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Фантастика » Научная фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 20751—20775 из 24208.

  • A Bridge of Years
  • Wilson Charles
  • Returning to his hometown after a failed marriage, recovering alcoholic Tom Winter purchases a house only to discover that it connects with another time and place—and his desire to “start over” suddenly becomes a literal possibility.Wilson excels at psychological suspense, as the spiritual and emotional challenges his characters face are as intense as the physical dangers.Nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award for Best novel in 1991

  • A Cidade e as Estrelas
  • Clarke Arthur
  • Em um futuro muito distante, toda a humanidade est? confinada a uma ?nica cidade, totalmente fechada. Ningu?m pode sair da cidade, que funciona como o ?ltimo reduto da ra?a humana. Todas as necessidades humanas s?o atendidas por um sofisticado sistema de computadores e a vida ? virtualmente eterna. Os seres humanos, ap?s uma exist?ncia muito prolongada, s?o armazenados em bancos de mem?ria dos computadores para depois ressucitarem, evitando o t?dio da vida eterna. Mas nem todos se conformam com esta situa??o: um jovem quer saber o que h? l? fora. Esse inconformismo d? origem a uma das mais belas hist?rias da fic??o cient?fica e certamente trata-se de uma obra-prima de Arthur C. Clarke.

  • A cidade submarina
  • Doyle Arthur
  • Este livro de Arthur Conan Doyle conta a aventura de tr?s homens, Cirus Headlei, Dr. Maracot e o sr. Bill Scanlan, quando o desceram atrav?s de um «engenho submarino» (na ?poca em que a hist?ria foi escrita n?o deviam existir submarinos) para fazer pesquisas subaqu?ticas. Miraculosamente, ap?s um acidente em que sua engenhoca arrebentou o cabo, que os ligava ao navio, eles desceram a grandes profundidades e foram salvos da morte por um estranho povo que vivia sob o mar.

  • A D?ne
  • Herbert Frank
  • Az Imp?rium t?zezer ?ves b?k?j?t vesz?ly fenyegeti. A lakott plan?t?k ezreit ?sszefog?, feud?lis birodalom egym?snak fesz?l? er?i — a cs?sz?r, a rivaliz?l? Nagy H?zak ?s az ?rliga — mind egy kietlen sivatagbolyg? k?r? gy?lnek, hogy eld?nts?k, ki birtokolja az ?ri?si homokf?rgek ?s puszt?t? viharok ?ltal uralt vil?got. Ez ugyanis az egyetlen hely az univerzumban, ahol megtal?lhat? az ?rutaz?shoz elengedhetetlen, tudatt?g?t? hat?s? f?szer, a melanzs. A h?b?rbirtok?rt meg?tk?z? seregek csat?j?ban fel?lkereked? h?z gy?zelme azonban nem lehet teljes, mert a m?ly sivatagban felbukkan egy pr?f?ta, aki m?g?tt felsorakoznak az eddig lakatlannak hitt ter?let n?p?nek fanatikus l?gi?i… Frank Herbert klasszikus reg?nye n?gy ?vtized alatt sem vesz?tett n?pszer?s?g?b?l. Jelen kiad?s egy ?j novell?val gazdagodott, melyet Herbert irodalmi ?r?k?sei tettek hozz? A D?ne t?rt?net?hez.

  • A Darkling Plain
  • Reeve Philip
  • It’s six months after the tumultuous events on Brighton, and Wren Natsworthy and her father Tom have taken to the skies in their airship, The Jenny Haniver. Wren is enjoying life as an aviatrix but Tom is troubled by matters of the heart—Hester’s disappearance, and the old wound caused by Pennyroyal’s bullet. Until a fluke encounter with a familiar face sets him thinking about the ruins of London and the possibility of going back...Meanwhile the fragile truce between the Green Storm and the Traction Cities splinters and hostility breaks out again. Events are set on a collision course as things end where they began, with London...

  • A gyermekkor v?ge
  • Clarke Arthur
  • A gyermekkor v?ge (angolul: Childhood?s End) Sir Arthur C. Clarke 1953-ban kiadott sci-fi reg?nye. Clark ?rangyal c?m? novell?j?n alapul, amely 1950-ben jelent meg a Famous Fantastic Mysteries magazinban. K?s?bb egy ?j el?sz?t ?rt hozz?, amelyben ellenben az el?z?vel, kifejti, hogy manaps?g m?r teljesen szkeptikus az okkult, misztikus dolgokkal kapcsolatban. Magyarul els? v?ltozata 1990-ben jelent meg a M?ra Ferenc K?nyvkiad?n?l F. Nagy Piroska ford?t?s?ban

  • A Hidden Place
  • Wilson Robert
  • In the hard years of the Depression, young Travis lives with his uncle and aunt. Upstairs lives the mysterious Anna. Anna says she’s going to be “changing”, and she needs Travis’s help… for purposes she won’t explain. What follows is a tale of passion, terror, and hope, opening out to a great, dark, and unsuspected universe.Nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award for Best novel in 1986