The eighth novel in the critically acclaimed Inspector Alan Banks series. Detective Inspector Banks had seen crimes just as savage in London, but somehow the murder of a teenage girl seemed all the more shocking in the quiet Yorkshire village of Eastvale. Deborah Harrison had been found one foggy night in the churchyard behind St Mary's, strangled with the strap of her school satchel. But Deborah was no typical sixteen-year-old. Her father was a powerful financier who ran in the highest echelons of industry, defence and classified information. And Deborah, it seemed, enjoyed keeping secrets of her own…
A police procedural featuring Tokyo homicide detective Inspector Imanishi, who is still pursuing a criminal even when the official investigation is closed, taking him across Japan in his search for justice.
Starred Review. While Miles's patients start remarking about loved ones not seeming to be themselves, he merely chalks it up to paranoia. However, when he becomes witness to a distinct but subtle change in the personality of some townspeople, he and his friends realize something is afoot. Their fears are realized as they stumble upon faceless corpses and strange pods. But the pod people are spreading fast, and Miles is running out of places to hide and people to help him. Finney's classic tale of alien invasion is recreated anew with more terror than the book or the film. ...
Two brothers must confront their past, one a mafia hitman the other a budding senator, which has set them on very different paths…A dark, atmospheric thriller with a plot that will keep you guessing until the last moment.
Lekkomy?lny jubilerPa?dziernik w Tatrach bywa na og?? pi?kny i spokojny, wi?c stali bywalcy pensjonatu "Carlton" t? por? wybrali na urlop. Jednak najwyra?niej mieli pecha, bo cho? pogoda dopisa?a, to niemal na ich oczach pope?niono przest?pstwo i z gromadki turyst?w zmienili si? w gromadk? podejrzanych.Ot?? jeden z wczasowicz?w, jubiler z Warszawy, niejaki Dobroz?ocki (dobre nazwisko dla jubilera), zosta? znienacka walni?ty m?otkiem w g?ow? i obrabowany z cennych klejnot?w, kt?rymi dopiero co chwali? si? przed mieszka?cami pensjonatu. Na uwag? na ...
Decimotercera novela de la serie de la comprometida investigadora privada Vic Warshawski. En esta ocasi?n, se involucra en un caso enraizado en los a?os sesenta, en plena efervescencia de la lucha por los derechos de la comunidad afroamericana Durante los disturbios raciales de 1967, cuando los blancos reaccionaron con dureza ante los planes de integraci?n en los barrios, Lamont Gadsden desapareci? sin dejar rastro. A?os despu?s, su anciana madre le encomienda el caso a Vic Warshawski. La detective se enfrentar? a un periodo desagradable de la historia de su ciudad, en el que una marcha pac?fica de Martin Luther King se sald? con la muerte de una joven negra, y lo que ella consideraba un caso cerrado e imposible se convierte en algo mortalmente peligroso.Viejas cuestiones de la historia racial de Chicago y secretos familiares ?suyos propios y del desaparecido? saldr?n a la luz de manera sorprendente.
The woman was in a Rolls Royce and she had that expensive look that wives of millionaires usually have. Her proposition to Harry Barber seemed easy and highly profitable. Because he was just out of jail, without funds or a future, he agreed to help her. But he took precautions for he didn’t quite trust this woman. His precautions didn’t go far enough. He guarded against the possibility of a double cross, but not against the possibility of murder.“Just Another Sucker” is yet another tense, swift thriller from the master hand of James Hadley Chase.It is to be read at a sitting on the edge of your chair…
Un cadete de una academia militar de ?lite aparece ahorcado. Todo indica que se trata de un suicidio, pero el comisario Brunetti empieza a sospechar del muro de silencio que levantan ante ?l todos los miembros de la academia, sea cual sea su graduaci?n. El c?lebre detective est? convencido de que tiene entre manos un delicado caso de asesinato que trasciende a la propia instituci?n, pero su infalible olfato se confirma cuando conoce la identidad del padre del fallecido: un ex miembro del Parlamento italiano que dimiti? de su cargo de forma tan repentina como pol?...
Morderczy p??nocny wiatr albo zemsta blondynkiDlaczego piel?gniarka Alicja Miechocka uknu?a perfidny plan zamordowania Oskara ?astowskiego. Dlaczego wbi?a mu 20 centymetrowy lancet chirurgiczny ty?em i od spodu? Dlaczego wreszcie indagowana przez majora Stefana Downara przyzna?a si? do tej zbrodni szybko, ?atwo i niemal bez emocji? Odpowied? na te elementarne pytania wcale nie wydaje si? taka oczywista. Nie wystarczy bowiem postawi? tez?, ?e piel?gniarka Alicja Miechocka kocha?a doktora Andrzeja Mierzwickiego, a gdy przebrzmia? ich intymny zwi?zek postanowi?a si? zem?ci?. W tym celu zabi?a m??a kobiety, z kt?...
In der idyllischen Eifel ist die H?lle los - und das ausgerechnet dort, wo man es am wenigsten erwartet h?tte: im Klosterhotel "Zur inneren Einkehr". Hier st??t die Klosterkatze Kater Brown w?hrend eines n?chtlichen Streifzugs auf eine grausam zugerichtete Leiche. Wer hat den Hotelgast ermordet und in den Brunnen geworfen? Zusammen mit der Reisejournalistin Alexandra begibt sich Kater Brown auf Spurensuche. arbeitet seit vielen Jahren als ?bersetzer und Autor. Unter diversen Pseudonymen sind von ihm etliche Krimis erschienen. Nachdem er bereits eine Reihe von fiktiven samtpfotigen Helden f?r seine Krimis geschaffen hat, entstand mit Kater Brown zum ersten Mal eine Figur nach einem realen Vorbild: dem Sander’schen Familienkater Paulchen Panther.
Early one morning Jack jumps off a bus in the middle of nowhere and walks 14 miles down an empty country road. The minute he reaches the town of Margrave he is thrown into jail. As the only stranger in town, a local murder is blamed on him. However, it soon becomes clear that he is not the killer.
When Detective V.I. Warshawski begins an investigation of a three million dollar theft from a monastery, acid is thrown in her face, and she suspects she might be taking on the Vatican, the Mafia, and an international conglomerate.
14-letni Eryk podkochuje si? w nauczycielce, rysuje komiksy o czarnych charakterach i ostatnich sprawiedliwych, no i marzy o zaznajomieniu si? ze "?wierszczykami" ojca, 6-palczastego Edmunda. W?a?nie ko?czy si? rok szkolny, nadarza si? niespodziewana okazja. Eryk ma sp?dzi? wakacje nad jeziorem Genezaret w towarzystwie Henry'ego, swojego starszego brata, oraz Edmunda. B?d? zajada? si? par?wkami, wat? cukrow? i goframi, nudzi?, wios?owa?, wyrusza? na tajemnicze nocne wyprawy, wchodzi? "za friko" na festyny, podgl?da? ?ycie doros?ych oraz marzy? o pewnej nastolatce, kt?ra pracuje w sklepie, i rzecz jasna o nauczycielce, kt?ra na nieszcz??cie okazuje si? dziewczyn? reprezentacyjnego szczypiornisty, Bennego Armaty, s?yn?cego z atomowego uderzenia…
When readers last saw renovator Tish Amble she was running for her life, her boyfriend Brad left wounded and at the mercy of drug lords in northern Michigan. On Brad's advice, Tish heads for Del Gloria, California, to hide out with an old friend of his-professor Denton Braddock. Tish tries to start a normal life, enrolling in college and working on restoring a block of homes, but her past is catching up with her. Someone is sabotaging her work, and Brad hasn't called in months. Should she return to Michigan to find out what has happened? Or would a homecoming be more painful-and deadly-than she's ready for? Full of the fast-paced action and nail-biting suspense readers have come to expect from author Nicole Young, Kiss Me If You Dare is the thrilling conclusion to the Patricia Amble Mysteries.
In geht es um zwei V?ter, die beide einen Sohn haben, und um die wechselseitigen Beziehungen, die sich zwischen diesen vier Personen entwickeln, als einer der V?ter die totale Gewalt ?ber beide S?hne zu erlangen versucht.Dieses Thema h?tte in viele Gew?nder gekleidet werden und in jedes Zeitalter, jedes Land versetzt werden k?nnen. Ich beschlo?, es hier und jetzt in Newmarket vor dem Hintergrund der Pferderennen spielen zu lassen, und schm?ckte die Szene mit knochenbrechenden Schl?gen aus, mit denen ein durch und durch respektabler Rennstall unterwandert, erobert und zerst?rt werden sollte…
Johnny Bianda is a man with a dream. He wants to own a boat off the coast of Florida and he only needs $186,000 to buy it. He steals the money from his firm, knowing that one day they’ll notice and one day they’ll kill him for it — after all, it is the Mafia. But for Johnny Bianda, the risk is worth taking and he knows it will be at least a year before they catch up with him…. Unfortunately for Bianda, the knock on his door comes sooner than he thinks.
"A romping good time!" on The Wombat StrategyOwning half a detective agency is not as exciting as it sounds when your partner won't let you solve any cases. Transplanted Aussie Kylie Kendall is frustrated as all get out, and she spends most of her time hanging out with her receptionist and sampling the Los Angeles nightlife. But that's about to change. Twins Alf and Chica Hartnidge, the hosts of Australia's hit children's television show The Oz Mob, hire Kylie to find out who's smuggling opals into the United States inside their Kelvin Kookaburra plush toys. A syndication deal and a load of money are riding on whether Kylie will shut down the smugglers, but a murder (or two) makes the stakes even higher.
Najnowsza powie?? „norweskiej kr?lowej zbrodni”, Karin Fossum. Halldis Horn zamordowano na progu jej domu. Na miejscu przest?pstwa widziano Errkiego, uciekiniera z zak?adu dla ob??kanych.W?tpliwo?ci co do jego winy ma tylko Sara, psycholog ch?opca. ?ledztwo prowadzi znany z innych krymina??w Fossum Konrad Sejer. Nast?pnego ranka napada na bank Morgan. Jego zak?adnikiem zostaje w?a?nie Errki. Uciekaj? w g?ry, gdzie porywacz i porwany si? zaprzyja?ni?.
Alemania, segunda guerra mundial. El avi?n de los pilotos ingleses James Teasdale y Bryan Young es derribado en territorio enemigo durante una misi?n fotogr?fica. Consiguen sobrevivir, pero no llevan los uniformes, por lo que, si son capturados, ser?n acusados de espionaje y, probablemente, ejecutados.Finalmente logran subir a un tren que parte del frente oriental con soldados enfermos. En uno de los vagones encuentran a varios oficiales de alto rango muertos sobre unas camas. Sin vacilar, James y Bryan tiran a dos de ellos del tren y ocupan su lugar, con la esperanza de ...