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Книги 16376—16400 из 19355.
  • Poder Absoluto
  • Baldacci David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Luther es un especialista, un maestro en robo. Cerca ya de retirarse, planea su ultimo golpe: limpiar la fabulosa mansion de Walter Sullivan, uno de los hombres mas ricos del pais, de vacaciones en el caribe.La inesperada vuelta de la mujer complica el golpe y hace que Luther presencie un asesinato que apunta de lleno al presidente de los Estados Unidos.Acosado por los hombres del servicio de seguridad del presidente y por el sargento de policia, Luther debera salvar su pellejo y el de su hija.Baldacci ha sido el guinista de la pel?cula basada en su libro, dirigida y protagonizada por Clint Eastwood en el papel de Luther.

  • Poderes Extraordinarios
  • Finder Joseph
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En el mundo del espionaje, poderes extraordinarios es un t?rmino que se utiliza para referirse al permiso que se le otorga a un agente secreto de mucha confianza para que en circunstancias extremadamente especiales viole las ?rdenes de su empleador si es absolutamente necesario para cumplir el objetivo de una misi?n de suma importancia.Poderes extraordinarios es una novela de suspenso escrita por un novelista catalogado como uno de los mejores escritores de thrillers del mundo, Joseph Finder, graduado en la universidad de Yale y Harvard.La novela narra la historia de Ben Ellison, quien ...

  • Point Of Impact
  • Hunter Stephen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In the jungles of Vietnam, Bob Lee Swagger was known as ‘Bob the Nailer’ for his high-scoring target rate at killing. Today the master sniper lives in a trailer in the Arkansas mountains, and just wants to be left alone. But he knows too much… about killing. The mission is top secret. Dangerous, patriotic, and rigged from the start. One thing goes wrong: double-crossed Bob has come out alive. Now he is on the run. His only allies: an FBI agent in disgrace and a beautiful woman. His only hope: find the elusive mastermind who set him up. Multi-layered with non-stop action, this hot-shock torcher of a thriller is addictive, exciting and right on target. A high-tech, high-ride reading experience.

  • Poison In The Pen
  • Wentworth Patricia
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When a mysterious suicide follows an outbreak of poison pen letters in the quiet village of Tilling Green, Detective Inspector Frank Abbott of Scotland Yard dispatches Miss Silver to investigate. Disguised as a vacationer, the retired governess stays with Renie Walsh, the town gossip, and learns of the marital and financial difficulties among the Reptons at the Manor House as well as all the petty details of life among the other village inhabitants.It soon becomes apparent to Miss Silver that the suicide was murder and that there is a vicious and demented killer at work. The officious letters still come, exposing or accusing, and the terror mounts with two more seemingly unconnected murders. Miss Silver almost becomes a fourth victim, but outwits the killer with her usual straight-spined aplomb.

  • Poodle Springs
  • Чандлер Раймонд
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • MARLOWE IS BACK – IN A CLASSIC THRILLER NO CHANDLER AFICIONADO WILL BE ABLE TO RESIST…When Raymond Chandler died in 1959, he left behind an unfinished Philip Marlowe novel. Now, thirty years later,has become a complete work, thanks to the inspired writing of Robert B Parker, the foremost contemporary exponent of the Chandler style.As the novel opens, Marlowe is married and bored. Naturally enough, he starts up a detective agency, and within hours he has alienated solid citizens, tangled with the cops and been hired by a local gangster to find a gambler who's skipped out on a debt.And this is only the beginning. Before Marlowe brings in his man, he discovers another side of- a dark and dangerous place, where desperation makes men and women lead secret lives – and, if that fails, the only alternative is murder…

  • Poppy Done to Death
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "On the way to a lunch meeting of her local book discussion group, the Uppity Women, small-town Southern librarian Aurora "Roe" Teagarden is shocked and dismayed to find her sister-in-law, Poppy, lying bloody and dead right outside her own back door. Poppy had her flaws, certainly – she and her husband were having trouble staying faithful to each other – but she didn't deserve to be so brutally murdered." Investigating a case like this is never easy, of course, given the gossipy atmosphere of any small town, what with Poppy and her husband's extramarital affairs, the local police detective, who also happens to be a former boyfriend of Roe's, and his seemingly unresolved feelings of Poppy, and the need to protect Poppy's family. But Roe is also coping with a burgeoning romantic relationship as well as the sudden appearance of her teenaged half brother. All in all, it's a lot for one woman to have on her plate, even one as together as Roe.

  • Por el bien de Elena
  • George Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Una joven estudiante, hija de un profesor universitario, se convierte en el eje de una compleja trama. Las equ?vocas relaciones que Elena Weaver mantiene con sus amigos y amantes despiertan un abanico de oscuros sentimientos: celos, obsesi?n, amor, pasi?n, envidia. Un profesor casado la acosa sexualmente, un joven sordo le profesa devoci?n, un especialista en Shakespeare la persigue, la primera esposa y la joven amante del profesor Weaver le guardan rencor… La muerte de Elena, asesinada mientras hac?a footing una neblinosa ma?ana, tal vez solo fue la consecuencia inevitable de la extra?a atracci?n que ejerc?a en hombres y mujeres. Ambientada en Cambridge, esta novela radiograf?a las inextricables facetas emocionales que solapadamente marcan el destino de las personas.

  • Por siempre jam?s
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Will Klein tiene su h?roe: su hermano mayor Ken. Una noche de calor agobiante aparece en el s?tano de la casa de los Klein una joven, antiguo amor de Will, asesinada y violada.El principal sospechoso es Ken.Ante la abrumadora evidencia en contra suya, Ken desaparece.Una d?cada despu?s de la desaparici?n, Will se ve mezclado en un inquietante misterio. Est? convencido de que Ken est? tratando de ponerse en contacto con ?l y de la existencia de un terrible secreto por el que alguien est? decidido a matar porque no se desvele.

  • Portland Noir
  • Sampsell Kevin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a city full of police controversies, hippie artist punk houses, and overzealous liberals, Portland, Oregon, is a place where even its fiction blurs with its bizarre realities.Brand-new stories by: Gigi Little, Justin Hocking, Christopher Bolton, Jess Walter, Monica Drake, Jamie S. Rich (illustrated by Joelle Jones), Dan DeWeese, Zoe Trope, Luciana Lopez, Karen Karbo, Bill Cameron, Ariel Gore, Floyd Skloot, Megan Kruse, Kimberly Warner-Cohen, and Jonathan Selwood.Editor Kevin Sampsell is a bookstore employee and writer. He is the author of a short story collection, Creamy Bullets (Chiasmus Press), and the upcoming memoir The Suitcase (HarperPerennial, summer 2009). He is also the editor of The Insomniac Reader (Manic D Press) and the publisher of the micropress Future Tense Books.

  • Portobello
  • Rendell Ruth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • The Portobello area of West London has a rich personality – vibrant, brilliant in colour, noisy, with graffiti that approach art, bizarre and splendid. An indefinable edge to it adds a spice of danger. There is nothing safe about Portobello…Eugene Wren inherited an art gallery from his father near an arcade that now sells cashmere, handmade soaps and children's clothes. But he decided to move to a more upmarket site in Kensington Church Street. Eugene was fifty, with prematurely white hair. He was, perhaps, too secretive for his own good. He also had an addictive personality. But he ...

  • Portrait In Death
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lieutenant Eve Dallas faces a serial killer who offers his victims eternal youth by taking their life…After a tip from a reporter, Eve Dallas finds the body of a young woman in a Delancey street dumpster. Just hours before, the news station had mysteriously received a portfolio of professional portraits of the woman. The photos seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary for any pretty young woman starting a modeling career. Except that she wasn't a model. And that these photos were taken after she had been murdered.Now Dallas is on the trail of a killer who's a perfectionist and an artist. He carefully observes and records his victim's every move. And he has a mission: to own every beautiful young woman's innocence, to capture her youth and vitality-in one fateful shot…

  • Portrait of a Spy
  • Silva Daniel
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Gabriel Allon has been hailed as the most compelling creation since 'Ian Fleming put down his martini and invented James Bond' (). A man with a deep appreciation for all that is beautiful, Gabriel is also an angel of vengeance, an international operative who will stop at nothing to see justice done. Sometimes he must journey far in search of evil. And sometimes evil comes to him. For Gabriel and his wife, Chiara, it was supposed to be the start of a pleasant weekend in London — a visit to a gallery in St. James's to authenticate a newly ...

  • Posesi?n
  • James Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Fabi?n Hightower llega de madrugada a casa despu?s de viajar toda la noche en coche. Saluda a su madre y se retira a su habitaci?n. Por la ma?ana, Alex, una atractiva y triunfadora mujer de negocios recientemente separada de su marido, acude a su trabajo y le comunican que su hijo ha muerto en Francia a consecuencia de un accidente de coche.Probablemente se trata de un error o de una confusi?n de nombres, Fabi?n est? en casa, en su habitaci?n…Pero efectivamente el joven ha muerto en tales circunstancias. ...

  • Posesi?n Oscura
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Manolito de la Cruz sabe que est? peligrosamente cerca de convertirse en vampiro. Lo ?ltimo que espera despu?s de ser llamado por el pr?ncipe Mikhail para regresar a su patria, los C?rpatos, era captar el aroma de su compa?era en MaryAnn Delaney.MaryAnn es humana, pero conoce demasiado bien todos los abrumadores instintos agresivos de los varones carpatianos. Y no son exactamente el tipo de hombres a los que preferir?a estar unida para toda la vida.MaryAnn, una consejera especializada en mujeres maltratadas, tiene una vida que le satisface, sin lugar para ...