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Книги 12701—12725 из 19355.
  • Angel with Attitude
  • Роуэн Мишель
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • When you’re hot for a demon, you might as well kiss your halo good-bye…Falling naked into the killer whale tank at MarineLand is always bad news, but it’s a real bummer when you’ve just been kicked out of Heaven. Former angel Valerie Grace is determined to reverse her banishment – Earth’s just no fun.Her best friend is a slightly perverted human-turned-rat, and she’s being tailed by a sexy Tempter Demon named Nathaniel, who’s trying to lure her to hell with kisses that are almost worth the trip. With the talking rodent sneaking peeks down her shirt and Nathaniel getting more irresistible every minute, this ex-angel has only one hope: find the stolen Key to Heaven and go home.

  • Angel with Two Faces
  • Upson Nicola
  • Жанр: Детективы
  • Inspector Archie Penrose invites Josephine Tey down to his family home in Cornwall so she can recover from the traumatic events depicted in An Expert in Murder. Josephine welcomes the opportunity, especially since Archie's home is near the famous Minack open-air theatre perched on the cliffs overlooking the sea. However, Josephine's hopes of experiencing a period of rest are dashed when her arrival coincides with the funeral of a young man from the village who had drowned when his horse inexplicitly leapt into the nearby lake.When another young man disappears and the village's curate falls from the cliffs of the Minack Theatre onto the rocks below, Josphine and Archie begin to suspect the involvement a cold-blooded murderer.As Josephine and Archie try to unravel the mystery, they begin to see death as an angel with two faces -- one gazing at the violence in the present, the other looking back to the crimes hidden in the past.

  • Angelology
  • Trussoni Danielle
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Set in the secluded world of cloistered abbeys, long-lost secrets and angelic humans, Angelology has all the makings of a blockbuster hit, combining elements of The Da Vinci Code and Kate Mosse's LabyrinthSister Evangeline was just a young girl when her father left her at St. Rose Convent under the care of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Now a young woman, she has unexpectedly discovered a collection of letters dating back sixty years – letters that bring her deep into a closely guarded secret, to an ancient conflict between the millennium-old Society of Angelologists and the monstrously beautiful Nephilim, the descendants of angels and humans. Rich and mesmerizing, Angelology blends biblical lore, mythology and the fall of the Rebel Angels, creating a luminous, riveting tale of one young woman caught in a battle that will determine the fate of the world.

  • Angels Flight
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Detective Hieryonymus 'Harry' Bosch finds himself yet again in charge of a case that no one else will touch. This time his job is to nail the killer of hot shot black lawyer Howard Elias. Elias has been found murdered on the eve of going to court on behalf of Michael Harris: a man the LAPD believes guilty of the rape and murder of a 12 year old girl. Elias had let it be known that the aim of his civil case was not only to reveal the real kiler but to target and bring down the racist cops who beat up his client during a violent interrogation. Bosch is going to have to take a long hard look at some of his colleagues in a post Rodney King Los Angeles Police Department that is rife with suspicion and racial hatred.

  • Angels Revenge
  • Woods Teri
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dutch ended with a bang. On the final day of the infamous 'Month of Murder', the Essex County Courthouse erupted with gunfire. Angel and One-eyed Roc, two of Dutch's lieutenants, were captured, tried, and sent to prison for life. But a legal technicality overturned their sentences, and after serving three long years in the prison system, each is released with a master plan of their own to recapture all that was lost. Fueled by her devotion to Dutch and her lust for power, Angel, along with her prison love Goldilocks, sets out to take back the streets. One-eyed Roc, now a Muslim going by the name Rahman, has a new outlook on life and seeks to right the wrongs that he helped to commit. Once cohorts, the two now stand on different sides of the game. Can two old friends come to some kind of agreement? Or will their determination cause the destruction of the empire that Dutch worked so hard to build?

  • Angels Tip
  • Burke Alafair
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a city full of victims… it's hard to choose just one.Fresh-faced Indiana college student Chelsea Hart is so excited to spend the final hours of her spring break in the VIP room of an elite New York City club that she remains behind when her girlfriends call it a night. The next morning, as her concerned friends anxiously pace their hotel lobby, joggers find Chelsea's body in East River Park, her wavy blond hair brutally hacked off.NYPD Detective Ellie Hatcher catches the case and homes in on the group of privileged men who were ...

  • Angielski Zab?jca
  • Silva Daniel
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Gabriel Allon, by?y as izraelskiego wywiadu i renomowany konserwator dzie? sztuki, otrzymuje od bankiera Augusta Rolfego zlecenie na renowacj? obrazu Rafaela w prywatnej kolekcji w Szwajcarii.Po przybyciu do rezydencji znajduje gospodarza w ka?u?y krwi. Rolfe zosta? zastrzelony, ale obrazu nie skradziono. W rozwik?aniu zagadki tajemniczego morderstwa postanawia pom?c Gabrielowi c?rka zamordowanego, Anna, ?wiatowej s?awy skrzypaczka, mieszkaj?ca w Portugalii. Wkr?tce okazuje si?, ?e z willi bankiera zgin??y wszystkie dzie?a sztuki zgromadzone przez niego w czasie drugiej wojny ?wiatowej…

  • Animal Instincts
  • Showalter Gena
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Unleashing your inner tigress isn't easy when you're a doormat by nature! Still, after escaping a wretched marriage to a cheating SOB, Dallas party planner Naomi Delacroix isn't about to let another man sweet-talk her into sheathing her protective claws. Not even hunky millionaire Royce Powell, who's hired her to arrange his mother's surprise party. Even if he does make her purr like a kitten with one heated glance…Royce claims he's been in love with her ever since she threw a party for one of his friends a year ago. But if that's true, why is this incredibly eligible CEO currently taking applications for a wife? Despite herself, Naomi is tempted to fill one out. But can her inner tigress believe a man might change his stripes?

  • Anne Perrys Christmas Mysteries
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Two holiday novels provide the perfect combination of mystery and murder mixed with a generous helping of Yuletide cheer.A CHRISTMAS GUESTWhen her daughter and son-in-law plan a Christmas vacation to Paris sans hers truly, Grandmama Mariah Ellison travels to the chilly, windswept Romney Marshes to spend the holiday with old friends. But when the body of a fellow guest is found lifeless in bed, Grandmama senses foul play and takes it upon herself to assume the role of amateur detective-uncovering startling truths about the victim… and herself as well.A CHRISTMAS SECRETDominic ...

  • Anonymus Rex
  • Garcia Eric
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • UNA NUEVA ERA DE DETECTIVESAunque casi nadie lo sabe, los dinosaurios simularon su extinci?n hace sesenta y cinco millones de a?os y aun vagan por nuestro planeta, vestidos con unos convincentes disfraces de latex con los que se confunden perfecta mente entre los humanos.Vincent Rubio, detective privado de Los ?ngeles, esta pasando un mal momento: se ha quedado sin trabajo, le han confiscado el coche por falta de pago, su socio ha muerto en extra?as circunstancias y, adem?s, su cola no quiere estarse quieta. Y es que Vincent es un dinosaurio, ...

  • Another Thing to Fall
  • Lippman Laura
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The California dream weavers have invaded Charm City with their cameras, their stars, and their controversy…When private investigator Tess Monaghan literally runs into the crew of the fledgling TV series Mann of Steel while sculling, she expects sharp words and evil looks, not an assignment. But the company has been plagued by a series of disturbing incidents since its arrival on location in Baltimore: bad press, union threats, and small, costly on-set “accidents” that have wreaked havoc with its shooting schedule. As a result, Mann’s creator, Flip Tumulty, the son of a Hollywood legend, is worried ...

  • Apple Turnover Murder
  • Fluke Joanne
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • It's June in Lake Eden, Minnesota, and for Hannah Swensen, that means bridal showers galore, plus a massive fundraising event in need of confections-not to mention a killer who never learned that charity begins at home…Early summer brings plenty of work for Hannah, even before Mayor Bascomb's wife drops by The Cookie Jar to place an order…for eleven-hundred cookies! Stephanie Bascomb is organizing an elaborate three-day event to support local charities, and though it's a worthy cause, Hannah almost flips when her business partner, Lisa, suggests setting up an apple turnover stand. Hannah's never made a ...

  • Aqua alta
  • Леон Донна
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Los venecianos conocen bien el concepto de «acqua alta». Con ?l se?alan la crecida peri?dica de la marea que inunda las calles para deleite de turistas y pesadilla de vecinos. Entre esas aguas se mueve el comisario Brunetti, tratando de resolver cr?menes como el del doctor Semenzato, director del museo del Palacio Ducal, que aparece en su despacho con la cabeza aplastada por un llamativo resto arqueol?gico.Tan brillante, culto y melanc?lico como su ciudad, Brunetti tiene que investigar en esta ocasi?n las redes de contrabando que intervienen en el tr?fico internacional de arte, una actividad en la que la codicia puede llegar a tener escalofriantes consecuencias.

  • Arctic Chill
  • Indridason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Reykjavik police detective Erlendur Sveinsson and his team investigate the murder of a dark-skinned Asian boy, found frozen in his own blood one midwinter day outside a rundown apartment block. The author imbues the self-doubting Erlendur with enormous depth, as an insecure father unable to show his love for his errant son and daughter as well as a troubled professional who’s made pain his constant companion. Indridason also lays bare the plight of Thai women brought to Iceland, married and soon divorced by Icelanders, left to raise their children alone in a culture, a climate and a language they don’t understand. On top of this national tragedy is the universal problem of bored, unsupervised youth, raised with no respect for authority and awash in fast food, rock music and violent computer games. Indridason has produced a stunning indictment of contemporary society.