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Книги 17201—17225 из 19355.
  • Tears of the Giraffe
  • McCall Smith Alexander
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • THE NO.1 LADIES’ DETECTIVE AGENCY introduced the world to the one and only Precious Ramotswe – the engaging and sassy owner of Botswana’s only detective agency. TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE, McCall Smith’s second book, takes us further into this world as we follow Mama Ramotswe into more daring situations …Among her cases this time are wayward wives, unscrupulous maids, and the challenge to resolve a mother’s pain for her son who is long lost on the African plains. Indeed, Mma Ramotswe’s own impending marriage to the most gentlemanly of men, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, the promotion of Mma’s secretary to the dizzy heights of Assistant Detective, and the arrival of new members to the Matekoni family, all brew up the most humorous and charmingly entertaining of tales.TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE was selected as one of the GUARDIAN’s top ten ‘Fiction Paperbacks of the Year, 2000

  • Teasing Secrets from the Dead: My Investigations at America
  • Craig Emily
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With a second CSI spinoff hitting the airwaves this fall, the timing couldn't be better for this intriguing memoir by a leading forensic anthropologist. The only full-time state employee in her field, Craig utilizes her expertise to identify victims from the tiniest remnant of tissue or bone. The author's reputation as an international expert on human anatomy led her to reconstructing faces of the dead from skull fragments to aid the police. Her credentials involved her in many notorious cases, most notably Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing and the destruction of the World Trade Center. In each instance, her ...

  • Tell me your dreams
  • Sheldon Sidney
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Meet Ashley Patterson, the brainy, babelicious "computer whiz" and confused heroine of Tell Me Your Dreams. Although she has a cushy job at Global Computer Graphics, a fast-growing start-up in Silicon Valley, her life falls short of fulfilling. She's lonely, shy, and absolutely convinced she's being stalked. What's worse, the only sympathetic ear around is her father, Dr. Patterson, the heartless heart surgeon, who has the charm of an electric eel and the compassion of a tarantula. Given her options, Ashley looks to the heavens for support and offers up an ultimatum to the Almighty: "I'll make a deal ...

  • Tell No One
  • Coben Harlan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Eight years ago David Beck was knocked unconscious and left for dead, and his wife Elizabeth was kidnapped and murdered. For the next eight years Dr Beck re lived the horror of what happened that day every day of his life. Then one afternoon, he receives an anonymous e-mail telling him to log on to a certain web site at a certain time, using a code that only he and his wife knew. The screen opens onto a web cam and it is Elizabeth 's image he sees. Is it a practical joke? But as Beck tries to find out if Elizabeth is truly alive and what really happened the night she disappeared, the FBI are trying to pin Elizabeth's murder on him, and everyone he turns to seems to end up dead…

  • Temor Fr?o
  • Slaughter Karin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El suicidio de un joven estudiante en una peque?a universidad sure?a de E.E.U.U. no tendr?a la mayor importancia si no fuera que a la hermana de la forense protagonista del libro no la hubieran atacado en el lugar donde fue hallado el cad?ver del estudiante. Cuando al poco tiempo se producen un par de suicidos m?s en la misma universidad todo parece indicar la existencia de un psic?pata. La investigaci?n revelar? que en la pac?fica localidad existe un turbio mar de fondo de secretos ocultos y envidias.

  • Temple of the Gods
  • McDermott Andy
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Archaeologist Nina Wilde's life has fallen apart. Her husband, ex-SAS soldier Eddie Chase is on the run, falsely accused of murder, and her only distraction has been investigating the origin of three strange statues stolen from her just before Eddie's disappearance. When Nina discovers they may be relics from the lost civilisation of Atlantis, it's clear that she has to get her head back in the game, and fast. Eddie, meanwhile, tries to stay ahead of the authorities as he hunts the man responsible for his fugitive status across the globe. A mysterious benefactor offers the information he needs ...

  • Temporary Sanity
  • Connors Rose
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • IS HOMICIDAL INSANITY EVER A LEGAL JUSTIFICATION FOR MURDER?Cape Cod attorney Marty Nickerson, formerly a prosecutor, faces hard questions as defense attorney for Buck Hammond. With TV cameras rolling, Buck took justice into his own hands. Now he is charged with murder one but he refuses the only viable defense: insanity. Marty and her partner in love and law, Harry Madigan, are already stretched thin when, on the eve of Buck's trial, a bleeding woman staggers into their office. Her attacker has just been found – dead – and he's an officer of the court. Now Marty has two seemingly impossible cases. But legal motions and courtroom strategy may be the least of her worries, as shocking revelations soon bring fear to the Cape and devastating twists to Buck's trial…

  • Tempting Fate
  • Neggers Carla
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Publisher's WeeklyHeadstrong, impassioned and independent, Dani Pembroke is nobody's fool. Left virtually parentless at age nine when her mother inexplicably vanished and her father abdicated responsibility for her upbringing to her grandmother, Dani is at 34 a successful entrepreneur. The granddaughter of two wealthy scions from Saratoga, N.Y., a town known for its extravagance and flamboyance, Dani has tried to forge her own identity amid the allure of old money and the unpleasantness of old feuds. Then Zeke Cutler, aloof, handsome and self-employed as a sort of private detective, arrives in Saratoga at the height of its ...

  • Ten Big Ones
  • Evanovich Janet
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Take an exit off the Jersey Turnpike to the irresistible world of Stephanie Plum, America's favorite bounty hunter, where she gets into more trouble than ever. This time, she faces a notorious gang in Trenton who wants her dead. Morelli warns that she's in too deep, and Stephanie more than agrees. But the gang won't let her bow out. With Ranger missing in action, Stephanie has to go into hiding-and stumbles on to the secret location of Ranger's "bat cave." Is it the perfect place to disappear? Or will she get into more trouble than she knows by delving into his private world? The tenth Stephanie Plum novel is filled with Evanovich's trademark high stakes, high adventure, high wit, and sly comedy.

  • Ten Plagues
  • Nealy Mary
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Join the breakneck chase through Chicago for a murderous maniac. As the victims begin piling up, detective Keren Collins’s spiritual discernment is on high alert. Will she capture the killer before another body floats to the surface? Ex-cop, now mission pastor Paul Morris has seen his share of tragedy, but nothing prepared him to be a murderer’s messenger boy. Will his old ruthless cop personality take over, leading him to the brink of self-destruction? Can Keren and Paul catch the killer before the corpse count reaches a perfect ten?

  • Tennessee Smash
  • Pendleton Don
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • BEGINNING OF AN ENDThe guy never saw what had come for him. The two-hand chop at either side of the neck sat the guy down and shuttered the eyes without so much as a gasp of understanding. Bolan hoisted the unconscious man to his shoulder and headed for the front door. Throwing the double bolts, he stepped into the little security room that marked the final obstacle.The guard had both feet on the desk, a Schmeisser one lunge away. Both feet crashed to the floor as he tried for it -a mere heartbeat removed from ...

  • Teraz albo nigdy
  • Adler Elizabeth
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W Bostonie grasuje seryjny morderca. Jego ofiarami s? m?ode kobiety, kt?re gwa?ci i okalecza.Prowadz?cy ?ledztwo detektyw Harry Jordan tworzy na podstawie zezna? ?wiadk?w portret pami?ciowy zab?jcy i zwraca si? o pomoc do popularnej dziennikarki telewizyjnej, Mallory Mallone, kt?ra ju? dwukrotnie dzi?ki swoim programom pomog?a policji uj?? przest?pc?w.Kiedy Mallory po d?ugim wahaniu decyduje si? na wsp??prac? z Jordanem, sama staje si? celem mordercy…

  • Terminal Freeze
  • Child Lincoln
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Alaska 's Federal Wilderness Zone. Two hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle. One of the most remote places on Earth. But for a group of scientists sponsored by a major media conglomerate, an expedition to the Zone represents the opportunity of a lifetime to study the effects of global warming.The expedition changes suddenly on a routine foray into a glacial ice cave, where the group makes an astonishing find: an ancient animal encased in solid ice. It appears to be some kind of giant cat, possibly a saber-toothed tiger. When their discovery is reported back, their ...

  • Terror
  • Simmons Dan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?mier? przysz?a po nich niespodziewanie z bia?ej pustki.Maj roku 1845. Kierowana przez sir Johna Franklina ekspedycja wyrusza na statkach Erebus i Terror ku p??nocnym wybrze?om Kanady na poszukiwanie Przej?cia P??nocno-Zachodniego. 129 oficer?w i marynarzy wie, ?e czeka ich wiele miesi?cy trud?w, siarczystego mrozu, g?odu, walki z lodem, ?niegiem, huraganowymi wiatrami, zw?tpieniem i chorobami. Nie myl? si?. Spotyka ich to wszystko, a tak?e co? jeszcze. Co? niewyobra?alnie gorszego. Co?, co czai si? w arktycznej pustce, ?ledzi ka?dy ich ruch, karmi si? l?kiem i przera?eniem. ...

  • Terytorium Komancz?w
  • P?rez-Reverte Arturo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Autor opowiada o prawdziwej wojnie. Kre?li barwne postaci dziennikarzy, operator?w, t?umaczy i d?wi?kowc?w, pracuj?cych dla prasy i telewizji na frontach. Zmusza do refleksji nad etyk? na granicy ?ycia i ?mierci, na terytorium Komancz?w."gdzie instynkt ka?e zatrzyma? samoch?d i zawr?ci?. Gdzie drogi s? puste, a domy obr?cone w ruiny, i zawsze wydaje si?, ?e zaraz zapadnie zmrok; idziesz przyklejony do muru, w kierunku padaj?cych w oddali strza??w i s?yszysz chrz?st swoich krok?w na pot?uczonym szkle. (…) i cho? nikogo nie widzisz, wiesz, ?e jeste? obserwowany. To tam, gdzie nie widzisz luf, ale lufy widza ciebie".

  • Tes beau, tu sais !
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • « — Monsieur, j'lui dis comme ?a, il va falloir que je vous tue toutes affaires cessantes, mes sup?rieurs m'en ont donn? l'ordre !— Essayez toujours, me r?pond le tueur ? gages en levant son verre ? ma sant?. Et il fait bien, vu qu'elle va ?tre mise ? rude ?preuve, ma petite sant?. Ah ! les souris, je vous jure… Plus je les pratique, plus je me rends compte que c'est du sable. Du sable ?mouvant, j'admets, mais terriblement mouvant ! Pour escalader les jolies dunes, vaut mieux ramper ! Dans cette position, on prend moins de risques, et puis quoi : c'est tellement plus agr?able.Si je ne suis pas de retour ? la fin de ce livre, ne vous caillez pas la laitance. Entrez et faites-vous des frites en m'attendant : la cl? est sous le paillasson ! »