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Книги 16601—16625 из 19355.
  • Renegade Agent
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Frank Edwards, a busted CIA agent, was trafficking with terrorists in Europe. His illegal-weapons supplier was a Defense Department contractor in Massachusetts. His European connection was a high-ranking British Intelligence Officer.Macks task: eliminate all of these bastards. He blows the hell out of an armament factory in New England, flattens a munitions warehouse at Londons Heathrow airport. Then on to Frank Edwards base to bring hell on earth.The man from blood moves with the speed of a shock wave. To the Executioner, there is no worse scum than a turncoat agent.

  • Requiem for an Assassin
  • Eisler Barry
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • If you had to kill three people to save your best friend's life, would you do it?When John Rain decides to get out of the business, his hand is forced by rogue CIA operative Jim Hilger. Hilger kidnaps Dox, Rain's trusted partner and closest friend, and offers Rain a choice: carry out a final assignment, or bear the responsibility for Dox's murder.For a professional like John Rain, the choice ought to be easy: Do the job-a series of three hits-then walk away. But how does Rain know Jim Hilger won't kill Dox anyway, once the ...

  • Requiem Para Rusia
  • Merullo Roland
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Esta conmovedora novela capta l?cidamente el tenso momento hist?rico de Rusia en las dos semanas previas al fracasado golpe de derecha, de agosto de 1991, entrelazado con los amores y desamores de sus personajes.En una trama minuciosamente urdida recibimos la m?s v?vida imagen de una naci?n inmersa en los pesares e incertidumbres de la rebeli?n, junto con la recreaci?n de la vida cotidiana de una ciudad minera rusa con su mundo de polic?as, bur?cratas e idealistas en pleno proceso de transici?n.En ese momento y circunstancias confluyen ...

  • Resolution
  • Mina Denise
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Maureen O'Donnell is facing the darkest episode in her life. She owes more than she makes in a year in back taxes; Angus Farrell, the psychologist who murdered her boyfriend, is up for trial, with Maureen as the reluctant star witness; and her abuser has arrived back in Glasgow in time for the birth of her sister's baby. On top of it all, Maureen – who identifies all too readily with the underdogs of this world – has become embroiled in someone else's family feud.When an elderly stallholder at the flea market where Maureen and Leslie are selling illegally ...

  • Resurrecci?n
  • Russell Craig
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En la tercera novela de la serie de Jan Fabel, un temible asesino que cree haberse reencarnado, se venga de aquellos que le traicionaron en una vida anterior…El detective Jan Fabel y su equipo se enfrentan a una serie de homicidios: un pol?tico de izquierdas y homosexual confeso, y un prestigioso cient?fico. Ambos fueron asesinados siguiendo el mismo m?todo: los cuerpos ten?an el cuero cabelludo seccionado y, sobre ellos, un pelo rojo te?ido en la escena, procedente de la misma cabeza y cortado veinte a?os antes.Fabel descubre que las v?ctimas pertenec?an a un grupo anarquista de los a?os 70. Mientras tanto, los dem?s miembros del grupo, que hab?an tratado de dejar atr?s su pasado, se dan cuenta de que un temible asesino va tras ellos.

  • Resurrection Men
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Inspector John Rebus has messed up badly this time, so badly that he’s been sent to a kind of reform school for damaged cops. While there among the last-chancers known as “resurrection men,” he joins a covert mission to gain evidence of a drug heist orchestrated by three of his classmates. But the group has been assigned an unsolved murder that may have resulted from Rebus’s own mistake. Now Rebus can’t determine if he’s been set up for a fall or if his disgraced classmates are as ruthless as he suspects.When Detective Sergeant ...

  • Retirement Can Be Murder
  • Edwards Phil
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When Jake Russo is transferred from a New York City beat to a Florida retirement community, his reporting life slows down. Instead of covering life in the big city, he's stuck writing puff pieces about bridge games and shuffleboard. His biggest challenge? Sticking to his diet.That all changes when an older resident mysteriously dies on the beach. Jake has to figure out why and how she died. With the help of his bumbling octogenerian cameraman, Jake will have to overcome his lack of confidence and find the truth. He'll discover love, conspiracy, and surprising secrets in Florida's retirement communities.Light as a day at the beach, this playful mystery is an early buffet of flirtation, intrigue, and senior citizens gone bad.

  • Reunion in Death Traducido
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Walter Pettibone lleg? a su casa a las 7:30 p.m. para encontrarse con su familia y un centenar de amigos que le recibieron con el grito de . Era su fiesta de cumplea?os. Y, aunque no ten?a idea de la fiesta que le hab?an organizado, la verdadera sorpresa estaba por llegar. A las 8:45 p.m., una mujer con ojos del color de las esmeraldas y cabello rojo le entreg? una copa de champ?n. Y un sorbo del burbujeante l?quido despu?s… Walter estaba muerto.El nombre de la mujer es Julia Dockport y nadie en la fiesta sabe qui?n es. Pero la detective Eve Dallas la recuerda muy bien. Diez a?os atr?s, Eve fue la responsable de la encarcelaci?n de Julie. Y ahora, liberada por buena conducta, sigue teniendo las mismas intenciones de anta?o. Parece que quiere encontrarse de nuevo con Eve… en una reuni?n que ninguna olvidar?…

  • Revelation
  • Sansom C.J.
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • It is spring, 1543 and King Henry VIII is wooing Lady Catherine Parr, whom he wants for his sixth wife — but this time the object of his affections is resisting. Archbishop Cranmer and the embattled Protestant faction at court are watching keenly, for Lady Catherine is known to have reformist sympathies.Matthew Shardlake, meanwhile, is working on the case of a teenage boy, a religious maniac who has been placed by the King's council in the Bedlam hospital for the insane. Should he be released as his parents want, when his terrifying actions could lead to him being burned ...

  • Revolution No.9
  • McMahon Neil
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • As he lies, bound and hidden, on the floor of his abductors' SUV, Carroll Monks is only dimly aware of the bizarre series of high-profile murders sweeping across the nation. What he thinks about instead, as they travel for hours deep into the Northern California wilderness, is that the face of one of his abductors belongsto his own son, Glenn – long estranged and living (the last Monksknew) on the streets of Seattle.The vehicle finally stops. When Monks is untied and steps out, he sees he's been brought to a remote off-the-grid community where paramilitary training and methamphetamine ...

  • Ricochet
  • Brown Sandra
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. No one does steamy suspense like Brown (Chill Factor), as shown by this expert mix of spicy romance and sharply crafted crime drama. Det. Sgt. Duncan Hatcher, a sexy Savannah homicide cop, falls hard for Elise Laird, a dishy damsel-in-distress, the moment he spots her at a police awards dinner. Too bad she's married to Judge Cato Laird, who consistently subverts Hatcher's efforts to bring local drug lord Robert Savich to justice. When Hatcher and his feisty partner, Det. DeeDee Bowen, are called to the Laird home after Elise supposedly shoots an intruder ...

  • Riding the Rap
  • Leonard Elmore
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • This is the story of Harry, the ex-mobster who first appeared in "Pronto", who has been kidnapped by a raggle-taggle band of extortionists and ex-cons under the impression that he's richer than he really is.In this sequel to Pronto, Harry Arno has retired from bookmaking but is still closing out some of his outstanding debts. But then his collection agent, an ex-con by the name of Bobby Deo, goes to pick up $1,800 from Chip Ganz and ends up getting hired for a hostage-taking operation (like kidnapping "in a way," Chip tells him, "only different. A lot different.") When ...