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Книги 16476—16500 из 19355.
  • Purity in Death
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Louie Cogburn had spent three days holed up in his apartment staring at his computer screen. His pounding headache was unbearable-it felt like spikes drilling into his brain. And it was getting worse. Finally, when someone knocked at the door, Louie picked up a baseball bat, opened the door, and started swinging… The first cop on the scene fired his stunner twice. Louie died instantly. Detective Eve Dallas has taken over the investigation but there's nothing to explain the man's sudden rage or death. The only clue is a bizarre message left on his computer screen.ABSOLUTE PURITY ACHIEVEDAnd when a second man dies under near-identical circumstances, Eve starts racking her brain for answers and the courage to face the impossible… that this might be a computer virus able to spread from machine to man…

  • Purple Cane Road
  • Burke James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dave Robicheaux has spent his life confronting the age-old adage that the sins of the father pass onto the son. But what has his mother's legacy left him? Dead to him since youth, Mae Guillory has been shuttered away in the deep recesses of Dave's mind. He's lived with the fact that he would never really know what happened to the woman who left him to the devices of his whiskey-driven father. But deep down, he still feels the loss of his mother and knows the infinite series of disappointments in her life could not have come to a good end. While helping out an old friend, Dave is stunned when a pimp looks at him sideways and asks him if he is Mae Guillory's boy, the whore a bunch of cops murdered 30 years ago.

  • Pursuit of Honor
  • Flynn Vince
  • Жанр: Политический детектив
  • Rapp had traveled to New York City to decide the fate of a man. He had debated the wisdom of handling it himself. In addition to the inherent risk of getting caught, there was another, more pressing, problem. Just six days earlier a series of explosions had torn through Washington D.C., killing 185 and wounding hundreds. Three of the terrorists were still at large, and Rapp had been unofficially ordered to find them by any means necessary. So far, however, the investigation had been painfully complicated and had yet to yield a single solid lead. The three men had up and disappeared, which suggested a level of sophistication that few of them thought the enemy capable of. The last thing Rapp expected, though, was that he would still be dealing with this other issue. In light of the attacks in Washington, he thought the fool would have come to his senses.

  • Pushing Up Daisies
  • Harris Rosemary
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Meet Paula Holliday, a transplanted media exec who trades her stilettos for garden clogs when she makes the move from the big city to the suburbs to start a gardening business. Paula can handle deer, slugs, and the occasional human pest--but she's not prepared for the mummified body she finds while restoring the gardens at Halcyon, a local landmark.Casual snooping turns serious when a body is impaled on a garden tool and one of Paula's friends is arrested for the crime.Aided by the still-hot aging rocker who owns the neighborhood greasy spoon, a wise-cracking former colleague, and a sexy Mexican laborer with a few secrets of his own, Paula digs for the truth and unearths more dirty business the town has kept buried for years.

  • Putas Asesinas
  • Боланьо Роберто
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En «?ltimos atardeceres en la tierra» se narra un viaje a Acapulco que se convierte paulatinamente en un des-censo a los infiernos. En «Dentista» se cuenta la historia de un adolescente misterioso y dos adultos, ya de vuelta de todo, que lo observan desde un precipicio. En «Buba» se cuenta una historia de f?tbol en tres partes: la de un futbolista sudamericano, la de un futbolista africano y la de uno espa?ol, y la sorprendente historia de su equipo, que bien podr?a ser el Barcelona. En «Carnet de baile» se dan 69 razones para no bailar con ...

  • Qu? Vida ?sta
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Es una verdad universa reconocida que si se tiene un trabajo de riesgo, lo mejor que se puede hacer es mantenerlo al margen de la vida privada.Sin embargo, ?sta es una regla que la incombustible Stephanie Plum, la caza recompensas m?s patosa de la Costa este, parece incapaz de cumplirEn esta nueva entrega de sus descacharrantes aventuras, cuando Stephanie emprenda la b?squeda de una madre y una hija desaparecidas, no s?lo la perseguir?n malos mal?simos como el mafioso Eddie Abruzzi, sino que adem?s tendr? que soportar los bienintencionados consejos ...

  • Quando il ghiaccio si scioglie
  • Davidsen Leif
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Peter Lime, danese, professione fotografo, ? felicemente sposato e dirige una fiorente agenzia. Durante un appostamento per un servizio scandalistico, scatta di nascosto una serie di foto compromettenti a un ministro del governo spagnolo impegnato in calde effusioni con una giovane starlette televisiva. E’ l’inizio di un’allucinante spirale di misteri e violenza che lo risucchia senza possibilit? di scampo. La chiave ? forse nascosta in un’altra immagine, scattata vent’anni prima e nell’identit? misteriosa della donna che vi ? ritratta.

  • Quantico
  • Bear Greg
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A near-future thriller that pits young FBI agents against a brilliant, homegrown terrorist.It's the second decade of the twenty-first century, and terrorism has escalated almost beyond control. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has been blown to bits by extremists and, in retaliation, thousands have died in another major attack on the United States. New weapons are being spawned in remote basement labs. No one feels safe.In North America, the FBI uses cutting-edge technology to thwart domestic terrorists. Sat-linked engine blockers stop drug-traffickers cold; devices the size of Magic Markers test for bio-hazards on ...

  • Queen Of Blood
  • Smith Bryan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It was known as the House of Blood. It sat at the entrance to a netherworld of unimaginable torture and terror. Very few who entered its front door lived to ever again see the outside world. But a few did survive. They thought they had found a way to destroy the house of horrors…but they were wrong. A new house has arisen. A new mistress now wields its unholy power-and she wants revenge. She will not rest until those who dared to challenge her and her former master are made to pay with their very souls!

  • Queen of the Night
  • Jance J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The New York Times bestselling author brings back the Walker family in a multilayered thriller in which murders past and present connect the lives of three familiesEvery summer, in an event that is commemorated throughout the Tohono O'odham Nation, the Queen of the Night flower blooms in the Arizona desert. But one couple's intended celebration is shattered by gunfire, the sole witness to the bloodshed a little girl who has lost the only family she's ever known.To her rescue come Dr. Lani Walker, who sees the trauma of her own childhood reflected in her young ...

  • Quelquun marchait sur ma tombe
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lisa a su mobiliser et convaincre l'avocat de son amant et ses amis dans le seul but de le faire ?vader de la prison de Hanovre.Franck, condamn? ? perp?te pour le meurtre d'un flic, sera-t-il enfin libre apr?s cinq ann?es de d?tention ?Ses amis r?ussiront-ils cet exploit incroyable pr?par? ? son insu ?Dans sa cellule Franck se pose des questions au sujet de ces cinq ann?es… Lisa est-elle la ma?tresse de son avocat ? L'a-t-elle trahi ?Au cours d'une course contre la montre et d'un suspense ? huis clos, la jalousie armera-t-elle le bras de la justice immanente ?