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Книги 20776—20800 из 24208.

  • A “Legy?zhetetlen”
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • A “Legy?zhetetlen” m?sodoszt?ly? cirk?l?, a Lant csillagk?pbeli t?maszpont legnagyobb egys?ge, fotonmeghajt?ssal szelte ?t a csillagzat sz?ls? ?vnegyed?t. A nyolcvanh?rom f?nyi leg?nys?g a k?zponti fed?lzet alag?t-hibern?tor?ban aludt. Mivel ar?nylag r?vid volt az ?tvonal, a teljes hibern?ci? helyett csup?n olyan m?ly alv?st id?ztek el?, hogy a test h?m?rs?klete ne s?llyedjen t?z fok al?. A vezet?f?lk?ben csak automat?k dolgoztak. L?t?mezej?kben a c?lkereszten a ...

  • A M?quina do Tempo
  • Wells Herbert
  • Um cientista constr?i a primeira m?quina de viajar no Tempo e com ela percorre as diversas etapas da civiliza??o humana, at? chegar ao long?nquo futuro, que ele sup?e ser a Idade de Ouro da humanidade. O homem venceu a Natureza e o mundo inteiro ? um jardim. O trabalho, as doen?as, a guerra, a competi??o econ?mica e social parecem ter desaparecido. A nova ra?a vive exclusivamente para o amor e a divers?o, ningu?m envelhece.Mas como funciona essa sociedade? Quem a sustenta? De onde v?m os belos ...

  • A New Beginning
  • Ryan Kevin
  • Facing an unknown futureAs Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria, and Kyle pile into their van and leave Roswell behind, they are each hoping for positive experiences – or at least something different from most of the events of the past three years. After all, their high school years were anything but typical – the whole alien experience has nearly cost them their lives, again and again. Still, they know that taking charge of their destinies and deciding to make a positive difference in the world has empowered them all. But it isn't long before Liz sees a vision of future destruction, and the group realizes by leaving Roswell they have changed history, and not necessarily for the better. When they end up in a town where young girls are disappearing, it quickly becomes clear that their lives beyond Roswell will be anything but easy…

  • A Scanner Darkly
  • Dick Philip
  • British Science Fiction Award (1978)Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since Substance D—which Arctor takes in massive doses—gradually splits the user’s brain into two distinct, combative entities, Fred doesn’t realize he is narcing on himself.

  • A sehollak?k
  • Carsac Francis
  • Egy franciaorsz?gi kisv?ros melletti erdei tiszt?son k?l?n?s, z?ld b?r?, emberszer? l?nyek vezette, idegen ?rhaj? landol. Clair doktor, a v?rosk?ban ?l? mag?nyos tud?skutat? a -ek seg?ts?g?re siet, mert a f?ldi t?maszpontok megsebes?tett?k ?ket ?s ?rhaj?jukat. H?l?b?l magukkal viszik az ra, a b?ke ?s a szabads?g bolyg?j?ra, ahol egyenrang? t?rsk?nt fogadj?k. Kit?n? bar?tokra tal?l, s a Mislixek elleni k?zdelemben egyed?l?ll? ?rdemeket szerez. A «F?ny gyermekei» maguk k?z? fogadj?k, majd a b?jos Ulna k?s?ret?ben visszat?r a F?ldre, hogy ?jabb t?rsakat toborozzon az emberis?geket fenyeget? Mislixek t?mad?sai elleni, nemes k?zdelemhez.

  • A su imagen
  • BeauSeigneur James
  • Decker Hawthorne, editor de un modesto peri?dico local, y Harry Goodman, un esc?ptico profesor universitario, se unieron veinte a?os atr?s para participar en un fascinante proyecto de investigaci?n: verificar la autenticidad de la S?bana Santa. Ahora, transcurridos los a?os, los protagonistas vuelven a encontrarse. Goodman le revelar? un secreto sobrecogedor: la S?bana conten?a restos de c?lulas de ADN vivas e incorruptibles…