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Книги 16976—17000 из 19355.
  • Smoke
  • Unger Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lydia Strong's old writing student, Lily, has been missing for weeks. Before her disappearance, Lily had left a strange phone message for Lydia, asking for her help. But until now, Lydia did not pay much attention to the message because Lily tended to call occasionally. But when she learns that Lily had been looking into her brother's suicide, Lydia becomes concerned. In this fourth of Lisa Miscione's intense and gripping thrillers, Lydia teams up with her husband, ex-FBI agent, p.i. Jeffrey Mark, to uncover the truth behind Lily's disappearance.

  • Smoke Screen
  • Brown Sandra
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown returns with a tale of corruption and betrayal, revenge and reversal – where friends become foes, and heroes become criminals in the ultimate abuse of power.When newswoman Britt Shelley wakes up to find herself in bed with Jay Burgess, a rising star detective in the Charleston PD, she remembers nothing of how she got there…or of how Jay wound up dead.Handsome and hard-partying, Jay was a hero of the disastrous fire that five years earlier had destroyed Charleston 's police headquarters. The blaze left seven people dead, but ...

  • Snake Jaw
  • Gallacher Andrew
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A girl is found, dead, with a dog wedged in her surgically enlarged throat, turning Detective Gill’s missing persons case into something much darker.Drug addict, Vanessa, has been gone for weeks. Her baby girl too. Gill was already fearing the worst but until he saw that dead girl with the snake jaw, he thought there were lines that people just didn’t cross.But surgeon Gerald Phalanx knows better. There are no limits to his obsession. No lines that he won’t step over. Even if his latest patient is flawed — horribly flawed — Dr Phalanx is certain he can fix nature’s mistakes. He knows he can transform her into his image of feminine perfection. Whether Vanessa likes it or not.After all he does have her baby.

  • Snatched
  • Slaughter Karin
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Ever-popular crime and mystery book writer Karin Slaughter gives us a brand new Will Trent novella, exclusively in eBook format. For those of us not familiar with Trent, Slaughter’s hero from many earlier mystery books, this is a great introduction to the agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Will is relegated to checking airport restrooms for illicit sexual activity as punishment for not keeping his hair at regulation GBI length. While on duty at the Atlanta airport, Trent overhears a young girl in the next restroom cubicle pleading with the man she’s with to be ...

  • Snow Angels
  • Thompson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • American-born Thompson, who's lived in Finland for the past decade, offers a bleak look at the ravages of that country's long, dark winter as well as intriguing glimpses of Finnish culture in his solid U.S. debut, the first in a new crime series. Shortly before Christmas, Kari Vaara, the police chief of the Lapland town of Kittil?, gets a phone call informing him that the body of Sufia Elmi, a Somali refugee and minor film star, has been found in a snowfield on a reindeer farm. The victim has also been mutilated, perhaps raped, and a racial slur ...

  • Snow Blind
  • Tracy P.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With just three novels to their credit-as well as rave reviews and a shelf full of awards-the duo known as P. J. Tracy are on the fast track to superstardom.Already major bestselling authors in the UK, the brilliant creators of the Monkeewrench team and their law-abiding counterparts on the Minneapolis PD are setting a new standard for the modern thriller, combining brilliant plotting, razor-sharp dialogue, and vivid characters into a potent brew. And now, with Snow Blind, this duo gives us their most original and irresistible novel yet.Nothing's bleaker than Minneapolis during the winter, the ...

  • Social Suicide
  • Halliday Gemma
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Twittercide: the killing of one human being by another while the victim is in the act of tweeting.Call me crazy, but I figured writing for the Herbert Hoover High Homepage would be a pretty sweet gig. Pad the resume for college applications, get a first look at the gossip column, spend some time ogling the paper's brooding bad-boy editor, Chase Erikson. But on my first big story, things went… a little south. What should have been a normal interview with Sydney Sanders turned into me discovering the homecoming queen-hopeful dead in her pool. Electrocuted while Tweeting. Now, in addition to developing a reputation as HHH's resident body finder, I'm stuck trying to prove that Sydney's death wasn't suicide.I'm starting to long for the days when my biggest worry was whether the cafeteria was serving pizza sticks or Tuesday Tacos…

  • Solo nella notte
  • Kellerman Jonathan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una e un quarto di notte. Petra Connor, l’affascinante detective della squadra Omicidi di Los Angeles, ? svegliata da una telefonata del distretto di polizia: strage al Paradiso Club. Quattro morti. Adolescenti che avevano partecipato a un concerto hip-hop. Perch? quell’orrendo massacro? Oltre al gravoso incarico di decifrare il rebus, Petra deve fare da baby sitter al ventiduenne dottorando Isaac Gomez, impegnato in una ricerca statistica sui crimini avvenuti in citt? dal 1991 al 2001. Il suo Q.I. ? superiore alla media, come la sua timidezza e la miseria in cui versa la sua famiglia. E se fosse proprio il ...