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Книги 13876—13900 из 19355.
  • Desaparecida
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Myron Bolitar no es uno m?s. Es la ?nica esperanza de Terese Collins. Hace ocho a?os ambos huyeron a una isla caribe?a para dedicarse a amarse. Pero ella desapareci? sin dejar ni el m?s m?nimo rastro, incluso para alguien tan avieso como Bolitar. Hasta que son? el tel?fono a las cinco de la ma?ana. S?lo dijo: «Ven a Par?s?», dejando el aroma de un encuentro rom?ntico, sensual, lleno de fantas?as, con el que recuperar el tiempo perdido. Pero Bolitar ya presagiaba que Terese hab?a pronunciado aquellas palabras ...

  • Desaparecidas
  • Mooney Chris
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Todo comenz? un d?a cualquiera para aquellas tres adolescentes de Belham, Massachusetts. Ellas iban a pasar un d?a como cualquier otro, en el bosque bebiendo cerveza y fumando un poco. Todo iba bien, hasta que presenciaron aquella escena. Ellas no estaban preparadas para ver algo as?, les arranc? la inocencia de cuajo, quebr? su amistad, y se convirti? en un reguero de sangre y dolor, mucho dolor…Han pasado veinticinco a?os desde que ocurriera aquello, y el secuestro de Carol Cranmore, una adolescente de Belham, ha puesto en guardia a la polic?a y al ...

  • Descansa En Paz
  • Lindqvist John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Considerado por la Academia Sueca uno de los autores de mayor talento, aclamado por la cr?tica como el nuevo Stephen King y considerado por los lectores el sucesor de Stieg Larsson, el maestro escandinavo del terror se imagina en su nueva novela qu? pasar?a si Estocolmo fuese tomado por los zombies.Algo muy extra?o est? ocurriendo en la capital de Suecia: en medio de una inusual ola de calor, la gente se da cuenta de que no puede apagar la luz ni los aparatos el?ctricos. De repente, una noticia sacude a la naci?n: en la morgue los muertos est?n resucitando. ?Qu? es lo que quieren? L?gicamente, volver a casa…

  • Descendant
  • Masterton Graham
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A supernatural thriller from the master of suspense.Californian James Falcon's compelling Romanian mother told him so many folk stories that by the time he reaches college in 1943, he is something of an expert on the strigoi, the legendary, undying vampires who infested the most isolated forests of Wallachia. Mostly as a joke, he writes a term paper on the strigoi. But the joke turns serious when US counterintelligence approach him to recruit his expertise. James hunts down strigoi murderers in war-ravaged Europe, Nazi assassins hired to run down run down the French and Belgian resistance in exchange ...

  • Desde Rusia con amor
  • Fleming lan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Desde Rusia con amor es la quinta novela de James Bond escrita por Ian Fleming. La inteligencia sovi?tica planea un golpe contra la inteligencia occidental, para esto han escogido como blanco al agente 007 de MI6. La agente Tatiana Romanova es inducida por la coronel Rosa Klebb para que le ofrezca a Bond un decodificador sovi?tico a cambio de que ?l la lleve a Inglaterra. El agente Grant se asegurar? de que no falle la misi?n. Bond ser? ayudado por Kerim Bey, un musulm?n que se encubre bajo la identidad de un vendedor de tapetes. El desenlace final ser? que Kerim Bey morir? a manos de Grant en el Expreso de Oriente, Grant ser? eliminado por Bond y Rosa Klebb ser? arrestada, no sin antes herir a Bond con un cuchillo escondido en su zapato. El desenlace de esto se ve en la novela Dr. No, en donde Bond se cura.

  • Desert Heat
  • Jance J.
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Life is good for Joanna Brady in the small desert community of Bisbee. She has Jenny, her adored nine-year-old daughter, and solid, honest, and loving husband, Andy, a local lawman who's running for Sheriff of Cochise County. But her good life explodes when a bullet destroys Andy Brady's future and leaves him dying beneath the blistering Arizona sun.The police brass claim that Andy was dirty-up to his neck in drugs and smuggling-and that the shooting was a suicide attempt. Joanna knows a cover-up when she hears one…and murder when she sees it. But her determined effort to track down an assassin and clear her husband's name are placing herself and her Jenny in serious jeopardy. Because, in the desert, the truth can be far more lethal than a rattler's bite.

  • Deuces Down
  • Martin George
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of stories“Martin has assembled an impressive array of writers… Progressing through the decades, Wild Cards keeps its momentum to the end… I’m looking forward to the next episodes in this saga of mutant Americana.” – Locus“Well written and suspenseful and a good read… The authors had a lot of fun rewriting recent American history.” – Aboriginal Science Fiction“Commendable writing… a zany premise… narrated with rueful humor and intelligence.” – Publishers Weekly***The first fifteen volumes of the Wild Cards series concerned themselves primarily with aces (those given superhuman powers by the ...

  • Deuda De Sangre
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tras dos a?os a la espera de un donante compatible, Terry McCaleb se recupera de un trasplante de coraz?n que le ha obligado a cambiar por completo de estilo de vida. Su ?nica meta es reparar el velero en el que se ha retirado y dejar definitivamente atr?s sus d?as como agente del FBI especializado en casos de asesinos en serie. Sin embargo, antes de empezar una nueva vida deber? zanjar un asunto pendiente: resolver el asesinato de Gloria Rivers, la mujer cuyo coraz?n late en su pecho.

  • Deux fois n’est pas coutume
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • St?phanie Plum est chasseuse de prime. Sa sp?cialit? : ramener les lib?r?s sous caution r?calcitrants au tribunal. Un job sans grande surprise, sauf quand il s'agit de mettre la main sur Kenny Mancuso. Un vrai coriace tremp? dans une affaire de trafic d'armes, qui passe son temps ? d?couper des cadavres et ? envoyer les morceaux ? St?phanie. Sans compter les quarante cercueils disparus d'une entreprise de pompes fun?bres. Un vrai casse-t?te. ?videmment, tout irait mieux si Morelli, flic et pot de colle, n'?tait pas toujours pendu ? ses basques. Heureusement, St?phanie ? une grand-m?re qui s'y conna?t en flingues et en salons fun?raires.

  • Devices & Desires
  • James P.
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Featuring the famous Commander Adam Dalgliesh, Devices and Desires is a thrilling and insightfully crafted novel of fallible people caught in a net of secrets, ambitions, and schemes on a lonely stretch of Norfolk coastline.Commander Dalgliesh of Scotland Yard has just published a new book of poems and has taken a brief respite from publicity on the remote Larksoken headland on the Norfolk coast in a converted windmill left to him by his aunt. But he cannot so easily escape murder. A psychotic strangler of young women is at large in Norfolk, and getting nearer to Larksoken with every killing. And when Dalgliesh discovers the murdered body of the Acting Administrative Officer on the beach, he finds himself caught up in the passions and dangerous secrets of the headland community and in one of the most baffling murder cases of his career.

  • Devil Bones
  • Reichs Kathy
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a house under renovation, a plumber uncovers a cellar no one knew about, and makes a rather grisly discovery – a decapitated chicken, animal bones, and cauldrons containing beads, feathers, and other relics of religious ceremonies. In the center of the shrine, there is the skull of a teenage girl. Meanwhile, on a nearby lakeshore, the headless body of a teenage boy is found by a man walking his dog.Nothing is clear – neither when the deaths occurred, nor where. Was the skull brought to the cellar or was the girl murdered there? Why is the boy’s ...

  • Devil’s garden
  • Atkins Ace
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From the critically acclaimed, award-nominated author comes a new noir crime classic about one of the most notorious trials in American history.Critics called Ace Atkins's Wicked City 'gripping, superb' (Library Journal), 'stunning' (The Tampa Tribune), 'terrific' (Associated Press), 'riveting' (Kirkus Reviews), 'wicked good' (Fort Worth Star-Telegram), and 'Atkins' best novel' (The Washington Post). But Devil's Garden is something else again.San Francisco, September 1921: Silent-screen comedy star Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle is throwing a wild party in his suite at the St. Francis Hotel: girls, jazz, bootleg hooch… and a dead actress named Virginia Rappe. The D.A. ...

  • Devil’s Kiss
  • Chadda Sarwat
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • There's Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself…And Billi SanGreal.As the youngest and only female member of the Knights Templar, Bilquis SanGreal grew up knowing she wasn't normal. Instead of hanging out at the mall or going on dates, she spends her time training as a soldier in her order's ancient battle against the Unholy.Billi's cloistered life is blasted apart when her childhood friend, Kay, returns from Jerusalem, gorgeous and with a dangerous chip on his shoulder. He's ready to reclaim his place in Billi's life, but she's met someone new: amber-eyed Michael, who seems ...

  • Devils corner
  • Scottoline Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When prosecutor Vicki Allegretti arrives at a rowhouse to meet a confidential informant, she finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time – and is almost shot to death. She barely escapes with her life, but cannot save the two others gunned down before her disbelieving eyes. Stunned and heartbroken, Vicki tries to figure out how a routine meeting on a minor case became a double homicide.Vicki's suspicions take her to Devil's Corner, a city neighborhood teetering on the brink of ruin – thick with broken souls, innocent youth, and a scourge that preys on both. But the deeper Vicki probes, the more she becomes convinced that the murders weren't random and the killers were more ruthless than she thought.When another murder thrusts Vicki together with an unlikely ally, she buckles up for a wild ride down a dangerous street – and into the cross-hairs of a conspiracy as powerful as it is relentless.

  • Devils Gate
  • Cussler Clive
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A Japanese cargo ship cruises the eastern Atlantic near the Azores- when it bursts into flames. A gang of pirates speeds to take advantage of the disaster- when their boat explodes. What is happening in that part of the world? As Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the NUMA(r) Special Assignments Team rush to investigate, they find themselves drawn into the extraordinary ambitions of an African dictator, the creation of a weapon of almost mythical power, and an unimaginably audacious plan to extort the world's major nations. Their penalty for refusal? The destruction of their greatest cities.

  • Dexter by Design
  • Lindsay Jeff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Being a blood spatter analyst who hates the sight of blood has always made Dexter's work for the Miami PD tough. But it means he's very neat when it comes to his out-of-hours hobby: murder. Of course, the fact Dexter only kills bad people helps too. Now Dex is facing a disturbing situation. He's used to blood at work, and blood when he's out with the dark passenger (the voice that guides him on his deadly outings). But he's not sure what to make of the man who says blood is art. Using bodies as his canvas, someone ...