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Книги 23201—23225 из 24208.

  • Sonata senza accompagnamento
  • Card Orson
  • Ci sono utopie della speranza e utopie tecnologiche, utopie della ragione e utopie organizzative, ma qui c’? per l’umanit? un mondo felice e perfettamente funzionante con mezzi che non sono solo senza precedenti ma positivamente spaventosi. La cosa che fa venire i brividi di questo nuovo concetto politico presentato qui da Orson Scott Card (uno dei pi? grossi talenti emersi negli ultimi anni in America) ? che potrebbe funzionare sul serio.

  • Songs of the Dying Earth
  • Martin George
  • Today, in order to honor the magnificent career of Jack Vance, one unparalleled in achievement and impact, GEORGE R.R. MARTIN and GARDNER DOZOIS, with the full cooperation of Jack Vance, his family, and his agents, suggest a Jack Vance tribute anthology called Songs of the Dying Earth, to encourage the best of today's fantasy writers to return to the unique and evocative milieu of The Dying Earth, from which they and so many others have drawn so much inspiration, to create their own brand-new adventures in the world of Jack Vance s greatest novel.Half a century ...

  • Sorci?re
  • Varley John
  • Vingt ans apr?s Titan : Ga?a, l’univers-roue intelligent est devenu pour les Terriens un lieu de p?lerinage. Mettant ? leur service ses immenses pouvoirs, elle op?re des miracles.Mais encore faut-il les m?riter en faisant la preuve de son h?ro?sme… rude ?preuve pour Chris, l’adolescent timide, et Robin, l’intraitable et fougueuse amazone, qui se voient embarqu?s, bien malgr? eux, dans un tour de roue fertile en p?rip?ties, en compagnie de Gaby et Cirocco, promue « Sorci?re » et charg?e par Ga?a de mater ses r?gions rebelles.Mais qui sont les vrais ennemis ? Et qui sont les vrais h?ros ? Les surprises seront nombreuses au long du second volet de cette Divine Com?die (musicale) alliant la verve hom?rique au d?lire d’un Tex Avery.

  • Sos
  • Малышев Эрнст
  • В книгу вошли двенадцать рассказов Агаты Кристи, объединенных в авторский сборник «Гончая смерти». Самый знаменитый рассказ сборника – «Свидетель обвинения» – был переделан в пьесу. Одноименный фильм-экранизация этого рассказа/пьесы был снят в 1957 году и считается одним из лучших детективных фильмов в истории кино. Главную роль в фильме исполнила великая Марлен Дитрих.

  • Space
  • Baxter Stephen
  • ‘If they existed, they would be here’ ENRICO FERMI. In the second volume in Stephen Baxter's epic Manifold Series Reid Malenfant inhabits the universe Malenfant kick-started in TIME (‘science fiction at its best’ FHM) — and ‘they’ are here. When Nemoto, a Japanese researcher on the Moon, discovers evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence in the solar system, the Fermi Paradox provokes both Malenfant and Nemoto to question why now? Because, suddenly, there are signs of intelligent life in deep space in all directions. Deeper layers of Fermi’s paradox unravel as robot-like aliens, the Gaijin, seem to be e-mailing themselves from star to star, and wherever telescopes point, far away, other alien races are destroying worlds!

  • Space Stations
  • Greenberg Martin
  • 15 all-new stories of tomorrow from 15 of the best sci-fi writers of todayFrom BooklistThe challenge and lure of space exploration has long been fertile ground for some of the finest science fiction stories. Here, fifteen of the best chroniclers of the day after tomorrow present unique tales of space stations both in our own solar system and far beyond.This neat little theme anthology contains a satisfying mixture of old hands' and newcomers' stories. In the opener, Timothy Zahn's “The Battle of Space Fort Jefferson,” a space fort that is crumbling into disrepair ...

  • Spider Kiss
  • Эллисон Харлан
  • He claims he’s not a fan of rock-and-roll, but somehow Harlan Ellison’s seminal novel based on the career of Jerry Lee Lewis ended up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. One of the first — and still one of the best — dissections of the wildly destructive rock-and-roll lifestyle, Spider Kiss isn’t about giant cockroaches that attack Detroit or space invaders that smell like chicken soup. Instead, it’s the story of Luther Sellers, a poor kid from Louisville with a voice like an angel who’s renamed Stag Preston by a ruthless promoter. Preston’s meteoric rise on the music scene is matched only by the rise in his enormous appetites — and not just for home cooking — and soon the invisible monkey named Success is riding him straight to hell. This raucous early novel reinforces Ellison’s reputation as one of America’s most dynamic writers.

  • SPIN
  • Wilson Robert Charles
  • One night in October when he was ten years old, Tyler Dupree stood in his back yard and watched the stars go out. They all flared into brilliance at once, then disappeared, replaced by a flat, empty black barrier. He and his best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, had seen what became known as the Big Blackout. It would shape their lives.The effect is worldwide. The sun is now a featureless disk a heat source, rather than an astronomical object. The moon is gone, but tides remain. Not only have the world's artificial satellites fallen out of ...