Dr. Conway must deal with an unconscious patient, classification ELPH, who may be a cannibal or a demigod, or both. It came from the “other galaxy”, and the species is well known, almost infamous, to the Ians, who are also from another galaxy. It is extremely long-lived, and regularly takes complete rejuvenation treatments, including the brain and memory, to keep itself young. By doing this, it is practically immortal. It, although unconscious, appeared to have the ability to negate the most powerful drugs and resist surgery to cure its skin condition. This later turned out to be the work ...
Знаменитая стратегия “StarCraft” хорошо знакома любителям компьютерных игр во всем мире. Впервые в России – вселенная “StarСraft” предстанет на страницах книги, в которой читатель найдет все составляющие увлекательного боевика. Судьба человечества в руках героя-одиночки, сражающегося в далеком космосе с могущественным и коварным врагом! В необозримом будущем на расстоянии шестидесяти тысяч световых лет от Земли Конфедерация Терран втянута в войну с таинственными протоссами и безжалостными зергами. Эта война возвещает о начале величайшей главы в истории человечества или же предрекает его отчаянный кровавый финал. Репортер Майкл Либерти брошен в самое пекло войны, результат которой определит, выживет ли человеческая раса. Только одно Либерти знает точно: единственный человек, которому он может доверить свою жизнь, – это он сам.
Shara Drummond ama talmente la danza da trasferirsi nello spazio pur di continuare a danzare. E oltre ad inventare una nuova forma d’arte riuscir? anche a sventare un’invasione aliena.Vincitore dei premi Hugo e Nebula per il miglior romanzo breve in 1978.
Fizyk Dennis Nuel by? pierwszym cz?owiekiem, kt?ry bada? dziwne kr?lestwa — ?wiaty alternatywne, gdzie panowa?y nawet inne prawa nauki. Jednak ?wiat, kt?ry odkry? Dennis, wydaje si? prawie taki sam jak nasz w?asny, z jedn? tylko k?opotliw? r??nic?. Ku swemu zdumieniu Dennis zostaje tam powitany jako czarodziej i okazuje si?, ?e walczy u boku pi?knej i w?adaj?cej przedziwnymi mocami kobiety przeciw tajemniczemu w?adcy. To tak jakby toczy? batali? o rozwi?zanie zagadki tego niezwykle tajemniczego ?wiata.
The sky is falling — again. Following up on 1998’s excellent , subjects planet Earth to yet another cosmic blast from the Alpha Centauri supernova. But while the blast that hit Earth in simply cooked the Southern hemisphere and knocked out unshielded technology with a flash of gamma rays, this wave promises to do some real damage, with a sleet of trillion-nuclei bundles moving at one-tenth the speed of light.Warned by the first catastrophe, Earth began building an electromagnetic shield out of the orbiting station to divert the incoming apocalypse. But not only will the storm come earlier than ...
A story of the not-too-distant future, and the exploitation of the geothermal resources of the deep Juan de Fuca Rift in the Pacific by multinational corporations. Unfortunately, all the volunteers who are surgically altered for employment at the bottom of the ocean are psychotic.
For many of us, the Ace Double Novels of the ’50s and ’60s have long been a source both of pleasure and nostalgia. This new double volume from Subterranean Press stands squarely in that distinguished tradition, offering a pair of colorful, fast-paced novelettes from one of the most popular writers currently working in any genre: George R. R. Martin. takes place on a planet called Thisrock and depicts a Darwinian society populated by thieves, whores, cutthroats, pimps, and assorted lost souls. It is a tale of love, loss, vengeance, and ambition written with great economy of means, and with a narrative intensity that never, ever lets up. takes a fresh new look at an enduring human dream: travel to the stars. With consummate narrative skill, and with a visionary’s sensibility, Martin tells an unforgettable story of longing and transcendence, a story suffused with images at once beautiful and terrifying, mysterious and profound.
Gabriel Connor is up against it. Expelled from the Concord Marines and exiled in disgrace, he's offered one last chance by the Concord to redeem himself. All it involves is gambling his life in a vicious game of death.
Sometimes, it takes a crisis to figure out who you really are.In the near future, an irreverent astronomer named Marcus Donovan discovers a strange relic hidden beyond Mars, and he commandeers an exploratory vessel under false pretenses to investigate.While Marcus and his crew venture off into the unknown, a mysterious alien legion appears in Earth orbit and invades. Human civilization is dashed apart in the blink of an eye, and Jack Hernandez, a search and rescue specialist, is one of the lucky few survivors. Along with a handful of friends, Jack joins the scattered resistance ...
Szpital Kosmiczny Sektora Dwunastego nieustannie si? rozwija. Aby sprawniej nie?? pomoc ofiarom rozmaitych katastrof, zostaje wyposa?ony w specjalnie zam?wiony statek maj?cy pe?ni? s?u?b? na kosmicznych szlakach i odnajdywa? rozbitk?w. Jego personel medyczny. tworz?: starszy lekarz Conway, pi?kna patolog Murchison, empatyczny doktor Prilicla i pyskata piel?gniarka Naydrad. W pierwszej misji maj? sprawdzi?, co si? sta?o z za?og? jednostki zwiadowczej, kt?ra zamilk?a zaraz po tym, jak z?o?y?a meldunek, ?e natrafi?a na licz?cy tysi?ce lat wrak statku nieznanej rasy. Ostatnia, zniekszta?cona transmisja z pok?adu zaginionej jednostki sugerowa?a, ?e sta?o si? tam co?, z czym nie potrafili sobie poradzi? nawykli do niecodziennych sytuacji zwiadowcy…
Powie?? napisana zosta?a z pozycji pojmowania kosmosu przez cz?owieka ko?ca dwudziestego wieku i zdobyczy wsp??czesnej nauki; jest nowoczesn? reinterpretacj? wizji Wellsa. Podr??nik w czasie u Baxtera zmierza ku niesko?czono?ci. Jego zadanie jest daleko wa?niejsze niz tylko uratowanie Weeny: pr?cz tajemnicy przysz?o?ci musi tak?e rozwi?za? paradoksy otaczaj?cego go ?wiata.Autoryzowana kontynuacja Herberta George’a Wellsa.
John Varley's Steel Beach is a daring, well-conceived work of science fiction. Humanity has been ejected from Earth by enigmatic aliens trying to save cetaceans. Homo sapiens finds itself exiled to strongholds throughout the solar system, foremost of which is Luna. There, human beings live in great comfort with almost all of their needs met and very little to worry about. As a result, they are losing their minds.Through the unremarkable antagonist Hildy, Varley asks what happens to human beings who lack challenges and who lack any real direction. Comforts there are aplenty in Luna. Technology makes ...
Nel 1942, l’astronomo americano K. A. Strand annunciava che la stella doppia 61, nella costellazione del Cigno, aveva un satellite di massa planetaria, gravitante intorno al suo sole (una delle componenti il sistema binario 61 Cygni) in poco meno di cinque anni. La massa di questo pianeta extrasolare era stata calcolata dallo Strand circa 16 volte superiore alla massa di Giove. Sebbene nei mesi successivi fossero fatte altre segnalazioni di corpi planetari gravitanti intorno ad altri Soli (per esempio il satellite della stella 70 Ophiuchi, con una massa 10 volte superiore alla massa di Giove, e il satellite di Proxima Centauri, la stella a ...
Профессиональный переговорщик — работа опасная и увлекательная. Иногда даже слишком увлекательная. Главный герой пока не знает, на что подписывается, принимая предложение заняться разрешением конфликта одной независимой планеты с Федерацией…А события тем временем развиваются, и вместо роли обычного двойника герою предстоит сыграть совсем другую, а вот какую — он пока не может даже предположить.