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Книги 23176—23200 из 24208.
  • ??skas Sirds
  • Jefremov Ivan
  • Cor Serpentis () (1959?) Zin?tniski fantastisks st?sts tematiski turpina norises — Zemes astronauti t?lu kosmos? satiek citas civiliz?cijas p?rst?vjus, kuru vielmai?a balst?s uz ftora, nevis uz sk?bek?a, k? zemie?iem.Otrais st?sts fantastisk? trilo?ij? ko Ivans Jefremovs uzrakst?ja par cilv?ces t?lu n?kotni. Pirm? gr?mata, kura izdota latvie?u valod? ir Androm?das migl?js, bet tre?? gr?mata ar nosaukumu V?r?a stunda netika iztulkota latvie?u valod?, jo da?i komunistisk?s partijas bonzas saskat?ja plan?tas Tormanss soci?laj? iek?...

  • Slan
  • Van Vogt A.
  • Recommended by Paul Cook as one of the most important SF novels. Jommy Cross is a slan, a genetically bred superhuman whose race was created to aid humanity but is now despised by "normal" humans. Slans are usually shot on sight, but that doesn't stop Jommy's mother from bringing him to see the world capital of Centropolis, the seat of power for Earth's dictator, Kier Gray. But on their latest trip to Centropolis, the two slans are discovered, and Jommy's mother is killed. Jommy, only 9 years old, unwittingly becomes caught up in a plot to undermine Gray, who may be more sympathetic to slans than the public suspects. The nonstop action and root-for-the-underdog plot has made Slan a science fiction favorite.

  • Slaughterhouse-Five
  • Воннегут Курт
  • “Listen: Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time.” So begins Vonnegut’s absurdist 1969 classic. Hawke rises to the occasion of performing this sliced-and-diced narrative, which is part sci-fi and partially based on Vonnegut’s experience as a American prisoner of war in Dresden, Germany during the firebombing of 1945 that killed thousands of civilians. Billy travels in time and space, stopping here and there throughout his life, including his long visit to the planet Tralfamador, where he is mated with a porn star.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1969.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1970.

  • Slaves of The Klau
  • Vance Jack
  • Slaves of The Klau by Jack Vance is a short but very intense novel. A lowly, though rebellious human servant to an advanced alien is seized and taken into the most desperate slavery under utterly ruthless masters. His initial attempts at escape turn into an ongoing journey of personal development as his mental strength and power grow to enable him to take command of increasingly complex and hazardous situations.The story is completely believable and consistent, as the hero fights to overcome setback after setback. It is wonderfully woven between the different personalities of a number of alien races, a highly technological future, and intergalactic war. Very clever ideas, very visual, delightfully written. This is a timeless piece. It has been on my bookshelf for nearly thirty years and has been read many times.

  • Slow Birds
  • Watson Ian
  • "Slow Birds," by Ian Watson tells the story of a strangely idyllic world which is plagues by mysterious invaders. Dubbed "slow birds," because the cylindrical objects fly at the rate of only a few feet per minute, the artefacts are a complete mystery. Jason Babbidge's life is inexorably changed and linked to the slow birds when his brother, Daniel, climbs aboard a slowbird shortly before it disappears into the unknown. Watson's story deals with Jason's quest for his brother and later the revelation which comes to him as he climbs aboard a slow bird of his own."Slow Birds" was nominated for the 1983 Nebula for best novelette.

  • ?smy kr?g piekie?
  • Boru? Krzysztof
  • ?redniowieczny inkwizytor, Modest M?nch, podczas brawurowego egzorcyzmu zostaje z ?rodka lasu przeniesiony w XXI wiek. Znajduje go poszukiwacz tajemniczego meteorytu. Pocz?tkowo Modest jest uznawany za zbieg?ego z planu filmowego aktora, wariata, wyj?tkowo bieg?ego w historii pasjonata. Jednak szczeg??owe badanie m?zgu, siatki poj?ciowej, dowodzi, ?e nasz bohater rzeczywi?cie m?wi i my?li wy??cznie w ?redniowiecznej ?acinie i niemieckim, a ?wiat jest dwuj?zyczny: obok regionalnych j?zyk?w (tutaj j. polski) wszyscy pos?uguj? si? j?zykiem uniwersalnym. Gdy eksperymentalnie potwierdzona zostaje jego znajomo?? topografii ?redniowiecznego klasztoru, nikt nie ...

  • Sola z Nieba P??nocnego
  • Petecki Bohdan
  • Opu?ci? g?ow? i os?upia?. Jakie? sze??dziesi?t metr?w przed nim, w samym ?rodku polany, wyr?s? czwarty bunkier. Tak samo, jak tamte, mia? bia?oszare ?ciany, pozbawione okien i w og?le jakichkolwiek otwor?w. Tyle, ?e jego powierzchnia l?ni?a jak szk?o. A poza tym Jarek nie widzia? w ?yciu bunkra, kt?ry by mia? kszta?t lekko sp?aszczonego jaja o obwodzie co najmniej trzydziestu metr?w w najszerszym miejscu. Ma?o tego. Wodz?c nieprzytomnym wzrokiem po tajemniczej budowli ch?opiec odkry? nagle, ?e…

  • Solaris
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Solaris to najs?ynniejsza powie?? Lema - od niej poczyna si? jego ?wiatowy rozg?os. W swoim gatunku zajmuje ona miejsce, jakiego nie dost?pi?o bodaj ?adne inne polskie dzie?o literackie: uwa?ana jest za utw?r klasyczny, wymieniana w najbardziej podstawowych kompendiach dotycz?cych literatury science fiction - obok dzie? Wellsa, Stapledona czy Dicka. Solaris zawdzi?cza zapewne swoje powodzenie niezwykle udatnemu zespoleniu potraktowanej serio problematyki kontaktu z pe?n? emocji, romantyczn? akcj?. Kinowe adaptacje powie?ci wywo?a?y spory. I Andriej Tarkowski (1973), i Steven Soderbergh (2003) zrealizowali filmy znacznie odbiegaj?ce od literackiego pierwowzoru. Po ...

  • Solaris
  • Lem Stanislaw
  • Sta?islavs Lems dzimis 1921. gad? ?vov?. Tur vi?? pabeidza vidusskolu un s?ka stud?t medic?nu. Kar? p?rtrauca S. Lema studiju gaitas. P?c Polijas atbr?vo?anas Lems Krakov? pabeidza medic?nas studijas un piev?rs?s rakstniec?bai.Sta?islava Lema pirmais solis zin?tnisk?s fantastikas jom? bija gr?mata «Astronauti». ?aj? virzien? g?ja vi?a dai?rades t?l?kais att?st?bas ce??. Vi?? sarakst?jis ap 20 gr?matu, kur?s dzi?a zin?tniska doma savijas ar neparastu izt?les bag?t?bu. S. Lema gr?matas tulkotas vair?...

  • STA?ISLAVS LEMSSOLARISSta?islavs Lems dzimis 1921. gad? ?vov?. Tur vi?? pabeidza vidusskolu un s?ka stud?t medi­c?nu. Kar? p?rtrauca S. Lema stu­diju gaitas. P?c Polijas atbr?vo?a­nas Lems Krakov? pabeidza me­dic?nas studijas un piev?rs?s rakstniec?bai.Sta?islava Lema pirmais solis zin?tnisk?s fantastikas jom? bija gr?mata «Astronauti». ?aj? vir­zien? g?ja vi?a dai?rades t?l?­kais att?st?bas ce??. Vi?? sa­rakst?jis ap 20 gr?matu, kur?s dzi?a zin?tniska doma savijas ar ...

  • Solaris
  • Lem Stanislas
  • L’histoire se d?roulant ? bord de la station d’observation est la continuation de celle commenc?e avec la d?couverte de la plan?te. L?, l’incompr?hension est de mise : les occupants de la station ne savent pas comment interpr?ter les raisons pour lesquelles l’oc?an a r?agi en leur envoyant ces « visiteurs », tir?s de souvenirs douloureux. Est-ce une volont? d?lib?r?e de les tourmenter en repr?sailles ? l’?mission des rayons X ? Ou bien a-t-il agi sans savoir ce qu’il faisait, en extrayant les souvenirs les plus marquants ...