Amikor ?ppen nem a miami rend?rs?g k?tel?k?ben dolgozik, Dexter minden rendelkez?sre ?ll? szabadidej?t bar?tn?j?vel, Rit?val ?s annak k?t t?nem?nyes gyermek?vel t?lti. S?r?zik, t?v?t n?z, b?j?csk?zik, ?s a legjobb ?ton halad afel?, hogy sorozatgyilkosb?l ide?lis csal?dap?v? v?ljon. De mennyi id?nek kell eltelnie, am?g a benne lakoz? S?t?t Utas nem k?nyszer?ti Dextert arra, hogy engedje ?jra szabadon d?h?dt d?monait? Azt?n egy k?l?n?sen brut?lis ?s perverz sorozatgyilkos kezdi szedni az ?ldozatait Miamiban, akinek a m?dszerei m?g mag?t Dextert is megr?misztik. Hamar nyilv?nval?v? v?lik, hogy ezt a sz?rnyeteget csak egy m?sik sz?rnyeteg kaphatja el.
About The Series: Steve Victor is a man who studies sex. He studies it from all angles as well as upside-down and right-side-up. He not only studies it, he loves it and that makes his research even more fun. He is also the one-man organization known as O.R.G.Y. O.R.G.Y. stands for, according to Victor, the Organization for the Rational Guidance of Youth. He named it that because having a name that correctly indicated the true purpose of studying sex would likely get too many doors shut in his face and to Victor, the ...
Although Theodosia Browning barely knows a Phalinopsis from a Bog Rose, she still enjoys Charleston's Spring Plantation Ramble, especially since she can promote her Indigo Tea Shop and her latest concoction, Dragonwell Sweet Tea. But the party's over when Mark Congdon wins a bid for a rare orchid-and promptly dies. It looks like a simple heart attack, but Theo suspects that someone purposely turned his green thumb blue.
When a young woman returns from holiday to find her elderly neighbour dead, she immediately alerts the police. Commissario Brunetti is called to the scene but, though there are signs of a struggle, it seems the woman has simply suffered a fatal heart attack. Vice-Questore Patta is eager to dismiss the case as a death from natural causes, but Brunetti believes there is more to it than that. His suspicions are further aroused when the medical examiner finds faint bruising around the victim’s neck and shoulders, indicating that someone might have grabbed and shaken her. Could this have ...
Agatha Award (nominee)Edgar Awards (nominee)Macavity AwardsDr Victoria McClellan is writing a biography of the tortured poet Lydia Brooke, five years after Brooke's tragic suicide. Victoria becomes immersed in Lydia's life – she cannot believe the poet died by her own hand. So she calls her SI ex-husband for help in the case who receives terrible news…
Oferta, jak? Dan Roke – w?a?ciciel stadniny w malowniczych krajobrazach Australii – us?ysza? z ust hrabiego Octobra, wydawa?a mu si? zbyt kusz?ca finansowo, by z niej nie skorzysta?. Wystarczy?o zaszy? si? jako stajenny w Yorkshire w Wielkiej Brytanii i wy?wietli? spraw? tajemniczych doping?w na wy?cigach konnych. Faworyci bowiem przegrywali tam podejrzanie cz?sto pewne gonitwy. Problemem by?o tylko to, ?e w?sz?cy ju? wcze?niej wok?? tej sprawy dziennikarz, Tommy Stapleton, mia? dziwny wypadek samochodowy, z kt?rego nie wyszed? ca?o…
A fortune in stolen British gold lies shipwrecked at the bottom of the Irish Sea. Irish militant Michael Ryan wants to finance war in his homeland – and a sinister pact with the New York Mafia will make his dreams a savage reality. Former IRA enforcer Sean Dillon now works for the British government. His mission is to retrieve the gold by any means necessary and finish Ryan’s plot before it gets off the ground. Two deadly men are locked in a furious race, with millions of dollars and lives are hanging in the balance.
The latest in the cleverly designed tattoo shop mystery series.Brett Kavanaugh is a tattoo artist and owner of Vegas's hottest tattoo shop, The Painted Lady. And in her spare time, she does some sleuthing. After discovering the corpse of a Dean Martin impersonator-sporting a spider web tattoo and a clip cord from a tattoo machine wrapped around his neck-Brett infiltrates That's Amore, a drive-through wedding chapel, as a bride-to-be looking for the mark of a murderer…
On June 9, 1865, while traveling by train to London with his secret mistress, 53-year-old Charles Dickens — at the height of his powers and popularity, the most famous and successful novelist in the world and perhaps in the history of the world — hurtled into a disaster that changed his life forever.Did Dickens begin living a dark double life after the accident? Were his nightly forays into the worst slums of London and his deepening obsession with corpses, crypts, murder, opium dens, the use of lime pits to dissolve bodies, and a hidden subterranean London mere research… or something more ...
The young woman was shot dead in cold blood, dropped outside the stadium, in front of a stand selling Moet for USD 7.50 a glass. Once her tennis career had skyrocketed. Now, at the height of the US Open, the headlines were being made by another young player from the wrong side of the tracks. When Myron Bolitar investigates the killing he uncovers a connection between the two players and a six year old murder at an exclusive club. Suddenly Myron is in over his head. And with a dirty US senator, a jealous mother and the mob all drawn into the case, he finds himself playing the most dangerous game of all…
Ethan Blake is seventeen and desperate to escape from his dead-end life. When he sees someone B.A.S.E. jump from the top of his block of flats, it changes the way he sees the world for ever. Soon, Ethan is caught up in the adrenaline-fuelled world of skydiving. He's a natural, so it's no surprise when he's invited to join an elite skydive team, but is he signing up for more than just jumping out of planes? The team's involved in covert military operations – missions that require a special kind of guts, missions so secret even MI5 denies all knowledge.
Tom Jimson, the burglar has $700,000 stashed away in a valley town, which has been converted into a reservoir, by the state of New York. Now, the money lies fifty feet below water and the only way in which Jim wants to retrieve it is to blow up the dam. With the fate of nine hundred people at stake, it falls on John Dortmunder to formulate an alternate plan for retrieving the loot. And, as each attempt by Dortmunder fails, Tom’s dynamite finger gets itchier… and itchier.
Teksas. Seryjny morderca ginie na krze?le elektrycznym, zabieraj?c do grobu imi? i miejsce pobytu swojego jedynego dziecka. Boston. Porzucona w szpitalu dziewczynka zostaje adoptowana przez bogate ma??e?stwo. Dwadzie?cia lat p??niej. Melanie Stokes prowadzi spokojne ?ycie w swojej przybranej rodzinie. A? do dnia, kiedy przychodzi anonim ze s?owami: "Dostaniesz to, na co zas?ugujesz"…
Historia starych domostw, starej, wrednej ciotki i pi?knego Kopciuszka. Oczywi?cie Kopciuszek spotyka pi?knego ksi?cia i staje si? bogat? ksi??niczk?, w czym niebagatelny udzia? maj? minione pokolenia. " Zajrza?am za zamkni?te drzwi, poniewa? znajdowa?y si? najbli?ej… sypialni chyba… telefonu nie zobaczy?am. Zajrza?am za nast?pne, uchylone. O matko jedyna moja…! Jedne zw?oki, dostarczone mi z zaskoczenia, to by?o najzupe?niej dosy?, drugie stanowi?y przesadny nadmiar. Chryste Panie, na co ja si? tu nadzia?am…?!"
Cette histoire a commenc? tr?s bizarrement. Depuis une quinzaine, je me faisais tarter ? Li?ge, dans l'attente d'?ventuels espions qui devaient passer par l?. Pourtant, j'adore cette ville au charme provincial, mais franchement, quinze jours sans action… ?a me devient vite insupportable.Et puis un matin, alors que j'?tais encore dans ma chambre d'h?tel, mon attention a ?t? sollicit?e par un curieux ?clat lumineux. Je me suis approch? par le balcon de la chambre voisine, et l? j'ai vu le spectacle le plus insolite de ma vie. N'allez pas imaginer du gaulois…, du paillard…, du pomo… Pas du tout.Il y avait dans la pi?ce un brave monsieur occup? ? fourrer des fruits confits avec des…diamants !Quelques heures plus tard, je l'ai revu, le type.Mais je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de lui poser des questions, vu qu'il ?tait en train de tomber du sixi?me ?tage dans une cage d'ascenseur…
Quand j'?tais m?me et que ma bonne vieille F?licie m'emmenait en vacances ? la montagne, dans le Jura, j'adorais fureter du c?t? de la scierie. J'ai toujours aim? l'odeur du bois fra?chement coup? et le grincement plaintif des scies m?caniques mordant le sapin… Non, ne croyez pas que je cherche ? vous pondre de la Haute Litt?rature, ni que le bucolique (n?phr?tique) soit ? l'ordre du jour, car je vous jure que cette passion de mon enfance, je l'ai perdue… A tout jamais… Car pr?sentement, je me trouve li? sur une de ces scies qui faisaient mon admiration… Et c'est moi qui fais le rondin. La lame se trouve tr?s exactement ? 1 mm de mon buste et je ne dispose plus que d'un centi?me de seconde pour agir… C'est ce qui s'appelle avoir du pain sur la planche !
Vacances peinardes sur la C?te…Bo?te de nuit dans la pin?de…Une frangine de vingt berges dans mes bras…Et voila que ?a d?marre…Un ancien pote ? moi vient se faire rectifier ? mon nez et ? ma barbe…Un B?rurier beurr? qui se radine…Un nouveau meurtre…Finie ma belle tranquillit?…D?cid?ment, j'attire l'embrouille comme le sirop attire les gu?pes !
Brand new stories by: Ken Bruen, Eoin Colfer, Jason Starr, Laura Lippman, Olen Steinhauer, Peter Spiegelman, Kevin Wignall, Jim Fusilli, John Rickards, Patrick J. Lambe, Charlie Stella, Ray Banks, James O. Born, Sarah Weinman, Pat Mullan, Gary Phillips, Craig McDonald, Duane Swierczynski, Reed Farrel Coleman, and others.Irish crime-fiction sensation Ken Bruen and cohorts shine a light on the dark streets of Dublin. Dublin Noir features an awe-inspiring cast of writers who between them have won all major mystery and crime-fiction awards. This collection introduces secret corners of a fascinating city and surprise assaults on the "Celtic Tiger" of modern Irish prosperity.
"[A] terrific addition to an intelligent, fun, and lively series." – Miranda JamesAnswering tricky reference questions is excitement enough for library director Lindsey Norris. Until a murder is committed in her cozy hometown of Briar Creek, Connecticut, and the question of who did it must be answered before someone else is checked out-for good.