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Книги 14076—14100 из 19355.

  • Echo Burning
  • Child Lee
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hitching rides is an unreliable mode of transport. In temperatures of over a hundred degrees, you're lucky if a driver will open the door of his airconditioned car long enough to let you slide you in. That's Jack Reacher's conclusion. He's adrift in the fearsome heat of a Texas summer, and he needs to keep moving through the wide open vastness, like a shark in the water. The last thing he's worried about is exactly who picks him up.He never expected it to be somebody like Carmen. She's alone, driving a Cadillac. She's beautiful, young and rich. ...

  • Echo Park
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Harry Bosch tiene la oportunidad de reabrir un caso en el que trabaj? en el pasado y que hab?a quedado sin resoluci?n; se traga del asesinato de Marie Gesto, una joven desaparecida a?os atr?s. Bosch tuvo siempre el presentimiento de que nunca encontrar?an con vida a Gesto y cuando las circunstancias le forzaron a cerrar el caso, se qued? con la desagradable sensaci?n de haber dejado escapar al culpable por obviar un detalle de la investigaci?n. Por ello recibe, entre esc?ptico y aliviado, la confesi?n de un hombre que alega ...

  • EchoPark
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Detective Harry Bosch reopens one of his own unsolved cases and comes face to face with a psychotic killer he has been seeking for years. A thrilling new novel by the author of the #1 bestseller The Lincoln Lawyer. In 1995 Marie Gesto disappeared after walking out of a supermarket. Harry Bosch worked the case but couldn't crack it, and the 22-year-old woman was never found. Now Bosch is in the Open-Unsolved Unit, where he still keeps the Gesto file on his desk, when the DA calls. A man accused of two heinous killings is willing to come clean about several ...

  • Eclipse
  • Meyer Stephenie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Readers captivated by Twilight and New Moon will eagerly devour Eclipse, the much anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer's riveting vampire love saga. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob --- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

  • Eclipse Three
  • Strahan Jonathan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a brilliant, wide-ranging anthology, Strahan presents stories by authors as diverse as Karen Joy Fowler, Elizabeth Bear, and Paul Di Filippo. Ellen Klages contributes “Lotion,“ a story about imaginary numbers and the strange powers of math, in which a young girl discovers the magical potential of pure math. Ellen Kushner’s “Dolce Domum” is, perhaps, not about what its characters think it is. Bear’s “Swell” is a fairy tale about a musician seeking her voice, in which a mermaid’s gift is not as wonderful as at first glance it seems. Molly Gloss’ “The Visited Man” presents a lonely pensioner who lives upstairs from le douanier Rousseau and the relationship that develops after the painter brings the retiree a stray cat. As for the previous Eclipse anthologies, Strahan has picked stories whose authors care about both the craft of storytelling and the stories they tell. Each piece is distinctive and haunting.

  • Edge
  • Deaver Jeffery
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This stand-alone thriller by the author of the Lincoln Rhyme and Kathryn Dance novels introduces Corte, an officer of the Strategic Protection Department, an arm of a larger government agency tasked with protecting individuals who have been targeted for abduction or murder (among other crimes). Henry Loving, a brutal “lifter” who specializes in “physical extraction” of information, has apparently targeted a cop, Ryan Kessler. The details are shaky: Corte’s people don’t know why Kessler has been targeted or what information Henry Loving is after. But Corte must do everything in his power to protect Kessler. This is ...

  • Eggsecutive Orders
  • Hyzy Julie
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • "Hyzy's research into the backstage kitchen secrets of the White House gives this series a special savor that will make you hungry for more." – Susan Wittig Albert***Chef Olivia Paras has too many eggs in one basket-and is feeling like a basket-case…When NSA big shot Carl Minkus dies right after eating the dinner Olivia Paras's staff had prepared, all forks point to them. Now the Secret Service is picking apart the kitchen-and scrutinizing the staff's every move. The timing couldn't be worse with the White House Lawn Easter Egg Roll to prep for without access to a kitchen. Olivia must find the real culprit-before she cracks under pressure.

  • Eight Days to Live
  • Johansen Iris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Eve Duncan and her adopted daughter, Jane Macguire, are pitted against the members of a secretive cult who have targeted Jane and have decided that she will he their ultimate sacrifice. In eight days they will come for her. In eight days, what Jane fears the most will become a reality. In eight days, she will die. It all begins with a painting that Jane, an artist, displays in her Parisian gallery. The painting is called "Guilt" and Jane has no idea how or why she painted the portrait of the chilling face. But the members of a cult that dates back to the time of Christ believe that Jane's blasphemy means she must die. But first. she will lead them to an ancient treasure whose value is beyond price. This elusive treasure, and Jane's death, are all that they need for their power to come to ultimate fruition. With Eve's help, can Jane escape before the clock stops ticking?

  • Eight Million Ways to Die
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Крутой детектив
  • Nobody knows better than Matthew Scudder how far down a person can sink in this city. A young prostitute named Kim knew it also — and she wanted out. Maybe Kim didn't deserve the life fate had dealt her. She surely didn't deserve her death. The alcoholic ex-cop turned p.i. was supposed to protect her, but someone slashed her to ribbons on a crumbling New York City waterfront pier. Now finding Kim's killer will be Scudder's penance. But there are lethal secrets hiding in the slain hooker's past that are far dirtier than her trade. And there are many ways of dying in this cruel and dangerous town — some quick and brutal… and some agonizingly slow.

  • Eighteen
  • Burke Jan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The acclaimed author of the Irene Kelly mystery series (Goodnight, Irene, etc.) and the Edgar award-winning novel Bones delivers this superb collection of short stories, hitherto available only in a limited trade edition from A.S.A.P. Publishing. These early works, which appeared in publications like Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, display an impressive range of styles, voices and settings. Burke offers ghost stories ("Ghost of a Chance"), romantic suspense ("The Muse"), a whodunit ("A Fine Set of Teeth"), a tale of revenge ("Miscalculation") and a humorous intrigue ("The Man in the Civil Suit"), ...

  • Eighteen Kisses
  • Cassidy Laura
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jacki King loves being back in Dublin – she's enjoying the music scene and interning at "Electric" magazine. She still has flashbacks to the murder case she solved the year before, though her friends, especially Nick, keep her distracted. Until, one day, Jacki's frightening nightmares begin again. And when the police contact her about a local missing girl, she knows the two are connected. Two years before, on her eighteenth birthday, Kayla Edwards disappeared. No body has ever been found. But now Kayla is communicating with Jacki from beyond the grave – and she won't stop until the truth is revealed…

  • El abogado
  • Martini Steve
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Uno de los primeros clientes del abogado Paul Madriani es Jonah Hale, un anciano que se encuentra en un grave aprieto cuando Jessica, su hija, sale de la c?rcel: Jonah y su esposa se han encargado de la educaci?n de Amanda, su nieta de ocho a?os, debido a la drogadicci?n de la madre de la ni?a, pero, a ra?z del importante premio que ha ganado el matrimonio en la loter?a, Jessica decide secuestrar a la peque?a y pedir a su padre una gran suma de dinero si desea recuperarla. Jonah, que tiene la custodia legal, se niega, por lo que Jessica recurre a los servicios de Zolanda, una activista radical de los derechos de la mujer, que acusa a Jonah de haber abusado sexualmente de Amanda. El caso se complicar? con un asesinato del cual Jonah ser? el principal sospechoso.

  • El accidente
  • Kadar? Ismail
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un taxi se sale inexplicablemente de la calzada y se estrella en la carretera que lleva al aeropuerto de Viena. Como consecuencia del choque, los dos pasajeros, un hombre maduro y una mujer joven, ambos de nacionalidad albanesa, resultan muertos. Las investigaciones policiales no consiguen aclarar qu? fue lo que despist? al taxista al mirar por el retrovisor como para perder el control del veh?culo. El asunto queda archivado como un mero accidente, aunque con el calificativo de extra?o. Meses m?s tarde, los servicios de inteligencia serbios y albaneses primero, y un investigador an?nimo despu?...

  • El Accionista Mayoritario
  • Markaris Petros
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ese caluroso mes de junio Kostas Jaritos de pronto recibe una terrible noticia: el barco en el que su hija Katerina viajaba a Creta, donde se dispon?a a disfrutar de unas breves vacaciones con su novio, acaba de ser asaltado por un comando terrorista. La vida de todos los viajeros corre peligro, pero los terroristas callan, ni siquiera han declarado de qu? nacionalidad son, qu? pretenden hacer con el barco ni qu? condiciones piensan exigir a cambio de la vida de los pasajeros. ?Son islamistas de Al-Qaeda, palestinos, chechenos? En estas, le ordenan investigar el asesinato de un modelo publicitario que trabaja haciendo anuncios para la televisi?n. El comisario tendr? que mantener toda su sangre fr?a para lidiar en ambos frentes: el del mundo de la publicidad y el del terrorismo internacional, mientras su vida familiar se ve dram?ticamente afectada.

  • El Aguila Emprende El Vuelo
  • Higgins Jack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Liam Devlin se enfrenta a un reto casi imposible: rescatar al hombre que intent? matar a Churchill. 1943. El coronel Kurt Steiner ha sobrevivido a su arriesgado golpe de mano contra Churchill. Prisionero en un lugar secreto, se ha convertido en un reh?n inc?modo para los brit?nicos… y en una baza apetecible para sectores de la jerarqu?a nazi.Hay que rescatar a Steiner, y s?lo Liam Devlin puede hacerlo. ?ste urdir? un plan sutil, imaginativo y muy peligroso. De principio a fin, el ?xito de la operaci?n pender? de un hilo, tan extremadamente fino que cualquier cosa puede romperlo.

  • El alquimista impaciente
  • Silva Lorenzo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un cad?ver desnudo, sin rastros de violencia, aparece atado a una cama en un motel de carretera. ?Se trata o no de un crimen? El sargento Bevilacqua, at?pico investigador criminal de la Guardia Civil, y su ayudante, la guardia Chamorro, reciben la orden de resolver enigma. La investigaci?n que sigue no es una mera pesquisa policial. El sargento y su ayudante deber?n llegar al lado oscuro e inconfesable de la v?ctima, a su sorprendente vida secreta, as? como a las personas que la rodeaban, en su familia, en la central nuclear donde trabajaba.