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Книги 17051—17075 из 19355.
  • Spying in High Heels
  • Halliday Gemma
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears-along with $20 million in embezzled funds-and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300-pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her?

  • Spyware
  • Larson B
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • What if the entire Internet went down… At once?The world believes Ray Vance released the worst computer virus in history. The virus adapts and evolves like a biological creature in order to survive. Many believe it is a new life form, but one designed with an evil purpose. As the sun sets on our technological world and the entire Internet shuts down, Vance runs from the feds. He must save his family, stop the virus… and stay alive.

  • Stadt unter dem Eis
  • Greanias Thomas
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W?hrend einer streng geheimen Milit?roperation in der Antarktis entdecken die Amerikaner antike Ruinen unter dem Eis. Ein amerikanischer Arch?ologe und eine junge Wissenschaftlerin aus dem Vatikan wollen das R?tsel um die versunkene Stadt unter dem Eis l?sen. Sie suchen die Urspr?nge der menschlichen Zivilisation und k?mpfen gegen einen unsichtbaren, lebensbedrohlichen Feind. Dr. Conrad Yeats hat nur ein Ziel: Er will das Mysterium um das sagenumwobene Atlantis enth?llen. Sein Vater, vom dem er sich seit Jahren immer mehr entfernt hatte, und Serena Serghetti, eine Frau, die er einst geliebt und dann verloren hatte, sollen ihn bei seiner Mission unterst?tzen. Doch unter dem Eis liegt ein weiteres Geheimnis begraben: etwas, das die gesamte Menschheit bedroht.Die OriginalausgabeRAISING ATLANTISerschien 2005 bei Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York

  • Stagestruck
  • Lovesey Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "A wickedly clever writer." – Ruth RendellClarion Calhoun is a fading pop star wanting to launch an acting career. The audience at her debut on stage at Bath's Theatre Royal are expecting a dramatic evening – but what they get is beyond their wildest imagination. When Clarion is rushed to hospital with third degree burns, rumours spread through the theatrical community and beyond. In the best theatrical tradition, the show goes on, but the agony turns to murder. The case falls to Peter Diamond, Bath's top detective – but for reasons he can't understand, he suffers a physical reaction amounting to phobia each time he goes near the theatre. As he tries to find its root in his past, the tension at the Theatre Royal mounts, legends come to life and the killer strikes again…

  • Stagger Bay
  • Hansen Pearce
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Markus, Stagger Bay’s protagonist, is a man who overcame a horrendous childhood and criminal youth to go straight and raise a family. His violent past makes him an easy fall guy to frame for a gruesome mass murder and he’s sentenced to life without parole, losing his family in the process.Exonerated and freed on DNA evidence after seven years, Markus is shortly thrust into a bloody do-or-die fracas during an elementary school hostage situation, becoming an overnight hero. Everyone wants in on the media feeding frenzy; to his dismay, paparazzi and news crews hound him ...

  • Stakes & Stilettos
  • Роуэн Мишель
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Newly vamped Sarah Dearly wants her normal life back, but fate is fighting against her. She tries to get a regular job and gets staked in the interview, only to be rescued by a masked vampire who calls himself the Red Devil. Then a wallflower-turned-witch curses her, making her a bloodthirsty, sun-allergic nightwalker--the worst vampire there is. As if all that weren't enough, she can't get married because her 600-year-old boyfriend, Thierry, is in a centuries-long marriage of convenience he can't escape.As Sarah's nightwalker tendencies make her more dangerous, even to those she loves, she'll have to counteract that curse, unmask the increasingly intriguing Red Devil, and get a commitment from her man. But if that's what it takes to secure her happiness, Sarah is ready...even if it means embracing her inner vamp to do it.

  • Stalemate
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyIn the latest Eve Duncan forensics thriller from bestseller Johansen (Killer Dreams), the Atlanta-based forensic sculptor with an international reputation finds herself attracted, not always convincingly, to a sleazy manipulator. Duncan, who specializes in reconstructing facial features from skulls, has buried herself in her work since the disappearance and presumed death of her seven-year-old daughter, Bonnie, years earlier. That still-open wound is probed with sadistic skill by Luis Montalvo, a shady Colombian arms dealer, who offers to solve the mystery of what happened to Bonnie if Duncan agrees to attempt a reconstruction from a skull ...

  • Stalin’s Ghost
  • Smith Martin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Moscow lies deep under snow, and Arkady Renko is on the trail of a suspect police officer, a former Black Beret who served with glory against the insurgency in Chechnya. But proof of the man’s corruption is proving more elusive to gather. Then Renko’s unpopular boss calls him in to handle a delicate matter: passengers riding the last metro of the night have reported seeing the ghost of Stalin waving to them from the platform edge. Every night at the same time, regular as clockwork. Meanwhile, his adopted son, Zhenya has disappeared, and his girlfriend, Eva, has ...

  • Stalked
  • Freeman Brian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lieutenant Jonathan Stride knows his partner Maggie Bei is in trouble when she reports a deadly crime on a bitter winter night. She's obviously hiding a terrible secret, and her silence only feeds suspicion. Maggie isn't the only one keeping secrets in Duluth. A seductive young woman has disappeared, leaving behind a stash of lurid fantasies and a cryptic message: I know who it is. Following a twisted trail, Stride uncovers a sordid web of violence and voyeurism that someone is willing to kill to keep hidden. Stride isn't alone. His lover Serena Dial – a homicide cop turned private ...

  • Stalking The Angel
  • Crais Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Bradley Warren had lost something very valuable, something that belonged to someone else: a rare thirteenth century Japanese manuscript called the Hagakure. Everything PI Elvis Cole knew about Japanese culture he'd learned from reading Shogun, but he knew a lot of crooks and what he didn't know, his sociopathic sidekick Joe Pike did. Together their search begins in LA's Little Tokyo and the nest of the notorious Japanese mafia, the yakuza, and leads to a white knuckled adventure filled with madness, murder and sexual obsession just another day's work for Elvis Cole.

  • Stand By Your Man
  • Bartholomew Nancy
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Beautician-turned-country singer Maggie Reid is getting too famous for her own good. Since her endearing if good-for-nothing former husband. "Satellite Dish and Mobile Home King" Vernell Spivey, vanished along with millions, seems to be interested in the ex-wife he left in the lurch...including some very bad people called "The Redneck Mafia." Drop-dead gorgeous Detective Marshall Weathers and his police cronies want to know what Maggie knows as well, since they have a murder on their hands that has Vernell's name all over it.Maggie knows this much: there are many negative appellations you could pin on old liquor-loving, skirt-chasing Vernell, but "killer" isn't one of them.And though it means courting a mob hit and the extreme attentions of a sturdy bike p.i., the determined d-i-v-o-r-c-e-e is going to find her missing ex and prove him innocent...or die trying!

  • Star Struck
  • Mcdermid Val
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Bodyguarding had never made it to Manchester PI Kate Brannigan’s wish list. But somebody’s got to pay the bills at Brannigan & Co, and if the only earner on offer is playing nursemaid to a paranoid soap star, the fast-talking computer-loving white-collar crime expert has to swallow her pride and slip into something more glam than her Thai boxing kit.Soon, however, offstage dramas overshadow the fictional storylines, culminating in the unscripted murder of the self-styled ‘Seer to the Stars’, and Kate finds herself with more questions than answers. What’s more, her tame hacker has found virtual love, her process server keeps getting arrested, and the ever-reliable Dennis has had the temerity to get himself charged with murder.Nobody told her there’d be days like these…

  • State Of The Union
  • Thor Brad
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From the national bestselling author of The Lions of Lucerne and Path of the Assassin comes another electrifying international thriller featuring all-American hero Scot Harvath, as he plunges into the frigid heart of the Russian tundra to save the fragile state of the union.On a cold January morning, the United States awakes to discover that an old enemy, one long believed dead and buried, has crawled out of its grave to lay siege to the world's only superpower.With the stunning discovery that enhanced Soviet-made suitcase nukes have been secreted in America 's major cities, President ...