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Книги 15801—15825 из 19355.

  • Mistaken Identity
  • Scottoline Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewWhen confronted with the most challenging and the most personal case of her legal career, Bennie Rosato-an expert on police corruption-questions everything she has learned as a criminal attorney, and everyone she considers to be family. During a visit behind the bars of Philadelphia 's Central Corrections facility, Bennie is shocked to discover that an inmate bears a striking physical resemblance to herself. The prisoner, Alice Connolly, stands accused of murdering her cop boyfriend Anthony Della Porta, and the case reeks of a police conspiracy. Connolly convinces Bennie to defend her in court. Bennie feels ...

  • Mister Slaughter
  • McCammon Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Murder and ghoulish mayhem are the order of the day in bestseller McCammon's colorful third thriller featuring "problem-solver" Matthew Corbett and his escapades in early 18th-century America. After confronting a criminal mastermind in (2007), Matthew finds himself a celebrity whose exploits have become sensational fodder for colonial tabloids. This heady attention contributes to a bad lapse of judgment when he and his senior associate, Hudson Greathouse, accidentally allow a brutal murderer, Tyranthus Slaughter, to give them the slip while they transport him to prison in Philadelphia. The rousing narrative details Matthew's dogged pursuit of the indestructible Tyranthus as the killer cuts a bloody swath through the Pennsylvania wilderness. McCammon shows a sure hand balancing scenes of Matthew's quiet contemplation with the cold-blooded carnage that makes his quarry's name so appropriate.

  • Misterio en alta mar
  • Clark Mary
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El Royal Mermaid es el flamante buque que sirve de escenario a Mary Higgins, una vez mas acompa?ada de la pluma de su hija Carol, para contarnos una historia de suspense, e intriga, y porque no tambien cargada de humor, el anfitrion del crucero de lujo, ha querido invitar a personas que tienen algo en com?n, estan comprometidas con nobles causas humanitarias.Entre tanto fil?ntopo, tambien han recibido una invitaci?n de navidad para formar parte del pasaje, la detective amateur Alvirah Meehan y la investigadora privada Regan Reilly, ambas acompa?adas por sus maridos, ...

  • Misterioso
  • Dahl Arne
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Acerca de Paul Helm 01 – MisteriosoEl inspector Paul Hjelm se enfrenta a un proceso de disciplina interno, con acusaciones de racismo incluidas, por disparar a un extranjero durante un secuestro con rehenes. Su impulsiva actuaci?n no ha sido entendida y, a pesar de que le ha convertido en un h?roe medi?tico, ha desbaratado su carrera. De pronto, una singular propuesta del superintendente Jan-Olov Hultin le sacar? de la pesadilla: en lugar del cese de sus funciones, Hultin propone unirse a un grupo de investigadores de ?lite a los que denomina Grupo A. La invitaci?n ...

  • Mistletoe and Mayhem
  • Kingsbury Kate
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • This holiday season there'll be murder under the mistletoe at the Pennyfoot Hotel…As friends, family, and guests gather at the Pennyfoot Hotel to share the joys of the season, Cecily Sinclair Baxter and her staff are hustling and bustling more than ever. Cecily's friend Madeline arrives with her new baby and adds a kissing bough to the decorations. Cecily believes that the holiday couldn't get off to a better start…But after a footman and a new maid are seen kissing under the bough and then turn up dead afterwards, the downstairs staff is convinced a serial killer is among them…perhaps the mysterious guest known only as J. Mortimer. When Madeline's baby disappears, Cecily desperately tries to find the child. If she doesn't catch this killer in time, everyone's cheer will quickly turn to fear.

  • Mistletoe and Murder
  • Ryan Jenna
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • TWELVE NIGHTS AND COUNTING DOWN TO CHRISTMASEvery Christmas the threats started again. They came delivered in red greeting cards, and this year Romana was forced to take them seriously. Even if it meant turning to Jacob Knight-the sexy detective she'd always kept at arm's length. After seven years, he was bigger, stronger and more man than she was prepared for. His dark past endangered Romana-but only his arms could provide protection from the convicted killer bent on exacting revenge. And as the nights grew longer and more difficult, their passions threatened to erupt-and expose them to dangers as irresistible as they were reckless.

  • Mistress of the Game
  • Sheldon Sidney
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The spellinbinding sequel to Sidney Sheldon's Master of the Game. One of most glamorous and suspenseful tales ever told! It began with Jamie MacGregor, stealing diamonds in Africa. It continued with his daughter, the powerful Kate Blackwell who grew her father's company into a world wide conglomerate, Now the story passes to the next generation. Spanning the decades and picking-up exactly where Sidney Sheldon's bestselling Master of the Game finished, Mistress of the Game follows the Blackwell family as they, Love, and lose, scheme and murder through the 80's up until the present day. Heart-stopping and glamorous, tense and provactive, Mistress of the Game is the sequel that Sheldon fans have been waiting for!

  • Mistress of the Art of Death
  • Franklin Ariana
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Christian children are being kidnapped and murdered in 12th century Cambridge, England, Adelia is sent to seek out the truth, and hopefully absolve the Jews being blamed for the crimes, before the townspeople take matters into their own hands. During a time when women are second-class citizens at best, and the practice of scientific autopsies is considered blasphemous, Adelia is the most skilled “speaker for the dead” hailing from progressive Naples – yet she is forced to masquerade as the meek assistant to her colleagues during their frantic search for the real child killer.From The Washington Post

  • Mistrzyni sztuki ?mierci
  • Franklin Ariana
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cztery potworne morderstwa… Nieuchwytny zab?jca… I niezwyk?a kobieta, kt?ra potrafi sk?oni? zmar?ych do wyjawienia sekret?w. W 1171 roku bestialskie zab?jstwa dzieci wstrz?saj? Cambridge. Kr?l sprowadza ze s?ynnej sycylijskiej szko?y medycznej najlepszego mistrza sztuki ?mierci – bieg?ego w anatomii i arkanach ?ledztwa. Kt?? m?g?by jednak przypuszcza?, ?e ?w medyk jest… kobiet?. W zabobonnej Anglii Adelia musi kry? sw? prawdziw? to?samo??, by nie oskar?ono jej o czary. Potajemnie bada okaleczone zw?oki, dokonuje ogl?dzin miejsc zbrodni i dzi?ki wiedzy i dedukcji uk?ada list? podejrzanych. Bogobojni mieszczanie, rozmodleni mnisi, us?u?ni dworzanie, waleczni rycerze… Kto z nich jest morderc?, kt?ry ju? wybra? nast?pn? ofiar??

  • Mitternacht
  • Koontz Dean
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nie war das Grauen bedrohlicher …Tessa Lockland kann den angeblichen Selbstmord ihrer Schwester nicht glauben. Deshalb macht sie sich auf den Weg nach Moonlight Cove, der kalifornischen Kleinstadt, in der ihre Schwester zuletzt gelebt hat. Auch ein FBI-Agent trifft dort ein, um eine Reihe seltsamer Todesf?lle zu kl?ren. Der an den Rollstuhl gefesselte Vietnam-Veteran Harry Talbot hat ihn verst?ndigt, da auch er schon l?nger seltsame Ereignisse beobachtet. Und schlie?lich ist da noch das M?dchen Chrissie Foster, deren Eltern sich zu unheimlichen Wesen verwandeln. Alle F?den scheinen bei der geheimnisvollen Computerfirma New Wave zusammenzulaufen, die ein wahnwitziges Experiment mit den B?rgern der Stadt plant ...Titel der Originalausgabe MIDNIGHT.Aus dem Amerikanischen ?bersetzt von Joachim K?rber Scanned by Doc Gonzo.

  • MKAD 2008
  • Некрасов Антон
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • В 1986 году на каждого жителя Белокаменной приходилось по 0,07 автомобиля. Специалистами было заявлено, что если количество личного транспорта превысит 170 автомобилей на 1000 москвичей, то в городе наступит коллапс. Сейчас в Москве на 1000 человек 250 машин. Коллапс давно торжествует, причем его тоже заклинило в какой-то безнадежной мертвой точке. Но в один прекрасный день эта точка была сбита бампером «Porsche Cayenne» стоимостью в несколько миллионов. И по принципу домино все поехало – как, собственно, и мозги тех, кто выезжает по утрам на МКАД, чтобы по собственному желанию оказаться в круге первом… Этот роман про Дорогу длиною в сто девять километров, не имеющую начала и конца, где смерть – привычное дело, а ложь, предательство и жестокость выходят за рамки человеческого понимания.

  • Mnie Zabi?
  • Chmielewska Joanna
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Mimo up?ywu trzech tygodni, nie zapomnia?am o holenderskiej aferze, bo ci?gle mi o niej kto? przypomina?. Martusia nerwowo dopytywa?a si? przez telefon, czy co? wiem o Ewie Thompkins i czy ona na pewno do niej nie przyjedzie. Nie wynika?o z tego wprawdzie jasno, kt?ra do kt?rej mia?aby przyjecha?, ale pocieszaj?co twierdzi?am, ?e nie. G?sowska dzwoni?a dwukrotnie, ca?a zatroskana, bo Jadzia tam si? martwi i nie wie co zrobi?, Thompkins chodzi ponury, a Thompkinsowa w strasznych nerwach. Samoch?d, co jej ukradli, ju? odzyska?a, ale teraz go nie chce i p?acze, ?eby jej inny kupi?, a kto by si? dziwi?, skoro w nim trupa znale?li. Gorzej, podobno je m?? tego trupa zna?, wi?c tym bardziej nie wiadomo, co robi?.Poradzi?am, ?eby nic. Znajomo?? z trupem, o ile zosta? pochowany, niczemu nie szkodzi.Teraz zn?w G?rski…

  • Modlitwa o sen
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Z zak?adu dla umys?owo chorych ucieka Michael Hrubek, pacjent ze schizofreni? paranoidaln?. I ma przed sob? ?ci?le okre?lony cel: odnale?? Lis Atcheson – to jej zeznania sprawi?y, ?e uznano go za potwora i skazano na zamkni?cie.Podczas burzy, sprzyjaj?cej szale?cowi, ?cigaj? go teraz trzej ludzie: psychiatra Kohler – przekonany o niewinno?ci swego pacjenta, zawodowy tropiciel Heck – licz?cy na nagrod? za schwytanie szale?ca, i Atcheson – m?? Lis, kt?ry musi dopa?? Hrubeka, nim ten skrzywdzi jego ?on?…

  • Moi, vous me connaissez ?
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Des nuits comme celle-l?, je vous jure…Y a qu'? Paname qu'on en rencontre !Et encore, faut attendre minuit.Pourtant, ?a d?marrait plut?t pas mal. Moi, vous me connaissez ?Je me voyais d?j? plonger dans les transports en commun en compagnie de la m?me Rebecca…Je lui mijotais un programme de gala, avec une cargaison de frissons tous plus voluptueux les uns que les autres.Remarquez, des frissons y en a eu au cours de cette sacr?e nuit !Et pas qu'un peu !Seulement, ?a n'?tait pas ceux que j'escomptais.Lorsqu'il s'est mis ? pleuvoir de la viande froide, j'ai dr?lement regrett? d'?tre sorti sans p?broque.Heureusement que Berthe B?rurier m'accompagnait.Parce qu'avec une Jeanne d'Arc de deux tonnes, vous me direz ce que je voudrai, mais on se sent moins seul !

  • Moment Of Truth
  • Scottoline Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Jack Newlin comes home to find his wife dead on the floor of their elegant dining room, he's convinced he knows who killed her – and determined that the murderer should escape detection. Making a split-second decision, he sets about doctoring the evidence in order to frame himself for the crime. And to hammer the final nail in his coffin, he hires the most inexperienced lawyer he can find: Mary DiNunzio of Philadelphia law firm Rosato and Associates. Unfortunately for Jack, hiring Mary could turn out to be a big mistake. Inexperienced she may be, but Mary soon discovers that instead of defending a guilty client who claims to be innocent, she has an innocent client falsely proclaiming his guilt.

  • Monday Night Jihad
  • Elam Jason
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Just in time for the Super Bowl is this debut suspense novel from a 14-year NFL place kicker and his Colorado pastor. The result yields some nice moments paired with problematic writing and improbable plot twists. Air Force 2d Lt. Riley Covington is given grace to play NFL football instead of serving out his military time, but he opts to return to active duty after a horrific stadium bombing. Hakeem Qasim is an Iraqi groomed for terrorism by tragic events in his childhood. The lives of both the squeaky-clean Christian Riley and the radical Muslim Hakeem intersect in a ...

  • Money to Burn
  • Grippando James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In this timely stand-alone thriller ripped from the headlines, New York Times bestselling author James Grippando, whom the Wall Street Journal calls "a writer to watch," explores a world in which the destruction of financial institutions and the people who run them can occur in a matter of hours – perhaps even minutes.At thirty-one, Michael Cantella is a rising star at Wall Street's premier investment bank, Saxton Silvers. Everything is going according to plan until Ivy Layton, the love of his life, vanishes on their honeymoon in the Bahamas.Fast-forward four years. It's the eve of his ...

  • Monsieur Pain
  • Боланьо Роберто
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A un disc?pulo de Mesmer le encargan que cure el hipo que sufre un sudamericano pobre abandonado en un hospital de Par?s en la primavera de 1938. En apariencia, nada puede pasar. Sin embargo el mesmerista Pierre Pain se ver? envuelto en una intriga en donde se planea un asesinato ritual de proporciones planetarias. ?Qui?n es el sudamericano que agoniza en el hospital Arago? ?Por qu? unas fuerzas ocultas desean su muerte? ?Qu? se pierde y qu? se gana con esa muerte? S?lo Pierre Pain se da cuenta de lo que se teje entre bastidores. Y ?...