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Книги 3376—3400 из 5298.
  • Luna Funesta
  • Connelly Michael
  • C. Black desea cerrar su historial delictivo para siempre. Trabaja en un concesionario de autom?viles de Los ?ngeles, pero un hecho inesperado le obliga a jug?rselo todo a una carta. Necesita dar un golpe final que le permita realizar el ?ltimo sue?o. Para ello recurre a Leo Renfro, un amigo de los viejos tiempos que le propone participar en un gran robo en Las Vegas. Cassie cree que con su experiencia como ladrona de guante blanco lograr? salir airosa de la operaci?n.

  • Luto riguroso
  • Perry Anne
  • Nunca se hab?a visto envuelto en el esc?ndalo el aristocr?tico clan de los Moidore, una de las mejores familias de Londres, a cuya mansi?n de Queen Anne Street acuden los m?s encumbrados personajes. Ahora, sin embargo, la bella hija de sir Basil ha aparecido apu?alada en su propia cama y la noticia corre de boca en boca por la ciudad. El inspector William Monk recibe la orden de encontrar al asesino sin demora, aunque evitando causarle mayores trastornos a una familia ya abrumada por la tragedia. Monk se halla a?n bajo los efectos de la amnesia que le dej? como secuela un grave accidente, pero sus facultades contin?an intactas y, con la ayuda de Hester Latterly, se aproxima paso a paso a un asombroso descubrimiento.

  • Luz Perdida
  • Connelly Michael
  • Desencantado con el cuerpo de polic?a de Los ?ngeles, Harry Bosch decide abandonarlo tras casi treinta a?os como miembro del mismo. Sin embarg?, desea seguir ejerciendo y retomar aquellos casos que no pudo resolver durante sus a?os como agente. Uno de ellos es el asesinato de Angella Benton, una joven que trabajaba en unos estudios cinematogr?ficos. Su muerte se produjo d?as antes del robo de dos millones de d?lares que iban a utilizarse durante el rodaje de una pel?cula, y Bosch cree que ambos hechos podr?an estar relacionados.Si en el ?mbito profesional Bosch prefiere ahora actuar por su cuenta, en el terreno personal tambi?n es un solitario. El recuerdo de Eleanor, su ex mujer, sigue vivo en su memoria; tanto, que Bosch decidir? visitarla en Las vegas.

  • Lying Eyes
  • Atwell Amy
  • No-nonsense jewelry designer Iris Fortune yearns for a normal life. But life as Vegas magician Cosmo Fortune’s daughter is anything but normal, especially since dear old Dad is also a scam artist. When Cosmo’s latest scheme goes awry and he pulls a real-life disappearing act, Iris is left holding the bag.Now Iris must be a master of illusion-play the poised partner to her politician fianc? while trying to save her father and stay out of reach of Mickey Kincaid, the sexy thief who claims he's only after her jewels.Detective Kincaid is deep undercover and seeks Iris out because of her connection to Cosmo-he never expected to be so drawn to her. While working with Iris to find the elusive con man, Mickey learns a killer has Iris in his sights, and he must do everything he can to save her, without blowing his cover.Mickey's put his life on the line before, but never his heart-and now he’s not sure which is more dangerous…

  • M??czy?ni, Kt?rzy Nienawidz? Kobiet
  • Larsson Stieg
  • Pewnego wrze?niowego dnia w 1966 roku szesnastoletnia Harriet Vanger znika bez ?ladu. Prawie czterdzie?ci lat p??niej Mikael Blomkvist – dziennikarz i wydawca magazynu "Millennium" otrzymuje nietypowe zlecenie od Henrika Vangera – magnata przemys?owego, stoj?cego na czele wielkiego koncernu. Ten prosi znajduj?cego si? na zakr?cie ?yciowym dziennikarza o napisanie kroniki rodzinnej Vanger?w. Okazuje si?, ?e spisywanie dziej?w to tylko pretekst do pr?by rozwi?zania skomplikowanej zagadki. Mikael Blomkvist, skazany za znies?awienie, rezygnuje z obowi?zk?w zawodowych i podejmuje si? niezwyk?ego zlecenia. Po pewnym czasie do??cza do niego Lisbeth Salander – ...

  • M is for Malice
  • Grafton Sue
  • From Publishers WeeklyApproaching middle age warily, PI Kinsey Millhone of the Southern California coast is mildly depressed, romantically vulnerable and in the process of reassessing her family ties. Yet, when it comes to her professional abilities, she's at the top of her form, as this deftly plotted and absorbing novel (her 13th appearance, after L Is for Lawless) proves. Bader Malek, a local industrial tycoon, has died, and his four sons now stand to inherit a substantial fortune. But one of them, Guy, has been missing since 1968. A drug addict, ne'er-do-well and all-around miscreant, Guy had been ...

  • M?n som hatar kvinnor
  • Larsson Stieg
  • Mikael Blomkvist, ekonomireporter, d?ms till f?ngelse f?r f?rtal av finansmannen Wennerstr?m, och beslutar sig f?r att ta time-out fr?n sitt jobb p? tidskriften Millennium. I samma veva f?r han ett ovanligt uppdrag. Henrik Vanger, tidigare en av landets fr?msta industriledare, vill att Blomkvist ska skriva sl?kten Vangers historia. Men det visar sig snart bara vara en t?ckmantel f?r Blomkvists verkliga uppgift: att ta reda p? vad som h?nt Vangers unga sl?kting Harriet, som varit sp?rl?st f?rsvunnen i snart fyrtio ?r. Till sin hj?lp f?r han Lisbeth Salander, en ung strulig tjej, tatuerad och piercad, men ocks? professionell hacker och med unika egenskaper som g?r henne till en oslagbar researcher.

  • M?ndez
  • Ledesma Francisco
  • El inspector Ricardo M?ndez, hijo de los barrios bajos de Barcelona, cree m?s en la verdad de las calles que en la de los tribunales. Arrastrando la nostalgia de su antiguo mudo, helo aqu? caminando por las miserias de su ciudad, con su mirada capaz de sondear los resortes de los delitos, la cara oculta de los poderosos y la historia enterrada en la casa de una madame. Veintid?s destellos de humor y virtuosismo, veintid?s joyas esculpidas por el gran maestro de la novela pol?ciaca espa?ola.?Acaso es necesario presentar al inspector M?ndez

  • M?odo?? dla wybranych
  • Герритсен Тесс
  • Na ostry dy?ur do szpitala w Springer w Bostonie zostaje przyj?ty staruszek z objawami choroby Alzheimera. Wst?pne badanie nie ujawnia ?adnych dolegliwo?ci neurologicznych. Podejrzewaj?c udar m?zgu, doktor Toby Harper nakazuje wykonanie tomografii komputerowej. W czasie, gdy reanimuje kolejnego pacjenta, jej podopieczny dos?ownie rozp?ywa si? w powietrzu.Kilkana?cie dni p??niej do szpitala trafia m??czyzna z takimi samymi objawami, jak u nadal nie odnalezionego Harry’ego Slotkina. Obu wcze?niej leczy? doktor Carl Wallenberg. Pacjent umiera, a Toby, wbrew woli Wallenberga, aran?uje sekcj? zw?ok. Diagnoza nie pozostawia ...

  • M?s cerca
  • Cole Martina
  • A los amigos hay que tenerlos cerca; a los enemigos, muy cerca; y a la familia, a?n m?s cerca. Lily Diamond, una joven que ha crecido en un medio dif?cil, se une a Patrick Brodie, un cabecilla del hampa local que lleva sus «negocios» con mano de hierro. Juntos formar?n uno de los clanes m?s poderosos de los ambientes turbios del East End londinense. Tienen cinco hijos, a los que pretenden darles todo lo que ellos no tuvieron, sin importarles la forma de conseguirlo. La vida parece sonre?rles cuando Patrick es asesinado por una banda rival. Con todo perdido, desamparada en un mundo peligroso en el que no se puede confiar en nadie, Lily tendr? que sacar adelante a su clan. M?s cerca es una novela sobre los ambientes arrabaleros del Londres cada vez m?s mestizo de los a?os setenta. Un periodo de mutaciones en el que los viejos negocios del hampa (juego, prostituci?n…) van dejando paso al m?s rentable mundo de las drogas que se abre paso a borbotones de sangre.

  • Ma?ana, Tarde Y Noche
  • Sheldon Sydney
  • La misteriosa muerte de Harry Stanford, uno de los hombres m?s ricos del mundo, tiene m?ltiples repercusiones. La familia se re?ne para el funeral, en Boston. Y, de pronto, aparece una hermosa mujer que dice ser hija de Harry Stanford y heredera, por tanto, de una parte de su cuantiosa fortuna. ?Se trata acaso de una impostora? Los Stanford son gente respetuosa y con poder, pero detr?s de la impecable fachada se oculta una madeja de extorsiones, drogas y muerte. Con la habilidad que lo distingue, Sidney Sheldon delinea una historia intrincada y ?gil donde el final es verdaderamente sorprendente.

  • Mackenzies Mission
  • Howard Linda
  • Night Wing-the revolutionary test plane with a top-secret weapons system-was Colonel Joe "Breed" Mackenzie's number-one priority. And weapons expert Caroline Evans was his number-one distraction. True, the stubborn blonde was giving him the cold shoulder, but Joe hadn't become the best of the best by giving up. Then he discovered someone on the inside was sabotaging Night Wing, and with her late hours and specialized expertise, Caroline seemed the obvious choice. Now Joe had to choose between allegiance to his country and love for his prime suspect…

  • Made to Be Broken
  • Armstrong Kelley
  • Nadia Stafford isn't your typical nature lodge owner. An ex-cop with a legal code all her own, she's known only as 'Dee' to her current employers: a New York crime family who pays her handsomely to bump off traitors. But when Nadia discovers that a troubled teenage employee and her baby have vanished in the Canadian woods, the memory of a past loss comes back with a vengeance, and her old instincts go into overdrive.With her enigmatic mentor, Jack, covering her back, Nadia unearths sinister clues that point to an increasingly darker and deadlier mystery. Now, with her obsession over the case deepening, the only way Nadia can right the wrongs of the present is to face her own painful ghosts – and either bury them for good, or die trying. Because in her book, everyone deserves a chance. And everyone deserves justice.

  • Maestra En El Arte De La Muerte
  • Franklin Ariana
  • Inglaterra, a?o del Se?or de 1171: en Cambridge aparece el cad?ver de un ni?o horriblemente asesinado. Otros muchos han desaparecido. Los jud?os, directamente acusados de estos cr?menes por la todopoderosa jerarqu?a cat?lica, buscan refugio entre los muros del castillo para evitar las iras de los soliviantados ciudadanos. Al rey Enrique esta situaci?n dista de complacerle: necesita a los jud?os para llenar sus arcas y debe encontrarse al verdadero culpable para aplacar al pueblo, que ha elevado a la categor?a de santo al ni?o asesinado.Para esclarecer la ...

  • Maggody And The Moonbeams
  • Hess Joan
  • Arly Hanks – the wildest chief of police in the Ozarks – has finally met her match. To her horror, she's been cajoled into chaperoning a group of ten hormonally challenged teens on a youth group camp out, along with the mayor's wife, the high school shop teacher, and preacher Brother Verber. Bunking with the crew is bad enough, but things get even hairier when one of the campers stumbles upon the body of a white-robed woman with a shaved head. And before Arly Hanks can do a head count, she finds herself hindered by a cast of crazies, while she tracks down a spacey cult whose initiation ritual could be a real killer.

  • Magic
  • Хоаг Тами
  • Strange things were happening in Drake House: A perfect rose appearing on a pillow…an antique dress materializing out of nowhere…a mysterious spirit roaming the halls…Five years after Rachel Lindquist had left California to chase her dreams, she returned home to care for her aging mother, only to find herself chasing a ghost! Addie Lindquist insisted a presence haunted Drake House and had hired noted parapsychologist Bryan Hennessy to investigate, but Rachel knew better than to believe in what she couldn't see-or to surrender to the strong current of desire pulling her towards Bryan.Bryan ...

  • Magic Grave
  • Andrews Ilona
  • An omnibus of novels by Ilona Andrews and Jeaniene FrostNew York Times bestselling authors Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews bring you two short stories of paranormal.Jeaniene Frost's story, One For the Money, features vampires Cat and Bones trying to protect a spoiled heiress with a price on her head and an undead hitman on her trail. Previously published in Death's Excellent Vacation. Also includes the first three chapters from Jeaniene's story in The Bite Before Christmas anthology, as well as a sneak peak at ONCE BURNED, the first novel in the new Night Prince series.

  • Make Her Pay
  • St. Claire Roxanne
  • Bullet Catcher and former Navy SEAL Constantine Xenakis has infiltrated a dive ship to discover who's plundering priceless gems from a legendary sunken Spanish galleon. When he catches Lizzie Dare red-handed in the locked treasure room, her story of a stolen ancestral legacy convinces him to work with the sexy thief instead of turning her in – and not just because he wants to find the real culprit. Lizzie is willing to risk everything to save the Bombay Blue Diamonds from her sworn enemy, even if that means giving in to an irresistible desire to get closer to her accomplice. But when passion hits them like a rogue wave and danger surrounds them like a school of hungry sharks, their adventure on the high seas turns treacherous…and deadly.

  • Makeovers Can Be Murder
  • Lilley Kathryn
  • Plus-size reporter Kate Gallagher is facing the ultimate challenge – wearing a bikini for an upcoming assignment about weight loss scams. Sticking to her diet won't be easy – especially since her love life is already wasting away.Kate learns she's not alone at a meeting of a women's support group, the Newbodies – where her friend Lila confides that her marriage is in trouble. When Lila turns up dead, Kate's suspicions immediately fall on the husband. But that's before she finds out that Lila wasn't the first 'Newbody' to die. Apparently a killer has an appetite for plus-sized victims.

  • Malice
  • Jackson Lisa
  • MALICE opens with New Orleans Detective Rick Bentz in the hospital. He thinks he smells his first wife's perfume, and sees Jennifer in the doorway; but she's been dead for 12 years. Rick begins to see Jennifer regularly, as if she is haunting him. It was Bentz who identified her body after her car wreck…which he never doubted, until now. He hasn't told his new wife, Olivia; but she is also hiding a secret from Bentz.A series of murders begin, and each victim was a part of Jennifer's past, making Bentz the prime suspect.MALICE is a gripping, edge-of-your-seat tale of deception and betrayal, where Rick Bentz is forced to confront the ghosts of his past…and a killer's twisted vengeance.