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Книги 16901—16925 из 19355.

  • Silks
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • The Grand Master returns in prize-winning formGeoffrey Mason did it for the money. It is obvious that his client Julian Trent is guilty, and it's about time rich boy Trent is taught a lesson for his violent ways. The only thing still bothering Geoff is that he is going to miss participating in the Foxhunter Steeplechase – the 'Gold Cup' for amateur riders – because the trial has taken a lot longer than expected. Although still an amateur, Geoff is well known (as 'Perry' Mason) among the pro riders, including Steve Mitchell and Scot Barlow – arguably the two top ...

  • Simple Genius
  • Baldacci David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • David Baldacci’s much-loved protagonists Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are having trouble adjusting to life in the wake of the terrible events that drove them to the brink in HOUR GAME. Dogged by hidden demons from her past, then almost killed in a barroom brawl, Michelle agrees to try therapy at a mental-health facility, where she simultaneously busts a criminal drug-dealing ring! Meanwhile, to right their shared career in the private security sector, Sean accepts an offer to investigate a mysterious death at a scientific think tank called Babbage Town, located suspiciously close to the CIA’s infamous ...

  • Sin Aliento
  • Kava Alex
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lo llamaban el Coleccionista, porque segu?a el ritual de reunir a sus v?ctimas antes de deshacerse de ellas de la manera m?s atroz imaginable. La agente especial del FBI Maggie O'Dell le hab?a seguido la pista durante dos largos a?os, terminando por fin con aquel juego del gato y el rat?n. Pero ahora Albert Stucky se hab?a fugado de la c?rcel… y estaba preparando un nuevo juego para Maggie O’Dell.Desde que atrapara a Stucky, hab?a estado caminando sobre la cuerda floja, luchando contra sus pesadillas y la ...

  • Sin l?mites
  • Glynn Alan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La vida de Eddie Spinola toma un inesperado giro cuando prueba el MDT-48, una droga sint?tica desarrollada por un misterioso laboratorio. Sus efectos le permitir?n experimentar una inusitada actividad intelectual y f?sica que lo llevar?n a alcanzar el ?xito con el que siempre so??. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo que comienza a vivir en un mundo de lujos exorbitantes y multimillonarias transacciones, Spinola padece los nefastos efectos secundarios de la droga y un terrible s?ndrome de abstinencia cuando empiezan a escasear sus suministros del f?rmaco. La b?squeda por conseguir nuevamente las dosis y evitar su propia muerte, lo conduce a rastrear el pasado del MDT-48 y a verse envuelto en una intensa trama de oscuros experimentos cient?ficos y una difusa cadena de asesinatos. Este es, sin duda, un apasionante y cinematogr?fico thriller que dejar? sin aliento a todos los lectores.

  • Sin previo Aviso
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Para la detective privada V. I. Warshawski, «Vic», esta nueva aventura comienza durante una conferencia en Chicago, donde manifestantes furiosos est?n reclamando la devoluci?n de los bienes que les arrebataron en tiempos de la Alemania nazi. De repente, un hombre perturbado se levanta para narrar la historia de su infancia, desgarrada por el Holocausto… Un relato que tendr? consecuencias devastadoras para Lotty Herschel, la ?ntima amiga y mentora de V. I. Lotty ten?a tan s?lo nueve a?os cuando emigr? de Austria a Inglaterra, junto con un grupo de ni?os rescatados del terror nazi, ...

  • Sin Retorno
  • Pelecanos George
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En 1972, tres adolescentes blancos -Alex, Billy y Pete- decidieron meterse en un barrio marginal de Washington. Esa incursi?n cambi? la vida de seis personas: a causa del enfrentamiento con tres chicos negros, Billy result? muerto y Alex seriamente herido.En 2007, Alex llora la muerte de su hijo ca?do en Iraq. De pronto, uno de los chicos negros que sobrevivieron al incidente del 72 contacta con ?l, abriendo la puerta a la reconciliaci?n al tiempo que otro superviviente sale de prisi?n con intenci?n de extorsionarle…

  • Sin Testigos
  • George Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • En los ?ltimos tres meses, ya son cuatro los cuerpos de j?venes que la polic?a de Londres ha encontrado brutalmente mutilados, tras ser secuestrados y agredidos sexualmente. Ninguna de las tres primeras v?ctimas -chicos negros- ha podido ser identificada y New Scotland Yard ni siquiera hab?a establecido relaci?n entre las muertes hasta la aparici?n del ?ltimo cad?ver, un adolescente blanco intencionadamente dispuesto encima de una tumba. Ahora se sospecha que un asesino en serie est? detr?s de ellas.El caso cae en manos del comisario Thomas Lynley y su equipo. ...

  • Sin tiempo para so?ar
  • Sierra i Fabra Jordi
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?Qu? se esconde detr?s de una noticia cualquiera de un peri?dico? Es lo que tratan de averiguar Julia y Gil, dos estudiantes de periodismo en un trabajo a simple vista rutinario. La noticia es la del asesinato de Marta, una adolescente cargada de antecedentes penales. Pero la investigaci?n les llevar? a descubrir mucho m?s: su vida, sus sue?os… ?Por qu? muri? Marta? ?Cu?l es la verdad? ?Qui?n la asesin?? Esta novela es el retrato generacional de una adolescencia marcada que lucha por salir de la desesperanza.

  • Single White Psychopath Seeks Same
  • Strand Jeff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • AN ANDREW MAYHEM THRILLER "Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just know it's going to be the kind of day where you end up tied to a chair in a filthy garage while a pair of tooth-deprived lunatics torment you with a chainsaw. So as I struggled against the ropes, I can't say I was all that surprised." Yes, Andrew Mayhem, hero of the bestselling comedy/thriller Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary) is back. Still incredibly brave. Still ridiculously irresponsible. And this time, becoming chainsaw fodder is one of his lesser worries. He's forced to pose ...

  • Sinister Shorts
  • O’Shaughnessy Perri
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A collection of storiesThe New York Times bestselling author of the acclaimed Nina Reilly thrillers brings her prodigious storytelling gifts to this first-ever collection of short crime fiction. From desperate housewives to hard-boiled PIs to an appearance by Nina Reilly herself, these chilling short mysteries-many appearing in print for the very first time-set the mood and ratchet up the suspense as only Perri O'Shaughnessy can.Here are tales of love and betrayal, rage and revenge-nineteen sizzling stories that run the gamut from classic whodunits to winding thrillers to an unusual cozy that casts Gertrude Stein as ...

  • Sins of the Assassin
  • Ferrigno Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Colossal in concept, dazzlingly plotted, filled with vivid, jaw-dropping violence, Sins of the Assassin confirms Robert Ferrigno as the modern master of the futuristic thriller.In the second book of Ferrigno's spectacular Assassin Trilogy, Rakkim Epps battles radical fundamentalist forces in a futuristic America, now a divided blood-soaked dystopia. Will he survive? Can America ever be unified again?The year is 2043. New York and Washington, D.C., have been leveled by nuclear bombs. New Orleans is submerged beneath fifty feet of water and treasure hunters scavenge its watery ruins. The United States no longer exists, and in ...

  • Sirens Storm
  • Papademetriou Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nothing has been the same for Will ever since what happened last summer. One day, on an ordinary sailing trip with his brother, there is a strange accident. When Will wakes up, he learns his brother has disappeared, presumed drowned. Worst of all, Will can't remember what happened – his family finds him unconscious, with no memory of the accident.Now Will and his best friend and neighbor, Gretchen, are starting a new summer. Gretchen seems troubled – her sleepwalking habit is getting worse, and she keeps waking up closer and closer to the water. Will is drawn to Asia, the exotic new girl in town. Nobody knows where she's from – all Will knows is that her beauty and her mesmerizing voice have a powerful effect on people.Then there is another mysterious drowning, and Will and Gretchen begin to wonder: Is Asia just another beautiful, wealthy summer resident? Or is she something entirely more sinister… and inhuman?

  • Sisters on the Case
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • An anthology of stories edited by Sara ParetskyThis eclectic anthology from a variety of female mystery writers has something to please every fan. Editor and contributor Paretsky (V.I. Warshawski series) introduces the anthology with a brief history of Sisters in Crime, an organization formed by Paretsky in 1987 to help boost the profiles of women crime writers. The stories range in tone from Sue Henry's (Jessie Arnold series) haunting, lyrical "Sister Death" to "Murder for Lunch," Carolyn Hart's (Death on Demand series) tale of misunderstandings and murder. Libby Fischer Hellmann (Ellie Foreman series) and Susan Dunlap (Jill ...

  • Situaci?n L?mite
  • Conrad Joseph
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La aventura y la angustia de la encrucijada de un destino.Hay momentos en que todo lo que ha sido un hombre, todo lo que ha hecho, todas las experiencias, relaciones e intereses de su vida, pueden conden¬sarse en un solo instante dram?tico: es entonces la situaci?n l?mite, la aventura o la cat?strofe, el desenlace o la reiniciaci?n. Los testigos de uno de esos momentos excepcionales pueden no enten¬der, el novelista s? entiende. Es la historia de una de esas situaciones l?mite la que narra Conrad, en una obra maestra hasta ahora desconocida para los lectores de lengua castellana.