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Книги 16676—16700 из 19355.
  • Runaway Heart
  • Cannell Stephen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyCannell's second novel in six months (after Hollywood Tough) is a cop thriller with a futuristic, sci-fi twist. Hollywood Tough's heroes, LAPD officers Shane Scully and his wife, Alexa Hamilton, take a backseat to a new protagonist, fledgling PI Jack Wirta, a hard-nosed ex-cop (former partner of Scully) who left the force on disability. Irascible and jaded, Wirta has been hooked on Percocet since taking a bullet in the spine during a bank robbery shootout. He is called in to help the eccentric, crusading attorney Herman Strockmeyer, founder of the Institute for Planetary Justice. Strockmeyer ...

  • Running Blind
  • Child Lee
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher is back, dragged into what looks like a series of grisly serial murders by a team of FBI profilers who aren't totally sure he's not the killer they're looking for, but believe that even if he isn't, he's smart enough to help them find the real killer. And what they've got on the ex-MP, who's starred in three previous Lee Child thrillers (Tripwire, Die Trying, Killing Floor), is enough to ensure his grudging cooperation: phony charges stemming from Reacher's inadvertent involvement in a protection shakedown and the threat of harm to the woman he loves.The ...

  • Running the Maze
  • Coughlin Jack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York TimesIn the aftermath of great floods, a doctor on a relief mission in northeastern Pakistan discovers the remains of a collapsed bridge that reminds him of a bridge near his childhood home in Ohio. He snaps a cellphone picture and sends it to his sister, just before his entire team is slaughtered.His sister is Beth Ledford, a Coast Guard sniper, who suspects that the answer to the mystery of her brother's death is in that cellphone picture. No one believes her until she finds Swanson and the secret special operations team known as Task Force Trident. When Kyle takes Beth into Pakistan to investigate, they find the true secret behind the mass murder—what may be the last, best hope of victory by al-Qaeda and the Taliban over allied forces.Now the two snipers have their sights set on one man, an American diplomat who has become the biggest obstacle to victory in the war on terror. The only question is: which of them gets to pull the trigger?

  • Runway Zero-Eight
  • Hailey Arthur
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Although airlines throughout the world operate on Greenwich Mean Time so far as their crews are concerned, the journey of over 1,500 miles from Winnipeg to Vancouver involves three local time zones: Central Time, Mountain Time, and Pacific Time. This double resetting of the clock each time to put the hands back an hour, would be chronologically confusing in the story which follows. One standard time, therefore, has been assumed throughout.It is hardly necessary to add that the events, the airlines, and all the persons mentioned are entirely fictitious.

  • Rusty Nail
  • Konrath J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lt. Jacqueline “Jack” Daniels of the Chicago Police Department is back, and once again she’s up to her Armani in murder. Someone is sending Jack snuff videos. The victims are people she knows, and they share a common trait – all were involved in one of Jack’s previous cases. With her stalwart partner, Herb Benedict, hospitalized and unable to help, Jack follows a trail of death throughout the Midwest, on a collision course with the smartest and deadliest adversary she’s ever known. During the chase, Jack jeopardizes her career, her love life, and her closest friends. She also comes to a startling realization… Serial killers have families, and blood runs thick. Rusty Nail features more of the laugh out loud humor and crazy characters that saturated Whiskey Sour and Bloody Mary, without sacrificing the nail-biting thrills. This is Jack Daniels’ third, and most exciting, adventure yet!

  • Ryzyko
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Pierwszy z serii „ko?skich krymina??w” Dicka Francisa.Roland Britten by? utalentowanym d?okejem-amatorem. By? r?wnie? nieust?pliwym ksi?gowym. Zdawa? sobie spraw?, ?e kilku oszust?w ostrzy sobie na niego z?by. Nie przypuszcza? jednak, ?e kto? m?g?by porwa? go, tym bardziej z toru, tu? po zwyci?stwie w Cheltenham Gold Cup! Gdy to si? sta?o, d?ugo nikt nie mia? poj?cia, kto i dlaczego uprowadzi? Brittena. Porwanemu jednak uda?o si? wyrwa? ze szpon?w prze?ladowc?w, w czym wydatnie pomog?a mu Hilary Pinlock, emerytowana dyrektorka szko?y. I teraz Brittenowi pozostaje wysili? sw?j logiczny umys? ksi?gowego, by wytropi? swoich porywaczy. Nie wie jednak, co oni maj? w zanadrzu.

  • Rze? bezkr?gowc?w
  • Chmielewska Joanna
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Powie?? niekwestionowanej pierwszej damy polskiego krymina?u. Kolejna zagadka do rozwik?ania. Fragment: – - Ostrowski z tej strony, pani Joanno, z zamordowaniem Wejchenmanna nie ma pani chyba nic wsp?lnego…? Mo?e zbyt szczerze si? pani wypowiada?a, bo jako? wszystkim si? pani na my?l nasuwa… Tadzio: – Pani Joanno, co jest? S?ysza?a pani o tym? Agnieszka mnie podpuszcza, ?eby pani? zapyta?, to chyba nie pani r?bn??a tego Wejchenmanna…? Nic nie wiemy, ale sensacja wsz?dzie! Pawe?: – Joanna? Cze??! Zdaje si?, ze twoja ulubiona posta? z tego ?wiata zesz?a? Gdyby ci by?o potrzebne ...

  • S?bado de gloria
  • Seraf?n David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un joven periodista cae al vac?o desde el ?tico de su casa de Madrid en pleno Domingo de Ramos. Todo parece accidental hasta que el comisario Luis Bernal empieza a sospechar si la v?ctima cay? o fue empujada. El comisario Bernal entra en una peligrosa espiral cuando descubre que el periodista ten?a una informaci?n altamente delicada para el dif?cil equilibrio pol?tico que se vive en esos momentos en la Espa?a posfranquista. Pese a las sempiternas presiones de sus superiores, Bernal decide aclarar el asunto, en realidad un doble crimen, aun a riesgo ...

  • S is for Silence
  • Grafton Sue
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Thirty-four years ago, Violet Sullivan put on her party finery and left for the annual Fourth of July fireworks display. She was never seen again.In the small California town of Serena Station, tongues wagged. Some said she'd run off with a lover. Some said she was murdered by her husband.But for the not-quite-seven-year-old daughter Daisy she left behind, Violet's absence has never been explained or forgotten.Now, thirty-four years later, she wants the solace of closure.In S is for Silence, Kinsey Millhone's nineteenth excursion into the world of suspense and misadventure, S is for surprises as Sue Grafton takes a whole new approach to telling the tale. And S is for superb: Kinsey and Grafton at their best.

  • S?lo un muerto m?s
  • Pinilla Ramiro
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Con los ba?les cargados de libros que le entrega un familiar, el joven Sancho Bordaberri decide abrir, en plena posguerra, una modesta librer?a de lance en Getxo. Cuenta enseguida con la complicidad de Klodobike, una mujer entusiasta y vehemente. En el fondo, lo que quiere Sancho es ser escritor de novelas policiacas, pero nunca logra igualar a sus admirados Hammett o Chandler y las editoriales le devuelven todas sus historias. Hasta que un d?a descubre, con el en?simo manuscrito rechazado en las manos, que el ?nico asesinato que ocurri? en Getxo, antes de la Guerra, ...

  • S?lo una mirada
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El mundo de una madre de clase media se desmorona por culpa de una simple instant?nea. Cuando Grace Lawson recoge unas fotos de la familia reci?n reveladas descubre una, de hace al menos veinte a?os, en la que aparecen cinco personas. Grace no reconoce a cuatro de ellas, pero la quinta guarda un sorprendente parecido con su marido, Jack. Cuando ?ste ve la foto, niega ser ?l. Mas esa noche, mientras Grace lo espera en la cama, se marcha en coche sin dar explicaci?n alguna y llev?ndose la foto. Conforme transcurren los d?as, ella duda cada vez m?s de s? misma y de su matrimonio y se plantea muchas preguntas acerca de su esposo.

  • S?siad
  • Gardner Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ta sprawa gwarantowa?a szum medialny – m?oda atrakcyjna ?ona i matka znika bez ?ladu ze swego domu w Bostonie. Czteroletnia c?reczka to jedyny ?wiadek, a przystojny, tajemniczy m?? staje si? g??wnym podejrzanym. Kiedy do niewielkiego, przytulnego domu rodziny Jones przybywa sier?ant D. D. Warren, od razu wyczuwa co? niepokoj?cego w pozorach normalno?ci, kt?re para tak bardzo stara?a si? stworzy?. Zegar tyka nieub?aganie, tymczasem Jason Jones zdaje si? bardziej zaabsorbowany niszczeniem dowod?w i izolowaniem swej c?rki ni? poszukiwaniem „ukochanej” ?ony. Czy ten idealny m?? pr?buje co? ukry?? I czy jedyny ?wiadek zbrodni stanie si? nast?pn? ofiar? zab?jcy? Kolejny, nagrodzony wieloma wyr??nieniami thriller autorstwa ameryka?skiej mistrzyni suspensu.

  • Sabotaged
  • Haddix Margaret
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • After helping Chip and Alex survive 15th century London, Jonah and Katherine are summoned to help another missing child, Andrea, face her fate. Andrea is really Virginia Dare, from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jonah and Katherine are confident in their ability to help Andrea fix history, but when their journey goes dangerously awry, they realize that they may be in over their head. They've landed in the wrong time period. Andrea doesn't seem that interested in leaving the past. And even worse, it appears that someone has deliberately sabotaged their mission…

  • Sacred Clowns
  • Hillerman Tony
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Officer Chee attempts to solve two modern murders by deciphering the sacred clown’s ancient message to the people of the Tano pueblo. An Ancient Trust is Broken. During a Tano kachina ceremony something in the antics of the dancing koshare fills the air with tension. Moments later the clown is found brutally bludgeoned in the same manner that a reservation schoolteacher was killed just days before. In true Navajo style, Officer Jim Chee and Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn of the Tribal Police go back to the beginning to decipher the sacred clown’s message to the people of the Tano pueblo. Amid guarded tribal secrets and crooked Indian traders, they find a trail of blood that links a runaway schoolboy, two dead bodies, and the mysterious presence of a sacred artifact.

  • Sacrilege
  • Parris S.J.
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • London, summer of 1584: Radical philosopher, ex-monk, and spy Giordano Bruno suspects he is being followed by an old enemy. He is shocked to discover that his pursuer is in fact Sophia Underhill, a young woman with whom he was once in love. When Bruno learns that Sophia has been accused of murdering her husband, a prominent magistrate in Canterbury, he agrees to do anything he can to help clear her name.In the city that was once England's greatest center of pilgrimage, Bruno begins to uncover unsuspected secrets that point to the dead man being part of ...

  • Sahara
  • Zyk? Cizia
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Величайшая и самая загадочная пустыня мира. Без вести пропавшая в тридцатые годы отважная летчица; исчезнувший в тумане броненосец с золотым запасом Конфедерации на борту; зловещий рудник, не уступающий по строгости режима нацистским концлагерям... И самое страшное – источник отравления окружающей среды, угрожающий существованию всего человечества.Только Дирку Питту, неизменному герою романов Клайва Касслера, по плечу связать воедино цепочку жутких и страшных событий и раскрыть тайны африканских песков.