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Книги 18826—18850 из 19355.
  • Todo Lo Que Muere
  • Connolly John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • John Connolly posee todas las cualidades con las que cualquier editor sue?a a la hora de dar a conocer a un autor: una primera novela que conmociona, una historia terror?fica muy bien tramada, personajes s?lidos y complejos (que adem?s aparecer?n en otras entregas), una aguda visi?n de la sociedad y un gran talento y fuste literarios. ?ste es, ni m?s ni menos, el caso de Todo lo que muere y del escritor irland?s Connolly. Que se preparen los adictos a la buena novela polic?aca. Una noche, Charlie «Bird» Parker, inspector ...

  • Todo para el asesino
  • Spindler Erica
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Conejo Blanco es mucho m?s que un juego. Es m?s que la vida y que la muerte. Y cualquiera puede sucumbir antes de que la partida acabe… y el asesino se lo lleve todo.Cuando una amiga apareci? brutalmente asesinada en su apartamento de Nueva Orleans, la ex detective de homicidios Stacy Killian relacion? su muerte con Conejo Blanco, un juego de rol de culto, oscuro, violento y adictivo.Stacy se hab?a visto expuesta en innumerables ocasiones al horror del crimen y era una realidad de la que trataba de alejarse, pero cuando conoci? ...

  • Todsicher
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • "Todsicher", originaltitel: "Dead Cert". Der erste Kriminalroman von Dick Francis! Vieles mu? der Held einstecken, bevor er schlie?lich doch noch zu seinem wohlverdienten Happy-End kommt.Da? der Sturz des Jockeys Bill Davidson Zufall war, will sein Freund Alan nicht glauben. Zu gut kennt er die Welt des Rennsports, zu gut ist er mit den d?steren Machenschaften hinter den Kulissen der Rennbahn vertraut. Alan vermutet Sabotage und macht sich auf die Suche nach den Urhebern. Bis es zu einem atemberaubenden Showdown zwischen einem Pferd und einer ganzen Taxiflotte kommt…

  • Tomorrow River
  • Kagen Lesley
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • National bestselling author Lesley Kagen makes her hardcover debut with an extraordinary literary thriller, rendered through the eyes of an unforgettable eleven-year-old girl.During the summer of 1968, Shenandoah Carmody's mother disappeared. Her twin sister, Woody, stopped speaking, and her once-loving father slipped into a mean drunkenness unbefitting a superior court judge. Since then, Shenny-named for the Shenandoah valley-has struggled to hold her world together, taking care of herself and her sister the best she can. Shenny feels certain that Woody knows something about the night their mother vanished, but her attempts to communicate with her mute twin leave ...

  • Too Many Murders
  • McCullough Colleen
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Proving once again that she is a master of suspense, bestselling author Colleen McCullough returns with a riveting sequel to On, Off.The year is 1967, and the world teeters on the brink of nuclear holocaust as the Cold War goes relentlessly on. On a beautiful spring day in the little city of Holloman, Connecticut, home to prestigious Chubb University and armaments giant Cornucopia, chief of detectives Captain Carmine Delmonico has more pressing concerns than finding a name for his infant son: twelve murders have taken place in one day, and Delmonico is drawn into a gruesome web of ...

  • Torn
  • Jordan Chris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a small New York town, a deranged young man holds over one hundred school children hostage. and he blames the school for what he's about to do.After a tense, thirty-six-hour police standoff, the gymnasium suddenly explodes into flames. Fortunately, all the students have escaped. All, that is, save ten-year-old Noah Corbin. Noah's mother, Haley, is frantic. Was her boy killed in the explosion? Did he somehow wander away from the scene, hurt and confused?Did someone take him?Haley hires ex-FBI agent Randall Shane because she needs the truth, however devastating the answers may be. But as Randall investigates, Haley is forced to admit a dark family secret.one that leads to a desolate area of the Rocky Mountains, where an entire county is owned by a cult that controls the leaders of the community: businessmen, government officials, even the police. Men who have grown rich and powerful in their secrecy. A secrecy they are sworn to protect. No matter what.

  • Total Recall
  • Paretsky Sara
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • The bestselling V.I. Warshawski novels have dazzled readers and earned the acclaim of critics everywhere. "V.I. Warshawski rules," writes Newsweek, crowning her "the most engaging woman in detective fiction." Of V.I.'s creator, the Chicago Tribune says "Sara Paretsky has no peer."Now Paretsky brings her incomparable storytelling brilliance to her most powerful Warshawski novel yet. Total Recall follows the Chicago P.I. on a road that winds back more than fifty years – and into an intricate maze of wartime lies, heartbreaking secrets, and harrowing retribution.For V.I., the journey begins with a ...

  • Totentanz f?r Dr. Siri
  • Cotterill Colin
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Der Fund einer Mumie sorgt f?r Unruhe in der laotischen Provinz.Dr. Siri, der dickk?pfige, brillante und einzige Leichenbeschauer von ganz Laos, muss in die Provinz. Dort sorgt ein bizarrer Fund f?r Unruhe in Houaphan, einer abgelegenen Bergregion: Nach einem Erdrutsch ragt ein mumifizierter Arm aus einem frisch verlegten Betonpfad. Siri soll herausfinden, was es mit der Sache auf sich hat. Allerdings ist es nicht dieser r?tselhafte Mordfall, der ihn vor Ort um den Schlaf bringt. Es ist die Discomusik, die jede Nacht an sein Ohr dringt. Woher kommt sie? Und warum scheint sie ...

  • Touching Evil
  • Hooper Kay
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This is the story of Seattle police artist Maggie Barnes, whose remarkable artistic talents are the focus of an even more extraordinary psychic gift that she is determined to keep secret: a gift that has allowed her to work with crime victims, to feel what they feel, to create perfect portraits of their attackers. When the police are stymied by an elusive predator who blinds his victims to prevent them from identifying him, Maggie must be willing to risk much more than just her secret to draw the image of a killer no one has ever seen, and bring the brutal madman to justice. If you love books that blend passion, suspense, and the unexpected, you'll love this one.

  • Tower of Terror
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A Wall Street skyscraper had been invaded. Hostages were being held — and, with them, enough confidential banking data to imperil the entire world.Ugly, city-wide panic was inevitable until Able Team was called in. Carl Lyons, Pol Blancanales and Gadgets Schwarz were the only possible hardmen for such a mission.The invaders claimed to be FALN, the Puerto Rican terrorist group. But they were not who they said they were, and their huge quantity of devastating armament appeared to have come from. . . the Vietnamese.