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Книги 17026—17050 из 19355.
  • Speaking In Tongues
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Two men of words… One seeking only peace. The other, violence. Tate Collier, once one of the country's finest trial lawyers, is trying to forget his past. Now a divorced gentleman farmer, land developer, and community advocate in rural Virginia, he's regrouping from some disastrous mistakes in the realms of love and the law. But controversy – and danger – seem to have an unerring hold on Tate. Even as he struggles to rebuild his life, his alter ego is plotting his demise. Aaron Matthews, a brilliant psychologist, has turned his talents away from curing patients to far deadlier goals. He's ...

  • Spencerville
  • Demille Nelson
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • After twenty-five years of working in the shadowy world of espionage Keith Landry is on his way home. Driving along the highway, humming a few bars of 'Homeward Bound', the twenty-five years' service he has given the US government are fast becoming a distant memory.He is safe. He is alone. And life has never felt sweeter as the signs for hometown Spencerville come into view.Keith Landry has promised himself no more violence, no more death. But a chance meeting with childhood sweetheart Annie Baxter makes it a promise he cannot keep.As passion is rekindled between them, jealousy flares. For Annie is married to a violent and sadistic bully: the man who runs Spencerville, Sheriff Baxter. And he won't tolerate any man near his wife. Especially Keith Landry.

  • Sphinx
  • Cook Robin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It was the magic and mystery of an empire long past that beautiful Erica Baron came toe explore. Innocently she cast her eyes in forbidden places and discovered the clue to a treasure beyond imagination. It was then that terror overtook her, as the most fearful curse of the ancient world and the most savagemenace of the modern one threatened to detroy her. One dangerously attractive man offered Erica help…he offered her protection…he offered her love. And in this strange, exotic land of seductive evils, where no one could be trusted, desire became for Erica the deadliest snare of all…

  • Spider
  • McGrath Patrick
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tormentato da antiche ossesioni, Dennis, il cui soprannome ? Spider, «Ragno», vive a Londra in una pensione gestita dalla signora Wilkinson, una donna ora materna, ora terribilmente autoritaria. Nella vita di Dennis affiora lentamente il ricordo di una sconvolgente esperienza, l’evidenza di un terribile delitto e le violente immagini legate a una lunga permanenza in manicomio. Giorno dopo giorno l’uomo scivola nei labirinti di una follia inarrestabile, il suo mondo si scompone in un gioco di specchi e la linea che divide la realt? dal baratro della pazzia si fa sempre pi? labile.

  • Spin a Wicked Web
  • McRae Cricket
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Things are getting serious between Sophie Mae and Detective Ambrose. But there's another love in her life – spinning. Pursuing her newfound passion is great fun… until fellow co-op member Ariel is found strangled to death with Sophie Mae's first skein of yarn.Every male in Cadyville noticed Ariel. Young, pretty, and a pro at wielding her sexual powers, she preyed on married men. Was the murder victim truly a gold digger in hot pants? Or a troubled girl who lost her parents at the age of sixteen? Can Sophie Mae unravel the truth and solve this tightly-knitted murder mystery?

  • Spinsters in Jeopardy
  • Marsh Ngaio
  • Жанр: Классический детектив
  • Peering into the early morning dark as his train neared its destination, Alleyn glimpsed a horrifying tableau. A lighted window masked by a spring blind. A woman falling against the blind and releasing it. Farther back in the room, a man in a flowing white garment, his face in shadow. Beyond his right shoulder, something that looked like a huge wheel. His right arm was raised. And in his hand… Abruptly, the weird scene was cut off as the train roared into a tunnel… And it was only later, in an ancient chateau, that Alleyn discovered the ghastly truth of what he had witnessed!

  • Spisek Syksty?ski
  • Vandenberg Philipp
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • Podczas renowacji fresk?w Micha?a Anio?a zdobi?cych sklepienie Kaplicy Syksty?skiej konserwatorzy dokonuj? zadziwiaj?cego odkrycia. Ka?da z namalowanych scen zawiera wymy?lnie ukryt? liter?. U?o?one w ca?o?? litery tworz? pozbawiony sensu napis. W poszukiwaniu zagadkowego znaczenia przes?ania genialnego artysty prefekt kongregacji wiary dawnej inkwizycji natrafia w tajnym archiwum Watykanu na zadziwiaj?cy dokument, ujawnienie kt?rego mo?e wstrz?sn?? posadami ca?ego chrze?cija?stwa.Co kryje w sobie tajemniczy napis? Czy przemy?lnie ukryta inskrypcja jest wyrafinowan? zemst? zza grobu Micha?a Anio?a za to, co uczyni?o mu pa?stwo ko?cielne? Czy Watykan zdo?a zatrzyma? w swych tajnych archiwach jedn? z najwi?kszych tajemnic chrze?cija?stwa?

  • Split Image
  • Паркер Роберт
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Family ties prove deadly in the brilliant new Jesse Stone novel from New York Times-bestselling author Robert B. Parker.The body in the trunk was just the beginning.Turns out the stiff was a foot soldier for local tough guy Reggie Galen, now enjoying a comfortable "retirement" with his beautiful wife, Rebecca, in the nicest part of Paradise. Living next door are Knocko Moynihan and his wife, Robbie, who also happens to be Rebecca's twin. But what initially appears to be a low-level mob hit takes on new meaning when a high-ranking crime figure is found dead ...

  • Split Second
  • Baldacci David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From #1 bestseller David Baldacci comes a new thriller reminiscent of his phenomenal bestselling debut, Absolute Power. It was only a split second-but that’s all it took for Secret Service agent Sean King’s attention to wander and his “protectee,” third-party presidential candidate Clyde Ritter, to die. King retired from the Service in disgrace, and now, eight years later, balances careers as a lawyer and a part-time deputy sheriff in a small Virginia town. Then he hears the news: Once again, a third-party candidate has been taken out of the presidential race-abducted right under the nose of Secret Service ...

  • Sprawa Ewy Moreno
  • Nesser Hakan
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Uczennica Winnie Maas spotyka si? z du?o od siebie starszym J?rgenem. Pragn?c za wszelk? cen? mi?o?ci, nie zauwa?a, ?e jest w jego r?kach tylko zabawk?. Wkr?tce zachodzi w ci???, a J?rgen usi?uj?c wy?udzi? pieni?dze, ??da, by 'wrobi?a' w ni? Arnolda Maagera, ?onatego nauczyciela ?aciny. Mi?dzy Winnie a Maagerem rozpoczyna si? 'romans'. Rozdarta pomi?dzy idealizowan? mi?o?ci?, a rzeczywisto?ci? – o?miela si? w ko?cu zaprotestowa?. Wkr?tce potem w dziwnych okoliczno?ciach zostaje zamordowana – wszystko wskazuje na to, ?e sprawc? jest ...

  • Sprzedawca broni
  • Laurie Hugh
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Podczas wycieczki do Amsterdamu Thomas Lang dostaje propozycj? zab?jstwa Amerykanina, kt?rej nie przyjmuje. Po wielu przemy?leniach postanawia uprzedzi? swoj? niedosz?? ofiar? Woolfa. Ci?g nieprzypadkowych zdarze? uzale?nia go od Woolfa i jego c?rki Sary. Ich celem jest unikni?cie ameryka?skiego planu ataku terrorystycznego, kt?ry mia?by zmusi? rz?d do kupienia nowoczesnych helikopter?w (projekt Absolwent). Thomas przez ca?y czas wmawia sobie, ?e nic nie czuje do dziewczyny, lecz gotowy jest zrobi? dla niej wszystko. W pewnym momencie m??czy?ni trafiaj? w pu?apk?, Woolf zostaje zabity. Ranny Lang pr?buje odnale?? Sar?, pomoc w poszukiwaniach oferuje Ronnie — jej kole?anka z pracy. Thomas udaje si? do ambasadora USA w Wielkiej Brytanii i u?wiadamia sobie jak zawi?a i tajemnicza jest to sprawa. W ostateczno?ci zostaje zmuszony to przygotowania tego ataku, inaczej Sara zginie.