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Детективы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 16401—16425 из 19355.
  • Possessed
  • Doyle Stephanie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Cassandra Allen's gift is so uncanny that even the skeptical police now consult her on murder investigations. But when she's called in to investigate a rash of serial murders, her mind is assaulted by a terrifying being from beyond…Cass believes the evil force attempting to possess her is involved in the killings. But how? Then she meets Malcolm McDonough, brother of the first victim. He's successful, attractive, unsettling…and he doesn't believe that Cass hears the dead. Yet even as Malcolm denies her claims, he is counting on Cass to lead them to the killer.Because all the victims have one thing in common-her.

  • Power Play
  • Finder Joseph
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It was the perfect retreat for a troubled company. No cell phones. No BlackBerrys. No cars. Just a luxurious, remote lodge surrounded by thousands of miles of wilderness.All the top officers of the Hammond Aerospace Corporation are there. And one last-minute substitute – a junior executive named Jake Landry. He's a steady, modest, and taciturn guy with a gift for keeping his head down and a turbulent past he's trying to put behind him.Jake's uncomfortable with all the power players he's been thrown in with, with all the swaggering and the posturing. The only person there ...

  • Powers of Detection
  • Stabenow Dana
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of storiesThis one-of-a-kind collection features stories from some of the biggest names in mystery and fantasy-blending the genres into a unique hybrid where PIs may wear wizard's robes and criminals may really be monsters.Sit in on a modern-day witch's trial, visit the halls of a magical boarding school with murder on the curriculum, spend some time with Sookie Stackhouse, visit London 's hidden world of the Nightside, and become spellbound with eight more tales of magical mystery.

  • Pozdrowienia z Rosji
  • Fleming Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • – Imi?: James. Wzrost: 183 cm. Waga: 76 kg. Budowa szczup?a. Oczy niebieskie. W?osy czarne. Blizna na prawym policzku i na lewym ramieniu. ?lady po chirurgii plastycznej na grzbiecie prawej d?oni. Wszechstronny sportowiec. Nie u?ywa przebra?. J?zyki obce: francuski i niemiecki. Du?o pali (specjalne papierosy z trzema z?otymi paskami). Na?ogi: pije, ale nie w nadmiarze, kobiety. Ka?de licz?ce si? pa?stwo ma akta Jamesa Bonda, brytyjskiego tajnego agenta. ?miertelnie niebezpieczna rosyjska organizacja Smiersz postanowi?a go wyeliminowa?? przyn?t? jest Tatiana Romanowa. Jej zadaniem jest zwabi? Bonda do Stambu?u i tam go uwie??, podczas gdy jej zwierzchnicy zajm? si? reszt?. Kiedy Bond wpada w pu?apk?, rozpoczyna si? gra, w kt?rej 007 jest zar?wno stawk?, jak i bagrod?.

  • PR для братвы
  • Сергеевский Александр
  • Серия: Лохотрон для братвы
  • Жанр: Крутой детектив
  • Нехорошие люди напали на правильных пацанов. Эпизоды этой жуткой истории, подтверждающей славу нашего городка как криминальной столицы России, уже освещались в печати и на телевидении. Но черпавшие информацию в правоохранительных органах журналисты не смогли отобразить реальную картину произошедшего, а уголовные дела остались нераскрытыми, попав в разряд так называемых «глухарей».Полную версию и подноготную кровавой бандитской войны автору рассказал участник событий известный авторитет Алек Капонов, о чем и изложено в данном романе, являющимся продолжением книги «Лохотрон для братвы».

  • Prayers For Rain
  • Lehane Dennis
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Karen Nichols was pert, blonde, in love with her and her life when Patrick Kenzie first met her. But six months later, she jumped naked from Boston 's Custom House, leaving behind a downward spiral of drug abuse, depression, and sexual misadventure. She was an utterly different woman and Kenzie wants to know why. What he finds is almost incomprehensible: a depraved stalker who carefully targeted Karen and slowly, methodically, exploited her every weakness, stripped away all that mattered to her, and then watched her self-destruct. Now as Kenzie and his former partner Angela Gennaro begin a psychological battle against a master sadist the law can't touch, they discover he's starting to learn their weaknesses, their loves and he's determined to tear their world apart.

  • Prayers for the Dead
  • Kellerman Faye
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The brutal murder of Dr. Azor Sparks in an alley behind a restaurant is greeted with public outrage and a demand for swift, sure justice. But the investigation into the well-known surgeon's death is raising too many questions and providing too few answers for homicide detective Lieutenant Peter Decker.Why, for example, would the family of a man so beloved respond to his slaying with more surprise than grief? And what linked a celebrated doctor with strict fundamentalist beliefs to a gang of outlaw bikers? But the most unsettling connection of all is the one that ties the tormented Sparks family to Peter Decker's own – and the secrets shared by a renegade Catholic priest…and Decker's wife, Rina Lazarus.

  • Prayers for the assassin
  • Ferrigno Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • SEATTLE, 2040. The Space Needle lies crumpled. Veiled women hurry through the busy streets. Alcohol is outlawed, replaced by Jihad Cola, and mosques dot the skyline. New York and Washington, D.C., are nuclear wastelands. Phoenix is abandoned, Chicago the site of a civil war battle. At the edges of the empire, Islamic and Christian forces fight for control of a very different United States.Enormous in scope and brilliantly imagined, Prayers for the Assassin promises to be the powerhouse read of the year. Burning with cinematic violence, fiendish betrayal, and global intrigue, Robert Ferrigno's sensational thriller asks: What ...

  • Prepared For Rage
  • Stabenow Dana
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Following A Deeper Sleep, her most successful Kate Shugak novel to date, the Edgar Award winner and New York Times bestselling thriller writer Dana Stabenow delivers a nail-biting, all-too-real novel of international suspense.A terrorist with a most personal grudge, an FBI analyst challenged to be three steps ahead of the intelligence, a Coast Guard captain assigned to keep watch on that very American of symbols from the water, an astronaut who takes her job very seriously-the paths of all of these characters converge on one clear morning in Florida. NASA is preparing to launch the space shuttle, ...

  • Presagios
  • Карин Фоссум
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El verano llega a su fin en una peque?a localidad rural de Noruega. Sus habitantes, acostumbrados a la tranquilidad de sus urbanizaciones rodeadas de bosques y lagos, no est?n preparados para lo que se avecina. Peque?os y terribles malentendidos comienzan a sucederse: llamadas de hospitales anunciando accidentes que no han ocurrido, peri?dicos que publican esquelas de ancianos que siguen vivos… presagios de que algo terrible est? a punto de ocurrir. El mismo d?a que comienza todo, el inspector de polic?a Sejer recibe una extra?a nota: «El infierno empieza ahora». ?l y su ...