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Книги 23151—23175 из 24208.
  • Shadrach in the Furnace
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • In the twenty-first century, a battered world is ruled by a crafty old tyrant, Genghis II Mao IV Khan. The Khan is ninety-three years old, his life systems sustained by the skill of Mordecai Shadrach, a brilliant young surgeon whose chief function is to replace the Khan’s worn-out organs. Within the vast tower-complex, the most advanced equipment is dedicated to three top-priority projects, each designed to keep the Khan immortal. Most sinister of these is Project Avatar, by which the Khan’s mind and persona are to be transferred to a younger body.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1976.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1977.

  • Shadrach nella fornace
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Siamo nel 2012 e la popolazione del mondo ? stata decimata dalle guerre batteriologiche. Il nostro pianeta ? dominato da un vecchio e astuto tiranno che si fa chiamare Genghis II Mao IV Khan e che abita in un palazzo a forma di torre, nella Mongolia.Il Khan ? ormai giunto al novantatreesimo anno d’et? e lo mantengono in vita i trapianti che gli pratica il suo medico personale, Shadrach Mordecai, talmente devoto al proprio paziente da portare, impiantati nel corpo, una serie di “sensori” telemetrici con i quali controlla d’istante in istante le condizioni di Genghis Mao.Un’...

  • Shatterday
  • Эллисон Харлан
  • Mercurial, belligerent, passionately in love with language and wild ideas, Harlan Ellison has, for half a century, steadily gathered to himself and his thirty-seven books an undeniably fanatical readership. Winner of more awards for imaginative literature than any other living writer, he is the only scenarist ever to win the Writers Guild of America award three times for outstanding teleplay. Though his contemporary fantasies have been compared favorably with the dark visions of Borges, Barthelme, Poe and Kafka, Ellison resists categorization with a vehemence that alienates critics and reviewers seeking easy pigeonholes for an extraordinary writer. The San Francisco ...

  • Shine Shine Shine
  • Netzer Lydia
  • When Maxon met Sunny, he was seven years, four months, and eighteen-days old. Or, he was 2693 rotations of the earth old. Maxon was different. Sunny was different. They were different together.Now, twenty years later, they are married, and Sunny wants, more than anything, to be “normal.” She’s got the housewife thing down perfectly, but Maxon, a genius engineer, is on a NASA mission to the moon, programming robots for a new colony. Once they were two outcasts who found unlikely love in each other: a wondrous, strange relationship formed from urgent desire for ...

  • Sign?ly z vesm?ru
  • Бабула Владимир
  • ?esk? spisovatel fantastick? literatury Vladim?r Babula se narodil 24. ?ervence 1919 v Uhersk?m Brod?. Vystudoval St?edn? um?leckopr?myslovou ?kolu ve Zl?n?. Zpo??tku p?sobil jako ilustr?tor d?tsk?ch knih. Poch?zel z komunistick? rodiny, proto musel za okupace uprchnout do ?v?carska. Po v?lce redaktorem severo?esk?ho vyd?n? Mlad? fronty, po p?est?hov?n? do Prahy p?sobil jako zem?d?lsk? redaktor v Mlad? front?. Pot? kr?tce p?sobil v tov?rn? Tatra jako d?ln?k. Od roku 1952 redaktorem Mlad?ho technika — pozd?ji n?zev ...

  • Silverhair
  • Baxter Stephen
  • Isolated from the passage of time, a small colony of mammoths survives into the 20 century until their discovery by a group of shipwrecked sailors threatens their existence. Baxter combines well-researched details on the physical habits of prehistoric mammoths with an anthropomorphic touch to delineate the personalities of his protagonists. Fans of the prehistoric novels of Jean Auel and the animal-based fantasies of Richard Adams should enjoy this tale of triumph over adversity.

  • Singularity Sky
  • Stross Charles
  • This much-anticipated debut novel is set 400 years in the future-and in the wake of perfected time travel, the ultimate advancements in technology and information, and the groundbreaking development of Artificial Intelligence. Is this all a great step for humanity? Or will it be our ultimate downfall? is a truly visionary novel of the future, and already its author, Charles Stross, has become the most talked-about new voice in science fiction…

  • Skai?iuojantis Dievas
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Vien? dien? svetimeivi? erdv?laivis nusileido Toronto mieste greta Paleontologijos muziejaus. I? kosminio aparato i?lind?s ?e?iakojis, dvirankis padaras, vardu Holusas, parei?k? nor? pasikalb?ti su ?ymiausiu paleontologu. I? pokalbio paai?k?ja, kad ir ?em?, ir Holuso planeta, ir dar vienas proting? b?tybi? pasaulis per kelis milijardus met? patyr? penkias grandiozines katastrofas TUO PA?IU METU.Vadinasi, ka?as itin galingas (gal net visagalis) akivaizd?iai reguliuoja evoliucij? m?s? Galaktikoje. Holusas mano, kad galima pam?ginti j? surasti...