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Книги 2051—2075 из 5298.
  • Chirurg
  • Герритсен Тесс
  • Brutalny zab?jca zabija m?ode samotne kobiety przeprowadzaj?c na nich zabieg wyci?cia macicy bez znieczulenia. Policja ustala, ?e podobna seria zab?jstw mia?a miejsce dwa lata wcze?niej, a ich sprawca zosta? zastrzelony przez doktor Cordell – jedyn? ofiar?, kt?rej uda?o si? uj?? z ?yciem. Teraz zn?w czuje si? zagro?ona. Jej sprzymierze?cem jest detektyw prowadz?cy ?ledztwo. Czy obie sprawy i obu zab?jc?w co? ??czy?

  • Choke Point
  • Slater Ian
  • A series of cataclysmic events is exploding around the world. Two divisions of Chinese ground troops move against a neighboring Muslim nation, while a provocation unleashes generations of pent-up violence between the mainland and Taiwan. With U.S. troops still on the ground in the Middle East and “Ganistan,” and an American president forced by rapidly unfolding events to make decisions on the fly, the most dangerous threat is the one no one sees.For off the fog-shrouded coast of Washington State, a staggering attack will flood the Northwest with American refugees and force the bravest and the best of U.S. Special Forces under the toughest of the tough, General Douglas Freeman, into a pitched, desperate battle to find a shadow enemy — before he strikes the next terrifying blow against the United States.

  • Chromosome 6
  • Cook Robin
  • One missing organ. One genetic breakthrough. One medical conspiracy too terrifying to imagine. In his most prophetic thriller yet, Robin Cook challenges the medical ethics of genetic manipulations and cloning. In the jungles of equatorial Africa, a biotechnology giant has taken transplant surgery and animal research to a new level. Where one mistake could bridge the evolutionary gap between man and ape-and forever change the genetic map of our existence.

  • Cie? Poego
  • Pearl Matthew
  • W pa?dzierniku 1849 roku na ma?ym cmentarzu w Baltimore odbywa si? skromna uroczysto?? pogrzebowa z udzia?em kilku zaledwie os?b. Tak Ameryka ?egna jednego ze swoich najwybitniejszych poet?w i pisarzy – Edgara Allana Poego. Gr?b, w kt?rym zostaje pochowany, pozostanie nie oznaczony. Opinia publiczna, prasa, a nawet znajomi zmar?ego s? zdania, ?e by? on drugorz?dnym pisarzem, doprowadzonym do smutnego ko?ca przez chorob? alkoholow?. Jedynie m?ody prawnik o nazwisku Quentin Clark, ?arliwy wielbiciel talentu Poego, nie podziela tej opinii. By ocali? od zapomnienia t? posta? i jej dzie?o oraz wyja?ni? ...

  • Ciemnia
  • Masterton Graham
  • Dw?jka uczni?w ginie spalona ?ywcem podczas ranki w domku pla?owym. Groz? sytuacji podkre?la fakt, ?e spali?o si? jedynie ???ko, na kt?rym le?eli, za? dom pozosta? nietkni?ty. Na ?cianie utrwali? si? fotograficzny wizerunek umieraj?cych. W mieszkaniu, kt?re Jim wynajmuje od kolegi z pracy, ma miejsce podobne zdarzenie – w p?omieniach staje kotka Jima. Wydaje si?, ?e istnieje zwi?zek mi?dzy tym wypadkiem, a XIX-wiecznym portretem tajemniczego m??czyzny, dagerotypisty Roberta Vane`a, kt?ry wisi w mieszkaniu. Jim stara si? dowiedzie? czego? wi?cej o Vanie. Okazuje si?, ?e by? on podejrzewany o wzniecanie po?ar?w, a nawet morderstwa. Tymczasem kto? dybie na ?ycie Jima, maj? miejsce kolejne dziwne zdarzenia…

  • Cimarron Rose
  • Burke James
  • Billy Bob Holland, the protagonist of Cimarron Rose, is an attorney in the dusty Texas town of Deaf Smith. An ex-Texas Ranger (cop, not ball-player) who mistakenly killed his partner during a drug bust, Holland is jolted from his brooding when his estranged illegitimate son is accused of the rape and murder of a party girl. He takes the case, of course, and things get complicated mighty quick. On a hunch only a father could believe, Holland is sure his son is being railroaded. Doggedly pursuing the truth, he runs afoul of sadistic cops, a powerful family, and the euphoniously-named Garland T. Moon, a feral thug with something to hide. Luckily, the folks on his team are just as tough. Burke's book isn't gritty realism-Holland's dead partner visits him often-but the characters ring true in a weird way. They are quirky and appealing, and even the criminals make good company while the whodunit unfolds.

  • Circumstantial Memories
  • Ericson Carol
  • Covert agent Ryder McClintock had returned home for the first time in years only to come face-to-face with Julia Rousseau, the woman with whom he'd once shared a bed – then been forced to leave behind. Forgetting her had been impossible, but because of an accident, she was left with no memory.including the name of her baby's father. A little girl who looked remarkably like Ryder. But before he could tell Julia about their shared past, he needed to protect her and his daughter from someone determined to spoil their reunion. And as the threats escalated and Julia's memory returned, Ryder sensed her stalker's grudge ran much deeper than they realized…

  • City Of Bones
  • Connelly Michael
  • When the bones of a 12-year-old boy are found scattered in the Hollywood Hills, Harry Bosch is drawn into a case that brings up the darkest memories from his own haunted past. The bones have been buried for years, but the cold case doesn't deter Bosch. Unearthing hidden stories, he finds the child's identity and reconstructs his fractured life, determined that he not be forgotten. At the same time, a new love affair with a female cop begins to blossom for Bosch-until a stunningly blown mission leaves Bosch in more personal and professional trouble than ever before in his turbulent career. The investigation races to a shocking conclusion, leaving Bosch on the brink of an unimaginable decision-one that will leave readers breathless and hungry for Michael Connelly's next masterpiece.

  • Clara y la penumbra
  • Somoza Jose
  • En los circuitos internacionales del arte est? en auge la llamada pintura hiperdram?tica, que consiste en la utilizaci?n de modelos humanos como lienzos. El asesinato de Annek, una chica de catorce a?os que trabajaba como cuadro en la obra "Desfloraci?n", en Viena, pone en guardia a la polic?a y al Ministerio de Interior autriaco, que son presionados por la poderosa Fundaci?n van Tysch para que no hagan p?blico el crimen, ya que la noticia desencadenar?a el p?nico entre sus modelos y la desconfianza entre los compradores de pintura hiperdram?tica. ...

  • Clase Nocturna
  • Piccirilli Tom
  • Tras el regreso de las vacaciones navide?as, Caleb Prentiss hace un macabro descubrimiento: durante su ausencia, una chica desconocida ha sido brutalmente asesinada en su dormitorio. Para ?l, un estudiante frustrado por el tedio de los estudios, ese suceso supondr? algo m?s que un incidente extra?o y se convertir? en una obsesi?n a la que aferrar su oscura vida de universidad. Emprender? una b?squeda desesperada por averiguar la identidad de la chica y del misterioso asesino, una b?squeda que no podr? abandonar ni siquiera cuando toda su vida empiece a derrumbarse a su alrededor.En un viaje inici?tico a trav?s del misterio, el miedo y la desesperaci?n, Piccirilli eleva el list?n del terror con una obra maestra indiscutible. Clase nocturna es algo m?s que una historia, es una sobrecogedora experiencia que muchos lectores tardar?n en olvidar.

  • Clean Break
  • Mcdermid Val
  • Manchester-based, kick-boxing PI Kate Brannigan takes on the hard men of European organised crime as she battles to recover a Monet in a case that stretches love and loyalty to the limits. Manchester-based private eye Kate Brannigan is not amused when thieves have the audacity to steal a Monet from a stately home where she's arranged security. She's even less thrilled when the hunt for the thieves drags her on a treacherous foray across Europe as she goes head to head with organized crime. And as if that isn't enough, a routine industrial case starts leaving a trail of bodies across the Northwest, giving Kate more problems than she can deal with. Cleaning up the mess in Clean Break forces Kate to confront harsh truths in her own life as she battles with a testing array of villains in a case that stretches love and loyalty to the limits.

  • Clean Kill
  • Coughlin Jack
  • On the heels of the New York Times bestselling Dead Shot comes the most thrilling installment of the Kyle Swanson series yet, in which an attempt at a new peace in the Middle East is shattered by an unknown attacker, and only Swanson can find out who's responsibleAt a 15th Century castle outside Edinburgh, Scotland, Sir Geoffrey Cornwell is brokering an unprecedented agreement. Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the Israeli Foreign Minister are scheduled to sign an historic peace treaty – that is, until their meeting is violently interrupted by a missile strike that leaves the Foreign ...

  • Close
  • Cole Martina
  • Highly acclaimed for her hard-hitting, uncompromising and compelling writing, as well as her phenomenal Number 1 success, Martina Cole is the only author who dares to tell it like it is. After the recent runaway success of "The Take", Martina's new novel, "Close", is the story of the women who are left behind. Set in London's dark and violent gangland, this novel tells the tale of a gutsy mother and her two sons, and their lives in and out of jail. With her characteristically haunting writing and visceral subject matter, Martina Cole, has written yet another compulsive bestseller.

  • Cmentarzysko
  • Connelly Michael
  • Kiedy pies jednego z mieszka?c?w okolicy Hollywood Hills znajduje ko??, wydaje si?, ?e nie ma w tym nic nadzwyczajnego. Ale w?a?ciciel zwierz?cia – emerytowany lekarz – rozpoznaje w zdobyczy pupila ludzkie szcz?tki. Policja podczas przeszukiwania terenu odkrywa niemal kompletny szkielet ch?opca. Badania kryminalistyczne ujawniaj?, ?e ofiara zosta?a zamordowana kilkana?cie lat wcze?niej, a za ?ycia by?a regularnie maltretowana. Detektyw Harry Bosch rozpoczyna ?ledztwo, by rozwik?a? mroczn? zagadk? sprzed lat, ale po up?ywie tak d?ugiego czasu dochodzenie jest niezwykle trudne, a Departament Policji Los Angeles naciska, by jak najszybciej ...

  • Co wiedz? zmarli
  • Lippman Laura
  • Wysz?y z domu i nigdy nie wr?ci?y. Kilkunastoletnie siostry znikn??y bez ?ladu. Nigdy nie odnaleziono ich cia?. Nigdy nie rozwi?zano zagadki ich zagini?cia.Trzydzie?ci lat p??niej zagadkowa kobieta powoduje wypadek samochodowy. Przes?uchiwana przez policj? wyznaje, ?e jest jedn? z si?str Bethany – t?, kt?ra usz?a z ?yciem z r?k porywacza. Jej oszcz?dnie dawkowane zeznania s? jednak pe?ne luk i nie?cis?o?ci, a wskazywane przez ni? tropy okazuj? si? ?lepymi uliczkami.Czy naprawd? jest tym, za kogo si? podaje? Dlaczego tak d?ugo zwleka?a z ujawnieniem si?? Co sta?o si? z jej siostr??W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi detektyw wydzia?u zab?jstw zag??bia si? w przesz?o??, z kt?rej z pora?aj?c? si?? wy?ania si? ponura tajemnica cierpienia i zbrodni.