humor, and remarkable insight, Mahfouz’s Cairo Trilogy is the achievement of a master storyteller.