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Книги 23226—23250 из 24208.
  • Spin Control
  • Moriarty Chris
  • Call Arkady a clone with a conscience. Or call him a traitor. A member of the space-faring Syndicates, Arkady has defected to Israel with a hot commodity: a genetic weapon powerful enough to wipe out humanity. But Israel’s not buying it. They’re selling it—and Arkady—to the highest bidder. As the auction heats up, the Artificial Life Emancipation Front sends in Major Catherine Li. Drummed out of the Peacekeepers for executing Syndicate prisoners, Li has now literally hooked up with an AI who has lived many lifetimes and shunted through many bodies. But while they have their own conflicting loyalties to contend with, together they’re just one player in a mysterious high-stakes game…

  • Spin State
  • Moriarty Chris
  • From a stunning new voice in hard science fiction comes the thrilling story of one woman’s quest to wrest truth from chaos, love from violence, and reality from illusion in a post-human universe of emergent AIs, genetic constructs, and illegal wetware...UN Peacekeeper Major Catherine Li has made thirty-seven faster-than-light jumps in her lifetime—and has probably forgotten more than most people remember. But that’s what backup hard drives are for. And Li should know; she’s been hacking her memory for fifteen years in order to pass as human. But no memory upgrade can prepare ...

  • Spreker voor de doden
  • Card Orson
  • Voor het eerst sinds de infame Ender — het Monster — Xenocide pleegde door het enige andere ras van intelligente anderlingen uit te roeien, ontdekt men weer een verstandelijk begaafde soort, ergens in het heelal. Technologisch zijn ze nog nergens, maar ze begrijpen alles. ‘God geeft ons een nieuwe kans,’ oordeelte de aartskardinaal van de planeet Ba?a, ‘Nu kunnen wij boete doen voor de Xenocide.’De gemeenschap van bewoonde planeten kent talrijke goden, of gelooft in geen enkele daarvan, maar iedereen was het hartgrondig eens met de aartskardinaal. De nieuwe planeet Lusitania zou dan ook gekoloniseerd worden vanaf Baia, ...

  • St?ha?e asteroidov
  • Rasch Carlos
  • Diela Carlosa Rascha, zn?meho nemeck?ho spisovate?a vedeckofantastick?ch rom?nov, vych?dzaj? v mnoh?ch krajin?ch vo ve?k?ch n?kladoch. Slovensk? ?itate? zoznamuje sa s n?m po prv? raz v St?ha?och astero?dov, ut?pii z tretieho tis?cro?ia, ktor? bola aj ?spe?ne sfilmovan?.Nekone?n? priestory vesm?ru kri?uj? flotily st?ha?ov. Pom?haj? udr?iava? bezpe?nos? „vesm?rnej prem?vky“ zne?kod?ovan?m meteoritov. S??asne sa venuj? b?daniu vesm?ru, lebo na palube okrem kozmonautov s? aj vedci. ?udstvo ...

  • St?ny minulosti
  • Roman?uk Oleh
  • Hlavn?m zdrojem inspirace modern?ch ukrajinsk?ch autor? sci-fi, zastoupen?ch v tomto pov?dkov?m v?b?ru, nen? rozvinut? technika nebo lety ke vzd?len?m planet?m, ale ?lov?k a jeho vnit?n? sv?t a dosud neprob?dan? a neodhalen? mo?nosti lidsk?ho mozku. Jsou to pov?dky v?novan? sp??e ot?zk?m psychologick?m a parapsychologick?m. Spolu s autory sledujeme, jak se jevy z t?chto oblast? mohou projevit, jestli?e jich je zneu?ito nebo i vyu?ito a? k samotn? hranici mo?nost? t?chto v?d. Na?t?st? je to po??d je?t? fantastika...

  • St?tzpunkt auf Dhrawn
  • Clement Hal
  • Die bereits aus Clements Roman ( — 1953) bekannten Meskliniten erforschen im Auftrag der Menschheit den Planeten Dhrawn, der sich durch seine vierzigfache Erdanziehung auszeichnet. Die sowohl f?r Menschen als auch Meskliniten lebensfeindlich Umwelt f?hrt immer wieder zu Ausf?llen der technischen Ausr?stung. Hinzu kommt ein gesundes Misstrauen des Forschungsteam gegen?ber den Menschen, das zur Folge hat, dass die Raupen?hnlichen Wesen unbemerkt einen eigenen Forschungsauftrag durchf?hren.Wie im Vorg?ngerroman dient die Physik des Extremen dazu, die mentalen Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Menschen und Meskliniten auszuloten. Dabei d?rfte es Clements naturwissenschaftlichem Studium zu verdanken sein, dass die Naturgesetze nicht ?ber den Haufen geschmissen werden, sondern gerade die Spannung des Buches ausmachen. Naturgem?? sind Fortsetzungen selten so gut wie das Original. Das trifft auch hier zu, aber lesenswert ist dieser zweite Band allemal.

  • Stacja Hawksbilla
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Stany Zjednoczone wpadaj? w sid?a demokracji. Pod populistycznymi has?ami w?adz? przejmuj? syndykali?ci. Ameryka w szponach dyktatury oznacza tajn? policj?, aresztowania i zsy?ki opozycjonist?w. Rz?d deklaruje jednak, ?e nie wykonuje wyrok?w ?mierci. Gdzie wi?c znikaj? dzia?acze opozycji? W przesz?o?ci! Oto w przesz?o?ci o miliard lat odleg?ej od nas syndykali?ci tworz? stacj? zsy?ki niewygodnych politycznie wi??ni?w. To czas, kiedy na Ziemi nie ukszta?towa?y si? jeszcze obecne kontynenty, a pierwsze zwierz?ta nie wysz?y na l?d. A podr?? w czasie mo?e si? odbywa? tylko w jedn? stron?…

  • Stalins Teardrops
  • Watson Ian
  • Another story collection from the prolific Watson (Salvage Rites, Evil Water, Slow Birds), this one comprising 12 tall tales published between 1985 and 1990. The longest piece here is brilliantly conceived: a company of Ushabti, tiny clay figurines placed in the sarcophagus of a pharaoh as his attendants, explore their sarcophagus-universe, then attempt to revive their dead master; what makes no stylistic or literary sense, and irredeemably flaws the story, is Watson's introduction of some investigating Egyptologists in the form of a play and, worse, chanting blank verse. Also noteworthy: the impressively imagined title yarn, which probes the strange consequences arising from ...

  • Stalker
  • Strugatsky Boris
  • La novela de madurez m?s sugerente de los maestros de la ciencia ficci?n rusa.Un v?vido retrato del totalitarismo y la alienaci?n del individuo en manos del poder.La ciudad se extiende en una franja limitada al este con un muro que cubre el horizonte y al oeste con un abismo insondable. Nadie sabe desde cu?ndo existe y sus habitantes, procedentes de distintas ?pocas y culturas, han resucitado en ella despu?s de morir. Al sur se hallan los cultivos que la alimentan y al norte los yermos que, seg?n cuentan, ocultan la anticiudad.Rica y cargada de simbolismo, Ciudad maldita no pudo ver la luz hasta la llegada de la perestroika. En esta obra, los hermanos Strugatski reflexionan sobre la aplicaci?n de los experimentos sociales sobre el individuo, a la par que satirizan la estructura misma del sistema impuesto, que abarca desde la burocracia anquilosada a la paranoia intervencionista y policial, tal como denunci? Orwell en 1984.

  • Stalker
  • Strougatski Arkadi
  • Des Visiteurs sont venus sur Terre. Sortis d’on ne sait o?,ils sont repartis sans crier gare. Dans la Zone qu’ils ont occup?ependant des ann?es sans jamais correspondreavec les hommes, ils ont laiss? tra?nerdes objets de toutes sortes. Objets-pi?ges. Objets-bombes. Objets-miracles. Objets que les stalkers viennent pillerau risque de leur vie,comme une bande de fourmis coloniseraitsans rien y comprendre les d?tritus abandonn?spar des pique-niqueurs au bord d’un chemin. Les hommes ne sont-ils doncque des fourmis pour les Visiteurs ? De ce roman ?tonnant, le cin?aste sovi?tique Tarkovskya tir? un film admirable.

  • Stamping Butterflies
  • Grimwood Jon
  • A circle may begin at any point - with a gun, or a an argument, or a butterfly blown by the wind. When someone shoots at the President on tour in Morocco, the shock is less than the mystery. Of all the recent Presidents, why this one? What to do with the shooter, dubbed Prisoner Zero? And - increasingly urgent - who IS Zero? Prisoner Zero will say nothing, and seems to have no past. He could be Arab. He could be American. He could be insane, he could be professional, he could be a lone gunman or represent a vast conspiracy. Maybe he has more than one past. Or maybe the answer lies in the future, where an emperor waits alone in the Forbidden City, for an assassin and a butterfly.Jon Courtenay Grimwood's gripping and brilliantly clever new novel confirms what fans of his Ashraf Bey series have always known - that he is one of Britain's most innovative writers..

  • Stan zagro?enia
  • White James
  • Gdy w Szpitalu pojawia si? sta?ystka z Sommaradvy, nic nie zapowiada k?opot?w. Wielogatunkowe ?rodowisko jest jednak dla Cha Thrat zaskoczeniem, a zasady, kt?rymi si? kieruje, r??ni? si? od wpojonych jej surowych regu? etycznych. Mimo sympatii otoczenia Sommaradvanka popada wi?c ci?gle w k?opoty. Czy wyprawa na Goglesk, w trakcie kt?rej Cha Thrat opiekuje si? uzdrawiaczem Khone'em, a nast?pnie odkrywa ras? przemierzaj?cych kosmos inteligentnych paso?yt?w, co? zmieni? Czy uratuje jej stoj?c? pod znakiem zapytania karier??

  • Stanie si? czas
  • Anderson Poul
  • Co by? zrobi?, gdyby? m?g? si?? woli przenosi? si? w czasie? Gdyby Tw?j dar m?g? wp?yn?? na losy ?wiata? Jack Havig jest mutantem obdarzonym tak? zdolno?ci?. Wie, ?e ludzko?? zgotuje sobie apokalips? i ?e po niej przyjdzie czas stabilizacji pod panowaniem m?drego ludu Maurai. Jednak nie tylko Jack potrafi w?drowa? przez wieki — s? te? inni obdarzeni t? zdolno?ci?, a ich wizja przysz?o?ci jest ca?kiem odmienna.Powie?? by?a nominowana do Nagrody Hugo w roku 1973.

  • Star Chirurg
  • White James
  • ORBIT HOSPITAL ist ein Klinikum im All, das allen raumfahrenden Lebensformen der Galaxis medizinische Hilfe leistet. Es nimmt alle Gesch?pfe auf, ob sie ein Dutzend Gliedma?en haben oder gar keine, ob sie sich von Radioaktivit?t ern?hren oder Wasser atmen — von anderen exotischen Gewohnheiten und Bed?rfnissen ganz zu schweigen. Es ist ein ?kologisches Tollhaus und ein organisatorischer Irrwitz, aber es ist f?r alle da und es funktioniert. Es ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes — lebensnotwendig.

  • Star Healer
  • White James
  • Star Healer is a 1985 science fiction book by author James White and is part of the Sector General series.Conway is replaced on the ambulance ship Rhabwar by Diagnostician Prilicla. Conway visits healer Khone on the planet Goglesk, and witnesses first-hand their destructive racial mass-hysteria response to physical proximity. He inadvertently links minds with Khone and learns a great deal more. Back at Hospital Station, Conway decides to treat some Hudlar accident victims with a rear-to-front limb transplant, because stranger transplants require permanent exile. Conway also proposes staving off geriatric Hudlar problems by elective amputation. At the end, he successfully delivers a sentient telepathic Unborn (see Ambulance Ship) from its violent non-sentient Protector.

  • Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
  • Harrison Harry
  • Harry Harrison was born in Stamford, Connecticut in 1925 and lived in New York City until 1943, when he joined the United States Army. He was a machine-gun instructor during the war, but returned to his art studies after leaving the army. A career first as a commercial illustrator and later as art director and editor for various picture, news, and fiction magazines fitted him only for a lifetime residence in New York, so he changed it for the freelance writer's precarious existence and moved his family to Cuautla, Mexico. Since then he has lived in Kent, Camden, Italy, Denmark, Spain and Surrey; he has now returned to his native land, but he has not ceased to wander. He rationalizes this continual change of residence as essential research, when in reality it is an incurable case of wanderlust that enables him to indulge all his enthusiasms: travel, skiing, practising Esperanto, and making an annual pilgrimage to the Easter Congress of the British Science Fiction Association.