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Книги 16651—16675 из 19355.

  • Rough Weather
  • Паркер Роберт
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A hurricane hinders a kidnapping and Spenser goes on a search for the man responsible – the infamous Gray Man, who has both helped and hunted Spenser in the past.Heidi Bradshaw is wealthy, beautiful, and well connected – and she needs Spenser's help. In a most unlikely request, Heidi, a notorious gold digger recently separated from her latest husband, recruits the Boston P.I. to accompany her to her private island, Tashtego. The reason? To attend her daughter's wedding as a sort of stand-in husband and protector. Spenser consents, but only after it is established that his beloved Susan ...

  • Royal Flush
  • Stivers Dick
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Able Team's mission: a cocaine bust in Manhattan. But a crooked trail soon takes the three aces of death to Windsor Castle in England. Able Team discovers that the fanatical Irish National Army of Liberation will attack the Royal Family in two days...U.S. agent Leo Turrin, already in London to find an infiltrator in the British counterterror network, gets some wild help as the American hotshots make meat stew out of ruthless attackers.No quarter is spared. Justice by fire, worldwide!

  • Rozgrywka Maury
  • Cole Martina
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Martina Cole, najpoczytniejsza wsp??czesna pisarka brytyjska, zas?yn??a ksi??kami o sensacyjno-obyczajowej fabule osadzonej w kryminalnym p??- ?wiatku Londynu. Maura Ryan i jej czterej bracia rz?dz? londy?skim podziemiem. W ostatnich latach Maura usun??a si? w cie?. Zab?jstwo jej m??a, by?ego gliny, zmusza j? do powrotu na scen?. Kolejne zdarzenia i niewyt?umaczalne morderstwa wskazuj? na perfidnie utkan? intryg?, maj?c? na celu zniszczenie autorytetu Ryan?w. Tropy prowadz? do gangstera odsiaduj?cego wyrok. Zagro?enie wok?? rodziny narasta, gdy Joliff ucieka z wi?zienia. Prowadz?c inteligentn? rozgrywk?, Maura krok po kroku pokonuje pi?trz?ce si? trudno?ci, eliminuje wrog?w, ujawnia nici intrygi.

  • Rubia peligrosa
  • Mosley Walter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La serie que protagoniza Easy Rawlins llega a su d?cima y tal vez ?ltima entrega con esta novela, en la que Walter Mosley nos traslada al turbulento Los Angeles de finales de los 60.Situada en 1967, en la d?cima entrega de la serie de novelas criminales protagonizada por Easy Rawlins nos encontramos a un Rawlins de mediana edad que empieza a acusar el paso del tiempo y los fantasmas que nunca lo abandonaron. Easy est? lidiando con en el hecho de haber abandonado a Bonnie ?a pesar de amarla como a ninguna otra mujer?, con que sus ...

  • Rubikon
  • Saylor Steven
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • Prawdziwym bohaterem tej epickiej sagi dw?ch rod?w, prowadz?cej czytelnika przez tysi?c lat ich dziej?w, jest Rzym miasto i jego mieszka?cy. Wplataj?c histori?, legend? i najnowsze odkrycia archeologiczne w dynamiczn? narracj?, Steven Saylor tchn?? nowe ?ycie w dramat pierwszego tysi?clecia Wiecznego Miasta od chwili jego za?o?enia poprzez meandry zadziwiaj?cej drogi do roli stolicy najpot??niejszego w dziejach imperium. Rzym przypomina tragedi? bohatera i zdrajcy Koriolana, zdobycie miasta przez Gal?w, najazd Hannibala, zaci?te zmagania polityczne mi?dzy patrycjuszami i plebejuszami, a wreszcie ?mier? republiki z chwil? triumfu i ...

  • Rules of Deception
  • Reich Christopher
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dr. Jonathan Ransom, world-class mountaineer and surgeon for Doctors Without Borders, is climbing in the Swiss Alps with his beautiful wife, Emma, when a blizzard sets in. In their bid to escape the storm, Emma is killed when she falls into a hidden crevasse.Twenty-four hours later, Jonathan receives an envelope addressed to his wife containing two baggage-claim tickets. Puzzled, he journeys to a remote railway station only to find himself in a life-and-death struggle for his wife's possessions. In the aftermath of the assault, he discovers that his attackers-one dead, the other mortally wounded-were, in fact, Swiss ...

  • Rules of Prey
  • Sandford John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers Weekly"Making his fiction debut, 'Sandford,' a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist using a pseudonym his real name is John Camp, has taken a stock suspense plot-a dedicated cop pursuing an ingenious serial killer-and dressed it up into the kind of pulse-quickening, irresistibly readable thriller that many of the genre's best-known authors would be proud to call their own," stated PW.From Library JournalLieutenant Lucas Davenport, highly touted killer detective, invents intricate video games that he sells for cash. Called in to aid the Minneapolis team scrambling to stop a psychopathic serial woman-slayer, Lucas ...

  • Rules of Vengeance
  • Reich Christopher
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Months after foiling an attack on a commercial jetliner, Doctors Without Borders physician Jonathan Ransom is working under an assumed name in a remote corner of Africa, while his newly revealed spy wife, Emma, desperate to escape the wrath of Division, the secret American intelligence agency she betrayed, has vanished into the netherworld of international espionage. Both look forward to sharing a stolen weekend in London – until an ambush on a convoy of limousines turns their romantic rendezvous into a terrorist bloodbath. In the confusion, Emma disappears.Jonathan is first hailed as a hero for his valiant actions during the violence, but when surveillance footage makes it unclear whether he was trying to stop the terrorists, or aid them, he quickly turns from savior to suspect. Once more on the run, Jonathan realizes that the only way to clear his name is to locate Emma, but finding her may prove that all along he's been a pawn in a game far beyond his imagining…

  • Run
  • Crouch Blake
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For fans of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Thomas Harris, picture this: a landscape of American genocide…5 D A Y S A G OA rash of bizarre murders swept the country…Senseless. Brutal. Seemingly unconnected.A cop walked into a nursing home and unloaded his weapons on elderly and staff alike.A mass of school shootings.Prison riots of unprecedented brutality.Mind-boggling acts of violence in every state.4 D A Y S A G OThe murders increased ten-fold…3 D A Y S A G OThe ...

  • Run For Your Life
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A calculating killer who calls himself The Teacher is taking on New York City, killing the powerful and the arrogant. His message is clear: remember your manners or suffer the consequences! For some, it seems that the rich are finally getting what they deserve. For New York 's elite, it is a call to terror.Only one man can tackle such a high-profile case: Detective Mike Bennett. The pressure is enough for anyone, but Mike also has to care for his 10 children-all of whom have come down with virulent flu at once!Discovering a secret pattern in The Teacher's lessons, Detective Bennett realizes he has just hours to save New York from the greatest disaster in its history. From the #1 bestselling author comes BE AFRAID, the continuation of his newest, electrifying series.

  • Run to Ground
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • A private army of killers bursts across the Mexican border into Arizona, seeking revenge for an attack on their narcotics stronghold. They discover their quarry holed up in tiny desert town and issue an ultimatum: surrender the target or die!Seriously injured in the brutal firefight at the druglord's rancho, the Executioner is trapped in an ever-tightening circle of doom.As the noose closes around him, can Bolan summon the strength to prevent the annihilation of his desert sanctuary?