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Книги 13826—13850 из 19355.

  • Deep Sea Dead
  • Avocato Lori
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Pauline Walks the Plank..A confirmed landlubber, insurance fraud p.i. Pauline Sokol's never heard the call of the sea – or if she has, she didn't pay attention. But now the former RN is donning her nurse's whites once more to go undercover as part of the medical team of the Golden Dolphin – a lavish luxury liner that's setting sail for Bermuda.There's something fishy going on aboard the super-deluxe dinghy, and it's Pauline's job to be the ship's designated secret snoop – if she doesn't get too distracted by the motley crew of friends and relatives who've decided to sail along with her… and by her sexy supervising fellow investigator, Jagger. But when a dead body turns up – in Pauline's cabin, no less! – and another nurse goes missing, Pauline realizes she may be over her head in shark-infested waters. And getting safely onto dry land may be a long swim back!

  • Deep Sky
  • Lee Patrick
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The anomaly called the Breach is the government’s most carefully guarded secret.But there is another secret even less known… and far more terrifying.As the U.S. President addresses the nation from the Oval Office, a missile screams toward the White House. In a lightning flash, the Chief Executive is dead, his mansion in ruins, and two cryptic words are the only clue to the assassins’ motives: Now Travis Chase of the covert agency Tangent—caretakers of the Breach and all its grim wonders—along with partner and lover Paige Campbell and technology expert Bethany Stewart, have only twenty-four hours to unearth a decades-old mystery once spoken of in terrified whispers by the long since silenced. But their breakneck race cross-country—and back through time and malleable memory—is calling the total destructive might of a shadow government down upon them. For Travis Chase has a dark destiny he cannot be allowed to fulfill…

  • Deep Storm
  • Child Lincoln
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ‘Deep Storm' is the most spectacular science research facility ever constructed. Lying deep beneath the Atlantic on the ocean floor, the heavily guarded structure has been designed for one purpose: to excavate a recently-discovered undersea site that may hold the answers to a mystery steeped in centuries of myth and speculation.Peter Crane, a former naval doctor, is summoned to a remote oil platform on the Atlantic to help diagnose a medical condition spreading through the rig workers. When he arrives, however, Crane learns that the real trouble lies far below the rig. Sworn to secrecy, he descends ...

  • Deeper Than the Dead
  • Хоаг Тами
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Thomas Crane is a normal ten-year-old boy, except for one thing – his father may be a serial killer. Peter Crane is a community leader, but his seeming generosity may be a clever cover for cultivating his own victims. Meredith Crane plays the role of the perfect wife, standing by her man, but is she standing in the way of justice? Duane Larkin has a history of violence that may determine his son's future and send him down a dark path. Even at the tender age of ten, Dennis Larkin is a troubled boy with twisted fantasies of cruel acts committed against the weak and vulnerable. Tony Mendez is a tenacious veteran homicide detective, determined to bring the killer down – no matter who he might be. And FBI Special Agent Anne Navarro is a woman in a man's world, a scientist in the midst of hard-nosed cops. But with her own quiet determination she will do her part to solve the crimes – and perhaps save a child in the process.

  • Deeper Water
  • Whitlow Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Tides of Truth novels follow one lawyer's passionate pursuit of truth in matters of life and the law.In the murky waters of Savannah's shoreline, a young law student is under fire as she tries her first case at a prominent and established law firm. A complex mix of betrayal and deception quickly weaves its way through the case and her life, as she uncovers dark and confusing secrets about the man she's defending-and the senior partners of the firm.How deep will the conspiracy run? Will she have to abandon her true self to fulfill a higher calling? And how far will she have to go to discover the truth behind a tragic cold case?

  • Defensa cerrada
  • Markaris Petros
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El rico empresario Dinos Kustas, conocida figura de la noche ateniense y propietario de un lujoso restaurante y varios clubs nocturnos, es asesinado de madrugada.Todo apunta a que ha sido v?ctima de un ajuste de cuentas de la mafia. Sin embargo, para el comisario Kostas Jaritos algo no encaja: cuatro disparos hechos casi a ciegas no parecen obra de un profesional. C?nico, esc?ptico y obstinado, el investigador recorre las calles de Atenas, corro?da por los intereses internacionales y la delincuencia, en busca de respuestas.Desde los bajos fondos hasta las altas esferas, Jaritos se adentrar? en el lado m?s s?rdido de la Grecia contempor?nea, al tiempo que desvela un oscuro entramado de blanqueo de dinero y corrupci?n.

  • Defensa O Traici?n
  • Perry Anne
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Cu?ndo el general Thaddeus Carlyon, insigne veterano del Imperio de Su Majestad, muere en una elegante fiesta londinense, nadie sospecha que se trate de un asesinato. Sin embargo, la bella esposa del general, Alexandra, se confiesa autora del crimen, lo que causar? una profunda conmoci?n en la aristocracia victoriana. El detective W?lliam Monk trabajar?, incansablemente junto a Oliver Rathbone, su colaborador habitual y abogado defensor de Alexandra Carlyon, para conseguir salvar la vida de la acusada. Defensa o traici?n, es la tercera novela de la serie de misterio victoriano protagonizada. por el detective William Monk.

  • Deja en paz al diablo
  • Verdon John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nada es nunca lo que parece. Y menos si David Gurney est? involucrado.Han pasado seis meses. David Gurney apenas ha conseguido reincorporarse a una cierta normalidad despu?s de haberse encontrado al borde de la muerte tras resolver el caso m?s peligroso al que se hab?a enfrentado. Madeleine, su esposa, est? preocupada: ha sido diagnosticado con s?ndrome de estr?s postraum?tico; nada parece alegrarle.Hasta que recibe una llamada. Connie Clark, la periodista que cre? la leyenda de superpoli, lo puso en la portada de una revista y lo catapult? a la ...

  • Dekalog Dobrego Dextera
  • Lindsay Jeffry
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dexter, znany z Demon?w dobrego Dextera uroczy potw?r w ludzkiej sk?rze, w drugim thrillerze Jeffa Lindsaya wci?? trzyma si? swojej zasady: zabija tylko innych seryjnych zab?jc?w. Nikt nie podejrzewa, ?e wzorowy pracownik policyjnego laboratorium nocami staje si? katem, kt?ry wymierza swoj? sprawiedliwo??. Nikt, poza jednym w?cibskim policjantem. Tak, sier?ant Doakes to pierwszy problem Dextera. Drugi: wyrafinowany morderca, przy kt?rym "metody pracy” Dextera wydaj? si? jemu samemu dziecinn? zabaw?. Ale najgorsze, ?e co? ??czy te dwa problemy…

  • Deliciously Dangerous
  • Anders Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Undercover agent Callie Carpenter is closing in on her elusive target, but she needs one man: Jammer, aka Shane McMasters – her target's right-hand guy and (coincidentally) an ?ber-hottie Callie can't resist. And she won't!Callie's playing a dangerous game. She can be as irresistible and ruthless as her persona demands.But inevitably, even the most sensual games – involving good wine, good food and great sex – must come to an end. Her mission, should she choose to accept it, is an undercover seduction.with a delicious side of danger!

  • Delitos Menores
  • Hamilton Laurell
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Puede que me conozcas como Meredith Nic Essus, princesa del reino de las Hadas. O quiz?s, como Merry Gentry, detective privado de Los ?ngeles. Tanto en el Mundo de las Hadas como en el mundo de los mortales, mi vida es objeto de intrigas reales y dramas c?lebres. Entre los m?os, me he enfrentado a enemigos terribles, soportado la traici?n y maldad de mi familia y cumplido con el deber de engendrar un heredero… todo por el derecho de reclamar el trono. Pero le he dado la espalda a la Corte y a la corona, ...

  • Deliver Us From Evil
  • Baldacci David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In South America a wealthy ninety-six year old man reads a book late into the night. Within an hour, he is dead, the secrets of his past starkly revealed. Six months later, in Provence, Shaw – the shadowy operative from The Whole Truth – witnesses the murder of a mysterious man, his body left lifeless at the bottom of a pool. Shaw barely escapes the incident himself; and with a new partner in tow, begins to realise that there has to be another organization at work that rivals his own in secrecy…Meanwhile, half a world away, journalist Katie James is ...

  • Deliverance
  • Dickey James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Released for the first time in trade paperback, this is the classic tale of four men caught in a primitive and violent test of manhood.The setting is the Georgia wilderness, where the states most remote white-water river awaits. In the thundering froth of that river, in its echoing stone canyons, four men on a canoe trip discover a freedom and exhilaration beyond compare. And then, in a moment of horror, the adventure turns into a struggle for survival as one man becomes a human hunter who is offered his own harrowing deliverance.

  • Deluge
  • Kaminsky Stuart
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Days and nights of heavy spring rain threaten to cripple New York City. Neighborhoods are experiencing periodic blackouts. People have been reported electrocuted by fallen power lines. Flooding of some subway lines has stopped trains in their tracks. And in the midst of the deluge, the CSI team has three cases to solve.Mac Taylor and Don Flack are on the trail of the perpetrator of a string of grisly murders with one thing in common: initials carved into the victims' bodies. When an unusual connection is found between the victims' lives, Mac realizes the killer isn't finished – ...

  • Demon Hunts
  • Murphy C. E.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Seattle police detective Joanne Walker started the year mostly dead, and she's ending it trying not to be consumed by evil. Literally.She's proven she can handle the gods and the walking dead. But a cannibalistic serial killer? That's more than even she bargained for. What's worse, the brutal demon can only be tracked one way. If Joanne is to stop its campaign of terror, she'll have to hunt it where it lives: the Lower World, a shamanistic plane of magic and spirits.Trouble is, Joanne's skills are no match for the dangers she's about to face—and her on-the-job training could prove fatal to the people she's sworn to protect..