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Книги 17176—17200 из 19355.
  • Tainted Blood
  • Indridason Arnaldur
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Also published as “Jar City”.When a lone septuagenarian is murdered in his apartment in the Nordurmyri district of Reykjavik, detective inspector Erlendur Sveinsson is called in, along with partner Sigurdur Oli and female colleague El?nborg. Everyone is related to everyone else in Iceland and refer to one another by first name, even formally. Erlendur is about 50, long divorced, with two kids in varying degrees of drug addiction. The victim, a man called Holberg, turns out to have been a nasty piece of work, and Erlendur is disgusted by the series of rapes Holberg apparently committed. The ...

  • Takedown
  • Thor Brad
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • After years without a terrorist attack on American soil, one group has picked the 4th of July weekend to pull out all the stops. In a perfectly executed attack, all of the bridges and tunnels leading into and out of Manhattan are destroyed just as thousands of commuters begin their holiday exodus. With domestic efforts focused on search and rescue, a deadly team of highly trained foreign soldiers methodically makes its way through the city with the singular objective of locating one of their own – a man so powerful that America will do anything to keep him hidden.Scot Harvath is now the country's only hope. Fighting his way through the burning streets of Manhattan, he must mount his own operation to locate a man the United States government refuses to admit even exists.

  • Takeover
  • Black Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In the tradition of Kathy Reichs and Jeffery Deaver, a talented novelist introduces a gutsy forensic investigator caught in the middle of an explosive crisis.Early one Thursday morning, forensic scientist Theresa MacLean is called to the scene of a gruesome murder. The body of a man has been found on the front lawn of a house in suburban Cleveland, the back of his head bashed in. Although it's not the best start to her day, Theresa has been through worse. What unfolds during the next eight hours, though, is nothing she could ever have imagined.Downtown ...

  • Tale of the Murda Mamas
  • Ashley
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Diamonds are forever… or are they? The Cartel runs Miami, and loyalty to their organization runs deep, but when someone breaks the rules, things may be beyond repair. A snitch in the crew has dismantled the notorious Cartel, and now disloyalty threatens to tear the family apart. Young Carter is in the fight for his life, as he faces drug kingpin charges due to the treachery of his best friend, Ace.Kidnapping, murder, deception, and seduction fill this highly anticipated sequel. Will Zyir find out that Breeze is still alive? Will Mecca be exposed as his brother's killer? Is Miamor dead or alive? Ashley and JaQuavis are back with The Cartel 2. Their twisted tale of deceit will have you on the edge of your seat, trying to figure out what happens next.

  • Tales of Chinatown
  • Rohmer Sax
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • CHINATOWN... A place of mystery and intrigue, where Tong wars rage and sinister Oriental criminals plot world domination! Sax Rohmer, creator of legendary super-villain Fu Manchu, takes the reader on nine trips into the seedy underbelly of Chinatown with this fascinating collection of stories: "The Daughter of Huang Chow," "Kerry's Kid," "The Pigtail of Hi Wing Ho," "The House of Golden Joss," "The White Hat," "Tcheriapin," "The Dance of the Veils," "The Hand of the Mandarin Quong," "The Key of the Temple of Heaven."

  • Tame An Older Man
  • Lennox Kara
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Beauty tames beastly bachelor? Good luck!All men were not created equal, and Phoebe Lane had quickly deduced that her sexy new neighbor, Wyatt Madison, had been created with one bad attitude. True, he was heartbreakingly handsome and distractingly distinguished, but Wyatt had the nerve to think Phoebe was husband hunting and that he was her prey. The beautiful and brainy gal was interested only in hooking Wyatt up with her best friend. Yet the thought of taming this older man and letting him go was becoming an increasingly uncomfortable proposition. Suddenly this confirmed bachelorette wanted the beast all to herself…and a wedding to boot!2001 Ways to Wed: This little book on finding Mr. Right is guaranteed to help three friends make it to the altar!

  • Tan Muerto Como T?
  • James Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En el hotel Metropole de Brighton, la noche de Nochevieja una mujer es brutalmente violada cuando regresa a su habitaci?n. Una semana m?s tarde alguien ataca a otra mujer. El violador se lleva los zapatos de las dos…El detective Roy Grace se da cuenta enseguida de que estos casos son muy similares a otros que quedaron sin resolver en 1997 en cuya investigaci?n ?l particip?. Al criminal se le apod? Hombre de los zapatos y se cree que viol? a cinco mujeres antes de acabar asesinando a la sexta de sus v?ctimas y de ...

  • Tancerka Mao
  • Xiaolong Qiu
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Chi?ski inspektor i ameryka?ska policjantka we wsp?lnym niebezpiecznym ?ledztwie.Inspektor Chen prowadzi dochodzenie w sprawie brutalnego morderstwa w szanghajskim parku. Na polecenie najwy?szych w?adz musi je jednak przerwa?. Zostaje oddelegowany do pomocy ameryka?skiej policjantce poszukuj?cej zaginionej kobiety – by?ej tancerki, ?ony aresztowanego w Stanach cz?onka triady.Chen i Catherine Rohn docieraj? z Szanghaju na dalek? prowincj?. Podczas podr??y przez Chiny czerwonych sztandar?w i sentencji Konfucjusza, staro?ytnej poezji i dom?w publicznych ukrytych za szyldami klub?w karaoke Chen i Catherine zbli?aj? si? do siebie. I nieoczekiwanie odkrywaj?, ?e co? ??czy zaginion? kobiet? z morderstwem w parku. Ale ?eby odnale?? tancerk?, musz? zag??bi? si? w jej przesz?o?? – naznaczon? brutalno?ci?, poni?eniem i zbrodni?…

  • Tanner On Ice
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cold War superspy Evan Tanner lost the ability to sleep on a battlefield in Korea. So where the heck has he been since the ’70s? Frozen. Cryogenically. A Tanner-sicle. Which he never thought would happen when he walked into a basement in Union City, New Jersey, more than a quarter century ago. Now he’s unthawed and ready to rumble, and his somewhat addled, former super-secret boss, “the Chief,” is glad his favorite operative’s active again. Tanner awoke to a different world, though some bad things have remained the same… or gotten worse. Even before he can fully acclimate himself to this perplexing future, Tanner’s off to Burma (which isn’t really Burma anymore) to pose as a monk, destabilize the government, dodge a lethal double-cross, and rescue a beautiful prisoner. The world’s still full of conspiracy, corruption, greed, political chicanery – and beautiful women. So Tanner’s back with a vengeance, with a lot of lost time to make up for.

  • Tanner’s Tiger
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Cold War’s boiling over. Global tensions are near the breaking point. So what’s the perfect assignment for a super-spy who hasn't slept since the Korean conflict? A fun-filled trip to the Montreal World’s Fair! The adorable little girl he's escorting – who, under different circumstances, would be sitting on the Lithuanian throne – can hardly contain her excitement, but it isn’t all playtime for Evan Tanner. Some mysterious disappearances, apparently linked to the fair’s Cuban exhibition, need to be looked into. Keeping his mind on business, however, won’t be easy after an insatiable lovely in a tiger skin falls into Tanner’s arms, and a mother lode of dangerous drugs falls into his lap. But the biggest, deadliest surprise is the terrorist plot Tanner’s tumbling into, and he’ll have to think and act quickly to prevent the visiting queen of England from being blown to smithereens.

  • Tanner’s Twelve Swingers
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sometime spy Evan Tanner has accepted impossible assignments for many reasons: money, thrills, to have something to occupy his waking hours (twenty-four of them every day, in fact, since battlefield shrapnel obliterated his brain’s sleep center). But this might be the first time he’s put his life on the line… for love. Tanner’s agreed to smuggle a sexy Latvian gymnast – the lost lady love of a heart-sick friend – out of Russia. With the Cold War at its chilliest and the Iron Curtain slammed shut, this will not be easy, especially since everybody in Eastern Europe, it seems, wants to tag along, including a subversive Slav author and the six-year-old heir to the nonexistent Lithuanian throne. But that’s not the biggest hurdle. The gymnast refuses to budge unless Tanner rescues her eleven delightfully limber teammates as well – and that might be raising the bar too lethally high for even the ever-resourceful Evan Tanner to clear.

  • Tanner’s Virgin
  • Block Lawrence
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The CIA, the FBI, the KGB, Interpol – not one of the world’s premier intelligence organizations knows quite what to make of Evan Michael Tanner. Is he a spy, a mercenary, a footloose adventurer, or simply a screwball sucker for hopeless causes? (Actually he’s a little bit of all of the above. Plus he never sleeps. Ever.) One thing’s for sure: Tanner’s a true romantic, which is why he can’t refuse a distraught mother who begs him to rescue her lost, pure-as-driven-snow daughter. Phaedra Harrow (nee Deborah Horowitz) once shared Tanner’s apartment but not his bed. And now the virginal beauty’s been abducted by white slavers in the Afghan wilderness. Finding Phaedra will be difficult enough. Bringing her back alive and unmolested may be impossible. And first Tanner will have to swim the English Channel, survive trigger-happy Russian terrorists… and maybe pull off a timely assassination or two.

  • Target
  • Kernick Simon
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Did someone try to kill me or am I going mad? When writer Rob Fallon gets drunk one night and ends up joining his friend's girlfriend, Jenny, back at her apartment in London 's West End, he's feeling guilty before anything's even happened. But guilt quickly turns to shock when two men break into the apartment, abduct Jenny, and try to kill Rob. Somehow he manages to escape, but when he reports the abduction to the police no one believes him.Jenny's father claims she's on holiday abroad, her apartment appears untouched, and the doorman didn't see or hear ...

  • Target
  • Dees Cindy
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Someone was trying to assassinate the president of the United States, and only army intelligence captain Diana Lockworth had the ability to stop them-if she could convince the authorities she wasn't a crackpot. It didn't help that her intel came from a source so secret even she didn't know who it was. With only twenty-four hours to stop the attack, she had to figure out who was masterminding the plot and when they planned to strike. First, she had to get the charismatic young president on her side. And then she'd give the enemy a new target-herself!

  • Tea Time for the Traditionally Built People
  • Smith Alexander
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The tenth installment of this universally beloved and best-selling series finds Precious Ramotswe in personal need of her own formidable detection talents.Mma Ramotswe's ever-ready tiny white van has recently developed a rather disturbing noise. Of course, Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni-her estimable husband and one of Botswana 's most talented mechanics-'"is the man to turn to for help. But Precious suspects he might simply condemn the van and replace it with something more modern. And as usual, her suspicions are well-founded: without telling her, he sells the van and saddles his wife with a new, characterless ...

  • Tears of Pearl
  • Alexander Tasha
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • In Alexander's lackluster fourth Lady Emily historical (after ), Emily and her new husband, British intelligence agent Colin Hargreaves, are honeymooning in Constantinople when a half-English harem girl is murdered. After Colin is charged with the investigation, the British crown reluctantly allows Emily to handle questioning within the harem. Emily follows the clues much farther afield, exploring the tangled histories of the victim's diplomat father from whom she was abducted many years before, her troubled archeologist brother and sultans both current and deposed. The author deftly handles the exotic setting and a subplot in which Emily worries she may be pregnant, but a lack of tension and a number of implausibilities, starting with the ease with which a Western woman can play detective in despotic, late 19th-century Constantinople, make this a relatively weak entry. Hopefully, Emily will recover her usual sparkle once the newlyweds return to more familiar ground.