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Фантастика » Космическая фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 1376—1400 из 1412.
  • Timelike Infinity
  • Baxter Stephen
  • First there were good times: humankind reached glorious heights, even immortality. Then there were bad times: Earth was occupied by the faceless, brutal Qax. Immortality drugs were confiscated, the human spirit crushed. Earth became a vast factory for alien foodstuffs. Into this new dark age appears the end of a tunnel through time. Made from exotic matter, it is humanity’s greatest engineering project in the pre-Qax era, where the other end of the tunnel remains anchored near Jupiter. When a small group of humans in a makeshift craft outwit the Qax to escape to the past through ...

  • Titan
  • Baxter Stephen
  • The book depicts a manned mission to Titan — the enigmatic moon of Saturn — which has a thick atmosphere and a chemical makeup that some think may contain the building blocks of life.Paula Benacerraf is appointed to oversee the dismantling of the Shuttle fleet after another disaster. Instead, she listens to the scientist, Rosenberg, who wants to explore the life Cassini discovers on Titan. Humans are hurled to the edge of the Solar System. To the edge, also, of sanity.Nominated for Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1998.

  • ?toiles, garde-?-vous !
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Apr?s la grande guerre atomique de la fin du XX si?cle, le monde ne fut plus que chaos et d?sordre. Pour ?liminer les hordes barbares qui s’?taient form?es, les survivants durent remettre leur sort entre les mains de l’arm?e. Un si?cle plus tard la civilisation, arriv?e ? l’?ge des ?toiles, restait dirig?e par les militaires. Ainsi, c’?tait en portant les armes, en payant l’imp?t de la sueur et du sang, que l’homme du xxi si?cle devait acqu?rir le droit d’?tre citoyen. Dans cet univers militariste, Juan Rico s’engage le jour de ses dix-huit ans dans l’Infanterie Spatiale. Il ne sait pas quel sort terrible attend le fantassin qui, sur les mondes lointains, affronte les arm?es arachnides. En s’engageant, il a voulu devenir un homme, mais un soldat des ?toiles est-il encore humain ?

  • Torch of Freedom
  • Weber David
  • Someone is assassinating the leaders of both the Star Kingdom of Manticore and the recently liberated former slave planet of Torch. Though most believe the Republic of Haven is behind the murders, Anton Zilwicki and Havenite secret agent Victor Cachat believe there is another sinister player behind the scenes. Queen Berry of Torch narrowly escaped one assassination attempt, and a security officer from Beowulf has been assigned to protect her, a task complicated by the young monarch's resentment of bodyguards, and the officer's growing attachment to her. Meanwhile, powerful forces in the Solarian League are maneuvering against each other to gain the upper hand, not realizing or, perhaps, not caring that their power struggle is threatening the League's very existence and could plunge the galaxy into war. Once again best-selling authors David Weber and Eric Flint join forces in an exciting new novel in the Honorverse. Cover Art by David Mattingly

  • TUVU KRITISKAJAMHALS KLEMENTSR?GA «ZIN?TNE» 1980M?sdienu amerik??u rakstnieks Hals Klements savos darbos populariz? zin?tnes atzi?as un tehnisk?s domas sasnie« gurnus. Savdab?gais vi?a dai?rad? ir tas, ka fantastiskais, notikumiem un piedz?vojumiem bag?tais si?ets parasti risi­n?s tadas pasaul?s, par kuru esam?bu m?sdienu astronomijai nekas nav zin?ms. Viss p?r?jais stingri atbilst lo?i­kai un zin?tnes likumiem. H. Klements aizst?v da??du pa« sau?u sapr?t?gu but?u br?l?bas ideju, cildina ...

  • Ucieczka ?wiat?w
  • Shaw Bob
  • Toller Maraquine Drugi, kapitan S?u?b Podniebnych, pod??aj?c z Landu na Overland za ukochan? — dumn? ksi??n? Vantar? — napotyka ogromny, zywy kryszta?owy dysk. Dysk okazuje si? planet?, a ksi??na znika bez ?ladu. Niebezpieczna wyprawa ratunkowa pozwala Tollerowi odkry? gro?b? zag?ady wisz?c? nad jego ?wiatem. Walka o ocalenie planety mo?e jednak przynie?? nieoczekiwany efekt…

  • UGUNS cikls
  • UGUNS ciklsHALS KLEMENTSR?GA «ZIN?TNE» 1980HAL CLEMENT CYCLE OF F1RE BALLANTINE BOOKS NEW YORK 1957HAL CLEMENT CLOSE TO CRITICAL BALLANTINE BOOKS NEW YORK 1964No ang?u valodas tulkojusi M. J?KOBSONE Priek?v?rda autori A. un B. STRUGACKI M?kslinieks A. GALEVIUSSIzdota saska?? ar Latvijas PSR Zin?t?u akad?mijas Redakciju un izdevumu padomes l?mumu©Tulkojums latvie?u valod? Izdevniec?ba «Zin?tne», 1980PRIEK?V?RDSCit?gs m?sdienu zin?tnisk?s fantastikas las?t?js starp cit?m ?ai literat?...

  • Un feu sur lab?me
  • Vinge Vernor
  • , ?norme ? tous les sens du terme, renoue avec la grande tradition ?pique de la Science-Fiction, o? l’extravagant est de rigueur et o? l’impossible ne constitue qu’une difficult? passag?re. Mais l’imagination effervescente de Vernor Vinge respecte toujours les lois de la logique et autant que possible celles de l’univers.Une exp?dition straumlienne, explorant une Archive dans la presque Transcendance, a d?cha?n? une Perversion sur la galaxie enti?re. Un unique navire est parvenu ? fuir dans la nuit ?pouvantable. ? travers l’espace, il fonce vers le centre de la galaxie, vers ...

  • Un fuego sobre el abismo
  • Vinge Vernor
  • Vinge ha demostrado ya otras veces su habilidad excepcional para escribir una ciencia ficci?n que combina ideas cient?ficas que desaf?an a la imaginaci?n mas atrevida, con una trama sorprendente y rica que atrapa al lector con historias apasionantes y de gran inter?s. En Un fuego sobre el abismo, Vinge se supera a si mismo y crea algo nuevo: una sugerente visi?n de un universo en el cual la inteligencia sigue extra?as reglas. En esta ?pica gal?ctica de escala c?smica, las especies que han “trascendido” se convierten en Poderes pr?cticamente ...

  • Une forme de guerre
  • Banks Iain
  • Horza est un M?tamorphe, un des derniers sur­vivants de cette vari?t? de l’esp?ce humaine qui peut modifier ? sa guise. Et il est engag? dans une croisade personnelle contre la Culture.Son combat, comme celui de Balveda, l’envoy?e de la section Circonstances Sp?ciales de la Culture, n’est qu’une escarmouche insignifiante sur la toile de fond de la guerre qui oppose la Culture et les ldirans.Une guerre qui embrase la Galaxie. Une guerre inexpiable comme toute guerre de religion. Une guerre o? aucun compromis n’est pos­sible, ...

  • Vacuum Diagrams
  • Baxter Stephen
  • Ironically, you’ll probably appreciate most after you’ve put it down. The prolific and acclaimed Stephen Baxter has always been praised for his imaginative and conscientious use of science, and is no exception. This collection of short stories will leave you ruminating for days over the sprawl of ideas, worlds, and life forms Baxter has woven together.Filling in the gaps on Baxter’s ambitious, almost audacious, 10-million-year timeline called the “Xeelee Sequence,” is a collection of revised, previously published short stories that bridges together his popular novels set in this same “future history” — , , , and . Baxter’s ...

  • Vigilant
  • Gardner James
  • Two species lived in peaceful coexistence on the planet Demoth until a deadly plague wiped out millions of the winged Ooloms while leaving humans untouched, helpless to do more than ease the suffering of their alien friends and neighbors. Faye Smallwood saw the horror firsthand, caring for the plague victims in her father’s hospital. She was there when he discovered the cure that made him famous. She was also there when a freak accident killed him.Desperate to escape her past, Faye joins the Vigil, a band of fiercely independent monitors charged with rooting out government corruption. ...

  • Voices
  • Vornholt John
  • Mind games of the deadly kind: Telepaths to the left of them, telepaths to the right of them. And danger is all around Commander Susan Ivanova and Security Chief Michael Garibaldi when a Psi Corps Convention is held on Babylon 5. Someone will turn this meeting of mind readers into a real blast… as a bomb makes Babylon 5 a death trap. Voices: the prime suspect is resident telepath Talia Winters. With Talia’s old foes, thought-cops Bester and Gray, calling for her head, Ivanova and Garibaldi can’t openly help her. Now she’s running for her life through a perilous universe, and her psychic talent is her only weapon when her path is blocked by staggering intergalactic horrors: psi-cops closing in… and a killer waiting.