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Книги 16876—16900 из 19355.

  • Sidra Sangrienta
  • Lovesey Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • `Sidra sangrienta` es la historia de un crimen «con solera». Duke Donovan, un militar norteamericano de servicio en el Reino Unido, fue ahorcado en 1945 acusado de asesinato. ?l y otro soldado ayudaron en la cosecha de manzanas en una granja, en la que se produjeron algunos disturbios. El descubrimiento de un cr?neo humano en un barril de sidra condujo a la detenci?n y condena de Duke. Un ni?o refugiado, Theo, fue el principal testigo en el juicio. A?os despu?s, en 1964, Theo est? realizando un lectorado en una universidad y una muchacha norteamericana, Alice, que se presenta como la hija de Duke Donovan le convence para regresar al lugar de los hechos y tratar de demostrar la inocencia de su padre…

  • Sight Unseen
  • Goddard Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Another classic mystery from the 'Master of the Clever Twist'. One summer's day in 1981 a two-year-old girl, Tamsin Hall, was abducted during a picnic at the famous prehistoric site of Avebury in Wiltshire. Her seven-year-old sister Miranda was knocked down and killed by the abductor's van. The girls were in the care of their nanny, Sally Wilkinson. One of the witnesses to this tragic event was David Umber, a Phd student who was waiting at the village pub to keep an appointment with a man called Griffin. But Griffin failed to show up, and Umber never heard from him ...

  • Signal Red
  • Ryan Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Bestselling author Robert Ryan tells the story of the most ambitious robbery of the twentieth century, when seventeen men risked it all in their quest for adventure, success and fame.1963: an unarmed gang led by the dapper Bruce Reynolds holds up a Royal Mail train at a remote bridge in Buckinghamshire, escaping with millions. The group lay low in a nearby farm but, panicked by the police closing in they clear out, leaving behind numerous fingerprints. Outraged by the gang's audacity and under political pressure for quick arrests, the police move into top gear. As huge quantities of money start to turn up in forests and phone boxes, dumped by nervous middlemen, Scotland Yard begin to track down the robbers, one by one…

  • Silence of the Grave
  • Indridason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A human bone is discovered at a construction site near Reykjavik. Inspector Erlendur Sveinnson is on the case, but the trail, which leads back to World War II, has gone very cold indeed. Erlendur (Icelanders use first names) has a very personal reason for his abiding interest in missing persons, and that — combined with the fact that his drug-abusing daughter is in the hospital in a coma — opens the door for plenty of backstory regarding the detective’s troubled history. With a narrative that jumps between the 1940s and the present — without giving away whodunit — the novel generates a ...

  • Silence of the Grave
  • Indri?ason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Dagger AwardsBuilding work in an expanding Reykjavik uncovers a shallow grave. Years before, this part of the city was all open hills, and Erlendur and his team hope this is a typical Icelandic missing person scenario; perhaps someone once lost in the snow, who has lain peacefully buried for decades. Things are never that simple. Whilst Erlendur struggles to hold together the crumbling fragments of his own family, his case unearths many other tales of family pain. The hills have more than one tragic story to tell: tales of failed relationships and heartbreak; of anger, domestic violence and fear; of family loyalty and family shame. Few people are still alive who can tell the story, but even secrets taken to the grave cannot remain hidden forever.

  • Silence of the Hams
  • Churchill Jill
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • When loathed attorney Robert Stonecipher is felled by a rack of hams at the opening of a neighborhood deli where Jane's son works, she and her friend, Shelley, begin snooping. With reluctant help from her boyfriend, homicide detective Mel VanDyne, Jane uncovers plenty of skeletons in closets, all the while trying to find time to restock her own pantry, chaperone the school's grand night party and make peace with her teenage daughter. Complicated by plenty of twists and seasoned with wit, the investigation of Stonecipher's death should build reader appeal for Churchill's first hardcover, War and Peas, scheduled for release in November.

  • Silencio Sepulcral
  • Indri?ason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El hallazgo de un esqueleto humano enterrado en una colina en las afueras de Reykjavik pone en una situaci?n dif?cil al detective Erlendur y sus ayudantes: no s?lo necesitan recurrir a un equipo de arque?logos que emplear? varios d?as para recuperarlo en buenas condiciones, sino que adem?s ?stos les advierten desde las primeras paladas de que no se trata de un cad?ver reciente, y que probablemente puede corresponder a un enterramiento de unos sesenta a?os atr?s. Desde que conocen este dato, y sin saber a ciencia cierta la identidad del ...

  • Silent Killer
  • Barton Beverly
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • In A Town Full Of SecretsTo most people, men like Mark Cantrell are fine, upstanding pillars of the community, completely beyond reproach. But their killer knows better. They are sinners of the worst kind, and they must burn on earth before they burn in hell…Trusting The Wrong PersonEighteen months after her husband-s unsolved murder, Cathy Cantrell has returned to her Alabama home, eager to build a new life for herself and her son. But pieces of her past are everywhere-including Jackson Perdue, the town-s deputy sheriff. The spate of recent deaths-each victim burned in the same horrifying manner-leave Jack and Cathy in no doubt that a serial killer is at work, one whose rage grows more vicious each day…Can Be Fatal…Now as a twisted killer moves in for a final, brutal act of vengeance, buried crimes are coming to light once more. And this time, justice will be swift, merciless, and as silent as the grave…

  • Silent Scream
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Four college students believed they were making a statement. They were activists, fighting to preserve the environment by burning down a new apartment complex. But they didn't realize that someone was watching. A blackmailer hides in plain sight, using people's secrets for personal gain, and when this criminal sets his sights on the four young arsonists, he begins his most deadly game yet.Firefighter David Hunter is devastated when he's too late to save a teenage girl from a Minneapolis fire. Authorities soon discover that it was a case of arson and homicide detective Olivia Sutherland and her partner Kane are assigned to the case. David and Olivia shared a night of passion some time ago, and sparks fly when they are drawn to one another again. But just as they begin to revisit that fateful night and address the events that tore them apart, David and Olivia are forced to pursue the blackmailer, whose horrific plans threaten to destroy those closest to them.

  • Silent Thunder
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hannah Bryson is a marine architect who's been given a fascinating assignment. A Russian nuclear submarine called The Silent Thunder has been purchased by the United States for exhibition in a museum. Hannah must create a schematic of the sub to check for hazards and design seamless modifications to make it safe for the thousands of expected visitors. Her brother, Connor, acting as her assistant, knows how much this work means to Hannah. But Connor discovers something on the sub – a mysterious message hidden behind one of the panels. And then in a brutal assault on the sub Connor is murdered and the chase is on for Hannah to find her brother's killer. Soon she discovers that she's being used as bait. Because what she doesn't even realize she knows could end her life as well.

  • Silent Truth
  • Kenyon Sherrilyn
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hunter Wesley Thornton-Payne III has perfected the role of bored playboy. When he attends a fundraiser for the Renaissance Women's Center hosted by Chicago's elite, intending to pick up information about a dangerous organization – he first has to find and terminate an assassin who is killing innocent Americans connected to an upcoming arms trade agreement. Abbie Blanton's mother falls prey to a mysterious illness, and Abbie turns to her investigative skills as a television news journalist. While attending a Chicago fundraiser, she leaves with more questions than she arrived with, and becomes the focus of a killer with a twisted sense of honor. As if her night hadn't gone badly enough, Abbie encountered a man she never forgot…and never wanted to see again. Abbie begins to realize Hunter isn't the superficial playboy he appears to be – but a dangerous operative with a tortured past whose success depends on destroying the best chance her mother has to survive.