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Книги 20851—20875 из 24208.

  • Ali della notte
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • In una Terra del lontano futuro una spaventosa catastrofe ecologica ha provocato lo sprofondamento delle Americhe e la decadenza della potenza terrestre nello spazio. La societ? del Terzo Ciclo si ? strutturata in corporazioni feudali ed attende l’arrivo degli invasori, gli alieni che hanno salvato l’umanit? dall’estinzione e che verranno a reclamare il possesso del pianeta.Quando l’invasione arriva le misere forze della Terra vengono sconfitte, e gli invasori occupano con facilit? quello che considerano un loro dominio.L’affascinante vicenda si svolge in tre citt?, Roum (Roma), Perris (Parigi) e Jorslem (Gerusalemme), seguendo ...

  • Alice in Deadland
  • Dhar Mainak
  • Civilization as we know it ended more than fifteen years ago, leaving as it's legacy barren wastelands called the Deadland and a new terror for the humans who survived-hordes of undead Biters. Fifteen year-old Alice has spent her entire life in the Deadland, her education consisting of how best to use guns and knives in the ongoing war for survival against the Biters. One day, Alice spots a Biter disappearing into a hole in the ground and follows it, in search of fabled underground Biter bases. What Alice discovers there propels her into an action-packed adventure that changes her life and that of all humans in the Deadland forever. An adventure where she learns the terrible conspiracy behind the ruin of humanity, the truth behind the origin of the Biters, and the prophecy the mysterious Biter Queen believes Alice is destined to fulfill. A prophecy based on the charred remains of the last book in the Deadland-a book called Alice in Wonderland.

  • Alien Harvest
  • Sheckley Robert
  • This time the humans are taking the offensive! Stan Myakovsky is a once-famous scientist fallen on hard times. Now he dodges spaceship repo men and dreams of the marketability of his cybernetic ant. Then a woman named Julie Lish walks into his life. She is beautiful, mysterious, and totally amoral. She is also skilled in the arts of thievery and Oriental self-defense. What's more, she has a plan so outrageous there might be one chance in a million to pull it off.Together Stan and Julie become the most unlikely pair of pirates in the universe. With a hijacked spaceship and a crew of hardcase misfits, they’re searching for the ultimate pot of gold at the end of a bloody intergalactic rainbow: royal jelly from an alien hive. The only problem is that the fortune lies on the universe’s most godforsaken planet. And once they get their hands on it, they’ll have to fight their way past the aliens to get off the planet alive.

  • All You Zombies
  • Heinlein Robert
  • "All You Zombies" chronicles a young man (later revealed to be intersex) taken back in time and tricked into impregnating his younger, female self (before he underwent a sex change); he thus turns out to be the offspring of that union, with the paradoxical result that he is his own mother and father. As the story unfolds, all the major characters are revealed to be the same person, at different stages of her/his life.

  • Ambulance Ship
  • White James
  • Ambulance Ship is a 1979 science fiction novel by author James White and is part of the Sector General series.“Contagion” — An ancient sleeper ship is found whose last occupants died only months before. The rescue ship and ambulance crews come down with a mysterious illness.“Quarantine” — The sole survivor from a spacewreck is brought back to the hospital, and stuns everyone by downing half the surgical team.“Recovery” — A ship is found with absolutely no visible markings. A torture corridor inside beats on whatever passes, including a violent non-sentient and a telepathic sentient who communicates with the ambulance staff about the Blind Ones’ need.

  • Ambulanzschiff
  • White James
  • ORBIT HOSPITAL ist ein Klinikum im All, das allen raumfahrenden Lebensformen der Galaxis medizinische Hilfe leistet. Es nimmt alle Gesch?pfe auf, ob sie ein Dutzend Gliedma?en haben oder gar keine, ob sie sich von Radioaktivit?t ern?hren oder Wasser atmen — von anderen exotischen Gewohnheiten und Bed?rfnissen ganz zu schweigen. Es ist ein ?kologisches Tollhaus und ein organisatorischer Irrwitz, aber es ist f?r alle da und es funktioniert. Es ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes — lebensnotwendig.

  • Amulet
  • Боланьо Роберто
  • A tour de force, Amulet is a highly charged first-person, semi-hallucinatory novel that embodies in one woman's voice the melancholy and violent recent history of Latin America.It is September 1968 and the Mexican student movement is about to run head-on into the repressive right-wing government of Mexico: hundreds of young people will soon die.When the army invades the university, one woman hides in a fourth-floor ladies' room and for twelve days she is the only person left on campus. Staring at the floor, she recounts her bohemian life among the young poets of Mexico City -inventing ...