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Книги 17126—17150 из 19355.
  • Sufrid, peque?os
  • Tremayne Peter
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • En esta tercera entrega de la serie sobre sor Fidelma de Kildare, Tremayne nos traslada al espacio natural de la monja detective, la Irlanda del siglo VII, regida por sus peculiares leyes brehon y en la que la Iglesia celta permite la convivencia de hombres y mujeres en los monasterios. De hecho, el celibato no era un concepto muy popular por aquellos lares.En esta ocasi?n, Fidelma debe esclarecer la m?s que sospechosa muerte de un reputado erudito, el venerable Dac?n, en la abad?a de Ross Alitihir; una muerte que puede tener funestas consecuencias e incluso desencadenar una guerra entre los reinos de Laigin y Osraige. Sin embargo, todo parece indicar que hay algo m?s que una intriga pol?tica tras el asunto.Sor Fidelma deber? luchar contra el tiempo.

  • Suicide Run: Three Harry Bosch Stories
  • Connelly Michael
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • LAPD Detective Harry Bosch as we've never seen him before, in three never-before-collected stories.In "Suicide Run," the apparent suicide of a beautiful young starlet turns out to be much more sinister than it seems. In "Cielo Azul," Bosch is haunted by a long-ago closed case – the murder of a teenage girl who was never identified. As her killer sits on death row, Bosch tries one last time to get the answers he has sought for years. In "One Dollar Jackpot," Bosch works the murder of a professional poker player whose skills have made her more than one enemy.Whether investigating a cold case or fresh blood, Bosch relentlessly pursues his quarry, always on the lookout for the "tell." In this first collection of Harry Bosch stories, Michael Connelly once again demonstrates that he is the master of "fast-paced, brilliantly plotted crime fiction… Harry Bosch is back on the case, and not a moment too soon" (Chicago Sun Times).

  • Suicide Squeeze
  • Gischler Victor
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The Edgar Award-nominated author of Gun Monkeys delivers an adrenaline rush of a novel that features a special appearance by Joe DiMaggio.The high spot of Teddy Folger's life was the day in 1954 that he got an autographed baseball card from Joe DiMaggio himself. It's been downhill ever since. Which is why he just unloaded his freeloading wife and torched his own comic-book store – in one of the stupidest insurance scams in history. Enter Conner Samson. The down-on-his-luck repo man has just been hired to repossess Teddy's boat. Little does he know there's a baseball card on board that some men are willing to kill for. Thus begins a rip-roaring cross-country odyssey – and with bodies piling up, the squeeze is on for the penultimate piece of Americana. And Conner will be lucky if he ends up back where he started: broke and (still) breathing.

  • Suicidio perfecto
  • Markaris Petros
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tras haber sobrevivido al disparo recibido mientras resolv?a su anterior caso (Defensa cerrada), el comisario Jaritos arrastra una aburrid?sima existencia de convaleciente lejos del ajetreo policial. Una noche, mientras ve pasar las noticias por el odiado televisor, una escena lo arranca de cuajo de la mediocre monoton?a en que ha ca?do: en medio de una entrevista, un c?lebre empresario griego saca una pistola y comete un acto que deja pasmados a todos los televidentes. ?Por qu? un hombre de negocios tan discreto y bien considerado realiza una acci?n tan espectacular? El instinto del ...

  • Sun and Shadow
  • Edwardson ?ke
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A couple entertain a stranger in their Gothenburg flat, but his choice of death metal music isn't quite what they had in mind… this particular illicit rendezvous will be prove to be their last. For more than a week a newspaper boy has watched his deliveries piling up behind a front door. The loud music playing inside the flat seems an odd choice for 5 a.m. and the boy becomes increasingly afraid. What greets Chief Inspector Erik Winter and his team when they arrive appears as a stage setting, grotesquely symbolic in its composition. While Inspector Winter trawls the ...

  • Sun Storm aka The Savage Altar
  • Larsson ?sa
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • On the floor of a church in northern Sweden, the body of a man lies mutilated and defiled – and in the night sky, the aurora borealis dances as the snow begins to fall…So begins ?…sa Larsson's spellbinding thriller, winner of Sweden's Best First Crime Novel Award and an international literary sensation.Rebecka Martinsson is heading home to Kiruna, the town she'd left in disgrace years before. A Stockholm attorney, Rebecka has a good reason to return: her friend Sanna, whose brother has been horrifically murdered in the revivalist church his charisma helped create. Beautiful and fragile, Sanna ...

  • Sunset and Sawdust
  • Lansdale Joe
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • He has been called "hilarious… refreshing… a terrifically gifted storyteller with a sharp country-boy wit" (Washington Post Book World), and praised for his "folklorist's eye for telling detail and [his] front-porch raconteur's sense of pace" (New York Times Book Review). Now, Joe R. Landsdale gives us a fast-moving, electrifying new novel: a murder mystery set in a steamy backwater of Depression-era East Texas.It begins with an explosion: Sunset Jones kills her husband with a bullet to the brain. Never mind that he was raping her. Pete Jones was constable of the small sawmill town of Camp Rapture (" ...

  • Sunset Limited
  • Burke James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewImagine Philip Marlowe sans the cigarettes and in AA. Put him in Louisiana and jump forward 50 years or so and you've got David Robicheaux, a tough-talking detective with the same soft spot as his prototype for troublesome women and for delving into places into which he probably has no business. New Iberia, Louisiana, perfectly rivals Marlowe's L.A. for its grit and corruption and dames who'll turn a good guy bad.James Lee Burke's 11th Robicheaux book, Sunset Limited, is a twisted mystery that at times becomes almost byzantine in its attempt to keep ...

  • Supe?ki i Krzy?yki
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W Edynburgu zagin??a ma?a dziewczynka. Prawdopodobnie czeka j? taki sam los jak dwie pozosta?e ofiary brutalnego mordercy – ?mier? przez uduszenie sznurkiem z zawi?zanymi sup?ami. John Rebus, detektyw nadu?ywaj?cy alkoholu i papieros?w, jest jednym z wielu policjant?w poszukuj?cych cho?by najmniejszego ?ladu mordercy. W tym samym czasie do mieszkania detektywa zaczynaj? dociera? listy z zap?tlonymi kawa?kami sznurka i skrzy?owanymi zapa?kami. Owe tajemnicze wiadomo?ci, kt?re pocz?tkowo nie wzbudzaj? podejrze?, a jedynie irytuj? Rebusa, przywo?uj? mroczne i z trudem wyrzucone z pami?ci wspomnienia z pobytu w wojsku. Czy w?a?nie tutaj tkwi rozwi?zanie zagadki porwa? dziewczynek?

  • Supreme Justice
  • Margolin Phillip
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Phillip Margolin returns to the corridors of power in Washington, D.C., with an exciting thriller about a ghost ship and the President's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.Sarah Woodruff, on death row in Oregon for murdering her lover, John Finley, has appealed her case to the Supreme Court just when a prominent justice resigns, leaving a vacancy.Then, for no apparent reason, another justice is mysteriously attacked. Dana Cutler – one of the heroes from Margolin's bestselling Executive Privilege – is quietly called in to investigate. She looks for links between ...

  • Surface Detail
  • Banks Iain
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It begins in the realm of the Real, where matter still matters.It begins with a murder.And it will not end until the Culture has gone to war with death itself.Lededje Y'breq is one of the Intagliated, her marked body bearing witness to a family shame, her life belonging to a man whose lust for power is without limit. Prepared to risk everything for her freedom, her release, when it comes, is at a price, and to put things right she will need the help of the Culture.Benevolent, enlightened and almost infinitely ...

  • Surfacing
  • Atwood Margaret
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Part detective novel, part psychological thriller, Surfacing is the story of a talented woman artist who goes in search of her missing father on a remote island in northern Quebec. Setting out with her lover and another young couple, she soon finds herself captivated by the isolated setting, where a marriage begins to fall apart, violence and death lurk just beneath the surface, and sex becomes a catalyst for conflict and dangerous choices. Surfacing is a work permeated with an aura of suspense, complex with layered meanings, and written in brilliant, diamond-sharp prose. Here is a rich mine of ideas from an extraordinary writer about contemporary life and nature, families and marriage, and about women fragmented…and becoming whole.

  • Survival Instinct
  • Durgin Doranna
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dear Ellen,I miss you terribly, and I'm sorry you're dead. I wish it weren't my fault.Karin Sommers's sister had died while helping Karin escape from the con man who'd entrapped her. But Ellen wouldn't die in vain. Acting on instinct, Karin took over Ellen's identity and home-and thought she'd found a safe haven.Then P.I. Dave Hunter arrived, demanding "Ellen's" help, and Karin discovered that her sister had secrets of her own. With a missing boy's life at stake, could Karin fake her way one last time-and expose the truth about a deadly predator in a world where only the best liars survived?

  • Survival Instinct
  • McCalla Rachelle
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Returning to Devil's Island-the place that haunts her past-is frightening enough for Abby Caldwell. When her ride home mysteriously disappears, terror starts closing in. The island can be deadly, and no one knows that better than Abby. At least she's not alone. Scott Frasier, a former college classmate, is there along with his mother and stepfather. But then Scott's mother goes missing. Scott and Abby are forced to face the truth-all they have is each other… and ruthless enemies determined to make sure they don't leave the island alive.

  • Survival Of The Fittest
  • Kellerman Jonathan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The slightly retarded fifteen-year-old daughter of a diplomat dies on a school field trip – forced or lured into a deserted corner of the Santa Monica mountains and killed in cold blood. Her father adamantly denies the possibility of a political motive, which leaves LAPD detective Milo Sturgis and his longtime friend Alex Delaware to pose the question: why? The victim's father is so intent on controlling the investigation that Alex and Milo start to wonder if he wants to bring out the truth – or make sure it stays buried. Then there is another killing, and within days Alex finds ...

  • Survivor in Death
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No affairs. No criminal connections. No DNA. No clues. Eve Dallas may be the best cop in the city-not to mention having the lavish resources of her husband, Roarke, at her disposal-but the Swisher case has her baffled. The family members were murdered in their beds with brutal, military precision. The state-of-the-art security was breached, and the killers used night vision equipment to find their way through the upper middle-class house. Clearly, Dallas is dealing with pros. The only mistake they made was to overlook the nine-year-old girl cowering in the dark kitchen…Now Nixie Swisher is an ...