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Книги 20826—20850 из 24208.

  • After Utopia
  • Reynolds Mack
  • It is the far future. Earth is a beautifully planned, efficiently run and happily united. But still it is a world with problems—people have become so lazy, so self-satisfied, that human progress has all but ceased. Addicts of the newly-developed “programmed dreams” are increasing at an enormous rate. Only a few individuals realize that the human race is destroying itself. This book is about what those few people do.

  • Aftermath
  • Sheffield Charles
  • In 2026, the Earth faces an unexpected disaster. A supernova in the nearby Alpha Centauri system has apparently wiped out nearly every electronic component on the planet, leaving human civilization paralyzed. Phones don't work, transportation grinds to a halt, and essential services such as medical care are thrown back into the Stone Age. As the world tries to cope with this technological cut-off, a man dying of cancer begins a journey to save his life and that of his fellow patients, a master criminal escapes a sentence of “judiciary sleep,” a returning Mars expedition faces what looks like certain death, and U.S. president Saul Steinmetz strives to keep his country from falling apart. Author Charles Sheffield has taken a classic hard-SF concept, applied it to the real world, and created a gripping story of survival.

  • Against the Tide of Years
  • Stirling S.
  • Against The Tide Of Years continues the adventures of the Nantucket residents who have been transported through time to the Bronze Age. In the years since their arrival, the fledging Republic of Nantucket has strived to better the primitive world in which they now exist. Their prime concerns are establishing a constitution and handling the waves of immigrants from the British Isles. But a renegade time traveler plans his own future by forging an empire for himself based on conquest by modern technology. The Republic has no alternative but to face the inevitable war brought on by one of their own….

  • Against the Tide of Years
  • Стирлинг Стивен
  • Against The Tide Of Years continues the adventures of the Nantucket residents who have been transported through time to the Bronze Age. In the years since their arrival, the fledging Republic of Nantucket has strived to better the primitive world in which they now exist. Their prime concerns are establishing a constitution and handling the waves of immigrants from the British Isles. But a renegade time traveler plans his own future by forging an empire for himself based on conquest by modern technology. The Republic has no alternative but to face the inevitable war brought on by one of their own….

  • Agent Fundacji
  • Asimov Isaac
  • Pi??set lat od za?o?enia jej przez Hariego Seldona Pierwsza Fundacja jest najwi?ksz? pot?g? w Galaktyce. Narz?dzonym tward? r?k? przez burmistrz Branno monolicie pojawia si? jednak rysa. Golan Trevize, cz?onek Rady Wykonawczej na Terminusie, g?osi pogl?d, ?e zniszczona rzekomo Druga Fundacja nadal decyduje o losie Pierwszej. Tymczasem mentalista Stor Gendibal, jeden z trantorskich M?wc?w, podejrzewa istnienie organizacji kontroluj?cej z ukrycia obie Fundacje. Zar?wno Trevize, jak i Gendibal wyruszaj? w przestrze?, by dowie?? swoich racji. Do ostatecznej rozgrywki, kt?rej stawk? jest przysz?o?? Galaktyki, dochodzi w pobli?u rodzinnej planety Mu?a, tyle ?e do ?cieraj?cych si? si? do??cza jeszcze jedna…Otrzyma?a nagrod? Hugo w 1983.Nominowana do nagrody Nebula w 1982.

  • Agent to the Stars
  • Scalzi John
  • The space-faring Yherajk have come to Earth to meet us and to begin humanity's first interstellar friendship. There's just one problem: They're hideously ugly and they smell like rotting fish.So getting humanity's trust is a challenge. The Yherajk need someone who can help them close the deal.Enter Thomas Stein, who knows something about closing deals. He's one of Hollywood's hottest young agents. But although Stein may have just concluded the biggest deal of his career, it's quite another thing to negotiate for an entire alien race. To earn his percentage this time, he's going to need all the smarts, skills, and wits he can muster.

  • Agonia della Terra
  • Hamilton Edmond
  • Una bomba superatomica viene lanciata, da una nazione sconociuta, su una piccola citt? americana dove si cela un centro per le ricerche atomiche. L’esplosione ha per effetto di rompere la continuit? del tempo e sbalestrare la piccola citt?, intatta, in un’epoca dell’avvenire, a milioni di anni nel futuro, in una Terra morente e arida, inabitabile e deserta. La Federazione delle Stelle, che governa tutti i mondi del futuro, interviene per evacuare la popolazione della citt? su un altro pianeta. Ma la popolazione si ribella, e, con l’aiuto di uno scienziato del futuro, alla Terra morente viene iniettata una potente carica atomica che ha la virt? di riscaldarla nuovamente. Gli ultimi superstiti rimangono quindi sulla Terra rinata e la vita degli abitanti della piccola citt? pu? riprendere il suo corso normale, nella eterna storia dell’Universo.

  • Ai margini della Galassia
  • Biggle Jr. Lloyd
  • “Lo scatto di rabbia che Forzon quasi si aspettava non venne. Il re, evidentemente, considerava l’Intendente Jef Forzon come un enigma da risolvere pi? che come un prigioniero da castigare. Inclin? il capo di lato e consider? Forzon con un’espressione di grande perplessit?. Improvvisamente scatt? in piedi, guardando fisso verso le feritoie… Sopra la citt?, alto, squillante e morbido, destando mille echi rifrangenti, veniva dalontano il suono delle trombe.”Che cosa accade ai margini della Galassia, oltre confine, dove l’Ente per le relazioni interplanetarie non riesce a creare nel continente Kurr del pianeta Gurnil le ...

  • Akce L
  • B?hounek Franti?ek
  • Pak se B?hounek pro SF na sedm let odml?el a v 50. letech zah?jil novou etapu sv? tvorby, ve kter? se pustil — jak se tehdy slu?elo — do popisov?n? komunistick? budoucnosti. V roce 1956 vyd?v? rom?n Akce L (SNDK 1956). Prvn? polovina knihy popisuje ?sp?chy lidstva na poli v?dy a techniky. Je pod?na ve form? filmu V?t?zn? pochod, kter? sleduj? dva kamar?di Jan a Petr jako historick? dokument. Ve druh? ??sti knihy chlapci odlet? na M?s?c, kde se p?ipravuje velkolep? projekt — urychlen? rotace m?s??n?ho t?lesa. B?hem t?to „akce L“ jsou chlapci sv?dky objevu prastar? kosmick? lod? z Marsu. Lo? obsahuje dokument?rn? filmy o mar?ansk? civilizaci, zni?en? glob?ln? katastrofou planety.

  • Alaree
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:The German word “means “shape” or “pattern,” but it also has the sense of “group” or “formation.” The science-fictional concept of the gestalt mind has frequently been examined—the intelligence that includes more than one individual. On Earth, the rule of one-body-one-intelligence seems to hold true, but who knows what we may find on other worlds? We already know of some simple creatures, like the corals and sponges, that exist in colonies numbering many individuals. Such Unkings are purely physical; the possibility exists, though, that on another planet some higher form of life may have developed a colony of linked minds. What it would be like to encounter such a form of life is considered in this story.

  • Alas, Babylon
  • Frank Harry
  • “Alas, Babylon.” Those fateful words heralded the end. When a nuclear holocaust ravages the United States, a thousand years of civilization are stripped away overnight, and tens of millions of people are killed instantly. But for one small town in Florida, miraculously spared, the struggle is just beginning, as men and women of all backgrounds join together to confront the darkness.