From acclaimed author David Corbett, a stunning and suspenseful novel of a life without loyalties and the borders inside ourselves.Roque Montalvo is wise beyond his eighteen years. Orphaned at birth, a gifted musician, he's stuck in a California backwater, helping his Salvadoran aunt care for his damaged brother, an ex-marine badly wounded in Iraq. When immigration agents arrest his uncle, the family has nowhere else to turn. Roque, badgered by his street-hardened cousin, agrees to bring the old man back, relying on the criminal gangs that control the dangerous smuggling routes from El Salvador, through Guatemala and ...
Baza wojskowa si? pokojowych w Turkmenii. Wojna ledwie si? tli, ale poci?ga za sob? kolejne ofiary. Morale ?o?nierzy upada, na porz?dku dziennym s? pija?stwo i narkotyki. Tymczasem rz?d RP wycofuje si? z obiecanych podwy?ek pensji dla wojska, a do bazy zg?aszaj? si? kupcy, kt?rzy oferuj? milion dolar?w za ci??ar?wk? amunicji. Plutonowy Adam Kulanowicz decyduje si? na transakcj?. Sytuacja jednak si? komplikuje – w bazie pojawia si? dziennikarka, kole?anka szkolna Adama, a ?atwy z pozoru zarobek okazuje si? ?mierteln? pu?apk?…
Beloved Commissario Guido Brunetti once again finds himself pursuing a puzzling case his fellow policemen would rather leave closed. What appears to be a cut-and-dried murder case pinpoints an elderly lady's maid as her killer. However, Brunetti comes to a different conclusion and decides-unofficially-to take on the case himself.
On the heels of Patient Zero and Pride and Prejudice with Zombies comes David Moody's electrifying sequel to Hater in which humanity fights itself to the death against a backdrop of ultimate apocalyptic destruction.In Dog Blood the Earth has been torn apart. Everyone is either human or Hater, victim or killer. Major cities have become vast refugee camps where human survivors cower together in fear. Amidst this indiscriminate fighting and killing, Danny McCoyne is on a mission to find his daughter, Ellis. Free of inhibitions, unrestricted by memories of the previous world, and driven by instinct, children are pure Haters and might well be the deciding factor in the future of the Hater race. But as McCoyne makes his way into the heart of human territory, an incident on the battlefield sets in place an unexpected chain of events, forcing him to question everything he believes he knows about the new order that has arisen and about the dynamic of the Hate itself.
For Gretchen Birch, her mother Caroline, and her aunt Nina, doll collecting is a family affair. They may disagree on other things, but when it comes to dolls, they share a passion for the most exquisite (and expensive) creations in history. But they have never imagined that doll collecting could inspire foul play.
Mieszka?cy Little Tall Island czekali blisko 30 lat, by dowiedzie? si?, co przydarzy?o si? m??owi Dolores Claiborne pewnego dnia latem 1963 roku podczas ca?kowitego za?mienia S?o?ca. Podejrzana o zamordowanie swojej pracodawczyni, bogatej Very Donovan, Dolores niespodziewanie przyznaje si? do pope?nienia zupe?nie innej zbrodni, uparcie jednak deklaruj?c: "Wszystko, co robi?am, robi?am z mi?o?ci". Tak zaczyna sie jej niezwyk?a opowie??…
Kiedy John udaje si? do swojej nowej pracy w agencji nieruchomo?ci pana Vane'a w Streatham, nawet nie przypuszcza, co go czeka. Jedyny klient, jaki odwiedza tego dnia biuro, znika bez ?ladu wraz z wypo?yczonym kluczem do posiad?o?ci. John i jego przyjaci??ka Lucy pr?buj? wyja?ni? t? zagadk?. Wkr?tce okazuje si?, i? w r?wnie tajemniczy spos?b znikn?li kiedy? nabywcy innych spo?r?d blisko trzydziestu nieruchomo?ci znajduj?cych si? na tajnej li?cie pana Vane'a, a miejscowy dziennikarz, kt?ry interesowa? si? spraw? zosta? zamordowany. Tymczasem w jednym z okolicznych budynk?w w trakcie rozbi?rki robotnicy odnajduj? zamurowane szkielety kilkudziesi?ciu os?b. Niekt?re z ko?ci wygl?daj? na zupe?nie ?wie?e…John i Lucy nie zdaj? sobie sprawy z niezwyk?ych mocy czaj?cych si? w ?cianach dom?w nale??cych do Vane'a ani z tego, ?e im r?wnie? zagra?a ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo…
Dziewi?? historii, kt?re sk?adaj? si? na t? ksi??k?, to misternie skonstruowane, pe?ne napi?cia "krymina?y". Wszystkie Umiejscowione s? w okresie o?miu lat dziel?cych Rzymsk? krew i Ramiona Nemezis (dwie pierwsze powie?ci cyklu "Roma sub rosa"). W tle opisywanych intryg przewija si? dzieci?stwo Ekona, adoptowanego syna Gordianusa, zwi?zek bohatera z niewolnic? Bethesd? (p??niejsz? jego ?on?), a ca?o??, co chyba najwa?niejsze, przesycona jest histori? Rzymu od kresu dyktatury Sulli a? po powstanie Spartakusa. Dom westalek to istotne uzupe?nienie ca?ego cyklu. "Roma sub rosa", cykl powie?ci Stevena Saylora, kt?rych akcja toczy si? w staro?ytnym Rzymie u schy?ku republiki, a bohaterem jest Gordianus Poszukiwacz, zosta? nadzwyczaj dobrze przyj?ty i przez czytelnik?w, i przez krytyk?w, daj?c autorowi miejsce w?r?d znacz?cych tw?rc?w sensacyjnych powie?ci historycznych.
Con una impresionante hoja de servicios, el veterano de la guerra de Vietnam Michael J. Lander proyecta un diab?lico atentado, que tendr? en jaque a los servicios de seguridad. Cuando concibi? la operaci?n, no pens? que necesitar?a ayuda, pero, a medida que urd?a su plan, decidi? darle una nueva dimensi?n con el apoyo de Septiembre Negro y una coartada pol?tica. Poco despu?s, el proyecto cobra forma y le depara un insospechado encuentro con Dahlia Iyad, una hermosa mujer que lucha por la causa de la liberaci?n de Palestina.
Nestled on the shores of Lake Erie, the small town of Port Ariel, Ohio, is a welcome haven for Natalie St. John. Back home for the first time in years, she plans to visit old friends, mend a broken heart, and take a break from her busy veterinary practice. But her peace is shattered her first night back, when she discovers the murdered body of her friend, Tamara Peyton.Was it a random act of violence…or something personal? The answer becomes clear as Natalie is stalked by the voice of "Tamara," whose terrifying phone calls warn her that she, too, is going to die.One by one, the people closest to Tamara are being savagely murdered. But neither Natalie nor Sheriff Nick Meredith recognizes the face of the devious killer who walks among them, hiding behind a well-crafted lie. Now, a murderer's deadly act of vengeance demands one more sacrifice-and Natalie has been chosen to pay the price…
New York 's Lombardo's Steak House is famous for three reasons-the menu, the clientele, and now, the gruesome murder of an infamous mob lawyer. Effortlessly, the assassin slips through the police's fingers, and his absence sparks a blaze of accusations about who ordered the hit.Seated at a nearby table, reporter Nick Daniels is conducting a once-in-a-lifetime interview with a legendary baseball bad-boy. Shocked and shaken, he doesn't realize that he's accidentally captured a key piece of evidence. Ensnared in the city's most sensational crime in years, Nick investigates for a story of his own. Back off-or die-is the clear message as he closes in on the facts. Heedless, and perhaps in love, Nick endures humiliation, threats, violence, and worse in a thriller that overturns every expectation and finishes with the kind of flourish only James Patterson knows.
Ni tan siquiera el ensordecedor ruido de las h?lices del helic?ptero parece capaz de romper la pesada calma que se cierne sobre un tranquilo pueblo costero situado al sur de Inglaterra. Unos pocos curiosos, desde los acantilados o desde los escasos veleros fondeados en 1a bah?a, aplauden lo que creen es el final feliz del rescate de una joven atrapada en una playa abrupta y de dif?cil acceso. En realidad, la mujer ha sido asesinada y, seg?n todos los indicios, torturada y violada. Su desnudo cuerpo no arroja pista alguna sobre su identidad. El ...
Un psiquiatra de La Sorbona especializado en mentes criminales viaja a la Barcelona de 1956. Quiere realizar un estudio sobre el caso de Teresa Pla Meseguer, llamada La Pastora, una mujer acusada de veintinueve muertes. Se trata del maquis m?s buscado por la Guardia Civil, y se ha convertido en una leyenda popular porque sigue libre. S?lo un periodista barcelon?s parece tener claves importantes en torno al personaje, pero lo que el viajero franc?s le propone es algo fuera de lo normal: no desea datos sobre Teresa, sino un encuentro cara a cara.El idealista ...
"Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character – I love her." Lee Child, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers"Diane writes like the maestro of the jigsaw puzzle. Sit back in your favorite easy chair, pour a glass of crisp white wine, and enter her devilishly clever world of high skullduggery." David Hagberg, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kirk McGarvey Thrillers"Expertise shines on every page!" Margaret Maron, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Judge Deborah Knott MysteriesJack Reacher: Friend or Enemy?
Beneath the imposing Kollen Mountain lies a small village where the children run in and out of one another's houses and play unafraid in the streets. But the sleepy village is like a pond through which not enough water runs – beneath the surface it is beginning to stagnate. When a naked body is found by the lake at the top of the mountain, its seeming tranquility is disturbed forever. Enter Inspector Sejer, a tough, no-nonsense policeman whose own life is tinged by sadness. As the suspense builds, and the list of suspects grows, Sejer's determination to discover the truth will lead him to peel away layer upon layer of distrust and lies, in this tiny community where apparently normal family ties hide dark secrets. Critically acclaimed across Europe, Karin Fossum's novels evoke a world that is terrifyingly familiar. Don't Look Back introduces the tough, ethical Inspector Sejer to British readers for the first time.
Stephan Oswacim zag Malko terug naar zijn kamer lopen. Hij sloop naar hem toe en toen hij drie meter achter hem was, bleef hij staan, stak zijn rechterarm met het pistool recht voor zich uit en hield zijn adem in.Twee kogels in zijn rug, gevolgd door twee in zijn hoofd. En dan kon hij eindelijk met een gerust hart vertrekken.
Using the American tradition of freedom of religion as a smoke screen, a cultist group had gone mad in the streets of San Francisco. People were being slaughtered in the name of a bizarre new sacrilege, The Universal Devotees. Killings were random, senseless...Mack Bolan quickly identified the devil incarnate — Nguyen Van Minh, a stateless Asian refugee who had mastered mind-control on a massive scale.Bolan smelled KGB. Evidence grew that the killer creed was a Soviet weapon for wholesale butchery. When a senators lovely young daughter was sucked into its ranks, The Executioner launched the one deadly brand of combat — firestorms of glory that scorch yet revive the earth — that could crush Minhs blasphemy at its accursed heart.