Amanda McCready was four years old when she vanished from a Boston neighborhood twelve years ago. Desperate pleas for help from the child's aunt led investigators Kenzie and Gennaro to take on the case. The pair risked everything to find the young girl-only to orchestrate her return to a neglectful mother and a broken home.Now Amanda is sixteen-and gone again. A stellar student, brilliant but aloof, she seemed destined to escape her upbringing. Yet Amanda's aunt is once more knocking on Patrick Kenzie's door, fearing the worst for the little girl who has blossomed into a striking, clever young woman-a woman who hasn't been seen in weeks.
Winter herrscht in Crozet, Virginia, und jeder scheint unter der unerbittlichen K?lte zu leiden, sogar Mary Minor Haristeen, die Postmeisterin des St?dtchens. Und so freuen sich alle ?ber jeden Klatsch, der ihnen aus dem Krankenhaus von Crozet zugetragen wird. Doch dann passiert Unfa?bares: Ihre Klatschquelle wird ermordet. Harry kann wie immer keinem Mordfall widerstehen und findet bald heraus, da? das Krankenhaus ein einziger Sumpf aus Eitelkeiten, Eifersucht und heimlichen Aff?ren ist. Und es ist wieder Mrs. Murphy, die durch die Schattenwelt des Krankenhauses von Crozet schleicht, dem Geheimnis auf der Spur. Und wie so manches Mal mu? die samtpf?tige Detektivin zusammen mit ihren tierischen Freunden zu H?chstform auflaufen, um den Fall zu l?sen. Ein Fall, von dem nur klar ist, da? alle F?hrten zu kaltbl?tigem Mord f?hren...
Im Jahr 799 begegnen sich Papst Leo III. und der K?nig der Franken, Karl der Gro?e, in Paderborn. Der eine ist vor seinen Feinden in Rom geflohen, der andere denkt daran, sein Lebenswerk mit dem Kaisertitel zu kr?nen. Doch dann wird der Aufenthalt an den Quellen der Pader von r?tselhaften Mordf?llen ?berschattet. Als ersten trifft es Bischof Odoaker w?hrend einer Messe im Dom...
Die junge Flavia de Luce staunt nicht schlecht, als sie im ersten Morgenlicht eine Leiche im Garten entdeckt – ausgerechnet im Gurkenbeet! Jeder h?lt ihren Vater f?r den M?rder, denn Colonel de Luce hat sich noch tags zuvor mit dem Verblichenen gestritten. Nur ein einziger Mensch glaubt felsenfest an die Unschuld des Colonels – seine neunmalkluge Tochter Flavia. Schlie?lich ist der Ermordete vergiftet worden, und – ganz im Gegensatz zu Flavia, die eine begnadete Giftmischerin ist – ihr Vater hat nie Interesse an der Chemie des Todes gezeigt. Also fragt Flavia in vermeintlich kindlicher Unschuld s?mtlichen Zeugen L?...
Fr?hling im idyllischen Crozet - nach einem harten Winter erwachen bei Mensch und Tier wieder die Lebensgeister: Mary Minor «Harry» Haristeen, die junge Posthalterin, ?berwindet sich zum gro?en Hausputz. Tigerkatze Mrs. Murphy und Corgi-H?ndin Tee Tucker k?nnen sich endlich wieder zum Herumtollen nach drau?en wagen. Und einer reibt sich ganz besonders die H?nde: Kimball Haynes, Arch?ologe und Workaholic, der unter dem Motto «Je tiefer gesch?rft, desto besser» f?r die Ausgrabungen im nahe gelegenen Monticello, dem ehemaligen Wohnsitz des Pr?sidenten Thomas Jefferson, verantwortlich ist. Von Harrys resoluter Freundin Miranda ...
Powalaj?cy jak litr czystej wypity pod trzy meduzy w lubelskiej spelunce "Wykwintna". Skuteczni jak prawy prosty boksera, zniewalaj?cy jak Rudolf Valentino i niepowstrzymani niczym szar?uj?ca tankietka. Oto podkomisarz Zygmunt "Zyga" Maciejewski i jego ludzie. Najlepsze gliny z Wydzia?u ?ledczego. O ile akurat nie boksuj?, nie pij? i nie podrywaj? panienek… Bo dobry policjant z Lublina wygl?da, jakby nie wygl?da?, albo wygl?da jak bandyta. Tudzie? jak alfons.9 listopada 1930 r. serce Lublina pika jeszcze rytmem starego flegmatyka, gdy bestialsko oprawiony trup naczelnego "G?osu Lubelskiego" pobudza je do poziomu palpitacji. Komu podpad? ...
George Fraser is a lonely man, and a bored man. But he has exciting dreams. In his dreams, he lives in a thrilling world of gangsters, guns, fast cars and beautiful women. And of course, in his dreams, he is the toughest gangster of them all. George Fraser prefers his dream world to his real, ordinary life so he begins to boast about it, pretending that he is, in fact, a hardened and ruthless gangster. But George Fraser boasts to the wrong people and suddenly his dream world becomes all too real.
Proud, iron-willed Tennessee widow Tamsin MacGreggor is wanted-dead or alive-for a crime she didn't commit. But out West the law is shoot first, ask questions later. So she's running for her life-with notoriously handsome bounty hunter Ash Morgan in hot pursuit.Tamsin is Morgan's match, shrewd and strong enough to escape his capture. Twice. But catching her now is more than Morgan's duty-it's personal. For somehow she has slipped past his defenses and stolen his well-guarded heart. Their passionate love erupts in the wilds of a harsh, unforgiving land where a bounty hunter must finish his job-and an innocent woman will do whatever it takes to save herself from a hangman's noose…
“John Winston, cantante y l?der de The Walrus, aparece muerto con cuatro disparos en la suite de su hotel despu?s de un concierto. La polic?a pronto descubre que Winston ha fallecido a una edad considerada maldita en el mundo de la m?sica pop. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin y Jim Morrison son algunos de los ilustres miembros del macabro club de los 27. A pesar de su imagen de ap?stol de la paz, Winston ten?a numerosos enemigos. Entre ellos, el irland?s Ronan O’Rahilly, “Mr. Download”, el m?s famoso pirata inform?tico que ...
Mosc?, hacia 1990. Un chantajista amenaza a un matrimonio con revelar que su hijo de doce a?os es adoptado. ?C?mo ha salido a la luz este secreto? La investigaci?n se centra en un juez que confiesa que le han robado varios sumarios. Anastasia Kam?nskaya de la polic?a criminal, sospecha que ese robo m?ltiple oculta otro asunto mucho m?s turbio, que ella descubre r?pidamente. Un eminente cient?fico deg?ella a su mujer, pierde la memoria y el juicio, y cuando parece que es capaz de recordar algo, tambi?n pierde la vida. ?Qu? misterio se esconde tras ese drama familiar y por qu? han querido taparlo?
Centuries have passed since civilization's brush with apocalypse. The world's greatest threats have all been silenced. There is no anger, no hatred, no war. There is only perfect peace…and fear. A terrible secret was closely guarded for centuries: every single soul walking the earth, though in appearance totally normal, is actually dead, long ago genetically stripped of true humanity.Nine years have gone by since an unlikely hero named Rom Sebastian first discovered a secret and consumed an ancient potion of blood to bring himself back to life in Forbidden. Surviving against impossible odds, Rom has gathered ...
The last people to die in Mary King's Close had been plague victims. But that was in the 1700s. Now a body has been discovered, brutally tortured and murdered in Edinburgh's buried city. Inspector John Rebus, ex army, spots a paramilitary link, but how can this be true? It is August in Edinburgh, the Festival is in full swing. No one wants to contemplate terrorism in the throng ing city streets. Special Branch are interested, however, and Rebus finds himself seconded to an elite police unit with the mission of smashing whatever cell may exist. But the victim turns out to be a gangster's son, and the gangster wants revenge on his own terms. Soon Rebus finds himself in a non man'sland where friendly fire is as likely to score a hit as anything lauched by the unseen enemy.
In a small upstate New York town, an idyllic lake yields a ghastly discovery when the skeletal remains of a young woman missing for 27 years are pulled from the icy depth – along with unmistakable evidence of her murder. Suddenly, the long-dormant case of Kelly McShane Braden’s mysterious disappearance is reactivated. And for two devastated men, dark emotions and disturbing secrets will also rise to the surface.
The extraordinary new Gabriel Allon novel from the 'gold standard' (The Dallas Morning News) of thriller writers.Over the course of ten previous novels, Daniel Silva has established himself as one of the world's finest writers of international intrigue and espionage – 'a worthy successor to such legends as Frederick Forsyth and John le Carr' (Chicago Sun-Times) – and Gabriel Allon as 'one of the most intriguing heroes of any thriller series' (The Philadelphia Inquirer).Now the death of a journalist leads Allon to Russia, where he finds that, in terms of spycraft, even he has something to learn. ...
Most nie ma ko?ca, na jego wielu poziomach ?yj? ludzie, a jednym z nich jest wy?owiony z rzeki John Orr. Bohater cierpi na amnezj? i opowiada lekarzowi swoje dziwne sny. Jednak autor przenosi nas nagle i stajemy si? ?wiadkami ?ycia pewnego do?? przeci?tnego Szkota. C?? jest dalej? Wszystko zaczyna si? miesza? i nie jeste?my pewni o czyim ?mie w?a?nie czytamy i co tak naprawd? jest snem a co rzeczywisto?ci?. Powie?? Banks’a jest hybryd? ??cz?c? w sobie obyczajow? histori?, fantastyk? oraz jednocze?nie jej parodi?. To literacki eksperyment zabawa stylem, j?zykiem i wyobra?ni?.
An omnibus of novelsNew York Times bestselling authors Lisa Jackson, Beverly Barton, and Wendy Corsi Staub join forces to create a thrilling novel about love, revenge, and the dark secrets three women hold to a terrifying murder…A KILLER WHO GETS AWAY WITH MURDER ONCE…It's been twenty years since the night Jake Marcott was brutally murdered at St. Elizabeth High School. It's a night that shattered the lives of Lindsay Farrell, Kirsten Daniels, and Rachel Alsace. It's a night they'll never forget. A killer will make sure of that…FINDS IT EASIER TO ...
A betrayed wife and dedicated mother suddenly forced to raise her six-month-old daughter alone, Melanie Vargas is also an ambitious, hard-working professional who has had to bite and claw for recognition in the federal prosecutor’s office. Then, while strolling with her baby girl on a steamy New York night, Melanie stumbles onto the kind of high-profile case that could make a career: the burning townhouse of a wealthy former prosecutor, its owner’s tortured, murdered corpse smoldering within. Melanie Vargas wants this chance – she needs it – and she’ll do whatever it takes to get it.But ...