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Книги 16751—16775 из 19355.
  • Schnappschu?
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • "Schnappschu?" originaltitel: "Blood Sport".Gene Hawkins, Geheimagent Ihrer Majest?t der K?nigin von England, ist ein ausgesprochener Experte, wenn es gilt, einen >Unfall< zu arrangieren — deshalb sch?pft er augenblicklich Verdacht, als er Zeuge eines solch gekonnten Arrangements wird, und besteht auf einer sehr eingehenden Untersuchung.Ein wertvoller Zuchthengst ist verschwunden. Ein junges M?dchen und ein junger Mann verbringen einen gef?hrlichen Nachmittag in einem Boot auf der Themse… — Hawkins dr?ngt sich die Vermutung auf, da? diese beiden ?rtlich weit voneinander entfernten Ereignisse zueinander in Beziehung stehen. Eine Vermutung, die sich best?tigt und die daf?r sorgt, da? sein dreiw?chiger Jahresurlaub turbulenter wird als erwartet.

  • Scorched Earth
  • Stivers Dick
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Guided by a captured gang pistolero, Able Team crashes into the firestorm of the Mexican heroin wars. The three superspecialists blaze a desperate path across a desolate landscape to confront drug armies waging a campaign of atrocity and extermination.Betrayed by the American Drug Enforcement Agency, facing the combined forces of the heroin gangs and Mexican traitors, Able Team enlists the Yaqui warriors of the Sierra Madres in their war against the Empire of Heroin. United, they strike.War leads to more war, as hot pursuit of the gang lords throws Able Team against a conspiracy that is using billions of dope dollars to finance the Fascist conquest of the Americas!

  • Scream For Me
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For her exciting debut in hardcover, New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose delivers a heart-stopping suspense novel that picks up where DIE FOR ME left off, with a detective determined to track down a brutal murderer.Special Agent Daniel Vartanian has sworn to find the perpetrator of multiple killings that mimic a 13-year-old murder linked to a collection of photographs that belonged to his brother, Simon, the ruthless serial killer who met his demise in DIE FOR ME. Daniel is certain that someone even more depraved than his brother committed these crimes, and he's determined to bring ...

  • Se lo que estas pensando
  • Verdon John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un hombre recibe una carta que le urge a pensar en un n?mero, cualquiera. Cuando abre el peque?o sobre que acompa?a al texto, siguiendo las instrucciones que figuran en la propia carta, se da cuenta de que el n?mero all? escrito es exactamente en el que hab?a pensado. David Gurney, un polic?a que despu?s de 25 a?os de servicio se ha retirado al norte del Estado de Nueva York con su esposa, se ver? involucrado en el caso cuando un conocido, el que ha recibido la carta, le pide ayuda para encontrar a su autor con urgencia. Pero lo que en principio parec?a poco m?s que un chantaje se ha acabado convirtiendo en un caso de asesinato que adem?s guarda relaci?n con otros sucedidos en el pasado. Gurney deber? desentra?ar el misterio de c?mo este criminal parece capaz de leer la mente de sus v?ctimas en primer lugar, para poder llegar a establecer el patr?n que le permita atraparlo.

  • Seal Team Seven
  • Douglass Keith
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • As twin torpedoes from a renegade Iranian sub streak into the hull of their escort ship, the crew of the Yuduki Maru looks on in horror...Their cargo includes two tons of weapons-grade plutonium. And now, with enough nuke fuel to arm a superpower, an alliance of fanatics threatens to poison a continent.In a daring mission of high-seas heroism, Lt. Blake Murdock leads his seven-man unit from Team Seven's Red Squad into bulkhead-to-bulkhead battle — with high-tech buccaneers who've got nothing left to lose...

  • Seattle Noir
  • Colbert Curt
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Brand new stories by: G. M. Ford, Skye Moody, R. Barri Flowers, Thomas P. Hopp, Patricia Harrington, Bharti Kirchner, Kathleen Alcal?, Simon Wood, Brian Thornton, Lou Kemp, Curt Colbert, Robert Lopresti, Paul S. Piper, and Stephan Magcosta.Early Seattle was a hardscrabble seaport filled with merchant sailors, longshoremen, lumberjacks, rowdy saloons, and a rough-and-tumble police force not immune to corruption and graft. By the mid-50s, the town had added Boeing to its claim to fame, but was still a mostly blue-collar burg that was infamously described as 'a cultural dustbin' by the Seattle Symphony's first conductor. Present-day ...

  • Seawitch
  • Maclean Alistair
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lord Worth, ruthless and fabulously wealthy, has made a lot of enemies in the oil business. His new offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, named Seawitch, is one of the biggest in the world, and will put his competitors out of business. To destroy it and therefore be able to inflate the price of oil at will, the competitors get together and send one man to deal with Lord Worth. The villain has a personal score to settle with Worth and kidnaps him and his daughters. Fortunately for Lord Worth, his two daughters are betrothed to the protagonists, Mitchell and Roomer, two former police detectives/now private investigators. They set trying to save Worth and his daughters from certain death, as the villain intends to leave them on Seawitch when he destroys it with a stolen nuclear weapon.

  • Second Son
  • Child Lee
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lee Child's Reacher series (15 books in all) is a thundering force among modern thrillers. For the uninitiated, it follows the stoic, hulking, and streetwise Jack Reacher, a former military policeman who's now a drifter with a vast capacity for protective and retributive violence. The short story "Second Son" is a snapshot of the life of Reacher and his family circa 1974, while they're stationed on a military base in Okinawa. Upon arriving they immediately get into deep trouble that's compounded by some bad news. For those new to Child's writing, the action is interspersed with contemplative moments, such as when Jack's grandfather, a prosthetic-limb maker in Paris, recounts that "… a great war leaves a country with three armies: an army of cripples, an army of mourners, and an army of thieves." This tightly constructed story pulls readers right to the end and is sure to find new fans for the series. -Paul Diamond

  • Secret Circles
  • Wilson F
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When his five-year-old neighbor goes missing, Jack can’t help feeling responsible. He should have taken Cody home when he found him riding his bicycle near the Pine Barrens. Then a lost man wanders out of the woods after being chased all night by...something. Jack knows, better than anyone, that the Barrens are dangerous—a true wilderness filled with people, creatures, and objects lost from sight and memory. Like the ancient, fifteen-foot-tall stone pyramid he, Weezy, and Eddie discover. Jack thinks it might have been a cage of some sort, but for what kind of animal, he can’t say. Eddie jokes that it could have been used for the Jersey Devil. Jack doesn’t believe in that old folk tale, but something is roaming the Pines. Could it have Cody? And what about the strange circus that set up outside town? Could they be involved? So many possibilities, so little time...

  • Secret Dead Men
  • Swierczynski Duane
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Del Farmer isn't your ordinary hardboiled private eye. Instead of collecting fingerprints or clues, he collects souls of the recently dead. His latest dead guy, Brad Larsen, might just be the key to destroying Farmer's longtime nemesis, The Association. Of course, Farmer is sadly mistaken. An FBI agent unstuck in time is toying with him. A mysterious couple keeps trying to kill him. Another job — a mundane babysitting gig that pays the bills — is threatening to steer him way off course into a violent hell of sexual deceit, fractured identities and cheap apartment toilets.

  • Secret Histories
  • Wilson F
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ever come across a situation that simply wasn’t right—where someone was getting the dirty end of the stick and you wished you could make things right but didn’t know how? Fourteen-year-old Jack knows how. Or rather he’s learning how. He’s discovering that he has a knack for fixing things. Not bikes or toys or appliances—situations…. It all starts when Jack and his best friends, Weezy and Eddie, discover a rotting corpse—the victim of ritual murder—in the fabled New Jersey Pine Barrens. Beside the body is an ancient artifact carved with strange designs. What is its secret? What is the secret of the corpse? What other mysteries hide in the dark, timeless Pine Barrens? And who doesn’t want them revealed? Jack’s town, the surrounding Barrens, his friends, even Jack himself…they all have…Secret Histories.