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Книги 23276—23300 из 24208.

  • Stepfordi feles?gek
  • Levin Ira
  • Joanna ?s f?rje, Walter sz?m?ra rendk?v?li ?lm?nyt jelentett Stepfordba k?lt?zni. Az idillikusnak t?n? kisv?ros azonban borzalmas titkot rejt… oly megr?z? titkot, mellyel ha egyszer szembes?l valaki, m?r soha t?bb? nem lesz az, aki kor?bban volt. Ira Levin k?t alkalommal is elnyerte a krimi?r?k Edgar Allan Poe d?j?t. Jelen reg?ny?b?l pedig Nicole Kidman f?szerepl?s?vel k?sz?lt azonos c?m? film.

  • Sternenfall
  • McCollum Michael
  • 17. JULI 2087, 20:12 UHR – ZEITPUNKT DER KOLLISION DES KOMETEN »DONNERSCHLAG« MIT DER ERDE.Eine h?chst alarmierende Botschaft, die der ?ffentlichkeit zun?chst vorenthalten wird, um Panik zu vermeiden. Die Entdeckung des Kometen machten Forscher der Republik Luna, und dort sucht man au?erdem nach einem Weg, das drohende Unheil abzuwenden: W?rde man zwei Asteroiden opfern, w?re die Gefahr einer Kollision gebannt. Aber der Preis ist hoch, denn bliebe die Erde verschont, w?rde – durch die ver?nderte Bahn des Kometen – Luna zerst?rt. Es stellt sich die grundlegende Frage: Ist es gerechtfertigt, dass eine Welt sterben ...

  • Still River
  • Clement Hal
  • A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ...Enigma 88, a tiny planet in the orbit of Arc, is a world with so little mass that it should have no atmosphere. But it does—and to find out why is the final study assignment that will earn five students, each the best of their species, their prestigious Respected Opinion degrees.But from the moment they arrive on Enigma, none of their careful calculations seem to fit; on the surface, the riddle seems insoluble. And when one of their wind robots disappears surface, closely followed by the Human, Molly, they find the mystery is indeed inside Enigma. For the vast subterranean network of caves and tunnels Molly tumbles into supports a rich profusion of life-life that can’t possibly exist ...

  • Stirpe di alieno
  • Cherryh C.
  • Lo avevano chiamato Thorn, e ancora neonato lo avevano affidato al pi? grande giudice-guerriero di quel mondo, Duun, perch? lo allevasse come un membro della loro razza. Ma ben presto Thorn si rende conto di essere diverso; la sua pelle ? chiara e priva di morbida pelliccia argentea, le sue mani mancano di artigli, e in tutto quel mondo non esiste un’altra creatura simile a lui. Quando poi gli attentati alla sua vita si moltiplicano, fino a condurre l’intero pianeta a una strenua guerra civile, Thorn capisce che deve cercare nello spazio la risposta all’enigma della sua origine, ben sapendo che da lui pu? dipendere il futuro di due lontane civilt?.Nominato per i premi Hugo e Locus in 1986.

  • Stonehenge, Zag?ada Atlantydy
  • Harrison Harry
  • Ksi??? Ason z Myken, Egipcjanin Iteb i Aias z Byblos, uciakaj?c z Atlantydy przed wybuchem wulkanu i przed Atlantydami, dostaj? si? na wysp? Yerni, dzisiejsz? Wielk? Brytani?.Niespodziewane pojawienie si? ekspedycji Atlantyd?w sprawia, ?e uciekinierzy, zaprzyja?nieni z tubylcami, postanawiaj? zjednoczy? plemiona Yerni, gdy? tylko wtedy maj? one szans? w walce z naje?d?cami. Najlepszym na to sposobem wydaje si? zbudowanie pot??nego kamiennego symbolu nowych czas?w…Powie?? jest efektem wsp??pracy doskona?ego pisarza i ?wiatowej s?awy archeologa. Tak by? nie musia?o, ale mog?o…

  • Stranded (Naufragos)
  • Aguilera Juan
  • El m?dulo de descenso de la primera misi?n tripulada a Marte se estrella contra la superficie del planeta. Cinco de los seis astronautas logran sobrevivir, pero su situaci?n es desesperada; s?lo disponen de aire, energ?a y alimentos para unos meses y no hay posibilidad de rescate.Sin esperanza, sin recursos, comprenden que tres deben sacrificarse para que los dos restantes sobrevivan. ?Pero qui?n vive y qui?n muere?Como se afirma en el pr?logo, Stranded es una magn?fica novela de ficci?n cient?fica que nada tiene que envidiar a las que se publican por autores extranjeros.

  • Stranger in a Strange Land
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Stranger in a Strange Land, winner of the 1962 Hugo Award, is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, born during, and the only survivor of, the first manned mission to Mars. Michael is raised by Martians, and he arrives on Earth as a true innocent: he has never seen a woman and has no knowledge of Earth's cultures or religions. But he brings turmoil with him, as he is the legal heir to an enormous financial empire, not to mention de facto owner of the planet Mars. With the irascible popular author Jubal Harshaw to protect him, Michael explores human ...

  • Stranger Station
  • Knight Damon
  • From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:Damon Knight is a slender, soft-spoken man with a deceptively mild smile. He seems gentle and relaxed, but behind the tranquil exterior there seethes a fiercely active mind. Knight has served science fiction as an editor of magazines and anthologies, as a feared and respected critic, as a translator from the French, and as a leader of writers’ conferences and organizations. When not engaged in any of these activities, he writes a little of the stuff himself. His short stories are marked by graceful style, stunning execution, and a profound understanding of character.All these virtues are on display in the present work—plus a chilling portrayal of a weird relationship between man and nonman. Few stories have captured the sense of in an alien being as awesomely well as this one.

  • Strani occhi
  • Willis Connie
  • Se avete una bella faccia, o un bel paio di gambe, o un seno rifatto, potete entrare nel grande show del 2000. Se avete umilt? e pazienza potete prestare la vostra bocca — o qualunque altra parte del corpo — agli attori famosi del passato, e partecipare al remke elettronico di un capolavoro del cinema. Ma attenti! A Hollywood non interessano gli attori vivi. La loro specialit? sono i fantasmi elettronici e i corpi caldi sono in pericolo…Nominato per il premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo in 1996.

  • Su altri piani
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • L’antologia ? composta da racconti legati da un filo conduttore descritto nel primo racconto che fa da introduzione agli altri. L’opera trae spunto dalla possibilit? di spostarsi in dimensioni parallele, detti piani, e rappresenta una specie di diario di viaggio narrato in prima persona dall’autrice stessa come se fossero esperienze vissute in prima persona o riferite da autentici conoscenti. Ogni dimensione offre spunto per la descrizione di una realt? fantastica ed affascinante, spesso rappresentazione allegorica e satirica della nostra, ma sempre ricca di poesia, sul filone de di Jonathan Swift.

  • Sun of Suns
  • Schroeder Karl
  • It is the distant future. The world known as Virga is a fullerene balloon three thousand kilometers in diameter, filled with air, water, and aimlessly floating chunks of rock. The humans who live in this vast environment must build their own fusion suns and “towns” that are in the shape of enormous wood and rope wheels that are spun for gravity. Young, fit, bitter, and friendless, Hayden Griffin is a very dangerous man. He's come to the city of Rush in the nation of Slipstream with one thing in mind: to take murderous revenge for the deaths of his parents six years ago. His target is Admiral Chaison Fanning, head of the fleet of Slipstream, which conquered Hayden's nation of Aerie years ago. And the fact that Hayden's spent his adolescence living with pirates doesn't bode well for Fanning's chances . . .