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Книги 1976—2000 из 5298.
  • Burning Bright
  • Rash Ron
  • A collection of storiesIn Burning Bright, the stories span the years from the Civil War to the present day, and Rash's historical and modern settings are sewn together in a hauntingly beautiful patchwork of suspense and myth, populated by raw and unforgettable characters mined from the landscape of Appalachia. In "Back of Beyond," a pawnshop owner who profits from the stolen goods of local meth addicts – including his own nephew – comes to the aid of his brother and sister-in-law when they are threatened by their son. The pregnant wife of a Lincoln sympathizer alone in Confederate territory ...

  • Burnt Sienna
  • Morrell David
  • Once Chase Malone waged war. Now he creates beauty, living as a reclusive painter in Mexico. Until a rich man hires Chase to do his wife’s portrait. And Chase finds out what beauty is really all about… Derek Bellasar is an international arms merchant who lives in a fortress-like mansion on the Riviera. Sienna is his wife and the woman whose incredible beauty Chase Malone must somehow capture on canvas. There’s only one problem: Every time Bellasar has one of his wives painted, she dies. Suddenly, Chase is fighting a one-man battle against Bellasar and a private army of highly trained killers. At stake is Sienna’s life – and more. Because the CIA has been using Chase to keep a blockbuster biological arms deal from going down. And with a man’s evil threatening to devastate the world, Chase Malone must save a woman, save his life, and practice the art of war.

  • Bursztynowa Komnata
  • Berry Steve
  • Tajemnica Bursztynowej Komnaty stanowi jedn? z najbardziej fascynuj?cych zagadek XX wieku. To jeden z najwi?kszych skarb?w sztuki kiedykolwiek stworzonych r?k? cz?owieka.Ten unikat na skal? ?wiatow? wci?? pozostaje jedn? z najbardziej intryguj?cych tajemnic w dziejach. W 1941 r. wojska hitlerowskie, po naje?dzie na Zwi?zek Radziecki, przechwyci?y arcydzie?o z bursztynu i przewioz?y je z Pa?acu Jekaterinowskiego w Carskim Siole do K?nigsberga. Kiedy zim? 1945 r. alianci rozpocz?li dywanowe naloty na miasto, Bursztynowa Komnata zosta?a najpierw rozebrana i wywieziona w niewiadomym kierunku, a potem ukryta i od ...

  • Butchers Hill
  • Lippman Laura
  • Tess Monaghan has finally made the move and hung out her sign as a private investigator for hire, complete with an office in Butchers Hill. Maybe its not the greatest address in Baltimore, but you've got to start somewhere. Then in walks Luther Beale, the notorious vigilante who five years ago shot a boy for vandalising his car. Just out of prison, he wants to make reparations to the kids who witnessed his crime, so he needs Tess to find them. But once she starts snooping, the witnesses start dying. Is the 'Butcher of Butchers Hill' at it again? Like it or not, Tess is embroiled in a case that encompasses the powers that be, a heartless system that has destroyed the lives of children, and a nasty trail of money and lies leading all the way back to Butchers Hill.

  • By A Spiders Thread
  • Lippman Laura
  • After her brilliant stand-alone thriller EVERY SECRET THING (it has received stunning reviews in the US and increased her sales by 35%) Lippman returns to her wonderful series character, PI Tess Monaghan and her home town of Baltimore. This story begins when an orthodox Jewish man, Mark Rubin, hires Tess to trace his missing wife Natalie who has disappeared with their three children, a boy on the brink of adolescence, Isaac, and younger, boy/girl twins. It transpires that Natalie has taken off with another man, Zeke. The husband Mark, who loves his wife and adores his children, especially Isaac, ...

  • By Blood We Live
  • Adams John
  • An anthology of stories edited by John Joseph AdamsFrom Dracula to Buffy the Vampire Slayer; from Castlevania to Tru Blood, the romance between popular culture and vampires hearkens back to humanity's darkest, deepest fears, flowing through our very blood, fears of death, and life, and insatiable hunger. And yet, there is an attraction, undeniable, to the vampire archetype, whether the pale European count, impeccably dressed and coldly masculine, yet strangely ambiguous, ready to sink his sharp teeth deep into his victims' necks, draining or converting them, or the vamp, the count's feminine counterpart, villain and victim in one, using her wiles and icy sexuality to corrupt man and woman alike… Edited by John Joseph Adams (Wastelands, The Living Dead), By Blood We Live gathers together the best vampire literature of the last three decades from many of today's most renowned authors of fantasy, speculative fiction, and horror.

  • C?digo Azul
  • Gross Andrew
  • El FBI lo llama c?digo azul: cuando se sospecha que la identidad del testigo ha sido descubierta, cuando ha dejado la seguridad del programa, cuando no se sabe si est? muerto o vivo… La vida de Kate se convierte en una pesadilla cuando descubre que su padre est? involucrado en el caso judicial contra un poderoso cartel de narcos. Todos los miembros de su familia se convierten en testigos protegidos: han de dejar atr?s su casa, su ciudad, sus trabajos, sus amigos… toda su vida. Kate se niega a entrar en el programa, aunque eso signifique separarse de los que m?s quiere. Una vez sola, comienza a descubrir que el FBI y su propio padre le est?n ocultando algo. Y que a veces, los que tenemos m?s cerca son los que m?s hemos de temer. Andrew Gross nos sumerge en el oscuro y peligroso mundo de los testigos protegidos, donde el enga?o impregna todos los aspectos de la vida y cualquier paso en falso puede ser el ?ltimo.

  • C is for Corpse
  • Grafton Sue
  • From Publishers WeeklyThe corpse in private eye Kinsey Millhone's third adventure ("A" Is for Alibi and "B" Is for Burglar is that of Bobby Callahan, a young man she first meets while both are working out in a local gym. Bobby is convinced the car crash he'd been injured in was really an attempt on his life and, fearful of another assault, persuades Kinsey to investigate. A few days later, Bobby is indeed killed, and Kinsey stays on the case. She is befriended by Bobby's wealthy mother, his opportunistic stepfather and druggie, anoretic stepsister. She learns Bobby ...

  • C?reczka Tatusia
  • Clark Mary
  • Ellie Cavanaugh mia?a zaledwie siedem lat, kiedy jej starsza siostra Andrea zosta?a w brutalny spos?b zamordowana. Zw?oki dziewczyny znaleziono w starym gara?u w pobli?u rezydencji bogatej, szanowanej pani Westerfield w Oldham, spokojnym miasteczku nad rzek? Hudson w nowojorskim hrabstwie Westchester. Zeznanie Elli doprowadzi?o do skazania Roba Westerfielda, wnuka starej damy, z kt?rym potajemnie spotyka?a si? Andrea. Kiedy po dwudziestu dw?ch latach morderca stara si? o zwolnienie warunkowe z wi?zienia, Ellie, obecnie reporterka gazety w Atlancie, protestuje przeciwko z?agodzeniu wyroku. Mimo to Rob Westerfield wychodzi na wolno?? i pr?buje wznowi? proces, chc?c odzyska? dobre imi?. Przekonana o jego winie Ellie rozpoczyna prywatne ?ledztwo. Jej kolejne odkrycia rzucaj? nowe ?wiat?o na okoliczno?ci ?mierci siostry, ale i nieuchronnie przybli?aj? dociekliw? dziennikark? do konfrontacji z morderc?.

  • C?rka Boga
  • Perdue Lewis
  • Znakomity thriller dotykaj?cy w?tk?w historycznych, religijnych i artystycznych. Z jednej strony – zaskakuj?ce zwroty akcji, agenci KGB, sekrety Watykanu, skradzione przez nazist?w dzie?a sztuki, profesor teologii, wcze?niej glina, poszukuj?cy uprowadzonej ?ony, z drugiej – refleksja i pr?ba zrozumienia zdumiewaj?cego problemu boskiej woli w ?wiecie moralnego zepsucia, gwa?tu i k?amstw.Zoe Ridgeway, wybitna brokerka sztuki, z m??em Sethem jedzie do Szwajcarii po bogaty zbi?r od tajemniczego kolekcjonera sztuki. Zanim jednak Zoe dope?ni transakcji, ona i m?? zostan? wci?gni?ci w tysi?cletni? paj?czyn? konspiracji, morderstwa, intryg, kt?re zaczynaj? si? i ko?cz? tajemnic? Mesjasza – kobiety. Je?li jej istnienie zostanie udowodnione, spowoduje rozpad podwalin zachodniej kultury.

  • California Girl
  • Паркер Т.
  • A different world then,a different world now…California in the 1960s, and the winds of change are raging. Orange groves uprooted for tract houses, people flooding into Orange County, strange new ideas in the air about war, music, sex, and drugs, and new influences, ranging from Richard Nixon to Timothy Leary.For the Becker brothers, however, the past is always present – and it comes crashing back full force when the body of the lovely and mysterious Janelle Vonn is discovered in an abandoned orange-packing plant. The Beckers and the Vonns have a history, beginning years ...

  • Callej?n Fleshmarket
  • Rankin Ian
  • En un barrio de viviendas protegidas de Edimburgo aparece asesinado un sin papeles. ?Se trata de una agresi?n racista o de algo muy distinto? Es un caso que, sin duda, interesa a Rebus, que se encuentra en ese momento rodeado de problemas: han cerrado su antigua comisar?a y sus jefes querr?an que se retirara. Pero Rebus es m?s terco que nadie. Durante las indagaciones visita un centro de detenci?n para inmigrantes, trata con el s?rdido mundo del hampa de Edimburgo y probablemente acabe enamor?ndose. Siobhan, por otra parte, tiene sus propios problemas. ...

  • Callej?n sin salida
  • Johansen Iris
  • Ella no estaba dispuesta a ser una v?ctima…A pesar del cari?o y los cuidados de Eve y Joe, Jane no ha tenido una infancia como las dem?s. Siempre ha sido m?s inteligente y madura que muchos de los adultos que la rodean. Por eso, cuando comienzan los sue?os, reacciona con cautela. Sabe que las pesadillas la conectan con alguien que vivi? hace mucho tiempo, una joven que sufri? y muri? pero que de alguna manera sigue viva en ella. Y pronto descubre que no es la ?nica, que existe otra persona que ...

  • Callie’s Last Dance
  • Locke John
  • With Lou Kelly dead, the powerful people behind Sensory Resources are scrambling to find a new Agency Director. So far they can only agree on one thing: it can’t be Donovan Creed. Unfortunately for them, he’s the only game in town.Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Willow Breeland, the world’s most ambitious eighteen-year-old, hatches a plan to gain control of mob boss Carmine Porello’s strip club. But her plan depends on gaining the trust and support of Callie Carpenter’s live-in lover, Gwen Peters, and Donovan Creed’s daughter, Maybe Taylor.Against this backdrop, ...

  • Caminos Cruzados
  • Gamboa Erlantz
  • Un matrimonio de un pueblecito mexicano aparece brutalmente asesinado en su propia casa. Nadie puede hacerse a la idea de que estas cosas que suceden normalmente en la capital hayan acabado pasando en la tranquila poblaci?n y menos que nadie el encargado de la investigaci?n policial, Carvajal. Es entonces cuando aparece la agente de la policial federal, Marcia de Valcarcel, que informa a Carvajal de que el crimen se corresponde con el modus operandi de un asesino en serie al que hace bastante que persigue y al que ha apodado Cal?gula.Por otro lado, en ...

  • Campo De Sangre
  • Mina Denise
  • Paddy Meehan, una joven de 18 a?os, trabaja como botones en un peri?dico de Glasgow y sue?a con llegar a ser periodista. Un d?a, a la redacci?n llega la historia de la muerte de un ni?o a manos de dos chavales de diez y once a?os, pero Paddy ve pistas que indican que detr?s de los dos chicos hay un adulto. Pronto se dar? cuenta de que sus investigaciones pueden llevarla a un suicidio profesional, una crisis personal y, adem?s, ponerla en grave peligro.

  • Capital Crimes
  • Woods Stuart
  • Someone is out to kill the nation's high-level politicos in this electrifying new thriller in the bestselling Will Lee series.Will Lee, the courageous and uncompromising senator from Georgia, is back – now as President of the United States, in this fifth book of the New York Times bestselling series. When a prominent conservative politician is killed inside his lakeside cabin, authorities have no suspect in sight. Then two more seemingly isolated deaths-achieved by very different means-are feared to be linked to the same murderer. With the help of his CIA director wife, Kate Rule Lee, Will is thrust in the middle of the deadly game to catch the most clever and professional of killers before he can strike again.From a quiet D.C. suburb to the corridors of power to a deserted island hideaway in Maine, Will, Kate, and the FBI track their man and set a trap with extreme caution and care-and await the most dangerous kind of quarry, a killer with a cause to die for.