A F?ld?n egy a k?lvil?gt?l mesters?gesen elz?rt v?ros Diaspar alussza Csipker?zsika ?lm?t ?vmilli?k ?ta. Lak?i m?gis „?bren vannak”, ?lnek, j?rnak-kelnek, alkotnak, szeretnek ?s van egy k?l?n?s k?pess?g?k: halhatatlanok, ha nekik ?gy tetszik, k?pesek ?jra sz?letni, ak?r ?jabb ?vmilli?k m?lva is.Ebbe az ?r?k v?ltozatlans?gba sz?letik bele Alvin a Kiv?lasztott, aki mer?ben m?s v?gyakkal rendelkezik, mint a t?bbi ember, meg akarja tudni, mi van a v?ros falain k?v?l. Mivel erre senkit?l, m?g a K?zponti Kompj?tert?l sem kap v?laszt, maga indul el, rejtett f?ldalatti folyos?kon, hogy megfejtse a titkot, a Diaspar elz?rk?z?s?nak titk?t.
?ri?si rep?l? hidr?k, lila am?b?k, r?m?t? sz?rnyek k?z? ker?lnek egy rejt?lyes kataklizma k?vetkezt?ben Carsac tudom?nyos-fantasztikus reg?ny?nek robinsonjai. ?ssze kell szedni?k minden erej?ket ?s tud?sukat, hogy emberi lak?helly? v?ltoztathass?k az idegen bolyg?t, a Tellust. Carsac — eredeti nev?n Francois Bordes geol?gus ?s ?st?rt?n?sz — az izgalmas kalandot, a robinzon?dot ?s az elgondolkoztat? ut?pi?t egyes?ti vil?gh?r?, sz?mos nyelvre leford?tott reg?ny?ben…
In California, the victims are blind. In Maine, severely retarded. Small towns across America are being systematically “wiped out” by terrorists and their campaign of germ warfare waged against the U.S. The President’s only option seems to be an equally deadly counterattack.
First appeared in Magazine, 1957/7.A part of collection of science fiction short stories by Robert Sheckley. It was first published in 1960 by Bantam Books.
Li Lixia is one of eight field anthropologists set down on Sigma Draconis II after the first starship from Earth detects pre-industrial intelligent life there. She experiences several of the cultures of the humanoid people of the planet as she travels with Nia, a female exile of the Iron People. Arnason introduces Nia and her way of life, then brings in Lixia and, gradually, includes others of the starship’s exploratory team. While removed from the starship, the anthropologists remain in contact with it as they all struggle with the question of whether their active intervention will help or harm those whom they encounter. As in life, no clear answers are offered.Nominated for John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1992.
An elite soldier is asked to take part in problem researching sophisticated physical and mental testing, and to take university coursework as their computers direct. He finds out that more is going on than this, the creation of a mental and physical elite, going way beyond supergenius IQ into physical abilities and even immortality.
New York ? irriconoscibile: niente pi? torri e grattacieli, ma un’immensa metropoli «coperta» che non viene mai a contatto con l’aria, dove decine di milioni di uomini e donne brulicano come formiche sulle strade mobili. Dove il lusso di un bagno privato ? inammissibile. Dove, soprattutto, i robot stanno soffiando i posti di lavoro agli uomini a un ritmo sempre pi? preoccupante. E alle porte di New York si stende come una sfida Spacetown, la citt? degli Spaziali dove tutto ? lusso e ariosit?, superbia e ostentazione. C’? da meravigliarsi che uno dei tanti terrestri scontenti ammazzi uno Spaziale nella ...
is a collection of three novellas by one of the shining young stars of bizarro fiction. Cameron Pierce’s work is an intoxicating blend of body horror and midnight movie madness, reminiscent of early David Lynch and the splatterpunks at their most sublime. His fiction will punch you in the brain and leave you gasping for more.Featuring:The apocalypse is over. Now zombies farm humans for their brains. As the imprisoned human cattle drift further from their humanity, the zombies flourish in a primitive renaissance, flying around in helicopters and living in smart houses made of ...
First published in the anthology , edited by Peter Crowther and Edward E. Kramer (White Wolf, February 1996). In 2008 was included in collection (1 edition Quarry Press, January 2002).Winner of the CompuServe Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum’s Sixth Annual HOMer Award for Best Short Story of the Year.
Time travel is possible, but only forward in time. Visitors from the past are multiple and dangerous as they carry deadly germs people of the future do not have immunity against anymore. So all the time travelers are promptly apprehended and isolated. The head of the institution responsible for isolation of the time travelers is implacable and absolutely inflexible in carrying out his duties. Until one of the time travelers gives him a device allegedly capable of moving people in time...
A further awe inspiring leap into the darkly imagined future of REVELATION SPACE. With his first novel Reynolds laid the foundations of a galaxy spanning future for mankind. And with each novel he takes us further into that galaxy, reveals another aspect of a future that holds few boundaries. Further into the dark heart of mankind. Awe inspiring doomsday weapons, vicious AIs, cities overwhelmed by plagues that twist and meld man and machine. The further we go into this future the more it is revealed to be the creation of a uniquely talented writer who is making a massive impact on world SF.Nominated for BSFA Award in 2003.
Ester : un monde menac? par l’instabilit? de son ?toile. Sur le continent Nord, le gouvernement, press? par l’Eglise du Moncle, d?cide l’annexion du Sud, o? vivent les Kroptes, peuple pacifique, religieux et polygame. Une invasion brutale qui dissimule un autre projet : la recherche d’une nouvelle plan?te habitable.Abzalon et Loello, incarc?r?s dans la sinistre prison de Doeq, se battent pour leur survie sous l’oeil des “mentalistes”, les sp?cialistes du comportement. Ils ignorent qu’une ?preuve plus terrible encore les attend. Celle-l? m?mepeut-?tre que devine dans ses ...
„A j?v? ?vezred krimije” - ?gy hat?rozt?k meg a kritikusok a tudom?nyos-fantasztikus reg?nyek egyik vil?gh?r? m?vel?j?nek, Asimovnak ezt a k?nyv?t.A szerz?, ak?rcsak a m?r megjelent “?n, a robot” c?m? reg?ny?ben, most sem a puszta fantasztikum sz?rnyain kalandozik el a j?v?be, hanem a kibernetika ?s a t?bbi technikai tudom?ny?g ma m?r r?szben el?re l?that?, r?szben csak sejthet? fejl?d?s?nek felv?zol?sa ?tj?n. Elektronikus sz?m?t?...
El sol de nuestro sistema es el Castor C, una estrella enana roja de sistema binario, de la que ya conocemos bastante, y otra estrella destellante, que forma pareja con la anterior (para que haya m?s variaci?n). Medea es un sat?lite, b?sicamente igual que la Tierra, de astro superjupiteriano inventado por m?. La rotaci?n cerrada hace que una cara sea calentada por Argo, el superjupiteriano, y otra cara sea calentada alternativamente por los soles Castor C. Una ?rbita inclinada genera zonas permanentes y alternantes de luz y oscuridad, como las regiones ?rtica y ant?rtica de la Tierra.
Set in the year 2375, the novel follows Tom Rice, a young archaeologist attached to a two-year dig on the planet of Highby V. He is searching for artifacts belonging to a long-lost and ancient race known simply as The High Ones. Throughout known space, details of this billion-year old civilization have been uncovered on many planets. What seems like a fairly straightforward expedition becomes a galactic odyssey when an artifact never seen before is uncovered. This device hints that perhaps the High Ones are not extinct at all. But, if they are not, then where are they? And will this lead to the culmination of Mankind’s greatest challenge or greatest disaster?
Seventeen-year-old Amy joins her parents as frozen cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects to awaken on a new planet, three hundred years in the future. Never could she have known that her frozen slumber would come to an end fifty years too soon and that she would be thrust into the brave new world of a spaceship that lives by its own rules.Amy quickly realizes that her awakening was no mere computer malfunction. Someone — one of the few thousand inhabitants of the spaceship — tried to kill her. And if Amy doesn't do something soon, her parents will be next.Now, Amy must race to unlock Godspeed's hidden secrets. But out of her list of murder suspects, there's only one who matters: Elder, the future leader of the ship and the love she could never have seen coming.